The Stylist Noona ||Namjoon F...

By ShineDreamSmile05

491K 17.7K 8.8K

Why does everyone hate me so much? Am I not talented enough to deserve love - Namjoon . . . Thank you so much... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Epilogue part 1
Epilogue part 2
New Book

Chapter 25

9.4K 382 163
By ShineDreamSmile05

Kim Seokjin's pov

I came back to my room after the performance finished. It was too hectic but I couldn't wait for army to see the performance and get happy about it.

I thought about army. How much they love us and spend their time on us. I really wanted to ask so many questions to army which I knew wasn't possible. So after thinking for a while I opened my Weverse account and decided to upload a selfie.I clicked a selfie quickly.

I hope you guys loved today's performance. I know I was shining in it.

I posted it and within a second I saw comments popping up and flooding the picture. I read some comments and replied to them too while they went insane on getting my reply.

It made me smile seeing all the love I was getting from them. And thinking about love I thought about another person who I couldn't give attention all these while because of all the chaos happening. So first I decided to message her.

Heyy, you're free right now?

Hiiii, just finished shooting. Now I'm heading towards the dorm.

Call me when you're free. I haven't heard my Love's voice since a long time.

Just play one of my Solos. You could hear my voice all you want.😉

My playlist is full of your songs but I still am missing your voice Jagi.

She didn't reply for sometime. Maybe she's with other members right now. I knew she would call me when she'll reach her room.

And I soon got a notification on my laptop that she's trying to video call me. I automatically smiled when I clicked the answer button and saw her face.

"Now you can hear my voice as much as you want.", She smiled at me.

Her smiled made my ears turn bright red.

"Are you ready for you comeback baby?"

"Yeah, we are practicing day and night nowadays for our comeback."

"I wanted to say another thing to you."

"What happened jagi? Is everything okay? Is Namjoon oppa okay now? "

"He isn't okay but he'll be okay very soon. Someone special has entered in his life and turned him happier."

"Is it true? So when is he making me meet her. I am so excited to meet his girlfriend. Is she from some group or she's not in kpop industry."

"She's Namjoon's stylist. It seems like they are falling in love slowly. I can see it in them. They aren't a couple now but they will be very soon. But that wasn't what I wanted to talk to you Dahyun."

"So tell me ? What happened?"

"Since the past few months, I really can't give you much time. When we came into a relationship I clearly said it before that the members would always get more priority than you. But I haven't asked you if you were okay with it.

I never want you to think that I'm taking you for granted baby. You'll always be the one to me who I could lean on and share everything I want without worrying anything else. But I hope you understand my conditions due to which I am not giving you much time nowadays."

"Jagi, when we came into this relationship while still being in this kpop industry, we knew this was gonna happen. Even after that we never left each other's hand. So mere misunderstandings or anything else would never be a barrier for us baby. I said you before and I'll say it again too. I want you to give as much time as you want to your members. You're their hyung. They'll need your help someday or another. And then when you need anything, you could always turn around and find me standing. Okay?"

I bit my lips to control my emotions. I never knew that she loved me this much to not care about it.

"I love you so much. Please never leave me."

"How can I leave you when I have planned all my future with you. I love you too."

"It's been a while since we have met baby. When are we gonna meet next.", I pouted.

"Don't pout like that. It's harmful for my health. We can meet after my comeback ends. We can find which time we both would be free and meet secretly."She winked at me.

I may be too much confident in front of the fandom but in front of her I would always behave like a clingy and shy puppy. I love to be pampered by her.

"You look so tired baby, you should sleep now. You just came back from practice right.", I said with concern filled in my voice.

"You too just completed your performance but still you called me right. So how can I rest when I have a chance to talk to you."She was too much romantic for my heart.

But before I could reply back I got a message on my phone.

"Come to my cabin now."

It was from manager.

"Baby, manager has called me to his cabin now.", I looked at her apologetically.

"It's okay oppa. You can go now. We'll talk again at night if we are free.", She gave her bright smile.


I gave her a flying kiss before ending the call and going towards Sejin hyung's cabin.I entered the cabin after knocking the door.

"Good afternoon hyungnim, I was going to come to you now. Please arrange a date for me. I haven't met Dahyun since so long.", I pouted dramatically.

"Yes I'll arrange you guys a date. Ask her to send her schedule and I'll see which time it would be good for both of you." As much I was happy listening to me, I noticed the worry lines on his forehead and it made me worry.

"What happened hyung? Is everything okay? Why did you call me now?"

"What is going on between Namjoon and Misoo now?", He directly asked without beating around the bush.

"Everything is going okay. Yesterday they were sending memes to each other. Not each other but still, I happened to read previous messages too and I think they are going to be in a relationship very soon. He is so happy since the time we saw him sharing his problems with Misoo.", I told him excitedly about whatever I knew about them.

"Are you sure they are on that good terms that you think they will turn out to be couple?"

"Yes hyung, if you called me to ask about them then don't worry. They are in the right lane, just taking their own pace but I can feel both of them like each other. I have been keeping an eye on both of them since the last two months. They blush around each other, teasing around and all those couple shits.", I giggled while sharing with him. It felt like I'm gossiping like high school students.

"Namjoon came here today regarding Misoo, he asked me to quickly choose another stylist for BTS since Misoo is handling both of them since the last three months."

"Ohh, I didn't know Namjoon could be so romantic. He's thinking about keeping Misoo for himself and doesn't want her to overwork herself.", I cooed after hearing that.

"I too thought the same Jin, but it's not like that. He wanted me to appoint a stylist for himself and let Misoo be the stylist of Jungkook."

"What?", I got shocked after hearing that.

"Yes, I tried asking him the reason but he kept saying that he doesn't want Misoo to overwork and she's a good stylist so it's not her fault. But he wants me to find a stylist for him as soon as possible."

"What is happening? Yesterday only I saw them happily chatting. Namjoon was blushing while talking to her. What happened today?"

"Should we go through the footages and see if yesterday night something happened between them? Did they fight with each other?", Manager hyung started looking at his laptop.

"No hyung, as much as we want them to be together and happy, we should respect their privacy. It wouldn't feel good to me if someone would listen to recordings of Mine and Dahyun's talking."

"So what are you thinking about now Jin? He looked sad and broken when he came to my room. Yesterday he looked so happy and cheerful but today his face carried a smile bit his eyes didn't.", Hyung rested his head on the palm of his hands.

"I can't talk directly to him since he doesn't know that I know. But I'll try some way to find out what happened hyung. Do not worry about it much." I asked him to not worry but I was freaking out inside.

I bowed at him and went to my dorm to see the maknae line sitting in the couch and talking about something.

"What are you three musketeers discussing about.", I went suddenly and tried to scare them.

They looked like deer caught in headlights.

"Hyung, you scared us.", Jimin said while keeping his hands on his chest.

I looked at Taehyung who was unbothered and kept eating his food.

I looked towards jimin to see him gesturing something towards Jungkook while he's nodding his head. Then jimin looked at me and smiled extra innocently.

"What do you want from me Jimin?" I knew them perfectly.

"Hyung is it okay to call over our friend to the dorm?"jimin asked.

"Why are you asking for my permission. We have always bought our friends over."

"But hyung this time our friend is a She.", he mumbled slowly but I could hear him clearly.

"Jimin you clearly know right what measures we have to take to avoid any rumours. And the only females that have entered this apartment is your's and mine girlfriend."

"I know hyung, but she is nice. She wouldn't raise any rumors and she's everyone friend too.", Taehyung said after he finished his Oreo Mcflurry.

"Who's your new friend for whom you guys are giving so many compliments."

"You know her hyung. She's Misoo noona. We have been good friends and since she is our age and an army we want to know more about her but we can't talk to her openly because we are always being surrounded by cameras.", Jimin said while snatching the second unopened Mcflurry which Tae tried to open and eat.

"Why are you taking it away from me. Let me eat it." Taehyung continued his pouting to make his soulmate give the Mcflurry back.

"But I bought it for me. Okay you can have it.", He looked at tae once again and gave it to him while tae took it from him with a innocent smile.

"You guys want to invite Misoo here? I don't think she would be willing to come. She's not even comfortable to call us by our names and that's why she calls us Sir. Do you think she'll come if we ask her."

"She calls me by my name though.", Jungkook spoke for the first time since I came.

"She does? That's nice to hear."

I thought about it. It's a good idea to call her to our dorm though. Whatever conflict they might have had between them, they can clear it out and they may get more close to each other.

"Okay if you guys want to call her you can. She's been nice to me too. We all can talk to her."

"Shouldn't we ask for Namjoon hyung's permission too.", Jimin nervously asked.

"Don't worry about him. I'll talk to him about this. He will not disagree with my decision."

"Thank you so much hyung." All three of them smiled brightly after getting my permission and they all piled upon Jungkook asking him to message her to come to their dorm today evening.

I smiled while looking at them being happy and went towards my dorm thinking about Namjoon and Misoo.

Kim Misoo's pov

I came back to my dorm with a sad vibe. What happened to Namjoon today? Maybe he had something in his mind that he didn't want to share in that moment so he chose to talk about it later.

efore I left the dorm I was so happy but now I am trying to make myself understand whatever happened.

I chose to ignore all the negative feelings and waited for him to open up and share whatever was going on in his mind. I would ask him to meet me today in the dressing room and will ask him again what happened.

I smiled to myself while thinking about him when I got a message on my phone. I lifted my phone excitedly thinking about Namjoon messaging but it was Jungkook instead.

I sighed sadly and opened the message box.

Hey noona.😁😁

Hi, Jungkook.
You performed too good today.

Thank you noona. What were you doing now.

I was just sitting and surfing through my phone. What about you?

I am sitting with Jimin hyung and Tae hyung. They asked me to say hi to you.

Tell them hi from my side too.

I wanted to ask you about something noona.

About what?

Hi noona, it's Jimin right here.

Hi sir.

Again Sir 🥺


Will you do something if we ask you Noona 🥺🥺🥺

It depends on what you would ask me about Jimin

Atlast I got to hear my name from you.😍

Yeah you nagged me enough to call you by your name. I had enough.😉

Okay then my nagging worked.

What were you asking about though.

We all wanted to be friends with you and talk to you openly. But we can't do that in the building since it is full of cameras and other staffs, so we would love to have you come to our dorm so that we can be friends.

Jimin that would be too much, I don't think that is allowed. I'm just a mere staff. I am not allowed in your dorm.

We are allowing you to our dorm noona. And you aren't a mere staff now. You are now our friend. And every friend of BTS is allowed in the dorm, that is our dorm policy.

But still Jimin. I don't think others would be comfortable about me being in your dorm. What do you wanna talk about we can call or video call too.

Noona, believe me I asked Jin hyung's permission and he said yes. He said that he was excited to meet you too.

Still Jimin.

Noona, don't reject us like that 🥺🥺
I'll give you another offer.

What offer?

If you agree to join us tonight, I'll send you one picture of any member of the latest BTS photoshoot which hasn't released yet.

Jimin you can't do that. It's illegal.

Ofcourse I can do that. It's our pictures. So tell me noona, do you want to see a picture that other army would see months after. Bring out your inner fangirl to answer that.

Don't do this to me. It would be sinful to reject this offer😭😭

So all you have to do is say yes Noona,and I'll immediately send you the picture.

You definitely got to know my weakness Jimin. Only if other members are okay with me joining, then only I would come.

Thank you so much for agreeing noona. We'll meet in the evening. Bye.


What happened Noona?😉

Send me the picture.👉👈

Haha. Yes I'll send you. Which member should I send?

My fingers wrote the name Namjoon but my mind asked me to delete them since it would be too much obvious.

Surprise me.

Okay noona. Sending you a random member's picture in

I stopped typing in surprise. I remember doing his makeup and giving him this outfit. But we weren't allowed inside the photoshoot area. So it was just too much for me to see this picture.

How can someone be so handsome. He stood still but he could kill millions with this picture.

Noona are you still there?

Why does he want to kill everybody including me?

Haha, you are so enchanted by his picture?

Guess whose wallpaper is going to change to this picture.

You love his picture so much?

Are you kidding me, you send me a picture of one of the seven most handsome men in the world and I wouldn't love it?

Ohhh noona, now you're flirting 😉

No I'm not🤣

What was your wallpaper now?

I change my wallpaper everyday.

Day before yesterday it was Yoongi sir's picture. Yesterday I had this picture which I hadn't changed till now. But I got the best picture to change my wallpaper

You had Hoseok hyung's picture yesterday?

Yeah, he looks so handsome in this doesn't he?
I tend to change my wallpapers everyday to pictures of you guys.

And now it's Jungkook in my wallpaper. I may be one of the luckiest army.

Believe me noona you are the luckiest army. You just till now don't know why.😉

Of course I know, I get to spend so much time with you guys. No other army did it before.

Yeah that's one of the reasons but there's more. You'll know afterwards.

So it's confirmed right? You're gonna come today?

Yeah, I can't back off after taking bribe right🤣

Ofcourse you can't. So see you at 7 pm?

Okay. You sure everyone is okay with it?

Ofcourse everyone is okay.
Bye noona. Will be waiting for you tonight.

Bye Jimin.

It felt so natural to talk to Jimin. He's so friendly that I didn't think before replying to him. He had this homely feeling. I smiled to myself before changing my profile picture to Jungkook's latest one. I am so proud of my work. He looks so handsome in this.

I looked at my phone again and thought about calling Namjoon. He might have known by now that I am coming but I still should ask him if it's okay to come over.

I called once but he didn't pick up the phone. So I didn't call him again. I opened his message box to message him.

Hi Namjoon

He read the message as soon as I sent it but didn't reply. I waited for some more time but I got no reply. I suddenly felt hurt.

I chuckled and scolded myself."Why are you being like this. He isn't sitting ideal like you. He might have so much work to do. Do not think that he's ignoring you. "

I was trying to make myself understand once more but deep inside I knew something went terribly wrong and he was ignoring me on purpose.

I ate some lunch and after that I sat down on my bed and watched all the BTS run episodes I had missed till now. That was one of my way to cope up from sadness. Because run episodes always bought me happiness.

I had almost 4 hours left to go to their dorm. I was too much nervous about it and scared a little and that's why I didn't think about it and started watching more run episodes.

Kim Namjoon's pov

After coming back from the manager's cabin, I went straight to my studio. After locking my door I went and sat on my chair with a thud.

Slowly all the tears that I was controlling till now flowed out of my eyes. Her sad faces came in front of my eyes. The way she was happy when she came towards me but when I left her she looked sad and confused and I was the reason for that.

When I came earlier than the scheduled time to be with her for the last time, I saw her and Jungkook together giggling while she was holding his face by his chin and doing his makeup.

They looked so happy together. He made her happy. They looked so good together. Both of them were beautiful. All the thoughts, all the hatredness from the past flashed in front of my eyes.

I was scared that I would get a panic attack soon. So I tried to distract myself with other things. I thought about our late night conversations, how she made me blush, her own way of giving compliments. Thinking about all those made me calm down but the tears continued to fall.

Why don't I deserve happiness? I have never thought bad about anyone. I had always done my best in whatever I have done. I have tried to help everyone. So why am I not getting happiness in return.

Why did Jungkook had to like her? He had millions of more options for him. Everyone loved him. But when I got to know someone that didn't hate me, they liked me, liked my work, appreciated my efforts, Jungkook liked her.

And now it feels wrong. It feels wrong to like someone whom my youngest brother likes too. It feels like I'm betraying him and my heart hurts.

So I have planned not to talk to her anymore. My feelings for her will only increase if I keep talking to her and maybe someday I may loose control and confess to it about her. So it was best to avoid her and to not talk to her.

While thinking all of this, I got a phone call. I saw the name "Misoo" flashing in it. My fingers itched to touch the receive button but I didn't pick up.

Soon I got a message notification and I couldn't control my hands from opening it as soon as I got it. "Hi Namjoon." I ignored the message and I ignored the pain occuring in my heart too.

She maybe sad now about it, but when she'll know that Jungkook likes her, she'll soon forget about me.

With this I wiped my tears off and started to compose music with an obvious heartbreak. I didn't know how much time it went by when I kept composing music but I got out of my realisation when I got a call.

"Yes Jin hyung"

"Where are you Namjoon, you haven't come to the dorm after the performance."

I saw the time. It was 7:15pm.

"I am in the studio hyung. Just composing some music."

"Come to the dorm now."

"I'll come in a few hours hyung."

"Namjoon come now. We have a guest."

"Who's it hyung?"

"Come and see of your own Namjoon. It's your friend too. "

With this he cut the call. My friend? Is Jackson here?

I saved the format and switched off the device. After locking the studio I walked towards my dorm. How am I gonna face Jungkook. I don't wanna be obvious of my feelings.

You have been acting all these years Namjoon. Acting to be happy and no one caught you till now. So you need to do a bit more acting now too and no one will recognize that you are heart broken.

So with a smile, I opened the door of my dorm and enter it to see everyone settled in the living room.

I too went towards the room to see who the guest was with a smile on my face but it soon dropped when I saw who it was.

It was Misoo.

"What are you doing here?", I couldn't resist asking her directly. Then I saw all the eyes on me.

"I meant to say, why did no one informed me that she's gonna come. It's a sudden surprise to see a girl in our dorm you see.", I tried to cover it up.

"Hyung we were the one to call her here. Sorry we should have asked you first.", Jimin looked at me apologetically.

"No why are you saying sorry. It's your wish to call anyone you want."

The glanced at her once more. She had almost no makeup in her face but she still looked beautiful. She looked at me and gave me her bright smile which made my heart hurt more.

"You guys enjoy talking to her, I should go to my bedroom I'm tired."

"What is this Namjoon. Even Yoongi is here with us. Everyone should be here. You can sleep later. Now sit with us and we can talk about something."

I saw Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung sharing the large couch to sit together while Hoseok hyung sat on a bean bag, Yoongi hyung pulled a single chair and sat on it while Jin hyung was sharing the couch with Misoo.

I was going to pull out a chair and sit beside Yoongi hyung but Jin hyung repeatedly asked me to sit on the couch and I sat on the right of Misoo leaving a few inches gap in between them.

I unconsciously looked at Jungkook to see him looking at both of us with discomfort in his eyes. He looked so happy before I entered the room but now he looks uncomfortable because of me. Should I ask him to sit here while I sit there.

But wouldn't that be much obvious. I avoided looking at her. I could feel her looking at me once in a while but I kept engaging my conversation with Hoseok hyung to avoid talking to her.

We all sat for sometime and talked about everything and nothing. Everyone were so much curious about Misoo. They asked her what it felt after being army, what they should change about themselves, what are her constructive criticisms and much more like that.

I could still see her looking at me once in a while but I avoided looking at her. I could smell her perfume from the distance she sat. It took me much power to not hug her infront of everyone and confess my feelings for her.

But I couldn't do it to Jungkook. It would be like a betrayal. He would think that I tried on her even after he shared his feelings about her with me. He'll never trust me again. And I cannot see that. I cannot see distrust in his eyes for me. So I gulped down all my feelings for her.

Suddenly I heard a notification pop up sound. I looked for the source of the sound to see her phone being kept in between her and me. I didn't mind the notification but I saw the wallpaper on her phone.

It was Jungkook from the recent photoshoot we did which wasn't published yet. I felt a lump forming in my throat. They were already so close to each other. Misoo kept a wallpaper of the guy who likes her too.

If he was unclear before, now Namjoon truly knew that he was the third wheel in the ship.

Soon Jin hyung asked us to have our dinner and we went to sit in the dining hall. I chose the farthest seat away I could to avoid Misoo.

Jungkook and Misoo say beside each other. We started eating our food while the conversation still going on.i could hear Jungkook offering her food while she was rejecting it.

The maknae line started bickering with her, Jin hyung started joking around her, it felt nice to know that everyone was accepting her fully. But the only thing was they would be soon accepting her as Jungkook's girlfriend and not his.

After eating again, we sat in the living room and I sat with Jin hyung while Jungkook and Misoo shared a couch. They really looked compatible and beautiful together.

I tried to steal some glances here and there but whenever she used to look at me, I used to avoid looking at her.

Everyone was enjoying Misoo's company. She was winning everybody's heart with the way she talked and her value of words. I could also see Jungkook admiring her from the close and his eyes filled in love for her. I continued to bit my lips to continue my acting of being okay all this while.

"May I please use the washroom please?", Misoo asked hesitantly.

"Yeah ofcourse, Jungkook please show her the way to the washroom.", Jimin asked while looking at Jungkook with a knowing smile.

"Jungkook, I had to talk to you about something, Namjoon could you show her instead please.",Jin hyung suddenly looked at me asking me to take her to the washroom.

"Me?", I pointed at myself.

"Yeah Namjoon, please show her the way to your washroom."

I looked at Jungkook to see him sitting down beside Jin and looking at Misoo sadly.

I stood up and asked her to follow me. I knew the washroom in the hall was occupied was Hoseok hyung so I decided to take her to my room's attached washroom.

No one's pov

Namjoon opened the door to his room and Misoo followed him inside. She was enchanted by the room. It had beautiful cherry blush walls with plushies stored in a shelf and books in another. A big potrait of BTS was just above his king sized bed where Namjoon was looking at all of them with love filled in his eyes.

"Here's the washroom.", He showed her the direction and was going out of the room when he stopped because of his hand being tugged by her.

"Namjoon.", She whispered and came close to him and hugged him from behind.

He closed his eyes to take in the moment. All he wanted was the time to stop so that they would be this close to each other.

While she had her eyes closed too because of her fear. She was scared because he didn't even look at her all this while nor did he said her anything. It was so sudden for her heart. Everything was going okay till then. They hugged, they kissed, she could see his eyes full of love yesterday. But today it was good if any happiness. All she could see was emptiness in his eyes which was frightening for her.They were still in the hug when Misoo decided to break the silence.

"Namjoon, what happened? Why are you ignoring me today?"

That was the moment Namjoon knew that time wouldn't stop for them and he decided to break the hug. He slowly lifted his hands to hold her hands and slowly pulled them to break her grip. He turned around still holding her hands but then he left her hands to let it drop.

"How many times have I told you today Misoo, there's nothing going on which is your concern, so please do not bother me about this."

"No Namjoon, till yesterday everything was okay. We were doing fine but today you aren't even making eye contact with me. So it is ofcourse my concern Namjoon.", She said with her voice filled with sudden urgency.

He didn't have any choice. He had to say it to her which he had planned all the day. He will have to say it to her even if it would hurt him thousands time more than her.

"Is this all because of yesterday Misoo? Are you being like this to me today just because we kissed yesterday? Do you have to be so clingy that you come to my dorm because of that?"

She got numb. She could never imagine she would be named clingy. She never imagined Namjoon to talk to her ever in her life. No, she never ever imagined all of this but it was still happening to her and she could hear her own heart breaking slowly.

"Namjoon, I'm begging to you. Please tell me what's happening. Why are you talking to me like that? I know you Namjoon, you would never even talk to your foes like that let alone your friend. Did I do something wrong? Please tell me I'll try to correct anything I can? Did I do something wrong yesterday night? We shared our moment and we were happy but-"

Namjoon heard the urgency and hurtfulness in her voice. He knew that if he listens to her talk anymore he would break down infront of her and tell her everything that was happening. But he wasn't selfish. He wouldn't come between her and Jungkook so he said the sinful words that broke both of their hearts in their same time.

"Stop talking about yesterday Misoo. Yesterday's kiss was nothing but a mistake."

Hello my lovelies 💜

For the first time 5500+ words... It's a long long chapter so enjoy it and comment because I love to read your opinions. 😉😉😉

The story is getting started now. I have something planned, let's see how you take it.


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