Return, Retry, Restart...Cont...

By DarkDespair713

576K 23.1K 45.6K

You wanted to be with them. Little did you know, that when real flesh and blood are involved... a world with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 35 (FOR REAL)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 63

5.1K 232 174
By DarkDespair713

You jumped at the sound of the voice, moving back so quickly as you turned around to find who dared to sneak up on you. "Who- oh." You tensed up even more at the sight of the Supreme Leader, you had hardly spoken to him since you stopped sharing a room with him. "I was heading off to meet someone. I wasn't going to be out alone for long." 

"Nishishi. Jeez you got so frightened didn't you~?" Kokichi teased, "If you're going to react like that all the time you really shouldn't be wandering around at night. Who knows~ You could end up the next victim after all." 

The thought made you grimace, becoming a victim would mean no more retying and inevitably leads to the disappearance of everyone here. Not that you could tell anyone that. You still remembered what happened the last time you tried to tell Kokichi. You sighed in exasperation. "Yes yes I was frightened, I'm in a killing game, why would I not be? I don't intend on being a victim regardless though." You turned away from him and stepped in direction of the casino. "Now if you'll excuse me I'll be off." 

"Going to the Casino with Miu and Keebo rightttt~?" 

You freeze, "Eavesdropping huh? Right. That is definitely something you would do." Ah. Now that you were thinking of it... a special event happened like this in the original game right? And... at that time Kokichi eaves dropped on the same conversation...

Just great. Fantastic really. 

"Nishishi! As a supreme leader I can't miss up on the opportunity to watch you win a Jackpot!" 

You sighed, "Alright. But your loss, you'll have to put up with Miu's antics." Without another word you just walked off into the Casino. Kokichi said something about that being fine with him but you paid no attention to it. He followed behind you all the way to the Casino. At one point you thought of striking up a conversation but decided against it. What would you even say? There wasn't anything to say to him anymore. 

You stepped inside fo the Casino, expecting to see only Miu and Keebo but... to your surprise Ryoma, Rantaro and Kaito, were there with Miu. Although Keebo was still missing. 

"Huhhh? What's the pubeless virgin doing here?" Miu said immediately pointing at Kokichi

You sighed, "Seems like he was eavesdropping on our conversation. He just followed me here. Sorry I couldn't stop him but..." You wave over at the rest. "I thought it was just Keebo and you that knew?" 

"The three of us just arrived." Rantaro answered, "Figured we'd check this place out a bit since we didn't investigate it much." 

Kokichi skipped over to Kaito. "Kaito? You're here? Mannnn." He pretended to be crestfallen, before sparking up again. "Actually you totaaally would suck at gambling." 

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Kaito shouted. "Don't challenge the instincts of Kaito Momota! Luminary of the Stars-" 

"Quiet. Someone's coming." Ryoma spoke looking towards the exit, you were surprised he heard that with everything going on. But it turned out to be true when Keebo walked in. 

"My apologies for being late! I had to recharge a bit!" 

"And here comes the robot! Of course you had to recharge yo-" 

You saw Rantaro bring a fist down on Kokichi's head- "Don't be so childish Kokichi." The sight made you snicker. 

"He was about to say something robophobic wasn't he?" Keebo asked. "Thank you Rantaro for stopping him." 

"Of course. He's kinda like the younger siblings I had at home. Talkative yet immature." Only Rantaro could get away with insulting Kokichi to his face. You started laughing a bit. 

"You think this is funny (Y/N)!?" Kokichi pointed at you angrily, "What he said wasn't true whatsoeve-" 

"Actually it was pretty true. You are immature and talkative." Kaito cut in. 

Kokichi smirked, "That's goes for you too then. You shouldn't insult people with adjectives that describe yourself ya know?" 

"Alright alright that's enough. Shouldn't we check out this special game or whatever?" Ryoma said glancing over at Keebo. 

"Special Game?" Out of completely nowhere Monokuma dropped in. "Who said anything about that?"

"You duh-doy!? Who else could it be?!" Miu put a hand to her hips indignantly. 

"But it wasn't me." 

"Q-Quit fuckin' around!"

Monokuma upraised his arms angrily, a sight you almost laughed at. The sprites on the game made it look normal but when a literal two feet sized bear was raising it's arms it looked hilarious. Sprites do not do this universe justice. 

"Typical useless Miu. You would  get jerked around by fake info like that." Kokichi cut in as the bear left. 

Miu let out a... mixture of a cry and a moan in distress. Just like the weird self she is. Although Keebo stepped in to defend her. 

"Hey! Don't blame Miu she must've just misheard!" 

"Well it doesn't matter if it was fake information. It's not the reason I came here anyway." Ryoma said walking off to one of the slot machines. 

 Tired of the fighting you walked after him, "Planning to play a game or two?" 

"Well there's nothing better to do to kill time right? Might as well get a feel as to how these games work." 

You heard careful footsteps walk over to you two, "Mind if I join? I've been meaning to try and play and see if I have a knack for this. In case it's my talent or something." Rantaro said as he approached. 

"Be my guest." Rantaro and Ryoma sat down at slot machines to start playing. 

You hummed walking over to the counter quickly to exchange the few Monocoins that you found in your room. You knew what they did but you didn't have any use for them before- especially since the gacha machine doesn't exactly have any use here. 

"I'll show you the instincts of-" You heard Kaito's voice from across the room, seems like he was getting riled up by Kokichi. It made you a bit more content- knowing that some things wouldn't change. 

"Yeah yeah Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars. Save me the whole thing yeah? It's honestly getting quite boring." 

Keebo and Miu were already playing a different game, talking about one thing or another. 

"You should play." Rantaro's voice sounded beside you, clearly you were spacing out a bit too much since you didn't hear him approach. "Since you don't know your talent it might be a good idea to try out a bunch of things. That's what... my plan is at least." 

"Oh yeah I was planning to I was just... looking at what to play." You smirked at him a bit, "I see you came here to exchange more coins though huh? Losing to Ryoma already?" 

He chuckled, "Clearly I wasn't a gambler or a lucky student that's for sure." 

"Then let's have a competition!" Kokichi's voice made both you and Rantaro glance over. "(Y/N)! Rantaro! Join us~ Watch this idiot fall into the hole of gambling. Oh and Ryoma I suppose." 

"Way to tack me on at the end there." Ryoma muttered. Seems like he had moved to hear the conversation a while back to. 

Miu wandered back over, "Heeyy! Why am I being pushed off to the side?!" 

"You might rig the slot machines, so it wouldn't be fair." Kaito said. "And Keebo- probably has some robot powers to help." 

"I sense a robophobic comment in there!" Keebo snapped, "While I admit I am capable of calculating the timing for most common of slot machines I would not do that! But if you are so worried I will take it upon myself to be the referee for this competition!" 

You shrugged, "Why not?" It was a good opportunity, besides you didn't do anything like this the first time you were here. 

The five of you ended up playing slot machines for a while. Ryoma winning completely. To your surprise, you didn't do too badly though. 

"Huh. After the first few turns you picked that up relatively quickly huh (Y/N)?" Rantaro commented. 

You gave a shrug in response, "Nowhere as good as Ryoma though, that's for sure." The Tennis Player just kept winning. Kokichi was standing by his side admiring. 

"Wow Ryoma! You're so good at this! Clearly unlike some other overly-confident idiot over there." 

Kaito lost. Completely. 

"How- How could my instincts be off?" Kaito stood up immediately and walked over to Ryoma. "Hey do you have some sort of trick?"

Ryoma shook his head, "Nothing like that. I just got a knack for it I suppose." 

"You mean you're just lucky?! That's just superstition." 

"Well. Ryoma's chances of winning that many times are... roughly 0.16%. So he could just be lucky." Keebo chimed in. 

"I don't let things like luck bother me. I just win cause I'm confident." 

Rantaro tilted his head a bit, "Huh. I heard there was some sort of thing where words themselves granted confidence."

"I'm confident too! I don't understand how I could've lost!" 

Kokichi laughed, "Just get better Kaito! Maybe your instincts aren't as good as you thought they were." 

"Why you...." Kaito moved to be angry but for once seemed to rethink, instead turning to Ryoma to ask something, "Enough of that. Ryoma didn't you have some sort of pre-game ritual?" 

You listened as Ryoma talked about how he entered with right foot into the court. You huffed a bit at Miu's terrible joke and how Ryoma told her to shut up. 

"I'm going to give that a try!" Kaito declared, going back to play again. 

You shook your head, although with a slight smile on your face. "Oh dear. Here we go again." 

Once again you all played a couple of games more, roped into the spirit of gambling- mainly thanks to Kaito's influence and insistence. 

This time he was crushed again. "Again...??" 

Ryoma peered over at your slot machine winnings. "You're the type to just continue getting better the more you play huh (Y/N)?" 

You gave him a shrug, "Isnt that how it is for everyone? Practice makes perfect...?" 

"I've been practicing!" Kaito cut in. 

"It's like I said before Kaito. You don't have any skills when it comes to gambling." Kokichi grinned. 

An argument between the two broke out. One that Rantaro quickly put an end to. It didn't take much longer for him to start telling everyone to head off to bed. 

"So Keebo~ What do you say we..." You heard Miu's voice fade out as she left with Keebo. You yawned a bit as you glanced around. Only Rantaro and Ryoma were left. Kaito left all depressed, and Kokichi wasn't interested with no one to make fun of around.

"Well you two, I'll be off." You waved a bit and left quickly, trying to limit the amount of time you'd be by yourself. You entered Kaede's room quickly, and soon settled into bed. 

As you laid there you smiled a bit to yourself, this was... one of the better days you had since arriving. Things had changed- a lot really. And maybe you should be more concerned with that, but... surely enjoying it once in a while couldn't be too bad right? After all... when this was over you'd never get to do something like this again. 

The thought almost made your heart pang, but you remembered you had to fight for their very existences and any feeling of regret washed itself away immediately. It was late, so it didn't take you long to fall asleep. 


You woke up to the morning announcement, upset that you had to get up at all, but also realizing that people would be worried if you didn't make it to the breakfast. You moved to start getting ready when a familiar Kubs Pad caught your eye. 

You sighed, last night had been fun. You had almost forgotten that a motive was coming up. You picked up the Kubs pad, with slightly trembling hands. The person whose video you got could change a lot. You hesitated, mentally counting to three in your head and you turned on the video, glancing to the first screen to see whose motive you had in your hand. 

Maki Harukawa's Motive Video's


Updating? Updating! Hooray! 

Uhm yes. What's a consistent schedule? I have no clue. I write when motivation hits and motivation has been hitting lately. 

Anyway. Dont hate me too much with how long I take please;-; I try my hardest. 

But yes! New chapter and oooh! Maki's Motive Video. 

This'll be fun. :)

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