Ben 10 Omniverse: the Predat...

By Geo-devourer

53.8K 562 253

Dr. Psychobos makes one last attempt to get his nemtrix back from the Galvan, Axmuth, once he gets he finally... More

Nemitrix Reborn
Alien Predators
Love interest.
Predatrix vs. Omnitrix
King of the predators
New predator.
Tetra Beauty and Alien Beast
The Beast of the beach
The Revenge Beast Style
2 twins 1 beast
Like Son Like Ma
Season 2
Bros, Girls, and a Rumble Dome.
Milk Run
Alien Vet
The Drilling Question
The Speed For Greed
Winter Break in July

The Alien predator meets Cryptids.

3.1K 38 5
By Geo-devourer

-In undertown

In an stadium with a tarp over it, the villains were having a big  auction for rare things. From weapons, to vehicles, to dangerous animals. But to bad for them because everyone is allowed, making it the perfect for Ben, Leo, and rook to sneak in. With rook wearing his cloak from when he first meet Ben, Ben wearing something similar to Leo's with a helmet. While Leo wears his signature helmet. They made there way past the villains into there own booth.

Ben: sweet helmet Leo

Rook: yes, it was perfect that you had these helmets in your possession.

Leo: no problem, let's see what going on

They watch as a robot announcer was on stage in front of everybody.

Robot announcer: ladies and gentlemen, and villains.

Everyone laughed at that remark.

Robot announcer: anyway, today, we have special prizes.

Then five cages covered in tapes rose up from the stage.

Robot announcer: first off, we have the rare ape of the Himalayan mountains, the yeti. And second of the creepy  flyers of the night the mothman. 

The tarps are removed Freon the first cages to revealing the snarling, enraged creatures. The villains were gasping as the were voting on 

Robot: in the third cage we got the one and only monster named after a city, the jersey devil.

The tarp was removed to reveal the screeching best.

Rook: I don't see anyone of those beast in alien wildlife data base.

Ben: maybe they're are not aliens

Leo: yeah, let's wait for the next beasts  for display. Then we make our move.

Robot announcer: now for the main attraction this ones a out of this world as I present to you, the saberclaw.

Then the tarp came off and revealed a giant monster, a long body with a scorpion sting at the end of its tail. As big as a crabdozer. Th villains cheered as this beast was magnificent. The beast looked around as his eyes landed in Leo's. Then all of a sudden the robot gets a message and puts the tarps down and the other monsters.

Robot announcer: sorry folks, but someone bought all the beast, and by the looks of bins he beast you all, till next week.

Then a giant hover truck came driving backwards towards the stage as two large claws came out of it and lifts the cages into onto it. Rook gets off his communicator and whispers to Ben and Leo.

Rook: the plumbers are on their way, we need to stop that truck from leaving undertown. 

Leo: yeah no one should have those animals.

Ben: right let's go.

Rook, Ben, and Leo exit the stadium and see the truck leaving. Rook removes his cloak as he runs after the truck, Ben and Leo look at each other and smile taking off their helmet and transforms.

Crashhopper jumps, catching up to rook giving him a lift as they made it to the truck and landed on a another part close to the cages. 

Crashhopper: this should be a piece of cake.

Then they hear a sound and look back to see two giant mutant chameleon tigers appear right in front of them.

Rook: you spoke to soon

They fight the tigers. While the truck was speeding out of undertown, a fast moving beast was jumping from stand to to stand until it jumped on the truck making into the section of the cages. He removes the tarps to see the yeti, jersey devil, and the saberclaw. The beast step into the light revealing itself as the khanivore.

Khanivore: don't worry, it will be alright.

He was about to move to the last cage until his arm gets webbed. He looks back to see a man spider thing. 

It hisses at him as khanivore shrugs as he splits his tail, frees his hand and roars at the spider thing. The khanivore smack the spider thing multiple times, then grab its leg and starts slamming him into everything as the creatures watched this. Man spider groans as khanivore steps on his head. The khanivore was about to remove the last tarp until a rope grabs his arm, it pulls him up on the roof of the truck as he sees three people, he grows as one weilded a sword, a gauntlet, and a younger one weilded a staff. The khanivore then attacks the them. Rook and Crashhopper finally took out the mutant tigers, which was hard because they were invisible most of the time.

Rook: that... was tough

Crashhopper: tell me about it, I wonder if Leo doing any better

They hear noise and look to see khanivore fighting three familiar people.

Rook: I believes that's Leo's new form, Khanivore.

Crashhopper: and it looks like he's fighting[ gasp] we got to stop that fight.

Rook: looks like we got bigger problems

They look over to see the truck is making a turn which causes khanivore and the three people to fall off the train.

Crashhopper: this is bad, you help Leo, I'll stop this train.

Rook nods as he jumps off. Crashhopper jumps further onto the truck. With khanivore he gets up and rubs his head. 

Khanivore: ugh, that smarts.

Then khanivore gets hit by a blast of fire. He gets up to dodge the female person sword. He grabs her by the leg with his tails as he throws her away. Another one of the figure catches the figure. Then one shoots his staff at khanivore which extends into a grappler with a claw at the end that warps around khanivore. It starts glowing as it's holder's eyes does the same. 

???: stop attacking

Khanivore: no a chance

The figure is shocked as khanivore shot a laser at him knocking him into the wall. The wall gives way and  rocks falls on him. The two other other figures rush towards him but the laser shot the rocks and tails pulled the figure out of the way. The khanivore holds the young person up as all of them took a stance. Then rook jumps down and extends his arms between them.

Rook: cease your fighting

Khanivore: Rook buddy, don't think this is a time for a timeout

Rook: it is, these are the enemies, they are friends, knows as The Secret Saturdays

Then rook shot a green flare into the the sky giving the area light. We see the two adults, Doc and Drew Saturday, then we see the young teen to be the famous Zack Saturday in khanivore's tail. All wearing black suits as they press they symbol and they change into orange suits. Khanivore eyes widened as he sets zack down.

Khanivore: sorry about that.

Zack: no prob, your Leo 9 right, made sense why my powers didn't work on you, even if your beast most of the time.

Khanivore: heh, you can say that again. So what's bring the famous Cryptozoologist family to undertown.

Doc: the same reason your here, to free a the cryptids

Rook: it makes sense why none of the creatures were in the plumbers database, because they from earth.

Khanivore: well let's go help Ben. You can fill us on the way up.

They run up the wall towards the train. Then we see Crashhopper burst through the main part of the truck and face the driver.

Crashhopper: alright punk, put em up

The driver puts the truck on auto pilot and gets up as he looks down on Crashhopper, resembling a giant mutant monkey. Then Crashhopper headbutts it only to be stopped the monkeys tail. It smiles and tosses out of the truck. Then Crashhopper gets up to see the truck heading right towards him. It was about to hit him only for a flying object to swoop in and grab him. The truck past them and made its way into undertown. The flying creature resembled a Tropeognathus holding Crashhopper by the legs as he times out.

Ben: wait I know you, hey Zon

Amazon Saturday or Zon, screeched as she flys down drops Ben on the ground. She walks over and rubs her head into Bens cheek as he pets her head.

Ben: good to see you too.

Ben gets up to see khanivore, rook and the Saturdays running towards him. Once they made it Zack fist bumps Ben.

Zack: good to see you Ben

Ben: same to you, so what brings you. And where's fiskerton.

The Saturdays look down as team Ben were confused. The truck arrives to the  rendezvous point as it arrives in a open area of a forest. Then a ship flys down and we see it's hangar door open and out walks Dr. Animo.

Dr. Animo: ah very good my simeon minion, now load the cages into the ship and go meet up with the others

The monkey nods as it loads the cages into the ship. Then the monkey got to the last cages and was going to put them in until Animo stop him and removed their tarps. The saberclaw growl and glared at the Doctor.

Dr. Animo: I can't wait to use your alien DNA

Dr. Animo went to the last cage to see a red eyed figure. The figure stepped into the light an revealed itself to be last fiskerton phantom, guardian of Kur, but now know as Fiskerton Saturday or Fisk. Fisk growls as he punches the bars as Animo smiles.

Dr. Animo: and I can't wait use you as my latest test subject in my cryptid arsena. Load him up.

The monkey pushes the last cages into the ship with Animo behind. Then the ship takes off into the night sky.

 In the Saturdays ship.

The doc and drew were ponder what to do next. While Zack fill team Ben on what happened.

Zack: we were tracking a lead on cryptids attacking a village. So when we got to the village we decided to split up, my mom and dad would ask the village what happen. While me and brother, frisk searched the forest to try and find the cryptids. But then we got ambushed by giant monkeys I never seen before. I was knocked out, and when I came up the monkeys were gone and so were Fisk.

Leo: and it looks like your brother was in a line up for an auction.

Rook: and I believe I know who the monkeys belong to

Rook walks up to the computer, and turned on the screen, he uploaded the plumber database on and activated a file. The file was a video which showed a group of mutant monkeys raiding a plumbers vault. Then we look to see Dr. Animo ordering the monkeys

Leo: who's the guy with the antennas

Ben: Dr. Animo, a scientist who has a knack for turning animals into their mutant versions of themselves. 

Zack: and he once teamed up with V.V. Argost to turn Bellwood into his monster kingdom. But we pulled the plug on that

Leo: well it looks like Animo wants to settle scores with you, and I bet he'll ad Fisk to his mutant collection.

Zack: then he'll have to deal with us.

Leo smiles as he eats his candy bar. But then he sensed something and extends his had pushing the creature back. 

Leo: don't even think about Komodo.

The creature reappeared revealing to be the genetically altered Komodo dragon, Komodo Saturday. Who was trying to eat his candy bar.

Leo sighs as he unwraps his and pulls out another candy bar and cuts it open with his tail and Komodo eats it. Komodo then gets up Leo's back as Leo scratches his chin.

Doc: heh, it takes a lot to get on Komodo good side.

Ben: he has a good side

Leo: I just have a way with animals

Zack: wait you have a tail

Leo: yeah, long story.

With Animo, they made it to his observatory as they start building a machine. Then we see dr Animo put on a exoskeleton suit resembling and ape and having an robotic tail. Then we see the cages of the yeti as well as Jersey being loaded into a chamber.

Dr. Animo: just a few more parts and this machine will be complete.

He look over to see the monkeys putting Fiskerton in chains as he growls.

Dr. Animo: don't worry you soon join your brothers as we turn this world into the beastly kingdom. An now to send your friends on a, how you say, goose chase

Animo pressed a button. On the ship Zack and Leo were fighting in a gym. Leo rushed Zack throwing slashes and kicks at Zack who blocks them. Zack grabs Leo's arm and tosses him over his shoulder. Leo sticks the landing and looks back to see Zack attacking him from the air. Zack hits Leo with the claw only for it to be grab by Leo. Neither of them were budging as Leo tail slithered behind Zack's leg as he pulls it knocking him off balance. Zack gets up only to stop as he sees Leo holding his claw right at him. He smiles as he turns it around as Zack grabs the handle and gets up.

Leo: you fight well.

Zack: and you fight like a beast

Leo: thanks

They then exit the gym and walk down the hall talking about stuff.

Leo: so wait, your girlfriend is actually a thief.

Zack: yep, I tried denying it a few times but then I got over it. But anyway who's does Ben date

Leo: he dates Kai, a Xenologist, she acts just like him.

Zack:  no wonder they get along. And what about you, who does the beast date

Leo: I date Looma

Zack: and who's she, come on you can tell me

Leo: she's a..... alien Amazon princess.

Zack: wow, it looks we date the special girls.

They laugh as they walk into where everyone's lab. Then we see Doc pull up a screen with a blinking dot.

Doc: this dot has the same frequency as the Fiskerton tracker.

Ben: nice.

Rook: it seems we are closer to our mission

Doc: I wish that was true, the tracker seems to be heading from a previous location not undertown.

Drew: so we have 2 locations, one them could lead us to fiskerton or Animo 

Zack: or possibly both, we should spilt up to cover more ground.

Leo: alright, me, Zack, and drew, and Komodo will head to where beacons heading. While Doc, Ben, rook, and Zon head to that second location.

They all nod and as Ben, rook, doc, and Zon head for the smaller ship. Once in, they set off as Ben chuckles.

Rook: what's funny

Ben: I just remembered that Leo was a huge fan of Saturday.

Leo[coms]: and you want to know what else is funny, they let their son go on dangerous adventures with them. I wonder what that was like, Ben.

All of them except Ben as he frowns. Soon, Leo, Zack, Drew, and Komodo made it to where beacon landed and were over a warehouse. Ropes came down from the ship as the heroes slid down into the open skylight. Once inside, they see nothing but a drone. Drew scans the drone.

Drew: this is the beacon we've been following.

Then the drone activated a holographic screen as we see the dr. Animo and behind him Fisk.

Drew and Zack: Fisk

Dr. Animo: ah, greetings Saturdays and the new hero Leo. Sorry that you couldn't find your brother but I hope my minions can keep you company.

The drone turns the screen off as the hatches opened from the floor and out came multiple mutants: monkeys, frogs, even snails. Then out came that same saberclaw. The saberclaw talked leo outside as Komodo secretly follows him while Zack and drew face the mutants.

Drew: wonder if the others are having any luck

The activate their weapons and  charged at the mutants. With the others they drop down and sneak into and broken observatory with a giant machine. They look around and spot fiskerton and Animo.

Doc: fiskerton 

Ben: and Animo

Rook: it seems the others were set up.

Then all of a sudden the floor gives way. When they get up they are captured by the monkeys.

Animo: now bare witness as you see my latest creation come to life.

The machine the yeti and jersey devil were in activated and electricity surged around it. It then stop as a chamber next it opened and out came something. With the others drew and Zack were dealing with the mutants as the Leo deals with the saberclaw being controlled by the Animo. Leo transforms into clawser and headbutts the beast as they roll around.

Clawser( Rath's natural predator), bites the saberclaw's tail and spins him around tossing him into the wall burrowing the mutants on the other side. Clawser then jumps through the hole and joins the Saturdays and take out all of the mutants. Then the saberclaw gets up and roars. Clawser finds the control device and times out,  Leo charges at the saberclaw and jumps over him spins and with his bladed tail slice the device in half. The saberclaw stops and to around to stare at Leo. It then licks Leo's whole face and rubs it.

Drew: that tail must come in handly

Leo: you have no idea.

The mutants erupted from the rubble on to get buried in more rubble. Everyone looks up to see it was caused by Komodo as he jumps down on Leo's back.

Leo: Thanks Komodo, let's go the others need us.

Then they all get into the ship. With the others, they see animos latest creation, a large beast, with fur, large wings, multiple eyes.

Dr. Animo: allow me to introduce you to the brutal devil.

Ben: you won't get away with this animo

Dr. Animo: that's where you wrong Ben Tennyson, with the help of my new batch of mutants, even the old, will help me get what I want. And once I add the dna of your phantom I will be stronger than ever. Even if you managed to escape, you be all alone as my warriors will turn your forces into wrecked toys. Soon you will bow before me as the planet will be mine.

He laughs as the heroes groan. Then they hear a voice. They look up to see a ship and Leo drop down.

Leo: ugh Ben was right, you talk to much.

Leo then transformed into strike strong(predator of astrodactyl).

Strikestrong: let's get slamming.

Strikestrong then super jumped into the mutants creating a large dust cloud. From the dust cloud we see a glowing green light.

Armordrillo jump into the air and slammed his arm into the creating earthquakes throwing the mutants and Animo off balance. Then rook, and doc jump out an attack while strikestrong charges at several of them. Doc was punching devils into the wall, but didn't notice one coming from behind. It was about to attack but it got knock back by flames. Drew lands behind doc as they notice each other and smiles and continue attacking. Rook and armordrillo were dealing with the other devils as strikestrong headbutted most of them. He then fires thunder at them balding them through the roof and walls. Zack jump down and faced Fisk.

Zack: hey bro

Zack frees fiskerton as he hangs him. He let's go as they charge at Animo. Animo was knocked back into the wall as he sees his army is getting beat. And to make matters, the machine keeping the brutal devils stable is sabotaged by Komodo and Zon. He groans as he throws a smoke bomb down distracting the bros. He was makes his getaway only to be stop by the saberclaw, the beast claws Animo destroy him armor as he screams. He is then thrown back at into the observatory unconscious. Then the plumbers arrived and took Animo and his monkeys away the cryptids were safely transported into a cargo ship thanks to Zack.

Rook: fear not for the cryptids, they will be safely brought back to their natural habits with your help 

Drew: thank you.

Zack: yeah thanks for getting, my brother back.

With Fisk he was wrestling with Leo as he tossed Fisk into the water. Thy both laugh as Leo snap a picture of them.

Leo: it was greater meeting you guys

Zack: you too, let's keep in touch.

Leo: yeah.

Then the saberclaw walk up to Leo and purrs as it slams his tail in the ground.

Ben: he likes you

Leo: yeah he does

Zack: I think you should keep him

Leo: really 

Drew: he does seem to affection to you

Fisk: yah 

Leo looks at the beast and smiles.

Leo: alright looks like you my pet, how about, Tank

Ben: tank?

Leo: well he's built like one, and definitely hits like one

Rook: makes sense, but now the question is where will you keep him, I don't think magister Tennyson will allow your pet all access.

Leo thinks for a minute and gets an idea. On khoros looma was on her throne then she sees a bright green light and sees Leo and smiles.

Looma: good battle beloved 

Looma runs up to him, picks him up and gives Leo a bone crushing hug with his face being squished by her chest. She go only to give him a kiss moving her hands through his hair. The depart as she puts Leo down.

Looma: what brings you here

Leo: well I wanted to tell you I got a pet

Looma[gasp]: that's simply splendid.

Leo: yeah, but I can't keep him in the plumber base for every hour, so I thought maybe you could look out for it

Looma smiles as she plants kiss on Leo. 

Looma: I'd love to wear is it.

Leo: great,  bring him out

Then a large beam of light ape red behind them as it fades revealing Tank. Looma is amazed by his size. Tank looks at looma and sniffs her, then he smiles and tackles. Leo gasp as he runs over and is shocked. Leo sees looma giggle as tank licks her. Tank stops as looma gets up and scratches his belly making him roll over. 

Looma: ah he's perfect beloved, I would love to take care of him 

Leo smiles as he pulled in by looma with her lower right arm for another kiss, as he grabs he cheeks as the kiss passionately. Then stop as they continue to play with tank.

Boom that's it for the story, and don't worry the Saturdays will be making an appearance. Next chapter fun in the sun turns into survival down below in, the beast of the beach.

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