The After Seeding a Second wa...

By Pars01

442 63 4

This takes place a year after the Seeding. John finds that there is far more to the whole story. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

94 9 0
By Pars01

Copyright© 2015 by PARS001. All rights reserved.

One year after the Seeding

 Mille had been having a hard time controlling their daughter, though she had the enhancements like her husband John, she still didn't have the control that he did. Now at eight and a half months, their daughter's mental powers were far above what Mille's were. Had John not instilled the morals in their daughter that he had, the girl would be completely out of control.

Like all children she liked to play games and her favorite was hide and seek with her mother, thing was she took it too far most of the time. The last time she'd appeared in her Grandfathers house, for the first time Millie hadn't been able to sense her, damn it Millie thought, she'd learned to block. It had taken John finding her, bringing her home and shutting off her moving power for a month to convince her to never do it again, though John wanted to keep it off for a while longer.

John had started to worry and had explained to their daughter that the more she used her abilities the easier the government men could find them. This had in turn scared the little girl half to death and for a week she wouldn't leave her mother's side. That was last week, so far they hadn't had any trouble with the government men but John was sure they were gearing up for a major assault upon the property. Though he didn't have need of new equipment, he still ventured into town from time to time. John now had enough money to do almost anything he wanted, with the nanomites his equipment no matter how old was never too old to work.

John had just gotten his shipment of seeds when he detected a familiar presence. Damn it! He thought he'd felt them earlier, he was sure they weren't going to fall for the tricks that fooled them last time.

Letting Millie know what was going on he prepared all his defenses and a few he'd developed over the last year.

John had loaded up and was preparing to go when he felt the first of the agents approaching. Their tech had definitely improved in the last year, they were using a different energy source, the signature was on a different wavelength. John was afraid of this he'd had no agents near his property or his family, this time though he was alone miles from all the defenses he'd established around his place. Sighing he decreased his neural output, lowered his abilities to almost none existence, slowly he pulled out heading out of town.

Two miles from the town John thought he was clear enough to bring up his abilities a quarter of the way. Too late he felt the agents begin to move in, coming to a stop John brought everything up full. Now the bastards were on the run towards him, John brought all his senses up and formed two different shields around him and the wagon just as the first of the agents topped the hill. Soon there were about twenty five to thirty five agents trying to encircle him, more than a little irritated, John decided to try something he'd learned a few months ago.

Letting loose a wave of energy designed to knock out regular humans, John felt, almost too late, the energy weapon that was fired towards him. His first shield was of little consequence stopping the blast, the second he'd brought up half as strong as he could. Thinking he didn't need more but stronger than he thought the agents weapons were. The two waves crossed causing momentary sparks of energy then continuing on toward their targets, distracted a moment watching the agents fall unconscious too late he felt the energy weapons blast start to penetrate his shield.

Cursing he was gathering everything to thought shift as he called it and had actually started to fade when the wave swept through and briefly caught him. Feeling as if ants were crawling all over his body, John fought to stay conscious, son of a bitch!

Appearing in front of the house Millie and their daughter both were screaming when John almost fell off the wagon. John could hear the nanomites communicating trying to compensate for the excess energy that was coursing through his body, (Master control, detection of massive energy levels spiking through out the control's corporeal vessel. All nanomites not draining and displacing energy shut down all functions two hour units, reactivate and replicate at that time to excess.)

This wasn't installing John with a lot of confidence about staying conscious. Millie started to reach for John when he held up his hand for her to stop, the energy was of a type to disable anyone with abilities like theirs.

It was getting harder and harder to maintain a sufficient level of awareness, John tried to push the energy out of his body anyway he could think of but nothing was working. Damn it to hell! John was starting to lose the battle for consciousness. If I pass out there won't be any control for the nanomites, no one to compensate for any new dangers or agents that might threaten his wife or daughter.

 Quickly, John knew what he had to do, (all functioning nanomites this is control, set perimeter defenses to maximum, I want no energy signatures to be detectable within. This will remain in effect till master control releases alert, when controls corporeal vessel loses primary function go to double alpha alert.) John hoped that would be enough till he woke up.

(Compliance control, double alpha will be enacted, all five bands of energy shields will be powered to one hundred percent, analysis of energy complete, all shields now adjusted to cause cessation of the energy now in excess in control's corporeal vessel. All data downloaded to control's processing center.)

John watched the display, hmm they were trying an older energy used in a new way, just like he thought, they thought they had a solution and they had nothing. Damn it, he felt like an idiot! He could stop anything they threw at him, he'd just gotten complacent, not having seen an agent in a year now. Millie was starting to get pissed, if John lost control and passed out they'd be vulnerable for a few hours.

She'd heard everything that had transpired between John and the nanomites, at least now she wasn't as worried but what the hell was double alpha alert? Looking at John she felt him getting further and further away, the worry was etched on her face. John could barely see now but tried to reassure Millie and their daughter, (I'm about to lose consciousness all the defenses are at full please don't worry I'll be back soon,) with that John was unconscious. Millie began to tremble without the nanomites or John, they really had no warning of what was going on.

John was floating in a weightless void, though pleasant John was extremely worried about his family. A voice called out from a distance, "John? I feel your presence in the Miacarian dream sharing field," John wasn't sure but he thought it sounded a lot like Mitch. "Yes John, it is the container you knew as Mitch, you have done your race proud, you are the first of the limited races, that has been able to achieve this level of awareness. Ah I see, you are under attack." With that John felt Mitch wave his hand and all the energy was drained from his body.

"Thank you Mitch, I let my guard down, I have shamed myself allowing them to get to me. The agents have managed to advance their machinery, I was careless thinking I was stronger than I was." John felt that Mitch would be angry if he wasn't honest besides he knew everything John did anyway, why hide anything?

"Yes John, the energy readings in your container spiked to a level that you shouldn't be able to achieve for at least another of your year cycles." Mitch replied.

"I did not mean to intrude upon your dream transfer field, I was extremely worried about my family and it happened." John said.

"Yes, it's as you perceived it appears that your abilities as you call them are linked to your emotions, fascinating." Mitch said sounding somewhat thrilled.

"Michokelithompatin? Are you in the dream transfer field?" Another voice came from near Mitch.

"Yes Helemathitalitic, we apparently have a scientific oddity," Helen's image appeared within seconds.

"John? How is this possible? Your present stage of evolution should not allow your race to manifest it's self upon this energy plane, yes Michokelithompatin fascinating indeed." Helen said astounded.

Even in this dream state they were making his head hurt a little, John had to laugh a little, it had been a year since he'd seen them and he'd missed them fiercely.

"I see that you have accelerated your learning capacity, you are almost able to grasp the concept of linear time and space excellent!" Mitch sounded even more excited.

Though John knew he was only here mentally, he swore that he was about to cum after Helen started talking.

"Ah, I see that the vocal and mental vibrations of my sound producing are still manifesting it's self in your container towards reproductive activity," John started to groan, Helen's voice had him so horny it hurt. How the hell could he be horny? He was detached from his body.

John was about to ask when Helen broke his train of thought. "Have you forgotten John? Reproduction for our race can take place on more than one plane of energy and existence." John didn't really give a shit the way his head was starting to pound. Damn it Helen! She always got this way when she discussed science.

"Again I apologize for the intrusion onto your dream field, but as I said before I am worried about my family. I met up with the agents again today, they could have killed me, I feel that they may have advanced further than I first thought," John said.

Mitch waved his hand past John, seeing everything that had transpired that day.

"Yes I see, they are indeed advancing but so are you, even with the limited control, you projected everything and had knowledge to repair the damage that the energy caused." Mitch said.

John's head was a solid wall of pain he'd only understood half of what they'd said, damn it, couldn't they talk normal? Oh he forgot, this was normal for them. "Your presence here is concluding soon, concentrate on what you know and the summation of the procedures that you are just now grasping. Remember concentrate on the now and then, not ago that is for before or later." Mitch said to a sadly smiling John.

"I have missed you and Helen, the headaches I got from you two. Remember to call on me if you are in need of me again, "John replied.

"As if we have need of your knowledge, experience, the premise of having to use your primal race to procreate is a sad testament to our proud SUPERIOR race," came another voice from deeper in the void.

"Barkraminaton, you should show more reciprocation for what John has facilitated for the Miacarie," Helen was saying sounding somewhat irritated. John felt as if there was fire brushing his body, damn he was glad Helen had never been mad at him or Millie. Suddenly angry, John lashed out at Barry, watching as the image of Barry was pinned and immobilized. Both Mitch and Helen gasped as they watched Barry struggle to free his self, looking directly at Barry John half whispered, "I felt this before Barry, as I told you before I will end you if possible, if all the words I heard you speak were a lie, tell me now and I will die trying to destroy you."

Barry's eyes were wide in shock his mouth was hanging agape when Helen spoke, "I suggest you rethink your assessment of John's race, at present John is almost as strong as Mitch. I therefore suggest that you supplement your theory with more factual data," Barry only nodded.

John released Barry who looked at John in shock, "I apologize to you and your race John, I did not realize you had the learning capacity that you do. Please accept a gift as a show of acceptance."

John wasn't too thrilled with Barry and after today wasn't too sure he'd trust him fully again. John watched the ball of light that Barry pulled from the void, "this will facilitate easier detection of enemies, it should work better on your planet," with that Barry threw the ball, disappearing, John could see it heading for his homestead.

Mitch came forward, "we have been trying this whole year to acquire more containers for the other essences, so far every attempt has failed. I am only a guardian, Helen a physician, Barry a technician we are in need of an engineer there are only three left out of the countless beings that were saved. Barry has managed to stabilize the AI and the power supply but it is still failing, my two mates leaving the system has helped but without an engineer all may be lost."

"So you're going to need our help again?" John asked already sure what the answer would be.

"I am afraid so John we need him desperately and John?" Mitch asked.

John was afraid there was a but coming, "Ok what's wrong with him?"

"Well, as an engineer he doesn't really talk much, remember each of us affected you differently," Mitch replied.Damn John thought, for all he knew this one could completely kill his sex drive. Sighing, John started to feel the pull back to his body thanking Mitch and Helen, he felt a snap like sensation then was opening his eyes.

Damn it hadn't been his imagination his cock was as hard as steel, Millie hadn't wasted any time climbing on and riding her self to several orgasms

"I take it you heard her also?" John asked.

"No, you know I can't resist your cock, but John I have a favor well... ," Millie started.

Concerned, John watched the war going on in her head, "you know I'll do anything for you Millie, I love you."

Sighing Millie bit her lip, "it's about my sisters, uh ... well..."

John had never seen Millie unable to ask something or speak clearly, this must be really hard for her.

"Whatever it is I'm sure we can handle it," John told her softly.

"It's not that, you see ALL my sisters are in love with you. I'm sure you noticed the looks they were all giving you," Millie said. John nodded he'd noticed the hungry looks he'd gotten when he and Millie had moved her things to John's. "John they all want you to fuck them, including my younger sisters when they are of age. They said they are saving their virginity for you."

John could only stare eleven females? Six that were of age, five that would be in the course of the next six years.

Millie was afraid that it might have been too much for John the startled look on his face almost had her regretting she'd asked. Her sisters had asked her almost every day for the last year."I ...

I ... I ... don't know what to say, they just want me to fuck them?" John asked shakily.

"Uh ... no they all want a baby." Millie said as she watched John pass out again.

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