
By kmomreading

13.7K 1K 777

Eloise Doe was a normal woman living in New York City when unknownly she catches the eye of Loki God of Misch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84

Chapter 72

105 8 0
By kmomreading

Loki POV

Loki waited in the Himinbjorg, listening as Eloise cursed him.

He flinched listening to her, he had hoped she would not discover his deceit, not till all was settled and he return to her and beg her forgiveness, presenting everything as being solved or as just an overreaction on his part.

His only hope now was to keep her and Thor safe, by keeping them on Midgard.

At least now she was unlikely to make herself sick grieving him he tried to content himself.

Taking a brief momentary break from Eloise's righteous temper, he turned to gaze at Jotunhiem, to find Utgard empted of its people.

"Laufey, what plan have you?"

He paced briefly before turning back to Eloise, she was stomping back into a small house covered in mud, lightening illuminating the ferocity of her expression.

Oh dear, that is going to take a lot to fix.

Finally he left the Himinbjorg, "For now, open the bifrost to no one. Not even Thor or Eloise. And I want to know where the jotuns have gone in Jotunhiem."

He directed Heimdall before vanishing, returning to Odin's chambers door.

Blue ice lined the outside edges but went no further.

He whipped around to see Siygn, grinning malovlently at him while holding a blade to his neck.

"Nice work sealing the doors to the Allfather so only you can enter. I'll admit it's impressive."

Loki rolled his eyes at her.

"Siygn, I am surprised you are involved this doesn't seem your speed."

"Oh but see after Laufey gets rid of the Allfather, then you and I can rule over Asgard and the nine realms together, I don't really care so much about you but I do care about being queen."

"Only one problem, Thor is older than me."

"Oh don't worry, I've spend the last few centuries after you scorned me cultivating all sorts of relationships, including one with a certain Asgardian who was very recently on earth and she will be sending someone after you dear brother and that helpless little wife of yours."


He conjured his own blades and struck only to be met with an icy blade blocking him, Laufey stepped out of the shadows at him.

Loki's eyes went wide as he stared up into Laufey's red eyes.

"You are dead. I killed you."

"Far from it runt."

Siygn backed up, her face alight with chaos and madness her hands working in front of her emitting a red glow, Lafey grabbed him and threw him against the doors, "Open the doors, and I will consider letting you live."


"I should have killed you the moment you were born, absolutely worthless-"

Siygns spell hit him full force in the stomach, it felt like his entire body was burning, a second spell hit him draining him of everything till he was left helpless slumped on the floor.

"Your prize witch."

Siygn cackled, "I could careless about him. I only ever wanted his title. Drag him and put him on the throne, chain him there."

Two more jotuns appeared and forced him to his feet, dragging him when his legs wouldn't support him.

As they passed, he could hear more sounds of fighting and screams and the guttural growls of of the jotuns.

Eloise was right.

He had to warn her, so she could warn Thor.

Once he was chained to the throne the jotuns moved away from him, stepping outside, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Siygn's spells worked against him, draining him and burning him, he managed to lift his head to look down at his hand, Odin's illusion had faded and he was blue, her spell even draining his ability to hold his aesir appearance.

He lost track of time, fighting against the pain, trying to find a way to fight Siygn's spells.

She, of course, came in gloating at every chance, fueling his anger, baiting him, taunting him every chance she got that she had sent someone to Earth to kill Thor and Eloise.

Every day a servant came twice a day to feed him and take care of his other needs.

Most days it was an older servant he recognized from his childhood named Oona.

She whispered small bits of news, like the Warriors Three, Heimdall, and Sif had all evaded capture, the shields had been raised around the palace except for thru the entrance that the few servants they were allowing in came in, and there were rumors swirling that the Einherjar that had survived the initial attack had all gathered in the mountains outside the city.

Most days he could do little more than nod along, Siygns spell was too strong.

Finally one day, he gathered all his strength, his thoughts of Eloise fueling him he managed to speak.


Oonna glanced around to make sure none of the jotuns were listening, "Take the ring off... I need to warn her."

Oona grabbed his hand and slid the ring off his finger.


His pain rebounded in her mind, briefly he saw Thors face thru her eyes, he was glad they were together.

I don't have much time. Stay away darling one. Tell Thor Siygn...

She was surrounded by books, briefly he saw what she was looking at, norns she figured it out! Yggdrasil's roots.


As angry as she was with him, she was relieved to hear from him, all her thoughts and efforts were focused on getting back to him.

I'm sorry, I wasn't strong enough, I will find a way to break free and I will make this right. Don't come here, it isn't safe.

Oona shoved the ring back on his finger just as Siygn marched into the room to torment him again.

Eloise POV

Eloise ran a hand thru her hair ruffling it as she read the book open on her lap and compared it with four of the other books she had open in front of her, ignoring the sound of the opening front door.

"Sister I have brought you sustance."

Thor rounded the corner with a brown paper bag clutched under his arm, his long hair pulled back in a pony tail.

After placing the bag on the kitchen counter, he joined her sitting in front of her he looked over what she was reading.

"Sister what are you researching Yggdrasil for?"

"I have a theory, did Loki ever explain to you how he managed to travel between realms?"

"No, he was very secretive about it, only time I even went with him was when we took Jane to Svartalfheim."

In the few weeks that had past they had discussed every detail of what had happened while she had been with Malekith, she was convinced that there was a way to get back to Asgard.

She pushed the book toward him, "I think that he was using Yggdrasil roots, I mean think about it, the roots connect thru all the realms, if we could just figure out where-"

"Absolutely not! You will be staying here while I go and find out what mischief my brother is stirring up."

Thor crossed his arms, looking down at her.

"Thor I would honestly love to see you try and stop me. One way or another I am going. Now you can go with me or I'll do it on my own. We both know I have the best shot at talking some sense into him."

Thor slowly nodded.

"Now the only problem I have is figuring out where exactly the root is that would take us to Asgard, if we pick wrong who knows where we could end up."

Thor joined her, taking a book out of the pile she hadn't gotten to yet when her head suddenly felt like it was going to burst with pain.


She could feel Loki was in pain, his pain almost making her convulse, dimly she could hear Thor yelling but she couldn't respond.

I don't have much time. Stay away darling one. Tell Thor Siygn...

His screams echoed in her head, as she struggled to understand what was happening.

She saw brief moments, Odin crumpled across the table in his library, Loki kneeling looking at ice on the ground outside Odin's chambers, herself handing him Idunn's apple, the same woman who had stopped her on the road fighting with Loki with a much larger jotun.


She could taste blood in her own mouth as someone laid her on the ground.

I'm sorry darling, I wasn't strong enough, I will find a way to break free and I will make this right. Don't come here, it isn't safe.

The connection broke as quickly as it had come and she found herself on the ground, surrounded by Thor, Agent Coulson, Agent May, Agent Grant, Skye, and the two scientists Fitz Simmons.

She pushed herself up in to a sitting position glaring at everyone but Thor.

"Who the hell let you all in my house?"

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