Chapter 73

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Seven Nation Army
The White Stripes

Eloise POV

With a swish she spit out the water into the kitchen sink, rinsing the blood out of her mouth, ignoring Thor's conened look and the agents milling around her house.

"So Miss Doe, I can't help feeling like you lied to us the last time we talked?" Coulson crossed his arms, watching her.

"What gave it away?"

"Thor, the real Thor had no clue I was alive. Who did I meet?"

"Loki." Thor raised his eyebrows, looking back and forth, watching their exchange, "It happened while I came back. They thought I was using the bifrost multiple times, just so you know they are tracking it. He pretended to be you. Also he feels really bad about stabbing you, sorry." She turned back to Coulson.

"Yeah we're gonna need to have a talk about why Loki is free, seeing as you kinda promised he would answer for his crimes."

She slammed her fist on the counter, "No, we don't have to talk to you, we are busy."

"Little sister-"

"Hold up, sister? You said you weren't asgardian and you definitely denied being Odin's long lost kid."

She rolled her eyes at Coulson.

"I'm not, I married Loki. Don't give me that judgy look, you have zero clue what's going on. "

"Well I would definitely like to know all the circumstances. "

"Sister, a word?"

She turned away from Coulson to follow Thor out on to the back step, he paused for a minute peering up at the sky as if his staring hard enough he could see Asgard.

"I don't like it Thor."

"I know the son of Coul, he is a good man, we should accept his help, he may have access to resources that we do not. Is there anything I should know?"

She leaned against the back door as Thor turned around to face her.

"Loki's in trouble, something about Siygn and I saw Odin, he was unconscious on a table and there was a big jotun, I think it might have been Laufey."

Thor looked over her head, his eyes glazed over he began to rub his lower lip as he thought thru what she told him.

"Odin must have fallen into the Odinsleep." Thor began pacing, four steps to the left then a turn and four steps to the right, "Sister we will need allies for this."


She followed Thor in and let him take the lead, explaining everything to the Shield agents around the room, she wasn't sure what it was but Agent Ward especially, who was leaning against the wall making comments to Skye, made her uncomfortable.

"Is there any chance SHIELD might know where Yggdrasil roots are around Midgard?"

Coulson nodded, "Theres a chance, we have a lot of old HYDRA records, Red Skull was kind of obsessed with that stuff."

Agent Ward stepped forward, "Actually I have an old contact that might know. I can take you there.  Gonna have to leave big brother here though, these guys aren't on the up and up and he's pretty well known."

Skye perked up and batted her eyelashes at Thor, Eloise couldn't help but roll her eyes at the girl.

"We'll stay here and I have some sources on the internet we can check."

Thor followed her up to her room, turning around so she could change in privacy but they could still speak, "This guy is giving me bad vibes." She said without preamble, while changing her clothes, she slipped as many knives on her person as she could.

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