She's Not Afraid (One Directi...

By DevilInAngelsClothes

2.5K 95 21

Ember is your average person, happy and bubbly always ready to take anything on. One day her best friend Clai... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven *Mature*
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Five

152 8 2
By DevilInAngelsClothes

I had all my luggage except for part of my carry-on already packed. The last two to three months had been full of interviews and promo things for the album, getting my in-ears done and ready for the shows, filming a music video as well as practising for the shows. I quickly pulled out one of the book trilogies I owned before putting all three in my carry-on and heading to the door to where Claire was waiting, ready to take me to the airport. I watched as she grabbed one of my bags and helped me take them down to her car before placing them in the trunk and getting in.

"It's going to be so weird not having you around you know, not having our movie nights or talking about cute guys we've seen in uni." I heard the sadness in Claire's voice as she spoke, making me sad at the same time. I watched as we entered the airport parking lot area, realizing this was real and I was travelling. We pulled up to an area where I'd be able to get my stuff out without hassles.

"I'll see you when your holidays start right?" Claire nodded before giving me the biggest hug possible as if it would be the last time she was going to see me. I put my sunglasses on as I got out to grab my bags and headed in. Somehow I managed to run into Harry and security who ended up surrounding us both as we walked through the airport.

"Hope you enjoyed your few days of pre-tour rest Em, it's about to get extra wild when we land. There'll be fans and more paparazzi which I'm sure you're already accustomed to already." I nodded at what Harry had said as we both laughed and were led off to an area of the airport I'd never seen before.

When we entered the area I saw Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn. Louis was sitting off to the side, away from most of the group. I hugged the rest of the group. Our flight wasn't leaving for a few more hours so we were stuck in there until we had to get onto the plane. All the guys except Louis spoke to me, it hurt not knowing what or if I had done wrong.

When it was time we were all led to the plane, we got to our seats before they started letting people on. I felt a bit better knowing that I was sitting next to Niall. We had a direct flight to LA where the first show was. I opened the first book before Niall looked down at it.

"What book are you reading?" I turned the book cover towards him, he chuckled when he saw the cover. I went back to reading as he tried pulling the book from my hands, I wouldn't let him get away with it, not while I was trying to read. I slapped his arm as Liam and Harry stood up and looked over the tops of our seats before asking the same question Niall had in unison.

"It's Fifty Shades of Grey, I haven't read it before." That's when I heard Louis scoff as the back of his seat was let down. I felt my teeth grind together a little before I 'accidentally' kicked the back of his seat hard enough for him to noticeably move. I tried to get as comfortable as possible until I realized my efforts were futile.

"Liam, can we switch seats by any chance?" He stood up and looked over Niall's seat as I pointed to Louis before he nodded. Niall got up so I could get out, change seats with Liam, and sit next to Harry. I got through a few chapters of my book before Harry leaned over and started reading. He snatched the book from my hands before holding it up so I couldn't get it.

"hey guys, listen to this." He started reading out one of the racier parts of the story causing me to sink into my spot and start blushing. They all chuckled as Louis groaned with frustration. I got my book back, Harry giving me an apologetic look as he did. I continued reading for the rest of the trip, talking occasionally to the guys when they asked me questions. When we landed in Los Angeles we got our bags and had them checked before we headed to the hotel.

"How do you guys deal with this all the time? It's crazy." I asked Zayn as we walked to the vehicles. The bags went in the back as we got in.

"You learn to deal with it, and the sooner the better." He shrugged as I did my seatbelt up before sliding down in the seat. I logged into my Twitter which was now verified, something that I never imagined happening or thought would be attainable and went to the mentions and started reading them. As scrolled through the mentions, there were some nice ones, ones asking for follows and most of them were hate.

We pulled into the back of the hotel, got our bags, checked in and headed up to our rooms. I felt my phone go off in my pocket as I opened the door. I placed my bags down and pulled the phone out and went straight to the message and read it.

"Heard you just landed, you should meet me at the nightclub down the street, we can catch up and have a few drinks if you're down. – Jack." I smiled at Jack's message, it had been forever since I'd seen him as the last time he was in London he was unable to see me and I missed him to bits. Going to my bag I quickly pulled out a black top with thin straps and a pair of black skinnies. Slipping on a pair of flats and putting money into my pocket I quickly went out and down the street without the guys or our security seeing me.

When I got there and finally entered I saw Jack standing at the bar area with his friend and fellow band member Alex, slowly I walked up behind them before deciding to jump on Jack's back and planting a kiss on his cheek. I saw Alex walk from beside me to behind me and start trying to pull me off of Jack.

"I swear you climb everything you get a chance to, we aren't trees but don't make a scene or you'll have to go back to your hotel room." I couldn't help but laugh at Alex's comment, I let go of Jack as Alex pulled me from my boyfriend's back and helped me back onto the ground before I going to hug Jack as he leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips. When he pulled away I couldn't help but smile. He led me off to another part of the club while Alex ordered drinks and shots for us. Jack and I sat down at one of the tables in the corner, away from most of the noise.

"So, how long are you guys touring out here? I've been keeping up with a lot of the news, read you kissed Harry Styles." Jack let out a small laugh, the amusement not reaching his eyes like it usually did. Nice to know my boyfriend has been keeping a close eye on everything. Alex came back with our drinks and I downed one of my shots.

" A few months I think, I don't remember and I didn't kiss him, he asked if I saw Paparazzi while we were starting the recording for the album." Jack nodded as I rolled my eyes at him and downed both his and Alex's shots. I was going to be sick as a dog in the morning but I didn't care at this point.

"Listen, maybe while you're touring with them we should maybe call it quits, I mean just until the tour's over or something?" I looked at Alex who frowned before getting up and disappearing, probably to get us more shots or he knew something was up. I turned back to face Jack, my mind racing as he continued to talk.

"With all the talk that will be going on, either one of us, if not both are going to probably get a lot of backlash and you know, our fans and your fans." I sat there dumbfounded at what he had said, this didn't sound like the Jack I knew. He started to look guilty, and I started to worry inside but refused to show it.

"What's this really about Jack? Why the sudden change of mind about us?" He looked down at the ground as a woman came up to him. I felt my heart start to race as I looked at her, having an idea of what was happening. All of a sudden her eyes widened.

"Aren't you... wasn't she your lock screen?" I stood up, looking at Jack one last time and trying not to let the tears that had started to well up in my eyes start running down my face.

"That makes all the sense in the world, tell Alex I'll catch up with him another time." I pushed past everyone on the way out of the club, a few stray tears finding their way down my cheeks before I wiped them away. I had an idea that he had been cheating the last time he was in London when he didn't want to see me. Now I was more sure than I ever had been. When I got outside I felt someone pull on my arm.

"Ember, let me explain. There are going to be a lot of pictures and rumours, it's just something I can't deal with babe, you have to at least understand that." I pulled my arm from his grip, more tears escaping from my eyes. Oh yes, there was always some sort of explanation or excuse, there always was. I crossed my arms, still trying to hold the tears back.

"No Jack, I knew something was going on when you didn't want to see me last time you were in London. You've just shown that what I was starting to think was right but because I'm touring with five guys you don't like it. Oh and 'it's something I can't deal with'? are you seriously going to pull that card right now? YOU FUCKING CHEATED" I started to walk off, ignoring Jack as I felt my heart starting to break. The dull ache I felt in my chest got more each time I replayed what he said over and over again in my head.

Eighteen months down the drain. Shoving my hands in my pockets I started heading off in the direction of the hotel in a partial daze with the words 'wasn't she your lock screen?' replaying in my mind. After a bit, I noticed someone was walking close behind me, their steps out of time with mine. I decided to start walking a bit faster and was stopped by a familiar voice calling out to me.

"Slow down a bit will ya?" I spun around to see Louis moving faster to catch up with me, and that's when I threw my hands up in the air in frustration, annoyed that of all people to stop me it was him.

"Can this night get any worse?" I growled out as Louis frowned at me, a bit taken aback by what I had just said before he started moving closer towards me.

"I heard what went on inside." He stopped himself, not knowing if he should continue talking about what Jack had said.

"So you've decided to become the neighbourhood stalker? It's just amazing that you've decided to become my unwanted babysitter, can you just leave me alone right now?" I turned around, rolling my eyes and wiping a few stray tears as I did and continued walking back to the hotel, hearing him still walking behind me. I reached the hotel and went around the back to get up to my room, Louis still following close behind and quickly getting in the elevator with me.

When the doors opened I hurriedly made my way down the hall to my room. Pulling my key card out as I got to the door of my room and slipping it into the lock. As I pushed the door open I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"If you need to talk, I'm right here." I shrugged Louis's hand off my shoulder, turned around to face him and looked him in the eyes.

"I've been dumped before, I can deal with it." Iclosed the door and kicked my shoes off before curling up on the bed. It wasn'teven the first day of the tour and things had already gone to shit. I burstinto tears once everything had fully sunk in.

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