Beauty of love (DISCONTINUED)

By Imnotlauriane

300K 13.8K 5.4K

BTS X READER - SOULMATE AU (The only reason why I'm keeping it on Wattpad is because people want to keep it... More

Before you start reading
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5.6K 274 174
By Imnotlauriane

"Namjoon called, they lost him. He didn't go to the University so he probably went to hide somewhere. It's been a long time since the last time this happened" Hoseok says after ending the call.

Worries take hold within me and I look down at the table where I'm seated. Was there anything I could have done this morning to avoid this? Was it meant to happen anyway? Is he safe?

"He'll be fine, Y/N, this morning probably made him feel very guilty because he's been behind all your pain, we'll make sure he's back tonight" Jin says to comfort me as he gets ready to leave for work, but that only makes me huff.

"Behind all my pain? The papercut was on him, yes, but not wanted. Me falling down the stairs? That was entirely on me, I've been told countless times to not run down the stairs, that it's dangerous. That's not his fault" I retort, but Taehyung sighs.

"That's not the view he got, baby girl. You ran after him, you fell because you wanted to get to him faster, because he didn't stop running away and he knows that".

I run a hand through my hair before looking at the time on my phone. It's useless to confirm whether it's his fault of not when he's not even here to hear it. "We're late... I'll go get changed and head to school right after" I say before turning to Jin. "I'll see you as soon as it's over". He nods with a smile, his warm eyes taking me in before going over the others and then he's out.

I proceed to go back to the bathroom upstairs where Yoongi left the clothes he brought me. I then head to my room and get changed slowly, the pain in my back and neck making me wince a few times before I get through the task. I look at my reflection in the mirror and sigh. I look like a lonely potato in an empty potato bag.

In other words... there's not much to do with a single potato. I look terrible. Someone knocks on the door and I turn to the side to see Yoongi enter inside. His eyes fall on my figure right away and he tries hard to hide a smile, but it's too late. I saw it.

"I look pitiful" I mumble before heading out of the room, him on my heels. "You look adorable" he counters but I shake my head. "You say that because I'm wearing your clothes. I look terrible". He huffs a laugh. "We'll see about that. Guys! Tell me I'm not the only finding her absolutely adorable in my clothes" he shouts, causing Hoseok and Taehyung to walk towards the bottom of the stairs.

With Yoongi's hand on my shoulder, probably to make sure I don't trip and fall again, the walk down each steps happens under their cooing and sparkling eyes all the way until I'm greeted by Taehyung's arms wrapping around my figure.

"The cutest" he whispers in my ear and I would probably feel happy about his words if Jungkook was safe, with us. I make a small smile and pull back softly. "Thank you. We need to go now though" I say, see the way his eyes soften knowingly before he nods and takes hold of my hand as we head to the front door.

"I put Jimin's notes for you in your bag" Hoseok says as he follows behind with Yoongi. "Thank you, I'd forgotten about them" I say, relieved to have them looking out for me. Once our shoes on our feet, we make our way outside and towards the University.

"Yoongi, aren't you going to be in trouble for being late?" I ask him, feeling bad that I caused all this this morning. He shrugs. "I don't think so. I'm over qualified for this job, to be honest, I don't think they'll say too much". I roll my eyes at his smirk, the proud bastard.

"I wish I could say that too. To be over qualified for something. Maybe one day, my head will be as big as yours" I say with my fists in a 'fighting' move. Hoseok snorts and pats Yoongi's shoulder when the latter frowns at me. "I don't have a big head" he retorts but I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"People with big heads usually can't see it, it's normal, Yoongi. Don't worry, I'm not judging". Taehyung wraps an arm around me with a wide boxy smile to make me avoid Yoongi's grabby hands and makes us run faster towards school with a laugh.

I look up at the sky and sigh internally.

Be safe Jungkook, we need these smiles to happen with you.


I was for some reasons allowed in class by the Literature teacher even though it was already halfway through and figure that Jin or Yoongi must have had a say in that. Namjoon isn't present in class and I wonder if he's still out searching for Jungkook with Jimin.

Eyes on me from the moment I step foot out of class to head to the next, murmurs start to spread throughout University about the message on my cast. I don't care about what they say, but one of them gets to me. "She must be the reason why Jungkook isn't here today". I purse my lips and hurry to my Maths class, my fear of the teacher for once a small matter compared to Jungkook's unknown whereabouts.

My beliefs are sadly confirmed when I head inside to see Jimin absent. He most definitely forgot to tell the others about yesterday's incident, which explains why no one's been trying to force themselves inside the class to sit by me yet. The teacher enters and class begins normally and I would almost believe that things are back to normal, if not for the his almost constant red eyes on me from time to time.

My phone vibrates and I look at it while the teacher isn't looking, hoping that I'll get away with it. Unlocking the screen to find a message from Jimin, I open it and freeze.

Don't go to class, I can't come yet.

Well... oops. I reply that it's too late, that it's been fine so far and shove my phone in my pocket in a hurry when I hear my name.

"Think my class is so easy that you don't need to listen to the revisions? I'm doing that for you guys since so many of you have questions. Come here" he says and I gulp before slowly standing up.

His red eyes settled on me make me uncomfortable because I know his vampire instincts are triggered by my smell, but he keeps control a lot better than I expected him to, to be honest.

I stop next to him and stare at the board. "You're going to solve this for me. If you can't solve it to perfection, I'm going to make the time you're allowed to do the exam shorter than the others. Maybe that'll force you to study harder".

Feeling the blood drain from my face because that's definitely not anything to help me, I yelp when the door bursts open loudly. I turn to the side to see Jimin glaring at the teacher. "You know you can't threaten students the way you do" he growls and the teacher chuckles.

"I'm just trying to motivate her. But I'm going to ask you to leave the class, Park Jimin, you're late and I don't tolerate late people in class". Jimin's eyes finally fall on me and fill with worry, I must not be looking too confident right now. I try to force a smile and nod at him, trying to convey that I'll be fine but it doesn't do much to reassure him.

"Park Jimin, the door, please. If you don't listen another time, I'm going to have to send you to the director's office" the teacher says, causing Jimin to relent with anger.

"Fine, but act like a damn teacher and stick to it" he spits out before walking out of the room, slapping the door shut behind him. Knowing the hidden meaning behind his words, I mentally thank Jimin when I see the teacher's eyes turn green in annoyance. Thankfully, the vampire shakes his head and turns back to the board.

"Now, where were we? Oh yeah, go ahead and try to solve whatever it is that you can solve". He then goes to sit at his desk and turns on his wheels to stare at me, still annoyed but I guess Jimin's words got to him since he doesn't say more.

Holding the pen tight between my fingers, I try to spot the problems I can solve more easily and get surprised when half of the board is filled with things I understand. Taking my time to solve them correctly, hoping that in the meantime, the rest of the board would look easier, it's sadly not long lived when, now standing in front of what remains, my brain blanks.

I haven't learned those yet. Jimin said he'd introduce these notions little by little because they're a lot more complex, so I have literally no hint as to what I should be doing right now. The teacher hums and gets up to stand behind me.

"Consider me impressed, miss L/N. Two weeks ago, you would not have been able to solve these" he says and I feel some hope sprout within me. Maybe he won't apply his punishment? "I want you to stay behind after class. You can go back to your desk".


I set the pen back where it belongs and make my way to my desk, a little shy when I get more than one thumb up from some people in the room. For the remaining hour, class looks normal and I take more notes, circling many things I'll need Jimin to explain more in details later.

My stress only peeks up when I stare at students getting out of class, some of them shooting me a look before closing the door behind them. My phone vibrates again and I stare at it to see a message from Jimin saying that he was sent to detention for making too much noise, that I need to get out of class as fast as I can.

The urgency in his words make me really nervous when a throat clearing forces me to look up to see the teacher hovering over my desk.

"So you're the last mate of those boys, I guess that explains his reaction whenever you're with me. You told them of the deal, haven't you?" he starts and I notice him staring at my cast. Could that make him leave me alone? I haven't explained the situation to them so they shouldn't know, unless Jimin has told them while I wasn't there. Still, I need to try.

I nod. "They know everything, so if I were you, I'd stop trying to make me sleep with you. They won't stand aside and let you go if it happens" I threaten him and his eyes widen briefly before he starts laughing.

"Is that supposed to make me scared? You forget that I'm the same as them now. I'm also in a situation of power against them as a teacher, it doesn't matter what they want to do" he says, as if that could save his life. I resist rolling my eyes and glare at him.

"What is it that you want? I'm not going to fail next week so you can stop trying to get me, I'm not going to be the stupid student you can try to buy with fake grades anymore" I tell him, my voice as hard as I can make it to cover my nervous heart.

He hums and leans closer to me. "The deal has changed. Although I would love nothing more than to have you in my bed, there's something else I'd rather have. Let me taste your blood once and I'll leave you alone for the remainder of the school year".

I quickly shake my head. "No. That's definitely not possible" I say but his eyes bore into mine before descending to my neck. His fingers crawl to roll down the turtle neck before grazing my skin, forcing disgust into my whole being.

"They haven't marked you, I wonder how it would make them feel if a stranger's mark was the first to find place on your neck?". I try to move away from him but his hold on my neck tightens, cutting off my windpipes and making me unable to breath.

"You're scared of me now, aren't you? That's good, you should be scared. I know what happened to your family, how they died because of you. You're wondering how I found out, don't you? Don't look at me like that. I'm just wondering how good your blood is that even your father and brother couldn't resist the urge to kill you. It must be truly a blessing to get a taste of it".

Feeling tears slip out of my eyes and onto my cheeks, he finally releases my neck and I gasp for air while moving up from my chair and away from him. How did he find out? Getting this information thrown to my face like that makes my heart twist with shame and so much pain.

He chuckles and steps closer to me, cornering me against two walls and closing off my escape. "I'm giving you until the end of next week to make your choice. If you don't agree... I wonder how the school would react to that information. How your soulmates would react. I wonder if your vampire friends would react the same way as your family when facing the smell of your blood? Maybe I should test it eventually" he says, bright yellow eyes not even staring at me anymore as they imagine sick scenarios.

"Let me go please" I say with a shaking voice, this situation making my body and soul scream danger. He steps aside and hums. "Don't forget, by the end of next week, whether you're here in my class or not will have a big impact on your life". 

He walks back to the front desk and students start entering the class at that moment. They must be here for some more revisions instead of going to eat since it's currently lunch time. Some of them don't even acknowledge my existence, but others clearly find me like a current problem to solve from the way they glare at me, so I hurry to grab my bag and run out of class.

Avoiding the curious eyes set on me as I make my way out of the building, angry tears spilling all over my cheeks and soaking Yoongi's top, I can only hope he's going to be at the infirmary, him being the easiest to find at the moment and a calm source of comfort.

Walking past a few students stepping out of the building with bandages and the likes on them, I make my way to the room to find him cleaning up the things he used on the last wounded student.

Noticing my smell, he looks up before I even set foot inside, but his to be yellow eyes quickly turn to a pale blue. He lets go of his current task and hurries to me. "What's wrong, doll? Come here" he says as he closes and locks the door behind us before taking me in his arms tightly.

I stay quiet, only now truly processing the situation. And I don't like my options. One would be to let the whole city know, because it will definitely spread around, that I'm the cause for my family's death. The other is to allow him to taste my blood and risk my life, because he will definitely lose control and become a lost, whether he wants to or not.

"Yesterday, I found out that my Maths teacher became a vampire" I start and feel his arms tense around me. "You must know about the deal he wants me to accept, I doubt Jimin would stay quiet about that after knowing we're soulmates" I say, feel his head nod against mine. "I know of it" he whispers to confirm.

I hum. "Well, the deal changed. He somehow found out about my past... I don't know how, but he threatened to spread the information around and I know it won't stay within the University's ground. I don't want the whole city to know, definitely don't want that... but the way to avoid it... I don't know which one is worse" I explain, eyes starting to burn with more tears. I don't want to cry, I want to be strong, but right now, everything about this situation makes me feel powerless.

"What's the other option?" he asks, his voice filled with restrained rage. I snuggle my head in his neck and his arms tighten even more around me, keeping me safe and hidden from the world. "To let him taste my blood".

He lets out a growl and I can sense him stuck between wanting to go destroy the vampire right away and staying with me. "He gave me until the end of next week to make a choice" I add and he calms down slightly. Breathing in and out slowly, he nods.

"That gives us two weeks to find a way to avoid this. Thank you for telling me, doll. I'm glad you didn't keep this to yourself" he says and leaves a kiss on the top of my head.

A sudden knock on the door catches our attention. "Yoongi? It's Namjoon, is Y/N with you? Jimin is currently panicking trying to find her, she won't reply to his calls". I take hold of my phone and lean back a little without leaving Yoongi's arms to stare at my phone. 10 missed calls and 27 messages. I look up to see Yoongi's worried eyes.

"She's here, I'll unlock the door. We need to talk" he says before making me sit on the bed then heads towards the door. In the meantime, I proceed to call Jimin, knowing just how worried he must be right now.

He accepts the call in less than a second and when his voice reaches my ears, I wince at the strength behind it.

"Where are you?! Why didn't you answer the phone sooner?!". I bring the phone back to my ear. "I'm sorry, Jimin... I went to see Yoongi" I apologize, hear his slow sigh before he hums. "Are you still with him?". "Yes, Namjoon is here too. I think you should get the others as well... something happened" I tell him, hear his breath hitch before he swears. "Okay, we'll be there quickly".

With that, he ends the call and I slouch onto the bed, head hitting against the pillow while Namjoon and Yoongi come to sit by my side on the bed. I look up to meet their eyes with a little tired smile. "Jimin will fetch Hoseok and Taehyung before coming over, they should be here soon" I say, see them nod before the door opens to reveal the three of them.

"Well... that was fast" I mumble as I see them rush over the bed after closing and locking the door. Jimin proceeds to look me over under the others' confused eyes. He rolls up my sleeves and steps away when he finds nothing. I sigh in relief, which he doesn't miss.

Shit. He frowns and his eyes fall to my neck. Just as his hands reach over to roll down the fabric, I lean back to avoid his touch. I purse my lips and look down when he growls. "Jimin, what the heck are you doing?" Hoseok asks, not really liking the younger one's attitude.

"I'm trying to see if he hurt her again. I'm thinking the answer is yes, considering she doesn't want me to see her neck" he spits out and I flinch at the anger in his words.

"Jimin, step back and calm down. Join us again when your ability to talk with respect has come back" Namjoon warns him, not willing to accept this behavior. The latter huffs, annoyed to be once again sent away and leaves the little curtained room to sit on the bed on the other side.

Yoongi turns to me with concern. "Y/N, did he hurt you? Can you allow me to take a look at your neck?". After glancing at Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon, I eventually nod and allow Yoongi's gentle fingers to move the fabric from around my neck.

"Who did this?" a deep voice says with danger mixed in every words. I avoid Taehyung's black eyes, my blood freezing in my veins at the sight.

"Before we explain anything, no one leaves this room, no matter what is said here. I don't want any rushed actions, we'll need to be smart about this situation" Yoongi says, needing to make sure that they won't get to the culprit right away.

Namjoon and Hoseok's eyes are nearing the black, red flashing through and I know they're trying really heard to keep themselves in control, to not burst out of the room, but they nod nonetheless.

"I can't promise anything, hyung" Taehyung says, his eyes still stuck on my neck. The curtain opens and I see Jimin's eyes zoom in onto my skin, his fists clenching at the sight.

"Namjoon" Yoongi blurts out, eyes towards the door and he understands the message, heading straight to it to block the path from Jimin who tries to push him to the side to leave the room.

"Let me out, hyung, I'm going to destroy that damned vampire" he snarls, his voice nowhere the sweet one that makes my heart skip a beat from how smooth and warm it is. This here is the voice of a very angered and ready to kill soulmate.

"I should have waited until we're home for this... Hoseok, get Taehyung. Namjoon, bring Jimin with you to the restaurant, help them calm down on the way, we'll meet you there when I'm done treating her" Yoongi orders and the two nod, moving right away to bring the two raging vampires under control and out of the room.

The vampire sighs and stares back at my neck before moving around to grab some products to soothe the skin. "Does it hurt when you swallow? When you breathe?" he asks, his back turned to me. "A little when I swallow. He had a tight hold" I whisper, jumping in place when the glass of water he's holding explodes in his hand.

"Sorry about that, don't move, there are shards all around" he mumbles lowly. Moving to the sink, he sets the bottom half of the broken glass down and then washes his hands. I bite on my bottom lip. Luckily, Jungkook isn't here either. I have a feeling he would be out of control, probably worse than Jimin and Taehyung reunited.

I look around and spot the broom by the door. "I can help, Yoongi. I'll use the broom and I'll make sure to look where I'm walking" I say, see him hesitate before he nods. "Alright, but be extra careful, let me take care of the big shards" he says. I nod. That's something I can live with.

I get up from the bed and grab the broom, then proceeding to gather most of the shards in one pile. Yoongi comes back with a brush and a dustpan to get everything and empties it in the trashcan.

"You don't seem too shocked for someone who was hurt by a teacher" he says, already guessing the reason behind the why. "I'm used to it" I let out plainly as I go back to sit on the bed. There's no reason to hide the truth. "You never thought of telling someone about this?" he asks as he comes to stand in front of me and I shrug as I look down at my feet dangle in the air. "It's not like they would believe me".

He sighs. "So much for the 'greatest school of the country' they shout on all roofs" he murmurs before getting back to the small table and comes back with a cream I've grown to know well by now. He rolls down the turtle neck again and softly applies it on my skin, doing small massaging motions to make sure the skin absorbs it well and to ease the tension in the muscles.

"Is he the only teacher treating you like that?". I nod. "Yeah, he's like that because of my bad grades. I guess that's his kink or something. He's always been after stupid students, but I guess I beat them all in the matter because he's only been after me since then" I explain, see the way he frowns at my words.

"You're not stupid, far from it, doll. We'll make sure to stop him, I don't know how yet, but he won't be working here for much longer" he says as he puts the neckline back in place and I smile at him when the door opens to three faces I missed so much.

"Girls!" I exclaim, regretting it a little when it hurts my throat, but it can't get rid of the wide smile on my face as I watch them walk to us.

"Is everything okay? We were waiting for you in the cafeteria but knowing the class you came from... we started expecting the worst. We walked around before coming to the infirmary, we were hoping we wouldn't find you here though" Jennie says before spotting Yoongi next to me.

"Who's that?" Jisoo asks, curious about the vampire who's so close to me. "Ah, right, you guys haven't met yet" I say while scratching the back of my head. "That's Yoongi, the first soulmate I met. At the clinic". Their eyes widen before turning to the vampire who's now standing straight and facing them.

"So that's him. Damn girl, you really are gathering those handsome faces like they're Pokemon cards" Lisa whistles and I shoot her a look, telling to try and not embarrass me in front of him, but her eyes light up in amusement, so do his. "I guess we are pretty handsome" Yoongi says and I groan at his lack of humility, which makes the two vampires laugh.

Jennie steps closer and offers her hand for a handshake. "Keep talking like that and Lisa's going to treat you like a brother. It's nice to meet you, I'm glad to see that things are going well between you two now" she says and then turns to me for a hug, which I gladly accept and respond to.

"Why are you here, Y/N? Did the teacher hurt you again?" Jisoo asks after coming for a hug and I sigh with a nod. "You could say that". She breaks the hug and step aside to make space for Lisa who makes me stand up for a proper hug.

She then gives me a second one even stronger and it's just about to make my bones crack when she steps back and grins at me. "That one was from Rosé, she said to stop right before it starts to hurt, that's how tight she wants to hug you" she says and I giggle. 

Yoongi's phone starts ringing and he excuses himself before moving aside to respond. He hums a few times and turns to our group before looking at the window.

"Y/N's friends are with us. Yeah, okay, we'll do that. Jin and Jungkook should be present for that anyway, alright, see you soon".

He ends the call and stares at the girls. "How would you like to come with Y/N and I to the restaurant? Some of our mates are waiting for us there" he says, offering them a chance to come with us, which I appreciate.

"Are you paying?" Lisa asks, which makes Yoongi laugh with a nod while I snap my head to her with wide eyes. "Sure, it's on me. I hope you're coming with us to be with Y/N more than for the food though" he replies with a smile. Lisa turns to me with a thinking pout. "I'll come for the food. Y/N can be the dessert though".

I whine but allow her to bend me forward with her arm around my neck to mess with my hair. Yoongi seems to worry about the position, but when I start laughing to push her off without success, he relaxes. "Alright, let's go" he eventually says, Jennie and Jisoo having to team up to get Lisa off me with bright smiles.

I lean on them and sigh. "I missed seeing you all. It feels like an eternity" I say, grinning when Jennie and Jisoo both grab one arm each. "We missed you too girl. Let's not stay apart for so long again. It'll be even better when Rosé will come back too".

I nod, excited for her arrival on Friday. "I can't wait".

That damn teacher... What's going to happen now?

Also, you shouldn't be surprised anymore if I tell you all that I started a new book, right? It's Luna Of Three - Reader x Taehyung x Namjoon x Yoongi - Wolf AU. Please give it a read if you want!

Love you all!

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