My Alpha King

נכתב על ידי paranormalRHlover

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chapter 1: No Time To Hide IT!
Chapter 2: Have To Attend
Chapter 3: Getting Ready
Chapter 4: Come To Escort Her
Chapter 5: On Arrival
Chapter 6: Really Don't Like Him
Chapter 7: Meet My Brother
Chapter 8: Not My Fault
Chapter 9: Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me
Chapter 10: What Is Going On?
Chapter 11: Please, I'll Do Anything
Chapter 12: You Know What IT Is?
Chapter 13: Where The Fuck Is My Mate
Chapter 14: Enjoy The Hunt
Chapter 15: It Won't Go Away
Chapter 16: Marked
Chapter 17: I Want To Know Everything
Chapter 18: Who Am I
just a quick note
Chapter 19: Who Am I (from Jesse's pov)
Chapter 20: I Am!
Chapter 21: Not Like This
Chapter 22: What The Fuck Was That
Chapter 23: Well?
Chapter24: Don't Want Your Pity
Chapter 25: Bugatti La Voiture Noire
Chapter 26: Not A Nightmare
Chapter 28: Feel Almost Feral
Chapter 29: Who's He?
Chapter 30: Dream
Chapter 31: Ahhh HELL NO
Chapter 32: What Did I Do?
Chapter 33: Suprise For You

Chapter 27: Hello, Buttercup

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נכתב על ידי paranormalRHlover


Fuck me i want him so bad. Why am I waiting again? He's definitely my mate and I'm just torturing us both for no reason. No that's my vagina talking. I want to know it's me he wants because he likes who I am. Not because the goddess picked us for each other and gave him no choice. Yes he could reject me, I guess he does have a choice, but I want him to get to know me first. He might decide I'm not worth it and he hates everything about me that he will eventually want to reject me. I bring nothing but trouble. I have no idea why I was treated the way I was and why anyone would want me.

No. No matter how good his hands feel on my arse or his lips on my skin. I won't give in yet. Yes I want his cock buried so deep inside me I scream, but his talented fingers and tongue will have to do. And my goddess does he use them. Once he's thoroughly marked me and had me quivering in pleasure we take turns washing each other. 

I'm sitting on the bed wrapped up in the towel waiting for him to get dressed and hand me a top. When my eyes start to close. 

"Love!" He snaps, shocking me to wakefulness. 

"Fuck me Jes!"

"Yes please" He growls as he comes and starts nipping at my ear. I swat him away

"Ugh! Seriously? What are you 15? I'm tired. And what you just did to me in the shower made me even more so. Can I please have some clothes to put on?!" I whine. He starts to nip at my neck again and I think nows a good time to ask Luna about mating.

"Luna? Explain mates and mating to me please. I'm still not 100 percent sure how it all works"

"Ok, he smells really good to you right? That's because he's your mate.  He's not normally aggressive but his wolf will keep wanting to take control untill your fully mated. They've been looking for us for a long time. And being an Alpha and King he's going to be 10 times more possessive towards us. Just saying!. But that will all calm down. Eventually! His wolf will keep pushing him aside and taking over, every now and then when he's angry or feeling possessive, especially around other males. He still wants to punish all thoes that caused you harm too. Zander has been going on about killing Daniel! Unfortunately untill you mate or are no longer in danger from anyone his wolf is always going to be at the surface. Ready to do anything to protect you. When you let him mate you it will open up a permanent connection, and he will know general whereabouts and how your feeling if the emotion is strong enough. Touching your marks now, i suggest you avoid unless your ready to fully mate, because it will drive him wild and he will hunt you down."

"Does mating.... hurt?" I ask her breathlessly as Jesse starts teasing my pussy with his fingers.

"No it will hurt for a split second and then your body will flood with endorphins, the mating mark is accompanied by sex, it cant be done without, unlike the claiming mark which he's done several times now, but sexual activities make it so much better. There's not really a lot of difference between the 2 marks other than one will bound your souls together."

His hands are in my hair as he continues kissing and nibbling on my neck and sticking his fingers into me. Id never felt anything this good before him. Then feeling a slight tug, he pulls my hair angling my head to get better access to the crook of my neck, I moan then feel his teeth scrape my neck and just before he bites down hard he says


It hurts for a second, then my body floods with pleasure. He keeps my head pined back makeing me vulnerable as he uses his other hand to pull me into him and grind me into his hardness. He slips his cock between my legs, sliding it back and forth. I see why it leads to sex. But I'm not going to give in yet. He's not going to win. I can't seem to stop my hips thought. I rock into him harder and cry out at the pleasurable sensation's. If I just move my hips up slightly he will glide right in. No. I can't give in. I can't give in!

"Let me fuck you little mate" oh my. Even his words make me wet With need.

"You know you want to feel my cock sliding deep inside your wet pussy. I know how much you want it little mate. Your dripping wet for me."
Fuck!! I think I'm about to completely drench his cock as he pulls me into him harder. And says just before biting down on his mark again

"Now scream as you cum for me"  Holy fuck do I. I scream as I see starts and feel pulse after pulse of pleasure. Iv never felt so alive and happy. Then he pulls away and sits me on the bed.

"Well that shower was wasted." He chuckles.

"Cl-clothes...please" I pant

"Yes love, I'll get you your leggings and one of my tops OK?" He says as he starts rummaging around in his bag. Like he didn't just rock my world again

"Please! If I have to stay awake I might as well go find some food, I'm fam-eshed. And I need to go soon before I pass out from your constant sexual attacks " I say on a yawn

He comes over and hands me the clothes.

"I didn't hear you complaining! Only moaning and screaming" He kisses me, working me back up. So I push him away and laugh.

"Not again. I really will pass out!" and I quickly get dressed. I rip a strip from the tattered remains of the top I was wearing to create a makeshift hair tie and shove it up in a ponytail.

"I need to speak to Parker and make some Calls. It's just gone 2 so there should still be some form of lunch food in the dining car. Just keep going till you find the one filled with lots of tables and chairs and the smell of food. I'll send Coltan and Liam down to meet you ok?" 

Popping the top over my head finishing getting dressed I nod OK. We exit our room and Jesse points me down the way to go, then kisses me against the door before he releases me to go. In a daze I trip over my foot making him laugh and I stick my tounge out at him

"Jerk!" I snark

"I heard that!

"You were supposed to!" I hear him knock on Parkers door and it open before I'm through the door into the next section. I go through 4 more sections like ours and then come to seating areas. There's a few people talking, or on electronic devices. Some even stop and stare at me. But I carry on through like I don't see them. What's their problem anyway!

After 4 more seating sections (I don't know what these things are called) with more people staring at me, I find the dining car, that's what Jesse called it. It's not that busy, I guess everyone's eaten and retired to their room or the seating areas. I plonk myself down on a stool at the bar and think shit! How am I gonna order food!

"Can I help you miss?" The guy behind the counter asks

I fumble for a second on what to do and just end up making the gesture for a pen and paper. With a kind smile he gives me a little notebook and pen from his pocket. I start writing but stop when I feel eyes on me. I turn around and the 3 people that are in here are all doing there own thing! I must have imagined it. So back to writing

What would you recommend?. I'm starving and need to stay awake.

"Hmm… leave it with me. I'll be right back." He disappears behind a door to the right and I swivel round in my seat and take the place in. It's comfortable enough, there are 8 sets of tables and chairs in 2 1 2 1 2 formation. Covered in cutlery and glassware. Then the bar I'm sitting at which has a gap for food to be bought out and all kinds of alcohol behind it. There's a table to my left with empty or crumb riddled platters, not yet cleaned from the lunch rush I guess. The scenery flashes past the large windows as we speed by. When I feel a tap on my shoulder, I jump a little but spin back around.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump." I just smile 

"So we have a double espresso cappuccino, I brought out sugar and milk in case you wanted to add any. And food is a delicious chicken and sweetcorn baguette with peppered mayo and lettuce. I just whipped it up for you. Do you know which cabin your staying in." He enquired 

I scrunch my face up. I have no clue! Oh duh! I hold my finger up and he nods


"Yes, little mate. Is everything OK?"

"Yeah fine I'm being asked what cabin we're in?"

"Did you get some food?"

"Why else would I be asking for what cabin we're in?"

"Just checking, we're in cabin 10. I'm almost done with Parker then I'll come meet you ok? Liam and Coltan will be making there way to you in a moment as there just getting ready"

"Ok thank you"

Cabin 10.

He looks at the paper then back at me. 


"Cabin 10? You're sure?" He asks sceptically 

Yes. Why?

"That's Alpha Jesse's cabin." He states, like I didn't know that!

Yes. That's correct. His brother is next to us.

"Ok just making sure. Didn't want to put something on the his tab without confirmation. Enjoy your food." I nod and he walks back to what I assume is the kitchen. Huu weird! I take a bite of the baguette and moan, it tastes so good! I'm about to take my second bite when I feel eyes on me again. It's cold and feels like I have thousands of needles digging into my spine in rapid successions. I turn and there's no one there. I'm literally the only one in this… what did he call it a cabin? Or is that just the rooms? Jesse sais car so I'm confused

The 3 people that were in here have disappeared. I didn't see or hear them leave! I turn back to my food and think maybe I'm going crazy. But I can still feel that chill running down my spine again. It feels like someone's boring a hole in the back of my head. It's crazy! I ignore it and finish my baguette then try the double expert… expos.. whatever the fuck he called it. But it tastes dark and bitter so I add the sugar and a little milk, stir it with the little wooden stick thing and take another sip.

Much better now that it's sweeter. I sit sipping it and think about going to the witch's place. I'm quite excited to see what happens there, what's different. Wolves like the chase so does the same thing happen? Jesse wouldn't tell me as he wants me to experience it. Whatever that means. If I found my mate how can I experience it? I suppose I'll find out when we're there! 

I'm gonna make my way back soon, the feeling of someone watching me is getting stronger and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable and it's slightly painful as if there's someone literally jabbing me with a needle now. Where is Liam and.coltan anyway? There's still no one in sight! So why do I feel like I'm not alone? I spin back to the counter waiting for the guy to come out so i can order another drink to go when someone elegantly sits on the stool next to me.

I tense up as I feel their eyes boring into me. Is this the person responsible for my feeling of being watched. It sure feels like it. 

"Hello, buttercup! I'm Dexter and this…"

I glance at him then feel another body sit the other side of me. To whom I glance at quickly too, my heart starts to beat rapidly as they don't feel like there sending friendly vibes.

"Is Carrick!...and you are?" 


"Yes love, I'm said I'm almost done. Give me 5 more minutes to finish my call OK."

"Jesse! Get your fucking arse here now. I'm on my own with 2 guys that have just sat next to me. Oh shit! One just stepped up behind me, I'm caged in!"

"Where are Liam and coltan? I'm on my way."

"How the fuck should I know? Hurry"

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? My friend Chester here can help with that!" He smirks. I gulp, fuck! what do i do? I turn and my eyes climb up the large man named Chester. Holy shit he's huge! I give a small smile and stand but as I try to go around him he keeps stepping in my path.

"I didn't say you could leave buttercup. We're just getting acquainted! You're very coveted you see and we have someone that would like to obtain you. It's nothing personal, but you're worth quite a lot and that's what we do we acquire things. So we can do this the easy way or-" I quickly dash past the huge guy and aim for the door leading to Jesse.

"The hard way then. I much prefer it the hard way. Where's the excitement in,  easy. Carrick, Chester! Quickly. I'm sure her mate is working on his way here." I hear him laugh and then Chester appears in front of me blocking my escape. How the fuck did he do that? With a sinister smile he vanishes into thin air. Where the fuck did he go? 

"Marco" I heard whispered in my ear and I spun around to see them all gone! I keep spinning as I feel gusts of wind, trying to find where they are! I can hear their sinister laughs too but can't see the fuckers! I turn to go out the door when I'm pulled backwards.

"Tsk, tsk buttercup. I told you. We're taking you with us. You do taste powerful. I wonder if I can take some of that before handing you over!" I feel something wet run up my cheek. Did he just fucking lick me! Ewww. Well here goes nothing. I hit my head back and make contact and rushed forward to be brought up short by an invisible wall. 

"You bitch! I'm bored of this shit just get her and let's go!"

"JESSE. I can't see them. Where are you"

"I'm almost there. The train was supposed to be fucking safe. How did all these arsholes get on?"

"I don't give a fuck Jesse! Stop chatting shit and Just hurry. I can't fight what I can't see."

"I'm 2 car's away"

I keep hitting out at air and when I see a knife on the table I pick it up and start slashing at the air. When I feel those needles on my back I spin and bring the knife down. I let go when it embeds itself in thin air and take a step back. Blood starts trickling out and it looks like I got whoever that is in the right shoulder. He pulls it out and with a roar I'm shaved back into the wall and crash onto a table. 

That fucking hurt! I can feel a piece of glass embedded in my hip and then see the knife I stabbed whoever with, now in my shoulder. I stand on shaky legs and pull it out. I can hear a commotion behind me in the other cabin. Jesse's right there. Maybe I can make a run for it. 

I feel something around my waist and a whispered

"I don't think so buttercup. Let's go!"

I feel a sting in my neck and turn to try stab him with the knife but feel sluggish. So he bats the knife out of my hand easily.

"Je-Jesse. I…" I hear a mighty roar and the sound of wood and glass breaking but I don't know what happens next as I lose consciousness.


If your liking my story please don't forget to vote. Means a lot to me thank you all. ❤

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