Love at first call

By millieXreggie20

54.7K 677 76

Rachel Marrie grew up in a little home in Austin Texas. With her mother being a paramedic and her father bein... More

About me
A new start
You're hired
Liam Mathews.
Good night
Just relax
Welcom back.
Not a Chapter
Not a Chapter
Not a Chapter
Not a chapter
Not a chapter
Excuse me?!
Tommy Vega
Nice work Hollywood
Spencer Hollins?

Amazing Grace

907 12 7
By millieXreggie20

Once this chapter gets posted the pervious chapter "Spencer Hollins?" may be deleted.

Let me know if you want me to keep it in. If not it shall be deleted TEN days after this chapter is published.

And for my readers who haven't yet red this far, welcome to the next chapter of this book!

Rachel's Pov

These last few days can be crazy we had gotten a call to one of the local hospitals where they had one of their emploie pined by a gurney againsted an MRI mashine. Now that was an uncomfortable call.

Flash back - begining of the week.
(At the hospital)

"Ok so here's how we're going to do this. There is a kill switch on the front of the machine that we have to get to. Anyone with any kind of metal inside of them rase your hand." Owen said and Judd, Marjan, Nancy, and Paul all raised their hands. "Okay then. Rachel?" He asked "only flesh and bones capt" I replied. "Probie?" He asked Mateo " clean as a whistle" he replied. "Okay. Captain Vega?" He said now turning toward captain Vega's direction. "Still got all my original parts" she replied before he turned to TK "TK. do have any metal in your body that I don't know about?" Owen asked "no sir" TK replied. "Alright n-" "capt. What about the metal in out uniforms?" Mateo asked. "I was just getting to that. All of us going in will have to strip so I hope y'all are comfortable." Owen said and I felt a hand on my arm. I turned to see it was Captain Vega. She nodded her head in the direction of the back corner of the room we were in so I followed her. "Okay. How are you feeling?" She said as we begun to remove our uniforms. "Honestly kinda anxious. I don't really have to worry about you, Paul, Nancy, Marjan, Owen, Judd, or TK but I've got an an ex boyfriend here who basically left me cuz I wouldn't even dress remotely like this around him." I said to Captain Vega. "It's going to be okay. You know why? because you'll have me, Owen, and TK in there with you if he tries anything which I doubt he will." She said "your right. I'm just overreacting anyway" I said slipping off my boots and unfastening my belt. "Not at all. Just relax and focus on the job and you'll be fine okay" she said doing the same. Once we were both out of our uniforms and left only in our undergarments we made our way into the main room along with Owen, TK, and Mateo.  Captain Vega and I were both in sports bras and underwear while the guys were smart enough to be in our stations T-shirts and their boxers. The only thing any of us kept on from our uniform was our masks.

I begun helping Owen wedge a plank of wood in between the gurney and the MRI machine while TK checked over the guy trapped between them and Mateo retrieved the preaaure bag that way we could reach the kill switch. I felt a pair of eyes burning into my back as I helped Owen and it made me very uncomfortable, uncomfortable to the point where I was about to cry. I turned my head away from Owen so he didn't see my face but I didn't realize that I turned directly towards Judd, Paul, Nancy, and Marjan. "Mateo can you go around the far side and hold the gurny so it doesnt fall when I hit the switch?" Owen said still not looking up at anyone"sure capt." I heard Mateo say  and soon the burning feeling went away. I let out a long shaky breath and re focused my attention on the job at hand. "ok TK and Rachel, support him and make sure he doesn't fall" Owen said  to TK and I about the doctor we were helping. I jumped up beside TK and helped suport the doctor. Owen counted own from three and then pressed the kill switch. The gurney let loose and once it was out of the way TK, Owen, Captin Vega, and I helped the doctor down onto the spine board. I was pulled away from the voice of a lady who was inside the MRI machine asking if she could come out. " yes you can come out. I'm Rachel what your name?" I asked as I helped her out. It wasn't until she stood upright when I noticed there was something stuck in her neck. "Oh um one moment don't move" I said but of course she moved. Her hand brushed against whatever was in her neck and blood came spraying out. "CAPTAIN VEGA!" I called out to her now covered in this lady's blood. Captain Vega came over with TK and took care of the lady while I was told to wipe off some of the blood and put my uniform back on so we could head back to the station.
End of flashback

I was sitting on my couch at home watching tv when it started raining out. Now normally I'd be fine with curling up on my couch and watching a movie but with the sudden urge to go for a run I got up off of my couch and changed into a black sports bra and a pair of black shorts, grabbed my phone and made my way to my front door. I slipped my running shoes on and I shoved my phone in the side of my bra, a place where I knew it would not only stay put but where it would also stay party dry. I snatched my keys off their hook that was mounted to the wall and headed out the door. As the sound of my feet hitting the wet concrete slowly faded I entered my own headspace.

Time skip

I've been out for about an hour when my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID to see it was Owen.

Phone call
(R-Rachel  O-Owen)
R- hello?
O- Paul Is conning you pick you up. Don't ask questions okay
Owen ended the call

I shrugged before calling Paul.

Phone call
( P-Paul  R-Rachel )

P- hello
R- hey Paul. Owen just called and told me not to ask questions but I'm out on a run currently.  I'm nearing the gas station by your house though so meet me there I guess.
P- okay sounds good.  I've got an extra shirt in the car you can borrow as well.
R- thanks Paul. You're the literal best. See you soon
P- haha okay Rach. See you in a bit

Call ended

I picked up pace and met up with Paul at the gas station just two miles away from where I had been when Owen called. I waited inside the small convienne store that was attached to the gas station in order to have a break from the rain until Paul arrived. I started to wonder what was going on that Paul was picking me up and I was told not to ask questions. My mind started creating scenarios which resulted in me beginning to pace back and forth in front of the doors until a car pulled up and rolled down the window. Paul stuck his head out and called for me to get in his car. It didn't take me long to get in and buckled and before I knew it we were spending down the road.

Paul soon pulled into the hospital's parking lot and quickly parked the car and the two of us jumped out. By now the rain had stopped, thankfully, and Paul tossed me one of his flannel button up shirt to throw on so I wasn't just in a sports bra.

I got more and more anxious by the minute and it wasn't until we met up with everyone that I finally had to ask a question.

Owen (captain) Strand's Pov

"Okay what is going on?!" Rachel said as her and Paul walked over to us and I was so glad to see Rachel wearing one of Paul's shirts and not just a sports bra which she was wearing underneath and although she hadn't buttoned the shirt up it was still better than not wearing it at all.
Paul shook his head and groaned slightly "you didn't ask a question of any kind the whole ride here why couldn't you have kept it in a bit longer" he said under his breath but she heard and was about to say some either rude or sassy remark so I interupted. "Judd and Grace have been in an axcident." I said which resulted in her turnign and looking at me. There was a long pause before she started talking again. "Okay. Umm I will be down the hall praying if anyone needs me" Rachel said before she walked away from the group. We all knew about her faith so we all expected her to head out at one point but what I think shocked us all most was her reaction, or her lack of one. It was odd for rachel not to react when given news like this but for some reason she didn't and even though she imeaditly walked away it was still shocking to see her so okay with getting hit with bad news.

Rachel's Pov

"Okay what is going on?!" I said as Paul and I walked over to to the rest of the 126, and Carlos, who were already at the hospital.
Paul shook his head and groaned slightly "you didn't ask a question of any kind the whole ride here why couldn't you have kept it in a bit longer" he said under his breath but I heard and I was about to make a sassy remark but Owen interupted. " Judd and Grace have been in an axcident." he said which imeaditly caught my attention and almost made me compleatly forget about Paul. I didn't want to really be standing around much longer after Owen had told me what happened because I didn't really want to cry at the moment. I have cried far too much since being hired at the 126. "Okay I will be down the hall praying if anyone needs me" I said before walking away from the group. They all knew about my faith so it wasn't an unexpected thing for me to say. I walked at a slightly faster pace than usual and made it to the small room a lot quicker than expected. There were a few random people already there so I grabed one of the resusable masks offered right inside the door and made my way to the back corner of the room away from everyone else who was in here. I remeoved my shoes and sat on my knees facing towards the large cross at the front of the room. I lowered my head and folded my hands before begining my prayer.

I didn't really know what to say at first so I kinda just let my mind wander and sopke about whatever I was feeling.

" Lord I'm praying to you at this moment because two of those I care deaply for are here in this hospital and are in need of your help. I don't know the extent of their injuries but I pray you help them recover, as well I pray you ease the pain in those close to them as this kind of an event does take a toll on them as well. I know how much you love and watch over both Grace and Judd and Lord, I pray a prayer you have heard many times from me before, I pray you give them strength to keep on fighting through whatever has happened and I pray that they both leave this hospital alive. Now with that being said I do know that life will work out the way you have planned Lord and if one, or both, do parish just know you will have gained some extraordinary and lovely additions to your army up in heaven. Lord I pray they are not in much pain and that you watch over them both for the extent of their stay here as well as afterwords, no matter what comes next." I spoke quietly as a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see Judd's dad who I always used to refer to as Papa since he was like a grandfather to me when the Marrie family and the Ryder family were close, before my dad passed,  and even to this day I still refer to him as Papa any time I see him.

"Hey kiddo come sit beside me here and we'll pray together for a bit okay?" He said patting the chair behind me lightly motioning for me to sit.

Time skip

Papa and I rejoined the rest of the group a while ago and I was currently sitting beside Marjan and I was getting more and more sleepy by the minute. "I'm gonna go grab a coffee. Anyone want anything?" Paul asked as if he could read my mind. "Coffee please" I replied a little more alert now with coffee on my mind.

TK and Carlos had head out to grab food for everyone since it was getting around that time wen we would usually eat either something small or a decent sized dinner, depending if we were on shift or not.

Small Time skip
Not long after TK and Carlos returned with the food, Judd walked down the hall and over to us. He looked at us all and started to tear up. I couldn't blame him either. I mean he was just in a crash and he woke up in a hospital but there was also something else on his mind I just didn't know what ...

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