Trials and Tribulations of th...

By DeadlyMaelstrom

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Daveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of fou... More

The Cast -- Main Characters
Chapter 1: The Oathkeeper
Chapter 2: Arrival at Winterfell
Chapter 3: Feasting the Royal Family
Chapter 4: He Saw Us
Chapter 5: Back on the Road
Chapter 6: The Trident
Chapter 7: The Kingsroad
Chapter 8: Arrival at the Capitol
Chapter 9: Preparations for the Hand's Tourney
Chapter 10: The Gift
Chapter 11: The Hand's Tourney -- The Young Stag vs. The Mountain
Chapter 12: The Hand's Tourney -- The Young Stag vs. The Knight of the Flowers
Chapter 13: The Wolf and the Lion
Chapter 14: Tested Loyalties
Chapter 15: The Seed is Strong
Chapter 16: Long Live the King
Chapter 17: The First of His Name
Chapter 18: The Stag Sedition
Chapter 19: Dragonstone
Chapter 20: Preparations for War
Chapter 21: The Golden Lioness vs. The Black Lion
Chapter 22: Hard Truths and a Dark Past
Chapter 23: Shadowbinder
Chapter 24: The Negotiator
Chapter 25: Assassination of Renly Baratheon
Chapter 26: Riot of King's Landing
Chapter 27: Fire and Blood
Chapter 28: Battle of the Blackwater (Part 1)
Chapter 29: Battle of the Blackwater (Part 2)
Chapter 30: Loss of the Quiet Wolf
Chapter 31: Reconciliation?
Chapter 32: Plans, Funerals and Reunions
Chapter 33: What Is Dead May Never Die
Chapter 34: Conspiracies Unraveled
Chapter 35: A Slave Rebellion
Chapter 36: Confession
Chapter 37: The Red Viper of Dorne
Chapter 38: Cold Winds Are Rising In The North
Chapter 39: From This Day, Until The End of My Days
Chapter 40: Call the Banners, We Are Going To War!
Chapter 41: Onward to the Battlefield
Chapter 42: You Can't Frighten Me
Chapter 43: Old Rivalries and a Bitter Cold
Chapter 44: Mutiny at Craster's Keep
Chapter 45: Walder Frey
Chapter 46: Liberation of Deepwood Motte
Chapter 47: Siege of Moat Cailin (Part 1)
Chapter 48: Siege of Moat Cailin (Part 2)
Chapter 49: I Made a Choice
Chapter 50: We Forgive You
Chapter 51: I Know What You Did
Chapter 52: Mockingbird
Chapter 53: Young Stag vs. Young Wolf
Chapter 54: It's Begun
Chapter 55: Battle at the Sunset Sea (Part 1)
Chapter 56: Battle at the Sunset Sea (Part 2)
Chapter 57: Trial of Sandor Clegane
Chapter 58: A Man Has No Name
Chapter 59: Let's Get This Over With
Chapter 60: Siege of Harlaw
Chapter 61: Decimation of Old Wyk and Great Wyk
Chapter 62: Battle of Pyke
Chapter 63: The King's Return
Chapter 64: Old and New Faces
Chapter 65: Trial of the Last Greyjoys
Chapter 66: Investigations, Secrets, and Scandals
Chapter 68: Spring the Trap
Chapter 69: Throwing Down the Gauntlet
Chapter 70: Champions of the Defendant
Chapter 71: Champions of the Claimant
Chapter 72: Trial by Seven
Chapter 73: Interlude -- Stannis Baratheon
Chapter 74: Interlude -- Jon Snow
Chapter 75: A Bitter Taste, A Bitter End
Chapter 76: The Lion's Den
Chapter 77: Creation of Life (Part 1)
Chapter 78: Creation of Life (Part 2)
Chapter 79: The Wildling and the Dragon
Chapter 80: Gifts and a Secret Project
Chapter 81: Another Year, Another Nameday
Chapter 82: The Bastard and the Maiden Fair
Chapter 83: A Small Man Can Cast a Large Shadow
Chapter 84: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Chapter 85: Black Bastard of the Wall
Chapter 86: Brother-Sister Reunion
Chapter 87: Baratheon-Martell Peace Talks (Part 1)
Chapter 88: Trouble in the East
Chapter 89: Attempted assassination
Chapter 90: Sunset in the North, Surprise in Dorne
Chapter 91: And Now His Watch Has Ended
Chapter 92: Baratheon-Martell Peace Talks (Part 2)
Chapter 93: Young Cub and the Red Priestess
Chapter 94: Rise of the Dragon Queen
Chapter 95: More Trouble is Brewing
Chapter 96: Stags, Lions, Wolves and Roses! Oh My!
Chapter 97: Everyone Has Their Own Agenda
Chapter 98: Hardhome
Chapter 99: A Turn for the Worse
Chapter 100: Attack at Daznak's Pit
Chapter 101: Contemplation, Self-Reflection (Part 1)
Chapter 102: Contemplation, Self-Reflection (Part 2)
Chapter 103: Coming Back Harder and Stronger
Chapter 104: The Queen of Winter Takes Charge
Chapter 105: For the Watch
Chapter 106: High Sparrow
Chapter 107: Arrival at White Harbor
Chapter 108: Return of Snow
Chapter 109: I Will Not Let You Get Away With This
Chapter 110: Test of Faith, Burning Ambition
Chapter 111: Visions, Assassins and Crows
Chapter 112: Sparrows Strike, the Dragon Rises
Chapter 113: The Oathkeeper Strikes Back
Chapter 114: Interventions, Plans, and the Benefactor
Chapter 115: Winter is Coming
Chapter 116: Battle for the North (Part 1)
Chapter 117: Battle for the North (Part 2)
Chapter 118: Bringing Down the Hammer
Chapter 119: What Comes After
Chapter 120: A Storm is Brewing
Chapter 121: R + L = J
Chapter 122: Bonding Brothers, Reunions and Old Faces
Chapter 123: Second Siege of Meereen
Chapter 124: Affirmative Action, a Call to Arms
Chapter 125: The Wars to Come
Chapter 126: The Stage is Set
Chapter 127: Stormborn
Chapter 128: Battle of the Shield Islands
Chapter 129: Battle of Greenstone
Chapter 130: Siege of Storm's End
Chapter 131: Awakening the Dragon
Chapter 132: Battle of the Reach
Chapter 133: Dragon's Fire, a Raging Storm
Chapter 134: The Stag and the Dragon
Chapter 135: The Winds of Winter
Chapter 136: Eastwatch
Chapter 137: The Wight Hunt (Part 1)
Chapter 138: The Wight Hunt (Part 2)
Chapter 139: The Wight Hunt (Part 3)
Chapter 140: Three Leaders on the Move
Chapter 141: The Dragonpit Summit
Chapter 142: Bidding Farewells, Growing Bonds
Chapter 143: Breaching of the Wall
Behind the Scenes: Henry Cavill
Histories & Lore: A New House Baratheon
Behind the Scenes: Sophie Turner
Chapter 144: It's Now or Never
Chapter 145: Baratheon and Targaryen
Chapter 146: Shocking Truths
Chapter 147: A Taste of Things to Come
Chapter 148: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Chapter 149: Battle of Ice and Fire (Part 1)
Chapter 150: Battle of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
Chapter 151: Battle of Ice and Fire (Part 3)
Chapter 152: Battle of Ice and Fire (Part 4)
Chapter 153: It's Hard to Say Goodbye
Chapter 154: Trouble on the Homefront
Chapter 155: It All Comes Crashing Down
Chapter 156: Dark Impulses, Vengeance Takes Over
Chapter 157: One Last Push, One Last Fight
Chapter 158: Unbridled Fury Unleashed
Chapter 159: Battle of King's Landing (Part 1)
Chapter 160: Battle of King's Landing (Part 2)
Chapter 161: Battle of King's Landing (Part 3)
Chapter 162: Battle of King's Landing (Part 4)
Chapter 163: Battle of King's Landing (Part 5)
Chapter 164: Battle of King's Landing (Part 6)
Chapter 165: The Dragon and the Griffin (Part 1)
Chapter 166: The Dragon and the Griffin (Part 2)
Chapter 167: Dance of the Dragons
Chapter 168: End of an Era
Chapter 169: Convening the Great Council of 305 AC
Chapter 170: Trial of the Last Targaryen
Chapter 171: The Last of the Starks
Chapter 172: Heart-to-Heart, a Solemn Vow
Chapter 173: We Are the New Generation
Chapter 174: Look to the Horizon
Chapter 175: Revolution
Chapter 176: The Golden Age of House Baratheon

Chapter 67: Tragedy Befalls the World

3K 116 4
By DeadlyMaelstrom

―Beyond the Wall―

Samwell Tarly and Gilly had already begun preparing a makeshift campfire near an abandoned heart tree. Bundled in a makeshift quilt was Joffrey Baratheon; the exiled Prince had an arrow lodged into his back removed and his injuries tended to, though he still refused any help as his body fought off a chill. Patched up as he was, if they didn't make it back to Castle Black then the mutineers, the cold, starvation... or worse, White Walkers would claim their lives. And they had little supplies remaining, especially with a baby and crows keeping them company.

"Here, Joffrey, drink this," Samwell offered his last cup of water to Joffrey.

"P-piss off!" he rebuffed; his voice chilled. "As if a-an arrow in th-the back w-wasn't all I n-need."

Samwell frowned; Gilly, the wildling girl accompanying them, looked rather cross with the exiled Prince's rudeness, yet placed her palm on his forehead. Joffrey felt warm, if not a bit hot. She was certain he had a fever. Once she examined the makeshift bandages with dried blood, Gilly determined that his wound was slowly getting infected.

"If we can't get to the Wall, your friend will die," Gilly pointed out. "We die. The baby..."

Samwell shook his head. "We're going to make it. We all are. I promise."

Gilly felt a sense of relief as Joffrey buried his head under the sheet, his body shook and shivered as the freezing temperature outside dropped. Only the makeshift fire they made could only last so long – considering the supernatural events that have been taking place in the lands beyond the Wall. A wildling army, the return of the White Walkers... all Joffrey could think of was home. King's Landing. He wanted to go home, yet should he ever desert the Night's Watch they would hunt him down and behead him as a traitor. All he cared about was survival—and deeply resented the fact that his own brother banished him to live the rest of his days in a living hell made real.

"Th-this is all D-Daveth's fault," Joffrey cursed. "H-he did this t-to me—!"

"Hush!" Gilly quietly reprimands. "You'll wake the baby!"

"To hell with y-your bastard!" he shouted, causing a bit of a stir.


Samwell and Gilly turned to see Gilly's son crying rather loudly, upset at the noise. They had already tried to get the baby settled it—much to their dismay and ire it was woken up again. This was the last thing both Samwell and Gilly wanted as dozens more crows began gathering outside perched on the branches above them, each of them loudly cawing and squawking one by one as the wildling baby continued its wailing. As Gilly rocked her baby, Samwell looked outside and picked up a lit torch. "Wait here," he signaled.

Gilly shook her head as she held her baby close. "Don't," she pleaded. "Don't go out there."

Joffrey turned to see Samwell leaving. "Are y-you crazy, Tarly?" he coughed. "You know th-those th-things are out t-there!"

Samwell had already made up his mind. "I'll be back. Just want to look." Despite their protests, the Tarly steps outside and examines the crows. Their flock appears to be growing by the tens in this godforsaken, frozen landscape. Gripping his sword close just in case, Samwell waved his torch around as the crows squawking grew increasingly loud as Gilly stepped outside too. "Go back inside," he tells her.

Joffrey, still on his side, gripped Gilly's ankle. "Didn't y-you hear?" he hissed, half-disoriented from the fever. "G-get back i-in here!"

Gilly kicked Joff's hand away, looking back at Samwell. The Tarly Night's Watchman continued observing the now-hundreds of crows gathering before realizing something was wrong as they started screeching more violently.

"Go back inside," he repeats. "Go back inside. I'll—"

Suddenly, the squawking immediately ceased. All was quiet. Samwell, Gilly and Joffrey all had a terrible feeling forming in the pit of their guts. Neither of them liked the sound of quiet whilst beyond the Wall. Gilly immediately froze up and held her baby close, her eyes glued in one direction.

Samwell and Joffrey turned their heads in the direction towards the trees where Gilly's gaze remains locked—horrified at what was coming their way. In the darkness, chittering loudly, they spotted a slight movement from behind the trees as more sounds of icy cold chittering and clicking became more apparent. Stepping out from behind cover, a small shine of moonlight offered a full glimpse of the lone intruder: long wispy white hair, glowing blue eyes with pale, gaunt and mummified skin.

"W-W-WHITE WALKER!" Joffrey shouted in fear.

Gilly quivered. "It's come for the baby!"

Samwell turned to see the White Walker approaching, his thoughts turning towards Gilly, her baby... even Joffrey. A wildling girl with a newborn baby in her arms, a brother of the Night's Watch who cannot even defend himself... Samwell felt anxiety and adrenaline flow through him as he dropped the lit torch and tightened his grip on his sword. The fear that filled Samwell was worse than any fear he had ever felt in his life.

It's just like the one I saw at the Fist of the First Men! Mother have mercy, Father protect me... Lifting his sword up, Samwell began shouting. "Stay back! You stay back!"

The White Walker ignored Samwell's demands and continued its approach in order to take Gilly's baby. The undead warrior approached Samwell and calmly grabbed the Night's Watchman's blade in its cold, icy hands. The blade started gleaming with a faint blue glow and emanated a loud noise as if the steel itself was locked in a clash against another before finally freezing and shattering into thousands of pieces.

Now unarmed, Samwell froze as the White Walker backhanded him so hard, he went flying further away.

"Gagh!" Samwell grunted as he fell to the ground hard.

Deciding that Samwell was no longer a threat, the White Walker shifted its attention and returned its gaze towards its prize. The creature's feet made ice-cracking sounds on the crust of the new-fallen snow; like the sound ice makes when it breaks beneath a man's foot. As it grew closer, Joffrey slowly got to his feet and grabbed Gilly forcibly. "Give it here!" he demanded, his voice filled with fear and desperation. "Gimme that brat! Let the monster take it so it'll leave us alone!" he screamed in her face.

Gilly, still holding her infant close to her, resisted and tried to shake Joffrey off as the baby cried louder. "No!" she shouted. "I won't let it take him! Get off of me!"

Samwell rolled onto his side and saw the scene taking place in front of him. The White Walker was getting closer, Joffrey trying to pry the baby from Gilly and Gilly's shouts and screams as the threat drew evermore closer. It was a scene of utter chaos. Still felt by the urge to protect Gilly, Samwell looked around for anything he could use as a weapon but found nothing. It wasn't long until he felt something sharp poking at his waist. My pack! he realized. Reaching into his pack, Samwell pulled out a dragonglass dagger from when his team was digging latrines at the base of the Fist of the First Men before uncovering the caches of dragonglass spear heads as well as other ancient artifacts.

"No! Let go of me!" Gilly continued screaming. "Get away from my baby!"

The White Walker extended its hand, its fingers reaching for the baby as it approached. Fueled by raging levels of adrenaline, Samwell immediately stood up and charged at the undead creature as fast as he legs could carry him.

"Yaaaaah!" he screamed and drove the dragonglass deep into the White Walker's left scapula.

The creature shrieked and howled shrilly as it staggered backwards, its arms unable to reach the blade lodged into its shoulder. The White Walker slowly turned around to face Samwell, its skin started cracking at the point at which it was stabbed and let out a sharp screeching cry as its whole body begins crumbling away. Once the White Walker got to its hands and knees, it shatters into pieces and leaves behind nothing but white dust and the dagger itself. Before the trio could catch their breath, the crows return to their cawing and kept their eyes focused on them. With adrenaline still pumping through his body, Samwell grabbed Gilly's and Joffrey's arms.

"Come on! We have to keep moving to Castle Black!"

"T-there's bound to be m-more of them!" Joffrey coughed.

"I know, but we can't stay here!" Samwell reminded him. "Once we get to Castle Black, we'll send word to King's Landing! Maybe your brother can help us!"

Appeal to the Oathkeeper...? The same person who stripped him of all titles and powers and exiled him to the Wall? Beg for help? It was never a thing Joffrey would ever consider at any point in his life. Not wanting to waste any more time than is necessary, Samwell dragged Joffrey and Gilly. The three of them make a desperate run for safety as the crows hopped off each tree and gave chase, screaming their hatred.

At King's Landing

King's Landing ― Street of Steel...

Strolling down the eastern side of Rhaenys's Hill, Sansa was accompanied by her handmaiden Shae and Brienne. She had hurried herself out of the Red Keep after the 'kiss' Lord Petyr Baelish gave her nearly three hours ago—Sansa had not yet spoken to anyone about what Littlefinger had done, not even her husband. Moments before leaving the Red Keep, she took a quick bath and dabbed sweet fragrances with a hint of lemon to remove the smell of mint. She just strolled through the Street of Steel in silence.

During the last two years nearly every district in Flea Bottom—including the Street of Steel—had undergone vast renovations Sansa had recognized prior to her marriage. Living conditions skyrocketed; roads were cleaner and were replaced with white marble instead of mud. Thankfully the terrible stench was finally gone. Still, Sansa remained silent. It bothered Shae who quietly nudged her mistress's shoulder. 

"Talk to us, Your Grace," she asked. "You haven't said a word since we left."

Even Brienne found the silence rather unnerving. "Did Lord Baelish do anything to you?"

Sansa shook her head, not wanting to remember. "I appreciate your concerns, but I'm fine. It was... nothing I couldn't handle."

Shae didn't believe that. "I still don't believe it. He touched you, didn't he?"

When the time is right, I'll... I'll tell you. Just... just please, Shae, just let it be. "Please, he didn't want anything. Besides, I made sure he got the message if he should ever forget."

"I doubt he'll ever let that slide. Men only want one thing from a pretty girl."

Sansa shook her head. "Littlefinger's not in love with me!"

"Love is not the thing he wants," Shae points out.

The Wolf Queen could barely understand what goes on through her handmaiden's head—though given Shae's 'relations' with Tyrion Lannister, Sansa was beginning to get a pretty good idea as to what her handmaiden was referring to.

"If he does ask you for anything or try anything... fuck, even touch you," she continued, "I want you to tell either me or your royal husband."

"Why?" Sansa asked. "What will either of you do?"

"We'll make him stop."

"You have my oath as well, Your Grace. As a Kingsguard," Brienne stepped in. "We'll protect you and keep you safe from all harm."

I wish I could believe that. She glanced at the marble stones as they walked through the Street of Steel, her pregnant belly before looking back at one of her two sworn shields. "Lady Brienne..."

"Please, Your Grace, Brienne's enough. I'm no lady."

Sansa let out a small smile. "Brienne, then. Tell me... you were a Kingsguard to my husband's uncle Lord Renly Baratheon, weren't you?"

Brienne blinked and her posture shifted slightly; she hadn't been expecting the Queen to ask her that question out of the blue. She felt somewhat uncomfortable, though, yet suspected that this was an attempt on Sansa's part to change the subject. "I was," she admitted.

"How did you two meet?"

Brienne inhaled through her nostrils. "When I was a girl, my father held a ball. I'm his only living child, so he wants to make a good match for me. He invited dozens of young lords to Tarth. I didn't want to go, but he dragged me to the ballroom."

"It must have been wonderful. The balls, the masquerades, the dancing..."

"It was wonderful," Brienne smiled with reminiscence. "None of the boys noticed how mulish and tall I was. They shoved each other, and threatened to duel if they thought it was their turn to dance. And whispered in my ear how they wanted to marry me and take me back to their castles. My father smiled at me and I smiled at him. I'd never been so happy," she continued before frowning.

"What happened?"

"I saw a few of the boys sniggering. And then they all started to laugh, they couldn't keep the game going any longer. They were toying with me. 'Brienne the Beauty', they called me. Great joke. And I realized I was the ugliest girl alive. A great lumbering beast. I tried to run away, but Renly Baratheon took me in his arms. 'Don't let them see your tears,' he told me. 'They're nasty little shits. The nasty little shits aren't worth crying over.' He danced with me and none of the other boys could say a word. And he was King Robert's brother after all."

Sansa nodded her head. "That does sound like Lord Renly. He was very gallant when I first met him two years ago. It still bothers me that no accord could have been reached by him and Daveth. I cannot begin to imagine what it must have felt for either of them."

As Sansa and Brienne continued trading banter, Shae's eyes looked up as she saw a suspicious individual hopping from rooftop to rooftop as they further ventured into Flea Bottom. The Lorathi woman felt suspicious about the stranger's activity, even sometimes ignoring her mistress's talks.

"Who knows, Your Grace," Brienne continued. "Maybe had the peace talks went smoothly both sides might've gotten something to gain in the long run. Even some in the Stormlands were against the conflict, though we were surprised when His Grace gave his lords another chance."

Sansa looked up at her. "And your thoughts on him now?" she asked.


"My husband."

"I only met him one time when he made a lord's progress across the Stormlands with Renly six years ago. He seemed... distant, like he didn't want anyone to get too close. I suppose that was understandable, considering what happened to him as a child. You perhaps know more about him than I do, Your Grace."

"And now?"

Brienne looked as if deep in thought. "After coming back from the Iron Islands? He seems to have grown more as a person. He still broods, sometimes."

Daveth would have been shaking his head if he heard that.

Brienne observed Sansa's improved behavior and how she was starting to cheer up. Whatever happened back at the Red Keep seemed to have been somewhat forgotten, though the Tarth Kingsguard still suspected what unacceptable conduct might have occurred when Lord Petyr Baelish stood in the room—though her senior officer Ariyana Dayne remained behind to investigate. "So..." she tried changing the subject, "have you and His Grace decided on a name yet?"

Sansa opened her mouth, but a commotion was seen around the corner and the growing crowd grew increasingly larger.

"Someone get help!" one of the residents called out.

"That looks bad."

"Get the children away!"

"Stay in your homes!"

Sansa pushed further inward, wondering what the commotion was about. Despite Shae's and Brienne's protests, she proceeded to venture into the crowd; calmly pushing and maneuvering her way around them, she finally got to the center of the gathered crowd and what Sansa saw shocked her beyond belief. The scene laid before her was almost a savage butchery; a squad of 12 gold cloaks lay dead in a puddle of their own blood, several of them cleaved in two or disemboweled brutally. Ser Bronn was still alive, though judging by the looks of him he'd been beaten badly.

"Well, *cough cough* that was... that was quite a disaster," Bronn mused.

Sansa's eyes shifted from Bronn to the thing that shook her to her very core. Her eyes widened and her body trembled and shook; a large canine with grey fur and yellow eyes was savagely butchered and its corpse laid bare for all to see—its fur tainted with blood and nearly decapitated. This was a direwolf! "LADY!" Sansa cried out, rushing to the fallen direwolf. "By the Gods, NOOO!! LADY!!"

Brienne and Shae managed to catch up, pushing dozens of onlookers away as they witnessed Sansa wailing hysterically over the body of her direwolf. Shae immediately rushed to her mistress, asking questions and pulling her aside as Sansa cried deeply onto Shae's shoulder. The Lorathi woman held her close, gently patting Sansa's back and hushing soft words into her ear. Brienne felt a pang in her chest at witnessing a young woman cry in despair and grief; Sansa hadn't cried this hard since her father died last year. The Tarth Kingsguard observed two onlookers helping Bronn to his feet and approached him. "What happened here?" she inquired. "Who did all of this?!"

Bronn grunted as he held a palm to his head. "I... it happened so fast, I..." he said slightly disoriented.

"Wait!" one of the onlookers pointed. "One of 'em gold cloaks is still alive!"

Brienne turned and saw a dying gold cloak letting out a small gurgle, coughing as he gasped for breath. She pushed aside several Flea Bottom residents and knelt down. "Are you all right? What happened here? Who did this?"

"*cough, cough!* N-not eno... enough time to... to react, I—" the gold cloak said in agony.

"Damn it, talk to me!" Brienne snapped whilst trying to retain her composure.

"He-he... came out of nowhere, and I... *cough, cough!*"

"Who's 'he'?"

The City Watchmen held a hand up. "The... the Mount—" his throat gurgled before finally going limp, succumbing to his injuries.

Brienne cursed under her breath; her ears still picking up the sounds of Sansa's crying and the small folk's gossip over the crime scene. Shaking her head, Brienne looked over her shoulder to see another squad of City Watchmen arrive. Each of them stopped and looked on in shock and surprise at the carnage. "Get Ser Bronn of the Blackwater to the barracks and tend to his wounds!" she ordered. "The rest of you, get these people out of here!"

It took some convincing, but the gold cloaks finally did as they were instructed and began demanding order. They were moving to push people away from the scene, removing the bodies off the street and escorting their commander to the local barracks. Brienne only managed to get one word out of the dead gold cloak, replaying the word over and over again in her head.

"The Mount..." she uttered quietly before turning to Shae. "Get the Queen to her chambers. I'll go inform the King what's happened here."

Shae tried desperately to get Sansa to move, but she didn't want to leave her direwolf behind like this. Lady's life was saved before back at the Crossroads Inn, but it looks as if luck finally ran its course. Another platoon of gold cloaks arrived to enforce order and established a perimeter in Flea Bottom. Finally, Shae got a grieving Sansa to her feet and calmly escorted her back to the Red Keep; she still cried and called out 'Lady' over and over again. 

Brienne looked back once more before finally marching on her own. We'll make arrangements for Her Grace's direwolf to be buried at Winterfell, she thought with a chill settling in her gut. The Mount... the Mount... She repeated before finally stopped in her tracks. The Mountain! Ser Gregor Clegane! Her eyes widened in realization. "He's here..."

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