๐’๐”๐๐Š๐ˆ๐’๐’๐„๐ƒ,i. midoryi...


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โ€ขepilouge๏ฟผ+author note+drawingsโ€ข


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—YOU got ready for school and met up with your friends once you got there. the day went by normally, the same thing happening as the other days. except, the time of the month was here, and your cramps were unbearable. your mother still made her go because "it wasn't a big deal" and that "you could handle it". also, you found everything funny. you watched a video of a slice of bread falling over and you snorted while the class stared at you, as if you were drunk.

you were now in mr. yamada's class working on your projects. at least, not you and deku, y'all just watched tiktoks. bakugou sat in his seat, debating with himself if he should go up to you or not.

uraraka looked up at him confused. "bakugou? you okay? you're kind of zoning out."

bakugou looked at her and shook his head. "nothing, round face. just drop it."

uraraka chuckled a little and looked down at her table. "still using that nickname, huh?"

"yeah," he mumbled, remembering the nickname he made up for her in the first grade.

"i remember," she said. "when 6 year old you came up to me and was like 'you've got a pretty round face'!"

the two of laughed a little at the stupid little memory. "oi, don't blame me. your face is still pretty round."

"well, your face was round, too!" she said crossing her arms playfully. "i miss being younger. there was no drama, besides if someone stole your favorite pencil."

bakugou nodded and stared off. he then grunted and stood up.

"w-where are you going?" uraraka asked him as he made his way to the other side of the room.

"nowhere important," he hummed and he walked over to your desk. he rolled his eyes at the sight of you and deku giggling at your phones. "oi, y/n."

the two looked up at him and you grinned. "heyyyy, how you doin'?"

deku smiled at bakugou and gave him a small wave. "hi, kacchan!"

"shut up, deku," he snarled and glared down at him. deku's smile faltered and he slowly slouched down in his seat. bakugou then looked back at you. "you, sit with me at lunch."

you blinked. "um, but i-"

"that wasn't a question," he said, craning his neck. "it's an order."

you squinted your eyes at him, trying to comprehend what he just said to you. "now, who do you think you are, talking to me like that?" you closed your eyes and leaned against your chair. "sorry. but i'm not sitting with you. your girlfriend is over there, and as you can already tell, ion like her."

"we're not sitting at that table. we're sitting outside. just you and me."

you quickly opened your eyes. deku just sat there, watching everything go down, feeling like he was third-wheeling. "but, for what?"

"'cause, i need to tell you something. i asked you last time, and you stood me up," he said in annoyance. "so i'm making sure you come this time."

"i said i was sorry," you said, sticking your tongue out. "fine then, stink stink. i'll sit witchu."

bakugou gave you a weird look before nodding and walking back to his seat. you snorted to yourself and looked at your phone again. "mr. man really came over here to force me to sit with him. you could've texted."

lunch time finally arrived, and mina, uraraka and jirou were already seated at the table.

"ayo, where's y/n?" jirou asked as she unzipped her lunchbox.

"i don't know," uraraka shrugged.

you got your lunch and started to walk out of the lunchroom. the call of your friends made you stop and turn around.

"yo, y/n! we're you going?" mina asked you.

"outside," you replied as bakugou came in front of you and motioned her to follow. "i'm sitting with bakugou today. deuces." you turned around and walked with bakugou outside.

meanwhile, the girls sat there, dumbfounded. "um, i know miss girl did not just ditch us for the cheater," mina scoffed.

"how disapointing," jirou said and stuffed her food in her mouth.

uraraka watched as the two walked out of the cafeteria. together. she shook her head and began to eat. why was she feeling so...jealous? they weren't dating anymore, so why did she even care?

deku also watched as the two walked out. he also felt jealous, that bakugou had the guts to walk up to you and get you to sit with him. deku was sitting next to you the whole time in class, yet he couldn't bring himself to ask you.

you glanced at the guy's table and noticed that you didn't see kirishima or toru at the table. you decided to brush it off.

the two of you then arrived outside. you both sat down at an empty bench and began to silently eat.

you eyed bakugou, who was staring straight ahead of him. "so, what is it you wanted to tell me?"

he swallowed his food, took a sip from his water bottle, and looked straight into your e/c eyes. "it's a long story, so get ready."

"'ight, hold up." you moved a little bit and made yourself comfortable, then looked up at bakugou. "mkay, i'm ready."

he took a deep breath and began to speak. "ever since elementary school, me and uraraka, even that stupid deku, we were all friends. somewhere during middle school, i realized i had a crush on her. i confessed, she returned the feelings. we started to date. starting highschool, i met toru. seemed nice, so i started to hang out with her. guess ura got jealous, so we kept getting the into fights. then, one day, i was hanging out with toru. i went to the bathroom and once i got back, i saw her on my phone. i took it, and saw that she texted uraraka 'i think we need to break up, i'm seeing someone else rn'."

you stared at him, mouth open. you really wished you had some popcorn right about now.

"she told me that 'it was just a joke and didn't think uraraka would take it seriously'. i tried texting and calling her, but she fuckin' blocked me. i tried to get her attention at school, but she ignored me or walked the other way. eventually i gave up, realizing that i would never get her back. then, one day, my parents took us to their boss's house. they had just got the job and wanted me to go because they had a daughter my age. when we got there, i realized it was toru. we didn't really talk 'cause i was mad at her. once we started to leave, her dad made me stay back 'cause he wanted to talk to me."

he took a shooky breath, remembering the words he said to him. "he said, 'i want you to date my daughter.' i was confused and asked him why. and, he said this word for word. 'i didn't have a son, so i'm looking for my daughter to have a son in the future so he can take over my buisness. you seem to be close with her, so why not?' i told him no, and tried to leave, but he pulled me back. and threatened that he would fire my parents. i told them that they were fashion designers, but he already knew that their buisness was failing and no one was buying their clothes anymore. so, i did it, like the dumbass i was. i started dating her so my parents could still have their job."

you tried to process all of this. you felt like your brain was on fire from all of this information. "damn, that's rough buddy."

bakugou quickly snapped his head towards you and glared. you laughed it off. "just kidding! but, no really, that sucks. but, why don't you tell your parents? about what he said? or the fact that hagakure's a shitty girlfriend, or, a shitty person in general?"

"proof," he chuckled sadly. "they wouldn't believe me. they only see that man and toru as sweet people. if i told them, they would think that i'm being rude or annoying for no reason."

"we need to get proof then," you mumbled and thought. you then remembered that you didn't see kirshima or toru at the table. "wait, we have to go back inside."

"hah?" he cocked a brow. "we still have 5 minutes."

"yeah, but i need to check something." you wanted to check where kirishima and toru were. the two of you looked around the halls and then you found the two of them in a classroom. the door was slightly opened, and they could see through the window. kirishima was sitting on a desk and toru was in front of him. you looked at bakugou and whispered. "look, i need to record whatever they saying."

the two of you crouched down in front of the door. you grabbed out your phone and started to record.

in the room, kirishima stared at hagakure. "um, so why did you call me here? class is about to start."

"i know," she smiled sweetly and started to walk closer. "i just wanted to tell you something."

"what is it?"

she glanced him up and down. "i don't think i'm interested in katsuki anymore. i want you."

kirishima gave her a confused look. "a-and, why are you telling me this? shouldn't you talk with bakubro about this?"

"yeah, but, didn't you say you had a crush on me?" she asked, cocking her head to the side.

kirishima rolled his eyes. "yeah, in like the sixth grade. after seeing how you acted with the other girls and now y/n, i think those feelings vanished."

hagakure snarled. "oh, come on kiri~ don't be playing hard to get. i know you still like me." she was getting closer and kirishima was feeling uncomfortable.

"no. no, i don't, actually."

hagakure suddenly leaned really close in, trying to kiss him, but he pushed her away and got off of the desk. "w-what- what are you doing?!"

"i told you already," she said, still smiling. "i want you."

"but i don't!" he yelled, now angry. "even i did, you should break up with bakugou first before trying to get with someone else!"

"well, who's gonna know?" she whispered.

on the other side of the door, you were dumbstruck. bakugou on the otherhand, wasn't suprised that she would do something like this. he was proud of his best friend not allowing her to do anything.

you snorted. "miss girl really thought she was gonna do something- wOAh-" you leaned over too much and fell on top of the slightly opened door, causing it to open all the way. kirishima and hagakure looked at you, who was now on the floor, and bakugou who stood behind you, looking furious.

you groaned and looked up at them. "hey, y'all."

"katsuki!" hagakure exclaimed and ran over to him, stepping on your fingers in the process. "what are you doing here?"

"spying on you," he said plainly. "what're you doing here? trying to get kirishima to kiss you?"

"bakugou, i'm so sorry," kirishima tried to apologize but bakugou stopped him.

"you don't have to apologize for anything. i saw everything," he said glaring right at hagakure.

you stood up in anger, your fingers were hurt. and you had just done your nails, too. "'ight, now you done make me mad. first of all, i ain't forget the day you stepped on my white shoes. you creased my fuckin' forces?! then you go and try to kiss some other innocent boy when you already with one? you couldn't even speak with bakugou, telling him you didn't want to be with him anymore? make it make sense? then, you have the audacity to go ahead and step on my nails when i got them done yesterday. ooh, babes, you chose the wrong day, nah, the wrong WEEK to do me like this."

all hagakure did was huff and roll her eyes. "listen, darkie. i didn't need your opinion, i didn't even ask for it. and besides, i did you a favor with those nails. they were terrible, anyway. let me do you another favor and fix that face of yours!" she reached into her lunchbox and grabbed a little plastic bowl with a plastic lid covering the top. "i knew this soup would be useful. eat this!"

hagakure threw the soup all over you. it got on your shirt, pants, face, and even some in your hair.

"hagakure!" kirishima yelled and began to walk towards her. "why would you do that to y/n? that's so unmanly-"

bakugou grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. "let her go."

"what?" kirishima asked. "why?!"

bakugou smirked and took out his phone. "you really want to miss the chance of seeing a cat fight?"


you stood there, drenched in soup. you licked your face and looked up at hagakure with a sinister smile. "this soup is gross." your drenched white shirt hung close to your body, and they could see the outline of your bra. "let me guess, you think this is spicy?"

"how dare you insult the soup! my mother made it!"

"well, you might want to tell her to stop cooking."

hagakure growled and crossed her arms. "and your mom could do better? she probably fried some doritos and mixed it with fried chicken and called it a day."

you were now furious. "and it would still be bussin'? something your mother cannot do." you took off your hoop earrings and handed them to kirishima. then, all of a sudden, you charged at hagakure, and landed a punch right in her eye. hagakure fell to the ground with a thud and a whine.

meanwhile, bakugou was enjoying this. kirishima was now worried, even more worried since some students are starting to see the commotion.

"my eye! what are you, a psycho?!" hagakure jumped up and grabbed on to your hair. you shoved her off and began throwing punches. bakugou has been recording from the start, cackling from the excitement. kirishima trying to get y'all to stop, afraid of a teacher coming in and the other students chanted 'fight, fight, fight'.

hagakure punched your nose and tugged on your afro. you punched her mouth, chipping her tooth and yanked her fake eyelash off. more and more students were crowding inside and around the classroom, still chanting.

aizawa, yamada and kayama were coming from their lunch break and saw the crowd of students. "what is going on here?!" aizawa shouted and made his way passed the students. he then saw you girls on the floor, punching and pulling on each other.

"ladies! stop this at once, oh goodness. yamada, come and help!" the two males pulled the now bleeding girls off of each other and you laughed.

"you might wanna see an orthodonist, babes!"

hagakure felt around her mouth until she felt the gap of her chipped tooth. "m-my tooth! you bitch! i'm going to kill you!"

"both of you, principal's office, now," aizawa ordered. he just wanted to sleep during the class, not break up a petty fight.

the girls started to walk and you passed kirishima and bakugou. you grinned and winked at them before walking on ahead.

"y/n's so manly, but scary," kirishima shivered. "remind me to never anger her."

"i think i could still beat her," bakugou smirked.

the parents had to pick the girls up, which they were not happy about, especially hagakure's parents. kubo actually came along with your mom. hagakure ended up with a chipped tooth, bruised lips, and a rash on her eyelid due to her eyelash being ripped off. her father yelled at your mom, telling her to "control her animal of a child". you could see how hard her mom strained to keep smiling and being polite. when they entered the car, she was cursing up a storm.

the car ride was very silent until kubo spoke up. "y/n, i am so disappointed in you."

you and her mother both gave him a "who do you think you are, acting like my/her father like that?" look.

he spoke again. "i'm dissapointed because why didn't that girl end up with any black eyes? i was so excited."

you both let out a sigh of relief. "boy, i thought you was talking to her as if you was her father," her mom laughed.

you chuckled and pulled out your phone, who had notifications going off. it was deku.

IT WAS HAGAKURE?????!!1111|

|hey :)

i was worried 🥲|

|omg babes 🥺💞
|dont worry just got detention for three weeks
|same for her
|and yuhh i beat her up good 🤪

as u should 👏🏻|
dont scare me like that tho 😖|

|sorry 😟
|never again

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