By Quirky_Kat26

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It's Drarry! It's Oneshots! Most of them contain fluff, a little bit of angst, maybe some sad but lots of Dra... More



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By Quirky_Kat26

The war had ended Voldemort killed Harry Potter, the dark side won. Harry Potter was dead.

Draco could hear the evil monster giggle as he walked around he broken and burning Hogwarts. He stood with the the others frozen as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. Potter lying lifeless in Hagrid's arm everyone crying. His father was calling him but Draco stood his ground not moving but then his mother stepped forward as she called for him. Draco could feel everyone's eyes on him. No matter what even if were to be killed he would do anything for his mother, he would go to limits to keep her safe which was the only reason he was where he was today. He brushed his hand to wipe off the tears al the while praying to Merin and Salazar to make Potter alive. The world needed Potter to save it, he needed Potter to save him from the spiral that he would go into if he left today. Then all of a sudden Neville took the Gryffindor sword killing Nagini as everything set in a motion.

Potter rolled out of Hagrid's arms as Draco dived towards Potter's wand which was laying on the ground as he threw it to Potter who then duelled with Vol-...him.

The war ended this time for real Hogwarts was burning and lay ruined smoke everywhere the sky darker as everyone rejoiced about the victor hugging each other crying their eyes out. As students set out to find their friends to check if they were safe. Lucius Malfoy was furious as he watched his Lord turn to dust he glared at his son before turning and disappearing away leaving his wife and son. 

Harry searched for a familiar face in the crowd that was currently surrounding him. Some were congratulating him while others where crying and checking over him. He sat on the school steps as the others left him giving some privacy as his two best friends sat next to him.

"So...we finally did it huh?" Ron said. 

"At a big price." Hermione continued.

"We saved the world at the expense of so many deaths." Harry said as he looked at the collapsed school.

"But now the world won't be fearing a dark lord and we'll be safe." Ron said looking over his family who was crying hugging each other.

"Will we ever be?" Hermione asked.

"No. But the world would be and that's what matters." Harry finished.

"Say have you seen him?" Harry asked after few minutes of silence. 

The trio knew whom he was talking about after their escape from the Manor Harry had vaguely told them about what happened just before he had left. He had received some unexpected reactions while Hermione was surprised but later said that she did lowkey had a doubt while Ron looked sarcastically baffled at the news as he commented,

 'Great now that you finally realised it can I tell mom to cancel planning Ginny's wedding with you instead ask what flavour cake Luna likes so mom can bake that for her daughter-in-law.'

Harry looked puzzled at Ron who seemed so normal with the news he had honestly thought Ron would have a heart attack but here he was acting like Harry coming out to his best friends and admitting that may like Malfoy was like a normal thing. Ron just shook his head when Hermione looked at him confused.

'Hermione you really are lucky, it was me who had to endure his stupid Malfoy rants every night as he stared at the map searching for the git sometimes even following him under his invisibility cloak.' Ron had muttered thinking about all the trauma he had to go through hearing about how stupidly good Malfoy looked in his robes.

"The last I saw him, he was with Narcissa Malfoy after Lucius fled." Hermione replied as Harry got up to search for Malfoy. 

Harry walked through the broken corridors searching for the familiar blond haired boy as he finally found them he started to walk faster but then halted when he saw Aurors approach the boy as they grabbed Malfoy's hand exposing the dark Mark as they cuffed his hands and started taking him all the while Narcissa Malfoy tried to plea with them that her son wasn't a death eater by choice. Harry rushed towards the Aurors who looked at him surprised.

"Don't worry Mr. Potter he won't trouble you anymore were taking him to the trails after which he would go to Azkaban hopefully." One of the Auror commented as Harry glared at him.

"You can't take him he's innocent he didn't become a death eater by choice." Harry said.

"Why are you supporting him? Didn't he bully you and was your enemy?" One of the Aurors asked.

"Potter leave it." It was Malfoy who said it as Harry opened his mouth to argue Malfoy shook his head as he walked away with the Aurors.

Harry watched helplessly as the Aurors went back to the ministry with a remorse looking Draco with them. And Harry knew that the other boy would accept any punishment the Ministry would give him Harry also knew the ministry would try to give maximum punishment possible to show the wizarding world that they won't let another criminal on the loose. But Harry promised himself that he would free Draco at any cost Draco had saved his life once now it was his turn and why wouldn't Harry save the boy he loved. 

Ron and Hermione stood next to him they had arrived to see a crying Narcissa and a lost looking Harry. 

"The Aurors took him." Cissa had whispered between her sobs as the their eyes widened in understanding. 

A week later Harry sat at Draco Malfoy's trail as he stared at the pale boy who looked worse than he ever had in all the years Harry had seen him. Malfoy looked paler and had lost whatever little weight he had making him look very frail. The trail was intense the ministry took even the smallest of the mistakes showing them as big crimes as one of the Auror smiled wickedly at the Malfoy making Harry's neck hair stand. 

Ron and Hermione told the ministry that Malfoy had saved their lives in the Manor along with Harry who plainly stated that if he was standing in front of them today it was all due to Malfoy and his mother. The duo had saved Harry's life twice  while Narcissa Malfoy had straight up lied in the face of Voldemort himself to keep Harry alive. Harry told the ministry  that he could defeat Voldemort and save the world only because Malfoy helped him. They then saw Malfoy's memory of and before the war and it was not a pleasant sight to watch his memory most of it contained Voldemort and his death eaters torturing and killing people and Malfoy too. Then the memories shifted to when Malfoy had let them escape. Harry watched as Malfoy frowned as Harry watched the next memory when Malfoy had returned after he helped them escape. Bellatrix had called Voldemort when she learnt that Malfoy had let go of their prisoners a detailed torture followed to which even Hermione closed her eyes not wanting to see. The ministry heard everyone's statement as they set Malfoy and Narcissa without any charges but seized their every property even the Manor for five years until they deem it that no dark magic is prevailing in it. 

The Malfoy vaults were frozen for so that they couldn't spend it on anything to create another war. Harry wanted to talk to Draco but he never seemed to have a chance after the trials ended many people left grumbling, Narcissa hugged her son as the two cried quietly in the corner of the room she was apologizing to her son over and over again as he tried to calm her down.

Draco and his mother sat on the bench as she calmed down he knew she was feeling guilty but he explained to her that there was nothing she could do. Their fates had been decided by his father, the same father who had ran away leaving his family behind. Nothing but a coward. Draco laughed humorlessly afterall he was his father's son nothing but a coward. He could have rebelled like Regulus been on the light side but he had to keep his mother safe at any cost and the only way he could do that was to listen to his father.

"Hey." A voice said next to him. Draco looked up to see Weasley and Granger standing.

"Thank you and sorry for the way I treated you guys over the years I know saying sorry won't suffice  it but I would really be grateful of you give me the chance to prove it to you." Draco whispered.

"You saved our lives. Thank you Malfoy." Granger said.

"If you'd like you and your mother could come live at the Burrow we wouldn't mind." Weasley said as Draco looked at him gratefully.

"Thank you Weasley but it's okay we wouldn't want to intrude."

Ron nodded knowingly as Draco nodded at him grateful for his offer. Not everyone would just do that for their enemy no matter how good they were. After the two left his mother went outside to meet her sister. That was when Potter sat next to him the two sat in silence.

"Hey Draco, would you like to move in with me?" The Gryffindor asked as Draco gaped at him as Potter realized what he had said as he rushed to clear it.

"I mean you and your mother together I mean I am living alone at 12 Grimmauld Place. Your mother's black too so it's her house too. Please."

Draco bit his li thinking about it living with the savior it wasn't as if they had anywhere to go.

"But what about your followers they won't like a death eater living with you."

Harry looked at Draco as Draco felt butterflies in his stomach he hadn't forgotten the kiss at the Manor he was dreading the moment  when Potter would laugh at Draco to even think that he liked a death eater.

"You out of all people should know that I never care what people think about me. So will you?"

"Okay." Draco whispered softly.

"Great I'll tell Kreature to move your bags. The bloody elf would love to have you two. He never liked me much."

"I like you." Draco said then realized that he had said that aloud as his eyes widened as he slapped a hand over his mouth.

"I'm sorry I don't know why I said that."

"I love you too." Harry replied cheekily. 

"You do?"


Harry grinned as the other smiled shyly.

A week later the Malfoys had settled very well Cissa would spend time with her sister and Teddy. Harry and Draco were taking it slow though Harry couldn't wait till he could show the world that Draco was his. Lucius got caught while trying to flee the country he was put into Azkaban. Draco and Cissa weren't very happy but they understood it was needed and Harry was there for them at every point supporting and comforting them. Draco and Ron actually got on first name basis and now they would have dinners together along with Hermione and Harry. The other two smiling softly watching their lovers compete at wizard chess. 

Life was good and Harry was finally happy with the love of his life living with him.


(Words 1917)

Well I know it's a bit too late this chapter I mean, sorry for the delay for those whom I promised. 

Hope you guys like it.

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