Destiny Islands Academy for t...

By adoori

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A Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy high school story. Updated every Sunday. After an accident at your old hi... More



906 35 4
By adoori

"It's okay, [Name]. You got just one more week of broadsword training. After that, you get to kick ass with some other weapon!"

"Yeah, Yuffie's right! And, if you told me right then you must be really good at magic! It balances out."

"Hm. Yeah."

Despite your three friends trying to console you (if what Squall said was consoling), you couldn't get over the embarrassment that had occurred. What teacher calls out a student like that? Bitch.

You fixed your hair as you picked up your bag. "Thanks, guys."

Yuffie beamed. "That's what friends are for!"

Giving Yuffie one more appreciative smile, you turned to Serah who was hurriedly gathering together her purse. She made her way towards the door while waving back at you.

"Gotta go to club, guys. See you! Nice meeting you, [Name]!" she called.

You waved back at her. How could such an angel have the sister that she had?

Yuffie grabbed your arm and tugged you along next to her before facing Squall. "Wanna walk with us?" she asked him. You both already knew the answer.

"No." The brunette took his leave.

Your friend sighed. "Whatever, Mr. Grinch."

You laughed at Yuffie's words before asking, "So where are we going?"

She only shrugged as you both made your way out of the classroom, going downstairs and walking around the school. Since the classroom was on the edge of the building, you would have a long way to go before reaching the front.

On your way, you saw a stand with books atop it. You turned to Yuffie with a questioning glance.

"Hey, what are those?"

She followed your gaze to see they were on the stack of books. Yuffie smiled and released you before going to a book, picking it up, and walking back over.

"Yearbooks! They're the leftovers from last year," she explained. You nodded while she opened it up, turning to the section with junior class pictures.

She reached the K section, and you skimmed the page as her fingers glided across it. She pointed to one picture with pride.

"Aha! There you go. Yuffie Kisaragi, beauty queen," she joked. You laughed while she flipped her hair dramatically.

"Even prettier in real life," you told her sweetly.

Yuffie gave you a big smile. "Thanks! You want to keep it?"

"The picture?"

"You wish!" she exclaimed, sticking her tongue out. "The book, dumdum."

You made an o-shape with your mouth as you realized what she was saying. "Can I? I don't have to pay anything?"

"Nah, these are just the scraps," she explained. You nodded before taking the book out of her hands and putting it in your bag, instantly feeling it weighed down because of its thickness.

"Well, I better get going. My cousin's waiting for me at home," you told her. Yuffie pouted.

"Wait, are you sure you don't want to go to a club or something?



You scrunch up your nose as you start to weigh your options. It was already 2:38; the bell had rung at 2:30. You told your cousin you'd be home by 2:45, so you really shouldn't...

"No thanks, Yuffie. I really gotta go," you answer.

Yuffie sighs sadly before nodding her head. "Okay. Where are you parked?"

"Visitor's parking space," you reply sheepishly. She smirks at you. "I didn't know I had to buy one!"

Your petite friend laughs at you before pulling out her phone from her purse, pressing the screen a few times before handing it to you. You take the device from her and look down at it while she speaks.

"Can you give me your number?" she asks.

You smile up at her before nodding eagerly, entering your phone number. First day, and you've already passed down your number to someone.

When you finish, Yuffie throws the phone haphazardly back into her bag. You're about to tell her she probably shouldn't do that when she wraps her arms around your neck.

"See ya, [Name]," Yuffie says. You hug her back before she lets go after a few seconds.

"Bye, Yuffie," you tell her. You give her one last smile before turning and walking the few extra steps towards the front.

You round the last corner to the entrance of the school and expect to be greeted with a small pathway to the front door when instead you meet a solid body. You give a little jump and go to apologize to the person before they do it first.

"Oh, sor- [Name]! It's just you," Sora says. You smile at the happy brunette before sighing.

"Yeah, thankfully. I'm glad it was you too, it would've been weird if I faceplanted with some other guy's boobs," you answer honestly.

Sora laughs at you before putting his hands on his hips and puffing out his chest. "These aren't boobs, they're pecs!" He beats his fist against his chest.

You laugh at the boy before shaking your head at how childish he was. He seems to enjoy your reaction, and grins at you proudly.

"Well, Mr. Man, I need to get home. My car's right out there," you tell him. Sora's smile widens at your nickname for him.

"No problem, I'll walk you!"

He goes ahead of you and holds open the door, letting you walk through it first before following after. You make your way towards the vehicle, smile bright the whole way.

After all, who can't smile at this ball of sunshine?


You tossed the options inside of your head: going to a club and thus getting more familiar with the school or going straight home. One day had been long enough, and you had the rest of the year to join a club anyway.

"The first day was long enough for me, Yuffie," you told your friend. Yuffie crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side before nodding.

"Yeah, guess that makes sense for a weak newbie like you," she joked. You rolled your eyes at her.

"Of course, I'm just soooo drained of energy I have to go home," you played along. Yuffie laughed at you, and just as you were about to say goodbye, reached into her pocket.

She ran up the small distance to you and passed you her phone. "Before you go, gimme your number," she asked.

You nodded at the small girl before typing in the digits to your phone number and passing it back. She smiled at the screen and shoved the device back into her pocket before enveloping you in a hug.

"Kay, see you, [Name]!" she said right after letting go. You waved at her and swiveled around to go towards the front.

Soon, you approached the front doors to the school. Picking the one that was closest to you, you grabbed it and were about to push it before being pulled back.

In surprise, you let go of the door and took a couple steps back. The person on the other side opened the door all the way and made eye contact with you.

Riku raised his eyebrows in shock. "Sorry, [Name], did I hit you?" the boy asked.

You smiled at him before shaking your head. "No, you didn't. I jumped back before you could." You gave him a grin.

He smirked at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "Okay, let's try again then."

You narrowed your eyes at the boy and he chuckled at your expression, walking into the building. You eyed the door you'd have to use soon again.

"Asshole," you mumbled under your breath.

"What was that?" Riku asked teasingly.

You ignored his snarkiness and turned to face the door. "I gotta go and my car's parked out there, bye," you told him in one breath.

You started walking towards the exit door, hitting him with your shoulder in the process, when he ran up to the door and held it open for you.

"Please, let me walk you," he offered, with a tone that was less than sincere.

Rolling your eyes, you slipped through the door he opened and waved your hand over your shoulder. You walked outside, further and further from the building, with Riku still at the door.

"No thanks, I'll pass!" you called out, never turning around.


Well, I guess a club can't take THAT long...

"What clubs are there?" you asked her.

Yuffie brightened up at your answer. "Probably the same ones you had at your old school. You know, art, drama, environmental, things like that."

You slouched at her words. Those were nothing you hadn't already been to in the past.

"I see. I guess I'll pass the-"

"Oh! And Mr. Gabbiani was gonna head the new struggle club this year!" she remembered.

This was a new one. "What's struggle?" you asked.

"You'll like it," she answered. "It's basically just when you get this giant blue bat thing and beat the shit out of another person while they beat the shit out of you."

"Hm. I do like it," you replied thoughtfully. "Where is it?"

Yuffie grinned at your answer. "The gym. Next building over."

You smiled and gave the shorter girl a thumbs-up. "Thanks, Yuffie! I'll make my way now. Before I go, can I give you my number?"

The brunette nodded her head furiously before reaching into her bag and passing you her phone. You punched in your phone number and handed it back to her. She wrapped you in a hug.

"Bye, [Name]!" she chirped before running in the opposite direction.

You headed towards the gym, and could hear loud noises from outside. Once you approached the doors, the sounds only increased. You opened the gym doors and stepped inside, seeing two people on a platform too far away for you to recognize.

Nearby, you saw Roxas with Pence beside him. They were both watching the fight closely and yelling. You wiggled through the small crowd to reach them and tugged on Roxas' jacket when you did.

He didn't turn around, but instead continued to cheer for the person on stage. You sighed frustratedly.

"Roxas!" you yelled.

Said boy turned to the side slightly to see you. "Hey, [Name]. Give me a second, Hayner and Seifer are fighting."

At the mention of Hayner's name, you looked up and saw that it was him on the stage. After a few swings, however, he began to get tired out. With each hit from his opponent, he released orbs that were taken from him.

Finally, a whistle blew. You turned to see a white-haired man, whom you presumed to be Mr. Gabbiani, head over to a fallen Hayner.

"Dammit, not again," Roxas murmured.

You gave him a confused look. He sighed and faced you, noticing your confusion.

"That guy's like Hayner's worst enemy. And me and Pence's too," he explained.

You nodded in understanding before patting the blonde's shoulder. "Well then, next time you get him!"

Roxas gave you a smile. "I'll try."


"Hm, depends. What clubs are there?" you asked her.

Yuffie puffed out her cheeks in thought and counted on her fingers. "Um, there's art and environmental and drama and..."

As she went on and on, you brightened at the suggestion of a drama club. Even if you didn't participate, it would be fun to watch.

"Where's drama?"

"Theater! Duh," Yuffie answered, sticking out her tongue.

You scoffed at your friend's attitude and were about to say your goodbye when she skipped up to you, peeling her phone out of her bag. You watched while she unlocked it and opened up to a keypad before handing you it.

"Can you give me your number before you go?" she asked.

You looked up at her with a playful smile. "Even if I said no, you'd force me, so yes."

She grinned at you as you typed in your phone number. You handed back the phone to her once you finished, and she plopped it right back into her bag before wrapping her arms around you.

"Bye, [Name]! The theater's just down the hall!" Yuffie told you after she released you from her hug.

You smiled and waved her off before following her directions and walking down the hallway. You saw a black door all the way at the end, with the words "THEATER" spread across it in shimmering letters.

Opening the door, you saw a few people up on the stage practicing something and the rest of the students sitting down on the seats facing the stage. Among them were two you recognized.

"Axel? Kairi?"

Your two friends turned around and saw you. Axel gave you a wide grin as he stood up and gestured to the seat next to him.

"Fancy seeing you, [Name]," he greeted.

You sat down in the seat and twisted your body to face the two redheads, your face tinging with a bit of the same color when Axel draped his arm across the back of your chair.

"You two are in drama?" you asked, just to divert attention away from your flushed face.

Kairi cocked an eyebrow at your obvious question but Axel answered it. "Of course. Haven't you noticed? Some people just have a natural flair for the dramatic."

You were about to give him a snarky reply when a deep voice boomed from the stage.

"Axel! Come on up, get ready for your monologue," a tall, blonde haired man with a beanie over his long hair spoke.

"Going, Mr. Villiers," Axel replied. He turned to you and gave you a wink. "Stay right here. You're gonna see a real actor, got it memorized?"

You and Kairi exchanged looks as he stood up and walked over to the teacher, hating how wide his charms were making you smile.


You look at Yuffie with an arched brow. "Club? What club meetings are today?"

"There's a few," she tells you. "Environmental, art, drama, strug-"

You stop her mid-sentence as you remember what Ms. Gainsborough told you. She was the one who ran the environmental club.

"Where's environmental?" you ask.

Yuffie smiles at you. "Ms. Gainsborough's room! Do you know where that is?"

You nod at Yuffie and are about to leave when she stops you. She whips out her phone and passes it to you, and you see the screen is on one for a new contact.

"Wait, give me your number and then go!" she asks, and you smile and punch in your digits. When you finish, the short girl hugs you before running off, leaving you to go to Ms. Gainsborough's class.

It's not too long a walk, and once you get there you open the door to see the meeting's about to start. The room is almost filled, and you'd be overwhelmed by it and not know where to sit if the familiar voice hadn't called out to you.

"[Name], over here!"

You turn to see a familiar blackhead a few desks away with Serah sitting next to him. You smile and wave at Serah and Zack as he pulls out a chair, offering it to you.

Making your way over, Zack gives you his charismatic grin. "Yo, didn't expect to see you here."

You look at him thoughtfully. "Oh? Why wouldn't I come?"

He shrugs. "I mean, it's the first day and everything. I didn't think a newbie would start getting involved on her first day, but then again, you're special." He winks at you, and you feel your face flush as you roll your eyes at him.

"Gee, thanks. Why are you here anyway? You care about the environment?" you asked. Zack's grin fell into a goofy one.

"I've been a member of this club for four years, thank you very much. I care about the environment a lot," he begins. You raise an eyebrow. "Also, I think Gainsborough's hot."

There it is.

You can't help but laugh at his words. Serah shakes her head, and you give her a look of incredulity. This kid was something else.

Ms. Gainsborough walks up to her podium and everyone quiets down. As she begins to talk, you watch Zack look at her with starry eyes.

He was right. Ms. Gainsborough was beautiful.

For the second time that day, you began to feel jealous of her.


"Um, depends. Do you know any of my friends in a club?" you asked.

If you were really going to do this, you weren't going to do it alone. Plus, it needed to be quick; you didn't want to annoy your cousin.

"Well, Serah's in environmental," Yuffie replied. "Oh, and I saw you hanging out with Cloud today. He's in art."

The mention of Cloud's name caught your attention. You tried to hide your interest in the handsome blonde man by plainly asking, "Okay, where's art?"

Yuffie smiled. "The art room's right under hand to hand, so down that hallway," she answered with a pointing finger.

You nodded in thanks and were about to leave when she skipped up to you, holding her phone in her hand. She passed it to you, and you took it.

"Give me your number?" Yuffie asked with an excited smile.

"Sure," you replied before punching in your digits and handing back the phone.

She hugged you, and with a couple more words of goodbye was off. You followed her directions and stopped in front of the art room, and the door was already open with a door stopper.

You walked in, and sure enough, Cloud was there. He was sitting in front of an easel, and next to him was Naminé with a similar easel in front of her.

There was a teacher in front of the classroom talking, with long black hair and a red bandana over his forehead. The board had his name written across it, and you tried to walk past the other students quietly to not disrupt Mr. Valentine's speech.

You took a seat beside Cloud and smiled at him and Naminé when they looked over at you. You continued to listen to Mr. Valentine, but by the time you sat down he had almost finished.

He walked back to his desk, and you turned to Cloud. "Hey, what are we supposed to do?" you asked.

"He said since it's the first meeting, he wants us to start easy. He said to sketch an animal, and then we'd paint it later," Cloud answered.

You nodded at him and took out a pencil from the cup next to the easel you sat in front of. You thought about what you were going to draw, and when you figured it out, started to create soft strokes on the canvas.

Turning over to Cloud halfway through, you were surprised at what you saw. It was good. Really good.

"Cloud, that looks awesome," you told him.

He gave you a small smile. "Thanks, it's a chocobo. They're all over the place where I'm from."

"Where are you from?" you asked.

"Nibelheim," he answered swiftly. "I'm a country boy." He had a smile on his face, one that was both soft and silly.

You laughed at him and continued to draw, eyeing his chocobo and Naminé's duck and dog duo as you went.


It was getting late, and you really didn't want to take advantage of your cousin's constant kindness to come home late. You decided against a club.

"I really gotta get home, Yuffie, but thanks," you told the small girl. Yuffie gave a soft whine.

"Aw, okay," Yuffie told you. She reached into her pocket, and as she shuffled through it, asked, "Before you leave, can I have your number?"

You smiled at her friendliness and nodded vigorously. Yuffie pulled out a thin, sleek phone covered in a brightly colored case and tapped on the screen a few times. She passed it to you, and you entered in your digits.

Handing back the phone with a smile, Yuffie took it and put it back inside her purse before wrapping her arms around you. You hugged her back before she gave you a light squeeze and pulled away.

"I'll see you tomorrow, [Name]," the brunette told you. You waved at her and began to walk in the opposite direction, towards the front.

Both of you had been walking towards the front anyway, so you arrived to the entrance/exit of the school in no time. You opened the door and walked through, heading towards your visitor space.

You started approaching your car when you noticed someone next to it, visible because of their long red hair. You smirked before jogging up behind them and tugging on their ponytail.

"Yo!" Reno called, before turning around and seeing you. "Hey, [Name]?"

You laughed at his surprise. "Hey to you too, jumpy. Are you parked here?"

Reno narrowed his eyes at your title for him. "Sure as hell am."

"In a visitor's space?" you asked with a cocked eyebrow.

He grinned lightly while shrugging his shoulders. "I didn't want to pay." Reno leaned his body against the black car beside him, crossing his arms. "What about you?"

You gave a guilty smile before nudging your head to the side, towards your car that was on the other side of you two. "I'm not much better."

Reno noticed what you were motioning towards and laughed loudly. "Damn, what are the odds we park next to each other? It's gotta be a sign, babe." He gave you a wink.

"A sign?" Now it was your turn to laugh. "Mm, so the gods decided we should be together because our cars are next to each other. Guess it seems about right."

"Bet your ass it does," the redhead replied.

You rolled your eyes at his bad flirting before walking around him and towards the driver's seat where you climbed in, against his words to stay for a while longer, without giving him a second glance.


It didn't take you long to consider what she said; you knew you shouldn't go to a club in the first place. It would be taking advantage of your cousin.

"It's okay, Yuffie. I promised her I'd try to get home on time," you replied.

Yuffie gave you a dejected look before nodding. "It's okay, I understand."

"Thanks," you told her. Just as you were going to leave, she walked up to you.

The short brunette pulled out her cell phone from her purse and turned it on. She clicked on the screen a few times before passing you the device, and you took it from her.

"Number, please!" she asked excitedly.

You smiled at your friend before nodding and putting in your phone number. After you finished, you passed it back and she slipped it back into her bag.

Yuffie hugged you quickly, barely giving you time to reciprocate until she pulled away. "I'll see you tomorrow, [Name]!" she told you, and walked back in the direction you both came as you waved her off.

You started to head back towards the front when you saw many students there trying to file out of the building. You abruptly stopped and felt someone bump into you from behind.

"Oops, sorry," you told them as you turned around.

It shouldn't have been as surprising as it was to see Squall behind you. He merely looked down at you, responding with a low "Hm."

"That's the second time today. I don't know what's with us, Squall," you replied as you tried to joke around. He had to smile eventually.

"Move." That wasn't what you were looking for.

There were less people here now anyway, so he easily walked around you and towards the exit doors. You pouted to yourself as you ran up to the doors before him, peeling them open and holding them for him to slip through.

Squall looked down at you as you did this, cocking a confused eyebrow as he stepped outside of the school with you. You merely gave him a grin, and he looked away.

"Where are you parked?" you asked him, trying to make conversation.

"Nowhere," he answered. "I walk home."

You nodded at him understandingly when you began to see that you were drifting in the direction away from your car. You looked up at him and slowly began to stop walking.

"Well, I'm in the other direction." You pointed to your car, on the other side of the building. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I'll walk you there," he replied.

This took you aback, and you stood there for a second as he turned around and started off in the direction you pointed at. Did he actually just say something nice?

"Are you coming?" Squall asked impatiently from a few steps ahead of you.

There he was again. But, as you ran to catch up with him, you realized that there were two sides to the mysterious brunette. You'd just gotten a glimpse of the other.

And you were determined to see him smile.

((equal results for everyone this time fuq ya B-) also who yall think is your cousin?? leave a comment, im curious))

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