This Is Life

By becky_newsies4ever

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Julia and Donny have just admitted their feelings for one another moments before stepping onstage, about to p... More

Moments Before
Planning the Tour
The heartache it brings
July 4th
Love will come and find me again
3 years later!
Moving in
The Other Side
Coming home
The Truth
Memorial Visits
The Letter
The past
One last day

Growing up

25 0 0
By becky_newsies4ever

May 1953 - Twins just turned 2
I heard the crying from down the hallway and my cue to actually get out of bed kept ringing so I got up and wondered to Flora's bedroom. I went and crouched down beside my 2 year old as she was crying from her crib. "Hey princess. What's wrong?"

"I bump my head."

"Oh honey." I lifted her up and sat on the floor with her in my lap as I held her close. "Where about did you bump it? And what on?"

"There." She pointed at the side of her head. "And there." She pointed to the corner post of her crib. "I trying to get out."

"Oh you silly girl. Let me kiss it all better." I pressed a kiss to her head and she giggled and cuddled into me. "Why were you climbing out your crib?"

"Give mommy and daddy cuddles."

"Oh princess. Daddy and I love cuddles but you have to wait for us to come get you. You can't just climb out your crib. It's dangerous, and you may get more hurt than you just did. Maybe it's time we got you a big girl bed." She giggled and before long I saw Donny walk in with Michael beside him gripping his finger.

"Everything okay in here?" He asked as he came and sat beside us.

"Yeah. This little one tried climbing out her crib. Fell back in and bumped her head on the corner post. But a mommy kiss made it all better."

"Guess they are both being cheeky. Because I found this one this morning wondering around his room having successfully climbed out."

"Oh gosh. Definitely time for toddler beds then." I said resting my head on his shoulder. Flora crawled out of my lap and went to give her dad a hug too and he smiled as he hugged her. Michael however didn't come to me. He just started wondering around. He didn't talk much at all, unlike Flora who didn't stop talking. Also when he did talk it was more or less just to Donny or babbles between him and Flora. "Let's get these two monkeys dressed then breakfast time. We have a gig tonight as well. Our first evening gig since we had the twins."

"Yeah. I'm nervous. For how I'll feel, and for how they will do. I'll miss them and I hope they both go to sleep well with their grandma looking after them."

"Me too." I said softly. "But I'm also nervous because my dads going remember. His first time hearing us live and watching us perform. Since he came back into my life he's brought all our records and the number of times I go over and he's playing one is far too often." Donny chuckled.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. And I'll be right there beside you. And remember he's trying to mend your relationship, not break it apart. He's not going to do or say anything that could upset you love." I nodded and pulled him into a soft kiss. After pulling apart I chose Flora an outfit and Donny went with Michael back to his room to choose him and outfit and we dressed them both. We then took turns to watch the twins eat breakfast while we got ourselves ready for the day. Once dressed and ready for work I went and gave the twins kisses and hugs.

"I'll see you later little ones. Be good for daddy." I kissed Donny softly on the lips before getting up and walking out the door. I headed into work and smiled. I loved my twins so much, but I loved my job and we also needed the money to support ourselves as record sales weren't always enough to get by.


I came home as usual to see the twins eating their lunches and Donny working hard doing the washing up. I went straight to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. "Hey baby." I whispered.

"Hey love. How was work?"

"Really good. Very productive. But I glad to be home with my favourite people. How were the twins?"

"Flora was talkative as usual. Michael's getting there but sometimes find the time hard, especially when Flo doesn't stop." I nodded and kissed his shoulder as he turned around and kissed me softly. "I love you."

"I love you too." I walked over to the table and kissed both twins on the top of their heads. "Have you had a good morning with daddy?" Michael nodded and then Flora began talking about what they'd done. I smiled and lifted her into my lap causing a giggle. "You gotta finish up your sandwich princess. Michael has finished his so he gets a biscuit." Donny brought two biscuits over and gave one to our son keeping the other until Flora was done. She then got her biscuit after and the twins went to go play in the living room. I cleared up, grabbed my own lunch and then went to sit and watch the twins with Donny. We did housework while the kids were napping and once they woke up I took them back downstairs and Donny and I had a little rehearsal. The twins loved to sit and watch when Donny played the piano so they were both very content on the couch. He played the songs and I sang. At one point I went to the twins and crouched down by them as I sang. Flora reached for me and I picked her up and continued to sing while I danced around the room holding her on my hip. I went to give Michael a go but he just fussed around so I let him stay on the couch. "My angels." I said giving them both a kiss.

"Oh Julia. I forgot to say earlier. My dad called, just for a bit of a catch up. I told him about the twins climbing out their cribs. He's offered to go buy them toddler beds. He's bringing them round after work."

"Aww that's amazing. I'll be sure to thank him. And I know the twins will be very happy to not be in their cribs. But I'd suggest we have them in cribs tonight or it may be difficult with Ma and Oliver watching them on their first night in toddler beds."


Donny and I put the twins to bed along with Ma and Oliver before leaving to go to the club. My dad was already inside and I hugged him tightly. "Hey." I said softly.

"Hi Julia. Oh it feels good to hug you again. How are the twins?"

"They're good. Ma is watching them tonight. Although Michael has learnt how to climb out of his crib and Flora is attempting to do the same. She fell this morning and bashed her head on the post. Silly girl. But Donny's dad as bought them each a 'big kid' bed that we will begin the transition into tomorrow."

"Well let's hope they are nothing like you. You were a nightmare. Always climbing out your crib, but also never stayed in your toddler bed. You woke your mother and I up countless times a night." I chuckled.

"Anyway, thanks for coming tonight, it means a lot. I need to go help the guys tune and warm up."

"No problem. I'm excited to watch my little girl perform." I smiled and went over to the piano with Donny. I sat beside him and pressed a softly kiss to his lips. The two of us ran though some vocal scales and then tuned the guys.

"Donny. I just want to thank you for everything. For asking me to join the band, for showing me how to love again. For supporting me though the difficult times. For asking me to marry you and giving me our incredible children. For allowing me to follow the dreams I didn't even know I had, and for helping me become the woman I am today. None of us would be here without you. I can't believe we're getting to perform again. When we played that last gig before having the twins I was worried it would be the last gig we'd ever play as a group. I was worried the kids would stop us from performing. But tonight I've been proved wrong. And while I miss them dearly, I've missed performing live, with you and the guys so much more. And I can't wait to sing with you again."

"I miss the twins as well. But we have each other. And we're getting to do what we love most which is performing." I nodded and Donny pulled me into a soft kiss. I rested my hand on the back of his neck as I kissed him back.

"Okay love birds, break it up. We have a gig to perform." Nick said from behind us. I chuckled and stood up.

"I love you Donny Nova."

"I love you too Julia Trojan."

"My handsome Donny Novitski."

"My beautiful Julia Novitski." We smiled as we finished the routine we did every time we performed since getting married. I kissed him again quickly before taking my place at the microphone.

"After two years away from the stage, please welcome back, The Donny Nova Band, Featuring Julia Trojan." The cheers were wild and I smiled.

"Thank you so much Jo. Thank you all for welcoming us back to the stage so wonderfully. We're all super excited to be performing live once again. The last two years have been a rollercoaster of a journey for Donny and I as we grew our family, having twins. Flora and Michael Novitski. They are hopefully both still asleep back home being watched by their grandma. Having the twins has meant we've not been able to perform live. But the two of us, along with help from the guys decided now was the time to come back to the stage. Performances won't be as often as they used to be. But we're hoping to work on a new album this year and still perform at least once a month somewhere in Cleveland. But tonight we're going to kick things off with one of my favourites as it fits perfectly. 'The Boys are Back.'"


By the end of the set I was in tears of joy. Donny and I sang the last song sat at the piano together and I rested my head against his shoulder as we finished. "Thank you all so much for coming tonight. Without you guys, this band would never have made it as big as we did. We are so grateful for all the support each and every one of you have shown us over the years. It feels amazing to be back again and we can't wait to keep performing. Thank you and Goodnight." I pressed a soft kiss to Donny's lips as he turned to face me. "I love you Julia. And you sounded so amazing tonight."

"So did you baby." We stood up and went to my dads table.

"What would you guys like to drink?"

"Julia?" Donny said looking at me knowing I didn't drink often.

"It's been two years since we've been out, I think I'll have a drink tonight. How about we get a Manhattan each. Reminder of the first gig we played together."

"Sure. Two Manhattans please Mr Adams."

"How many times Donny. Call me Henry." Dad patted him on the back and went to get us our drinks. I took the opportunity to kiss my husband again with a little more passion than when we were onstage. "Julia Novitski." Donny said as we pulled apart. "You're truly are the greatest thing in my life. And I know now why I'm particularly excited. But I can't wait to just go home and cuddle you as we lay in bed together."

"Me neither. For some reason I feel like it will be more special than any other night." My dad returned and handed us the drinks. I smiled and Donny and I clinked glasses before taking a sip each.

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