The Art of Warren

By b00klover09

279K 12K 1.7K

He was a mosaic, composed of broken pieces. She was an unfinished art project. ******** The moon goddess en... More

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
The Art of Submission

Fifty One

2.3K 122 16
By b00klover09

"Bye ladies!"

Pomelia smiled the best she could as the few women who attended her get together left. It was just two days after her estrus cycle and she still felt the effects of the medicine.

A total of nine days of her and War being Alpha and Luna and seven of those days were filled with uncomfortable pining for her mate, dealing with this new pack and of course being a Luna.

She had even spoken to Doctor Wes and he told her that when she took a similar pill at the temple when she was a novice it worked because she did not have any other reason for it to work. That and her wolf was dormant. Now that her wolf was fully awake and her body had something to crave, which was War, her body fought tooth and nail against the pill. Wanting to be joined with War over and over again until they could not possibly take anymore. Or so her wolf kept putting into her mind...

"I think that went well, Luna."

Pom turned her head to see the head of the kitchen, an older woman by the name Lisa. She smiled, her crows feet showing her age. The woman was chock full of wonderful information which Pomelia wanted to sit down and eventually talk more with her.

"I hope they enjoyed it," Pomelia said nervously.

Lisa smiled. "They did. Believe me they would have told you if they didn't. Or they would have simply just left." That made Pom smile.

"Oh shit. Am I late for the tea party?"

Pomelia glanced up and noticed it was a sole female with a sheepish grin on her face. She wore a pair of sleek black pants that hugged her body just right and a sports bra. Her dark skin was glistening with sweat and her kinky curls were pent up in a puff atop of her head, along with a blue scarf like headband.

Pom knew her. Her name was Trisha. The one who helped out in the kitchen from time to time and also the girl who Trent hung around a lot with. Well recently started to be with Trent a lot. Pomelia recalled a very graphic talk Trisha told her and the rest of the kitchen girls about Trent and their...sexual adventures. She actually smelled like Trent the more Trisha came closer.

"Well everyone left but I still have muffins and coffee if you want to sit down for some we definitely can," she smiled glancing at the plate of muffins. She would have offered danishes too but Lo swooped in with her mate at an all female event, said hi to everyone and left with the plate of danishes! Everyone thought it was funny but Pomelia had a few choice words for the couple. All in fun ofcourse.

She shrugged. "I'll take a muffin for the road. We have yoga in front of the rec center in like 20 minutes. Sorry I was late I know a lot of people didn't come."

That was true. Pomelia trying to be a good Luna decided to have a little brunch with the ladies of the pack. When they heard no alcohol was there some left. A few stayed and picked Pomelia's brain apart about how War treats her and how they all thought he liked men because he never paid any attention to the women of the pack.

Of course the questions about the temple and the women there were interesting to answer. She had knocked down a lot of stereotypes that many pack wolves had about her sisters...well former sisters.

The few who did stay were actually fun and it was nice to hear that War wasn't staring down women like meat before she came along like some of the other men in the pack did. She felt eyes on her at times, of course she would never let War know that. He would try and hurt someone over staring too much. They never did it front of him though, She suppose her onlookers were smarter than that.

"I'm sorry what is yoga? Is it a game?"

The woman gave her a dumbfounded look, before she began to laugh. Then she paused, staring at Pomelia oddly. "You've never heard of yoga?" Pomelia shook her head. "That's crazy. You should come join. It's like...well it's originally from India I know and then everyone else took it and kind of does their own thing and slaps the label on it. Kind of what America does a lot."

Pomelia nodded, as if she did understand what she was talking about. "It's like linking mind and body. So like exercises that work both? Ok I'm honestly shit at explanations. Why don't you come join? Throw on some sweats and a shirt and try it out. It's only like 20 minutes."

Mind and body? It sounded relaxing...and Pom was sure women who didn't come to her little gathering would be there. Unfortunately, she had absolutely no type of sweat outfits. "I would...I just don't have any work out clothing. I just have dresses."

Trisha was giving her that odd stare again. "I think I have some clothes that will fit you. You still have to clean up this stuff right? I'll run to my apartment and grab some clothes."

Pomelia really almost cried. "Oh...that-that would be great. Thank you so much!"

"No problem! I'll meet you back here in like ten minutes. Kay?"


Pomelia was going to do She was oddly excited. Not just at the aspect of doing the yoga but at the kindness of Trisha. Also at hanging out with the women of the pack!

"Lisa did you hear that? I'm going to do something with the ladies," Pomelia smiled as she grabbed a pretty pair of tongs and placed the rest of the few left over scraps of food into a container. According to Lisa the older pups were about almost ready to leave practice and would be coming to snatch up any leftovers accompanied with their regular lunch.

"I heard! I hope you have fun. I'm too old to bend and stretch like that but you're nice and young. Plus it will help you stay nice and limber for Alpha," the woman chuckled as she winked at Pomelia. Limber...that word she didn't know. Why would she need to be limber for War?

She just gave the woman a smile and made a note to question War about what being limber for him actually meant. She hadn't seen her mate all day and she wanted nothing more to just sit with him and cuddle and kiss. She usually at least saw him once or twice throughout the day.

Pom was sure he had a counseling session with one of the older sisters today..but Pomelia heard that the temples were being shut off from outsiders since the attack happened but she wasn't sure. That would mean War was lying...again? Or maybe he didn't realize that the temple was closed? She would have to call him after her yoga session and ask him if he knew...

After Pom and Lisa finished cleaning up, Pom added some numbers of the women that she had met into her phone with joy. She didn't really know how to txt except for sending Nick messages for him to come watch tv with her and sending War hearts and wolf emoticons.

"Hey Luna! We have to hurry. I told Dee to wait because you're coming to the class. She got all nervous." Trisha appeared with clothes and water bottles and seemed a little out of breath.

Pom blushed. Someone was nervous because of her? She couldn't even imagine anyone being nervous around her except for well War at times. "Oh she shouldn't be nervous," Pom told Trisha as she followed her into the dining hall and to the bathrooms.

"Listen a lot of girls come from packs with bitch ass Lunas. Lunas are usually mean, cold, and old," Trisha explained to Pom as she gasped in surprise. She never thought Lunas would be like that. She had learned that the purpose of being a Luna was to support and help the females of the pack. Not be mean. "Or if they aren't old they're uber paranoid of young females trying to seduce their mate and basically ignore the female population of the pack."

Stealing their mates? That made Poms stomach flip. She couldn't live in fear of what if's though and she knew her mate. War never even so much as glanced at other women. Even if he did by some crazy chance she knew his heart belonged to her...

"I'm not like that at all," Pom told Trisha as she revealed the clothing choice for Pom. It was an extremely small lavender shirt and pants set. The colors were beautiful...but Pomelia wondered why it seemed so small.

"I told them you're coool I just think some people are nervous. Old habits die hard...and here! This is literally the only work out clothes that I have that covers up everything."

Pom thanked her and went to change into the clothing. Once she slipped on the pants, she suppressed a gasp. It was skin tight, molding to her body. She slipped on the shirt and chewed on her bottom lip.

This outfit a second skin. Pomelia felt like she was at Alpha Reese's pack again when she had to wear that revealing outfit to swim. War looked as if he wanted to murder her or everyone when she wore that.

War's Vice grip on her outer thigh when she sat next to him was bruising almost. She knew he didn't mean to hurt her, he was just a bit...on edge. So she requested to go in the water and that was definitely an experience. A terrifying and fun one. War wasn't going to let go of her and once she realized that they had fun in the water and she fell even more for him...

Pomelia sighed, pouting in the bathroom a bit as she thought of her mate. "Um Luna? Do you not like the outfit?"

She completely forgot about Trisha and the class. "Oh I'm so sorry!" Pom gasped as she gathered her dress and opened the door.

Trisha smiled wide. "Oh wow Luna Pomelia! Those dresses do you no justice. You have an ass." Pom wasn't sure how to approach the compliment so she just murmured an embarrassed thanks. "I didn't mean to offend you. Sorry."

Pom smiled. "No, I-it's fine! Let's get to the class!"

Trisha and Pom quickly made their way to where the class would be. On their way, she received a few stares. No doubt people not used to her wearing regular clothes. She could only imagine War's reaction.

Once they arrived at the class, she saw a lot of women who were staring at her with shocked expressions. She smiled. "Hi everyone. Sorry we're late."

"You're totally okay, Luna!" The woman facing everyone yelled out, probably the woman leading the class.

Pom tried not to feel the eyes on her. They were all relatively kind, some extremely surprised. Trisha instructed her to slip her shoes off then they found spots and placed their mats on the grass.

"Okay ladies so what we're going to do first is clear our minds while doing some basic poses. Every time you exhale thing of something to let go about your day. Something negative. Exhale the negative, inhale the positive!"

Pomelia liked that saying. She would definitely use it with War at times when he was overwhelmed or frustrated. When he became frustrated he shut down. It would also help too of course.

As soon as Pomelia was getting into the groove of things, she could hear whispers. Vulgar ones. Her ears burned at what she heard. Not only about her but the other women.

"Yeah, Alpha's lucky alright."

"No wonder War is up her ass look at it."

"You guys see Yelly's rack. I'd so fuck her tits."

Before Pomelia could even say anything, she heard some women tell them to... well leave them alone. Not using those exact words though..

Pomelia turned around frowning, looking at the men who were being crude and just well disgusting. It was around ten males a few feet away from them.

"Ignore them, they'll eventually leave," Trisha whispered as Pomelia was completely horrified about that entire situation. They had done this before?

Pom took a deep breath and silently prayed up to the goddess to give her strength. She was going to confront them. It was her job to protect the ladies of the pack and she had to do that. Even if the men did look like they could kill Pomelia with one look.

"Excuse me," she smiled at the men as some of them looked away from her. The others were sizing her up. "Hi boys."

The one who seemed as if he was the leader of the pack smirked. He pushed back his dark hair and Pomelia noticed the words tattooed onto his arm 'Pussy runs everything.' "Hey Sister Pomelia. We were just admiring you and the other beautiful pack ladies physiques."

Pomelia fought hard to keep her smile up. "I'm afraid to tell you that the ladies and I do not need you all to comment or admire our physiques. Especially in such a demeaning way. If you all wouldn't mind can you leave?"

His smile vanished, and his face paled... Did Pom really terrify him? What did she say?

"War, look at that tat. What the fuck do you know about pussy? You can't even get any."

She got her answer of why they suddenly seemed terrified with that sentence and of course the two scents that suddenly invaded her nostrils. She turned her head, her smile vanishing too.

Warren seemed ready to murder. His long hair was pushed back, exposing just how clenched his jaw was...just how furious he looked. Trent was next to him, cigarette hanging from his mouth, and a smirk on his lips.

"Alpha War I-"

"-Shut the fuck up," War snarled out, making Pomelia immediately tense up. She had never heard him sound so raw with anger. "All of you, on your knees."

They all looked around at one another. "Did I stutter?!" War boomed, his arm reaching out and grabbing Pomelia. He pressed her into his chest, and she could feel the vibrations from him growling against her back.

All ten of them dropped to their knees. "You like this scenery so much? Look at it for the next day." They all seemed confused. "Kneel for twenty four hours. You move you can start that twenty four hours again."

"That's a long ass punishment. Let me beat their asses instead," Trent complained as War told Trent to shut the hell up.

"Alpha I have a job in a few-"

War let go of Pomelia and was on him in seconds. He knocked the male off of his knees and onto the forest floor. Then lifted him up to his knees before hitting him again. Pom took a few steps back, and glanced at Trent who was frowning. "I said I would beat him up."

Pom was scared War would pummel him but instead he only hit him one more time before he stood upright and let out a growl. "It's forty eight hours now. Move and Trent will beat the shit out of you."

"Aw thanks man."

War glanced at Pomelia and she didn't know what to do. "Pomelia, finish what you were saying to them."

She was saying things to them? She was trying incredibly hard not to shake like a leaf, even though she knew War wouldn't hurt her. "Well I just wanted to say that, that you should not treat your pack mates like that or me. I am your Luna, not a sister anymore," she told the one specifically with a bloodied face. "Harassing ladies for working out is definitely not okay a-and it won't be tolerated."

"It won't," War agreed with her before he turned towards the group of women. "You guys are welcomed to beat the shit out of them too."

"Hell yeah!" She watched one of the women strut confidently up to one the kneeling men. One in particular who was looking away from her.

"Oh c'mon Alex. What did you say about me," she smiled as she bent down and caressed the males chin. Pomelia watched as she slapped him square across the face. "You said 'look at Yelly. I'd sooo fuck her tits. You'd never get near my boobs if you were the last man on earth and sucking on my tit would magically bring everybody back." She slapped him again and all he did was contain his anger, and grasp his hands together.

"I could go on and on about the shit you say to and about me but I'd be here forever. Newsflash you puta madres! My name is Yelisabetta, not fucking Yelly!" She screamed and stomped til she regained her composure. She then inhaled and exhaled slowly. "Thanks Alpha...Luna you're so sweet. Do you want me to slap Dan for talking about you?"

Oh. No, no. Pom had seen enough violence for the day. "Oh...Yelisabetta I really appreciate it but I'm okay." She smiled and then made her way back to the group of women.

"You guys can move your class somewhere else since they'll be here for a while," War told the group of ladies as they all looked at one another.

"I think we'll stay and torture them. Give them a good show and hope that they do move so that Trent can beat the shit out of them." The group of ladies all started to laugh and Pomelia felt herself stopping herself from laughing. She was laughing about people being beat up! How could she...or was it right? It wasn't right..

As Pomelia tried to contemplate where her moral compass was at, a male she never recognized, was rushing towards them. Very out of breath.

"Uh Alpha we have company." The man heaved out, as War looked as if he wanted to jump on the male who gave the news. She was sure her mate needed cuddles and maybe to watch some tv. Even though them watching tv consisted of War watching her react to the tv shows not him actually watching.


"The LPA is here."

Everyone tensed..before pandemonium broke out.

"I'm not going to jail!"

"They never ever set foot here before!"

"Why are they here?!"

Everyone was freaking out around them...So much so that Pom began to become nervous too.

"No one panic! My mate and I will go to the border and talk to them."

Why would they panic? The LPA were good people...

👀Why is the LPA at Bane pack?
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