"Just Friends" A Harry Styles...

By kbvball44

338 6 4

Rebecca is a soon to be Freshman in college, she returns to her hometown to attend community college. Rebecc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17:

Chapter 11

11 0 0
By kbvball44

I entered the ballroom arm in arm with Missy. Our mouths both dropped at the sight of the room. It was beautiful. Large white pillars supported the room with cathedral ceilings. I felt like I was in a castle.

We surveyed the room. Missy said she saw her cousin and was going to go say hi. I decided to hang back and continue to look around the room.

I then spotted Steph and Louis chatting away. Steph had on a lime green dress and Louis was wearing a white tuxedo. Both dressed to express themselves. I loved it. I also saw a man next to them with his back turned. He wore a grey tuxedo.

I swiftly walked over to them and said hello and gave them both hugs. As I did this the man in the grey tuxedo turned around. That is when I recognized the brown curls. It was Harry. He looked so handsome, I didn't know it was him from behind with how professional he looked.

His eyes met mine and then he scanned up and down my body. I blushed as he surveyed my outfit.

"Wwwhat..hi...Wow Becks....I'm speechless." He said stumbling through his words.

I shyly smiled, "thank you, you don't look too bad yourself."

"Thanks." He smiled.

All 4 of us made small talk until I saw my parents waving me over. I left the group to see what my parents wanted.

My parents dragged me into a group of professors from the school. I politely said hello and listen to their small talk about school curriculum. I didn't know how much longer I could act interested. I watched the dance floor as not many people seemed to be dancing.

The song Dancing in the Moonlight by King Harvest came on, and I took this as my chance to escape.

"I love this song, I'll be back!" I said then turned to rush away before anything could be said.

I am not the greatest dancer, but I sure do love to dance. I decide to get Steph, Louis, and Harry in on the dancing. I sway over to them again and start to move my finger towards me as if I'm calling Harry to the dance floor. He throws his head back in laughter and shakes his head no.

"No way." Harry says.

"Come on please?" I say grabbing his hand. He finally gives in and starts moving to the beat with me towards the dance floor, Louis and Steph following suit.

We make it to the dance floor and start busting out our moves. People are staring, but we don't care. Louis and Steph are doing the wave. Harry and I are shimmying which is making us crack up.  People seem to enjoy our antics and others are moving onto the dance floor.

Harry starts to bring out the old moves like the lawn mower and shopping cart as the song ends. Harry twirls me as the last beats of the song ring out onto the dance floor.

The song immediately flows into a slow song. Wonderlust by Will Post comes on. I am unsure what to do. Harry grabs my hand and bows.

"May I have this dance?" He says.

I giggle, "why yes, you may."

I put my hand in his and a hand on his arm as his arm wraps around my back. The red dress I am wearing is low cut in the back, so his fingertips are grazing my bare skin. Goosebumps form where his fingers touch my skin. We start to sway.

As the song goes on, I want to be closer to him. I remove my hand from his and put both arms on this shoulders with my hands connected behind his neck. With these high heels on, I am actually close to Harry's height, he normally towers over me. His hands come together and rest right above my bottom. I can almost feel his hands move close to the curve of my bottom. The ringlets of his curls brush up against my neck.

I feel him angle so that his mouth is next to my ear. I fist a few of his curls in my hand.

"You really do look amazing in this red dress and the necklace looks beautiful on you" Harry whispers into my ear. He lifts the infinity necklace off my chest and twirls it in his fingers for a few seconds.

His voice in my ear is overwhelming. I've never felt this before. It's like a fire has ignited in my stomach.

The song is on it's last notes, Harry pulls back so that we are inches from each other staring into each other's eyes. I see him staring at my lips, which makes me stare at his. They are mesmerizing, plump and cherry red. I just want to feel them, but then I remember that I can't and that there are tons of people around. Harry moves closer, but I pull away.

He looks at me with confusion in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't." I say then hurry off the dance floor.

I don't know where to go, but I do know I need to get out of here. I try to find the nearest exit, but then I hear someone calling my name.

"Becca!" He says.

I turn around to see Luke in a brown suit. At this point I am so overwhelmed that I just run to him and hug him.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask with wide eyes.

"We wanted to come see you!" Luke says.

"We?" I ask.

Luke gestures to my right, there is Natalie and Jessica in grey dresses. I run to them and hug them.

"This is why you wouldn't FaceTime me?" I ask.

"Duh, I'm a terrible secret keeper!" Natalie says.

"We wanted to drive up to visit for the week. Luke can only stay until tomorrow since he has exams, but you have us two all week!" Jessica says excitedly.

I am overwhelmed with them being here, especially after what just happened with Harry.

"Wanna get out of here?" I ask.

Natalie and Jessica nod their heads.

"Sure Babe." Luke says and kisses me on the forehead. At that moment I see Harry appear from the crowd. He sees Luke kiss my forehead and I see a look of defeat on his face. I don't know what to do, so I do what I do best. I avoid the situation and fast walk my ass out of there with Luke and my friends.

We spend the rest of the night playing board games and catching up. My parents are excited to see them when they get home. They love Luke  and always enjoy chatting with him.

I like having Luke around, he is my best friend. I just can't get Harry out of my head. Luke makes me laugh like a friend would, but Harry does all that and more. Harry makes my heart race and my core ache. I've never had a sexy dream about Luke, but I've had one about Harry.

I am so confused, I don't know what any of this means.

The girls sleep upstairs in a guest bedroom while Luke comes down to my basement apartment to stay with me. He passes out pretty quickly. It is pouring out now, so I listen to the sound of the rain, it is peaceful.

I can't sleep though with all this on my mind. I sit in my living room and stare at the rain that runs down my patio/entrance door. It is midnight.

My phone is on the coffee table and lights up. I pick it up and see it's a text from Harry.

Harry: Can you come outside for a minute please?

Me: What? You're here?

Harry: Yes.

I am shocked that he showed up at my house at midnight in the pouring down rain.

I throw on a sweatshirt and some flip flops that I have accepted will be soaked once I walk outside. I leave my phone inside and walk out onto the patio.

I see Harry standing there in a rain jacket and swim trunks. His curls sopping wet.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I had to see you." He says.

"At midnight, in the pouring down rain?" I ask.

"I was going crazy thinking about you and couldn't wait until tomorrow." He says.

I look at him, not sure what to say.

"Becks, you have to feel something between us." He says pleading.

"I don't know what I feel." I say honestly.

"Ugh. Typical Becks, trying to make everyone happy. You never say what you actually want." He says forcefully.

"Did you come here to insult me?" I ask.

He runs his fingers through his hair to push it back. I tuck my hair behind my ears as it is now soaked.

"Of course not!" He responds.

"Then why do you sound so angry?" I question.

"Because...ugh. Because you don't understand how hard it is to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back." Harry says.

My jaw drops. He just said he is in love with me. I thought it was all in my head, but he actually does have feelings for me.

"You are in love with me?" I question.

"Of course I am, I have been since 4th grade." He says.

Harry steps toward me and I back myself to the wall of the house. He continues to approach me until his face is inches from mine, his one hand against the wall and the other holding my hip bone, pinning me to the wall.

His nose brushes mine and he slowly moves closer. He looks in my eyes trying to read them to see if I will reject him again. I know I should, but I am not sure I have the strength to say no again. My mind says no, but my heart and body say yes. My breathing quickens.

Harry's eyes move to my chest that is moving up and down. He puts his hand on my chest and he can feel my fast beating heart. He picks up the pendant from my chest and a small smile forms. He then turns his eyes to my lips, a look of lust is in his eyes. He slowly moves his lips closer to mine. I feel his lips brush mine and this time I can't fight it. I want this.

I wait for him to initiate the full kiss, he moves his lips forward until they connect with mine. He sucks on my bottom lip. It feels so natural as our lips move together in harmony. I thought it would be more of a messy kiss, but it was slow and passionate. Harry took his time. The longer he kissed me the more my brain was saying, Becca you need to stop. I didn't want to listen, but my head finally won as I used my hand to push Harry's chest and disconnect our lips.

He was still in close proximity to me. He looked into my eyes for answers.

"I'm sorry Harry, but we can't do this." I say.

Hurt takes over his features. He pulls away saying nothing. As he backs away, I don't know what to say.

"It's not that we can't, it's that you can't Becks." He says. I see him retreating.

"Harry please, I don't want to lose you." I say pleading.

"It looks like you just did." Harry says as he turns around and heads to the front of my house.

My heart feels broken. I can't run after him, I am too confused for that. I need time.

I stand in the rain crying for another few minutes as I am not sure what else to do. The. I finally dry up my tears and retreat inside. I change clothes and get into bed with Luke, hoping I will at least get a little bit of sleep tonight.

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