His Angel

By Sdonohue20

238 0 0

She's known as the outgoing, friendly girl who wants to surround herself with people, so she doesn't have to... More

little note
character introductions
ch 1: A Fresh Start
ch 2: Seeing Him
ch 4: Party :)
ch 5: Complicated
ch 6: The Spot

ch 3: The Conversation

27 0 0
By Sdonohue20

Great, I love my life. If you haven't already predicted this, guess who also happens to be in this class!

Jaxon. This will be fun! 

I know from friends back at home that every new person dreads the introduction in each class. I was no different. I would often consider myself a bold person who doesn't mind talking in front of people, but my thoughts currently were only occupied by Jaxon. I know, Jaxon. 

I wanted, no I needed, to know his story. Here's what I've gathered so far. He doesn't like talking, hates attention, calls people names out of, i'm assuming, anger and annoyance, and finally that he's hot. It's a pretty short list, I know. I wanted to change that. That being said, I am going to try to get some details about him. Stalkerish, but I don't care. 

My thoughts were quickly put aside when the teacher called me to begin my brief introduction about myself. Oh god. I don't want to do this, but it's not like I have much of a choice. 

Standing up, I tucked one strand of my long(ish) brown hair behind my ear and began the most basic introduction a person could possibly make. 

"Hi my names Cassia, and I just moved here from a small town in Georgia." Besides a couple of whistles in the back of the class made by a couple of idiotic, immature boys, I didn't get any other kind of reaction. Great. Everyone already loves me! 

"Thank you Cassidy, you can sit down now." Wow. Was she not just listening? 

"It's Cassia." I mumbled under my breath. Somehow, and don't ask me how, she heard me. "Office. Now." This can not be happening. I guess she doesn't like being corrected. 

Getting up was equally parts humiliating and actually, funny. To get to the door I had to pass Jaxon who was also in the back of the room. Well, I guess I didn't HAVE to pass him, but I wanted to. Who would blame me. He's very nice to look at. 

Before I could get out of the room, I heard Jaxon say "bullshit." Hm. What's his problem? 

Well, I guess I wasn't the only one who heard him because Ms.Bitch (obviously that's not her name but I decided it fits her perfectly) loudly called out "Office."

That's my cue to leave. Even though Jaxon is very much hot, I do not want to be near him. He scares me, so I don't know where the random burst of courage to confront him later came from. 

I needed to get to the office as fast as I could, so I began my pathetic jog to the front of the school. Don't ask me why I decided to start running. I don't have an answer. Probably because I didn't want to have an awkward run in with Jaxon. I'm gonna actually call him Jax. It's not like he will know. I'm never going to talk to him. 

I arrived at the office, winded, and I mean WINDED. That was surprisingly a long jog. 

Seeing the familiar old lady up at the desk, I headed over for the second time today. "I was told to come to the office by my calculus teacher." 

"In trouble on the first day, huh?" I didn't think that was funny, but I let out a small laugh so I didn't come off as rude for this, what I've picked up, nice lady. Completely fake laugh, by the way. If you haven't noticed by now, I am a really sarcastic person. Like pretty much everything I say is most likely, sarcastic. 

While telling me to go sit down in the seats, Jaxon comes through the doors. Not even sparing me a glance, might I add. Rude. 

"Mr. Williams, fourth time this week and it's Thursday. Lovely." I don't think I like this lady. Replying with nothing but a scowl, "Mr Williams" sits down across from me. Now we are face to face. Excellent.

This is where my bold and 'act on impulse' trait comes in. 

"What the fuck is your deal?" Is how I decided to start my, what was supposed to be, an innocent little conversation. Bad Idea. Don't know why I chose those specific words, but they just slipped out. 

I mean, it's not like I can make this situation I'm in any better, so I made the decision to just keep going. It's not like he was going to stop me. 

"I literally have done nothing to you, nothing and here you are acting all high and mighty like your better than everyone around you. News flash, you aren't. It doesn't hurt to be nice to someone every now and then, you know. And I get it, don't get me wrong. People are stupid and for the majority of the time, I don't want to talk to them, but I do. It's just the nice thing to do, not that you would know what nice means. I mean, when I walked into the airport I had absolutely no fucking idea where I was going and honestly, a nice person would have been great to come across. When I bumped into you, that is obviously not how I wanted to greet the first person I talked to in LA, but not everything goes to plan now does it, Mr. Williams? 

That was the first time I actually made eye contact with him and any anger I once had disappeared when I noticed the smirk, yes smirk, on his face. Now I was just annoyed. Here I am yelling at him, giving him a piece of my mind, and he was just smirking. Could he be any cockier. 

"Seriously, your smirking right now?" "Idiot" I blurted out. Oops. Probably shouldn't name call right now. 

"Bitch." Is what he said. Same thing he said to me at the airport. Real creative. 

I really wanted to respond to that but the desk lady excused me. I used that to say my last thing to him. "Learn a new word, Jaxon!" 

As I was walking through the halls to my locker since calculus had ended, I was replaying what just happened. Learn a new word, Jaxon. Seriously, that's all I could think of. Wow I really had a way with words. I just completely lost what little shred of dignity I had left, but who cares. Definitely not me. 

Thankfully, Ava and Isabelle were at my locker waiting patiently. They were also in my next class, so I had time to tell them everything that had just happened. And that's exactly what I did. 

Thank god it's Thursday, I don't think I can last much longer this week. Yes, I have only been here 1 day and I already want to graduate but today sucked. Hopefully it will get better, though.

To say it got better is the understatement of the century. After this weekend, school seemed much more appealing to me. 

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