Just another Frerard vampire...

By Medicalrelationship

43.1K 1.9K 1.3K

Gerard has been watching over Frank for centuries, loved him for centuries but Frank doesn't feel the same wa... More

The back stabbing bitch and the man-whore.
Crimson walls
Remember me for centuries
The Titanic cameo
Regret, freedom and more regret
The cheesy vampire fight scene
Mikey and his mate
The end of the beginning
The serpent in my head, the warmth in your bed
*Authors note*
A past ghost
I love you my love
Supernatural world
Pierced hearts and falling daggers
Farewell. Bastard.
New Author

The dark light, the gory nature

2K 96 69
By Medicalrelationship

'I am WAY cooler than you, deal with it.' I yawn, sitting up, my tattoos shinning because of the thin lair of sweat incasing my body. I see Gerard stare up at my exposed chest. 'Well good morning.' Gerard laughs as I blush under his glare.

'Am I still hot? Now that I'm a vampire..' Gerard rolls on top of me. 'No you're a nasty fucker.' I push him off before climbing on top. ' well you're a blood sucking faggot Mr Way.' He giggles as he struggles beneath me.

'Well, you're a giant hypocrite Mr "oh right there Gerard. Don't stop. Oh god yes"' he mocks my voice and I turn an even deeper red. 'Aww I'm sorry babe, I'm only joking.' Leaning down, I kiss his forehead. 'I know.'

His muscular arms wrap around my back to secure my place. We kiss softly, our noses bumping softly. 'I'm hungry.' Gerard mumbles from underneath me. His soft sent making me feel like home. 'So am I but it's weird, it's like I'm craving..'

'Blood.' Gerard answers my sentence, knowing how I'm feeling. What I want. But what I want scares me as I know it's wrong, it's eating people, actual people. 'Is it wrong Gerard? Do you feel bad about it?' Gerard sits up, pushing me up with him.

'No, it's the food chain Frankie. It's the same as humans eating beef, I'm a vampire, we're vampires Frank. It's what we are, we need humans to survive.' I nod. 'It's just weird because up to now I've been human, it's like..wrong.'

He giggles as he moves my black fridge out of my eyes 'I go to forest and hunt the hunters, murders, rapists. I follow them then BAM. Lunch.' I laugh at his shallowness. But I guess it's just like me eating chicken, I don't worry about the poor chick that's now in my boneless banquet box.

I shit off his body and back down onto the soft bedding below me. I turn my head to look at the beautiful boy already looking at me. 'I wouldn't mind joining you.'


The wind blows across New Jersey, the green trees swaying side to side. We hide in the shadows of the dense forest. The only sound the occasional chirping of birds or the footsteps of a animal in the overgrown bushes. Some of the trees are bare with only a few orange crunched dead leaves hanging on the the grey branches. While most of the woodland is still vibrant with evergreen trees overflowing with hundreds of green living leaves hiding all of the bark.

With each gust of wind the littering of dead material flys through the sky, little blurs of brown and orange rush around the small clearing. One path runs throughout the whole wood, it's thin and covered in small segments of bark and leaves as well as small stones and dust.

The brown mud is compacted with the heavy footsteps of local huntsmen, our prey. The sky is a pale blue colour with grey clouds dimming down the light. For winter it is pretty mild and no snow has fallen yet the ground is moist with the constant rain fall and I can feel my feet slightly sink.

I look at Gerard, waiting for instructions but he is focused on the clearing, determination on his face, his eyes a demon red. The black hair wisps in his face but nothing detaches him from his glare.

I follow his stare but I see nothing. I turn back to him as he smirks. Looking to the near by path I see a small deer standing to the left hand side, grazing on a bush. Suddenly the quiet is murdered by a gun shot. I panicked but Gerard grabs my shoulder without taking his eyes away. I see the deer fall to the floor. Crimson blood seeping out of its side.

It's emotionless eyes still open. Birds fly away from the loud noise that bleared through the sky. Then few minutes go by of silence, tension that I can't stand. Then the crunch of footsteps fills the forest clearing.

They get closer and closer, loud walking boots crushing the dead, hard leaves on the ground. A man appears into sight. He's tall and broad with dark brown hair that falls short of his shoulders. He wears a long thick checkered shirt with a padded blue vest over the top. He holds a long shot gun in his left while he has his right tucked into his pocket.

Brown heavy walking boots make a harsh sound on the ground but apart from that he is silent. He spots the deer and smiles to himself. He walks over to the creature, bending down to take a look at the bullet wound in its neck.

The sight of the creatures blood makes me change all I can thick about is the thick liquid running down my neck, my fangs tearing into his form. I feel my eyes burn deeper into him, my mouth become wet with saliva, my hairs stand on edge.

Gerard creeps forward an inch, waiting to pounce while the hunter goes to pick up the deer. Yet he doesn't make it. because Gerard, like a flash, pounces onto his back. The man flattens onto the floor. His face digging into the muddy ground. The gun flys out if his hand and across the small clearing.

I can see him struggling underneath the merciless vampire. 'HELP! HELP! WHAT DO YOU WANT?'he screams loud but one one can hear him. Well, apart from two hungry vampires. 'I HAVE NO MONEY I SWEAR.' Gerard chuckles. Though I can only see the back of his head I'm sure he's smirking.

'Honey, I don't want your money.' Then his fangs shoot into his neck. A piercing scream fills the air, causing a flock of birds to fly away to somewhere safer. Soon enough the noise dies down and he lays dead.

I run out of the bushes to join Gerard who is feasting on the hunters body. The thick overalls now covered in his own blood. All hesitation is gone as I indulge my curiosity.

I feel the blood rush through my veins as I tear into a muscle, I don't care about the mess I'm making, all I care about is blood. I feel like I'm becoming full. I slow down. Placing the destroyed limb onto the dirty floor.

Once we are done I can feel my eyes turn back to normal, heart rate decrease, I feel the guilt. 'Oh my god.' I look at the dead person in front of me. This is what I've done. I can taste the blood on my sinful tongue. Gerard pats my shoulder. 'It's who we are Frank. You need to except this.' But I don't want to.

'That feeling when you see blood, your eyes going red. That's nature kicking in.' I feel sick. This cannot be nature, such a cruel act? Surely not. 'Gerard. What have we done?' I shake. The clearing now covered in the blood of this man. He could of had a family, been an organ donor, a solider or charity worker. All destroyed for my lunch.

'I hate myself for this.' I shake more, wishing I could go back in time. Back when I didn't kill, when I wasn't a monster. 'Frank. You're a vampire.' Gerard speaks firmer.

For the first time I look directly at him. Blood running down his chin. I burst into tears. It's all too much, I thought I could handle it but I can't. Gerard takes me into his arms. 'It's gonna take time.' I nod. I have to trust him, what else can I do? This is who I am now.

We walk back in silence. My head is full of demons, I've killed once again. At least the first time was an accident but this time it was thought through, planned, it was murder. Cold blooded murder. All I can think about is finding out Peter was dead, the sick feeling is rising again. The guilt tormenting me. 'I love you.' Gerard holds me. And those word seem to slay some of the demons away, like the light in my dark world.

Who knew the light could be so dark?

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