Dust Motivator

By KO_Shadow11

18.1K 740 102

Everyone knows about Dust!Sans, the crazy megalomaniac that killed his AU in order to gain EXP an LV to defea... More

Prologue - The Beginning of Madness
Chapter 1 - Genocide (Part 1)
Chapter 2 - Genocide (Part 2)
Chapter 4 - The Final Battle
Chapter 5 - Job Interview?
Chapter 6 - First Mission
Chapter 7 - AU's
Chapter 8 - A Horrific Turn of Events
Chapter 9 - New Members

Chapter 3 - Genocide (Part 3)

1.6K 68 7
By KO_Shadow11

Sans? POV

After healing, i started searching for papyrus. I didn't want to fall into one of his traps so i was being cautious while walking, but i decided it was faster to call for him instead.

"PAPS! BRO! WHERE ARE YOU?" He must've heard me, because he appeared from the the ground a few seconds later until he was standing right in front of me.

"Hello brother. You finished faster than i expected? I still need a few more minutes to finish arming this trap and then we can go. It's the most deadly one, so i might need some help?" I smiled and nodded at him.

"Sure thing Paps, anything for you bro." Papyrus started setting up a moving flametrower while i hid some spike traps with a shovel. So

"All finished, i wonder if the nefarious human will be surprised once the room starts filling with water?" Paps felt pround of himself, i felt pround of him too. He created a room full of spike falls, shoting darts and neddles from the sides and ceiling, and a rotating flametrower in the center to make it even more deadly. But the best of all is that the room would flood if you stayed for too long on it. To escape you'd need to find a secret button to open the passage ahead. Good luck with that, its too well hidden. A piece of art in my opinion. He also made other less deadly traps around waterfall with some beartraps and  spare materials of this room. He's the best.

"Alright, lets head to Hotland then." I teleported near Alphys lab, my brother coming just after me. We entered it and there was no one inside. I was expecting Mettaton but he wasn't here, so we just left. Outside there were  some monsters to make up for it, guess no one warned them about me coming, all the better for me and Paps. The monsters were 2 vulkins, so i summoned 3 blasters for one and surronded the other by bones of all colors, the one hitted by the blasters was dusted, but the other one survived somehow. But before he could run my brother appeared behind him and striked him with a single red and sharp bone behind his head, that being the enough to dust him as well. 

"Thanks bro, you're the best". I smile while complimenting him.

"It's nothing". We proceed to do more of the same, hunt for EXP, steal food and burn the rest, and also pick up any new equipment i find. I wonder why the human never got tired of always doing this. Paps also is installing new traps along the way so the human doesn't get here so quickly. I got the Frying Pan and the Stained Apron along the way, thanks to my teleportation abilities it was really easy. Killing Muffet was easy too, she didn't stand for long, but i managed to level up thanks to her.


Now time to head for the Core. All the puzzles were deactivated since i killed Alphys, so we'll soon reach Mettaton's hotel/restaurant and then the Core.

"Brother, this has been bothering me for an while and i can't help but ask, what are you going to do after all of this." Paps said it in a more serious voice, which was uncommon for his usual energetic and happy behavior.

"We're heading for Asgore, but you don't need to go if you don't feel confortable bro." He did this for Undyne, he probably will do the same for Asgore.

"No, i meant more far ahead in the future. After  the Resets are over." Oh... So that's what he meant.

"We're heanding for the surface of course. I can't stand being another day trapped inside this place. The underground its not bad, but i just have too many bad memories in here to keep living here" I was tired of being denied  the surface for so long. I just wanted a rest of all the pain, even if it was for only a single day.

"That sounds like a good plan, but what if doesn't work?" He was worried, i could tell easily since he's my brother.

"I'm sure its gonna work, don't stress yourself too much about it" He was still worried, but decided to just stay silent about it.

"And here we are, at MTT's" I said happily. It won't be long before the end. Finally we could be free. Not that fake free the human made us belive so long ago, but TRULY FREE. I was, for the first in a long time, feeling HOPEFUL.

"Lets head in then" Paps just smiled at me while saying so, and i smiled back. I love him really much. 

MTT's was empty, i had, alongside my bro, killed all the monsters and got a lot of food. The human was gonna be in trouble without it's healing items, that's for sure. I would have forgot about the Empty Gun and the Cowbow Hat if my bro didn't remember about them. Time to head for the Core then.

The core is the place that has the strongests monsters in the underground, but that also has most EXP. They aren't a problem alone, but having a lot of them can make things a bit difficult, good thing i'm not alone too.

"Ready Bro?" I asked 

"Ready." I entered the Core with a blast. Literally, i gaster blasted a monster as soon as i entered the Core. There's gonna be a mad time in here.


Passing through the Core was easier then i had imagined. Most monster here didn't even manage to hit me. Me and my bro were just outside the place Mettaton usually stayed at. Just 4 more LV's before LV 20 and then deal with the kid. Papyrus decided to stay out the fights with Metatton and Asgore, because the first is his former idol and the second was really kind to me and my bro in the past, and also our king. 

I stepped inside and the door closed, making everything incredibly dark. The lights flickered on and a metalic voice soon ressonated.

"My, my. So, you've finnaly arrived. Looking at you now i can see you're not only a threat to monsterkind, but to humankind as well. I can't let you leave with life. For all my fans and all those who have perished against you. Now, as any true fan would know, i was created to be a human erratication machine, and those funtions are still inside of me. I suppose they also could work against you. Ready? ITS SHOWTIME!" As the lights went out, a voice was heard."OH YES." Mettaton became Mettaton NEO, with his pink armor at display. 

"You speak too much for someone so weak!" I just needed one attack, a gaster blaster right behind Mettaton that opened a hole in its chest, making it feel a lot of pain, even if its a robot.

"Ugh... Guess we should... Have have increased the defenses... No matter... Asgore will stop you..." And then an explosion happened, acompanied of a sound of a monster being dusted. Mettaton was no more and my LV rised to 19. For a battle so short like that it gave me a lot of EXP.


Well, time to leave. 

"Let's grab some stuff before heading to Asgore." I teleported to Asgore's house. The house looked weird since all the place was painted in white and gray, even the furniture, except the golden flowers that were all around the house. The reason i came here was two certain items inside gifts that were inside one of the rooms in the house. The Real Knife and The Locket, both items the kid always used against me on the genocide routes. 'they are mine now'. I looked at myself in the mirror outside the room.

"I don't like how those look on me. Hmm... you know what? I'll just hide the locket under my scarf and guard the knife in one of my pockets. I'll still receive their stats anyway." I gave a last look at the mirror "Sans... that name feels so weird now, like it belonged to a different person..." I sighed, this is the most tired i ever felt. How i wish i could just laze around... but i can't. Time to go for the king.

I decided walking instead of teleporting. Paps stayed behind to look out for the human and warn me when it appeared, so i have some time before our battle. I soon was walking through the last corridor, also know as the judgement hall. So many battles, so many deaths. 

I entered the room where the king usually stayed at, just before the barrier. He was drinking some tea when he saw me coming.

"Sans... normally i would offer a cup of tea, but i know you're not here for that. But before you fight me, can i ask, why you did all of this? I have know you for years Sans, and you would never do this for no reason, so tell me, why did you do all of this?" Even if he was about to fight me he still showed me kindness, i didn't deserve it.

"Sorry Asgore, telling you now would only make things worse for me. So, please, let's just fight." My left eye began to emit a purple smoke as i said so, showing i had no intention of keep talking. He only sighed and nodded with a sombre face. He was sad for a moment.

"Very well then. Sans the skeleton, as i, Asgore, king of monsters, find you guilty of killing nearly all monsters, i sentence you of being executated immediately, no matter the reason behind your genocide, i've made my decision..." He grabbed his trident and pointed at me. "OF MAKING YOU PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES!" The fight began

Without hesitation both on his voice and movements he went forward and tried slashing me with his trident, i tried stoping it with a bone wall but it was just tore apart like nothing, i was sent backwards by the hit. 'What!? Asgore never had this much strengh before, so what happened? I need to be more careful from now on.' I recomposed myself and summoned ten blasters to hit him, he was big and slow, so i hitted him quite easily, but he didn't seem hurt at all. I tried to use spears next, snapping my fingers his soul turned green and hundreds of spears appeared from all sides, making their way quickly to Asgore. He seemed surprised to see Undyne's attacks being used against him and mometarily forgot that he was fighting. He snapped out of it and tried defending using his trident, he blocked a few donzens and was hitted by a few hundreds, again he didn't seem that hurt, but he was definily angry  because his trident suddenly started to catch on fire and he's eyes became orange and blue. He got close to me and slashed his trident at me many times in different colors, i was able to dodge, but just barely. I suddenly got an good idea, make him even slower. I snapped my fingers again and his soul became purple, lots of strings were enveloped around him, traping him, this was the time to strike. I summoned a few hundreds bones of all colors around him, some on the ground and some on the air, all of them hitting him, spears just behind the bones, but those spears were different, they were on fire, giving extra damage. And to finish, a few gaster blaster aimed for the heart. A smoke cloud was made and i couldn't see him.  To my astonishment a big fireball, bigger then any that i had ever created or seen was throwed at me, making my bones be burned everywhere. Asgore was standing still, even with some injuries and blood coming out in certain places. He invoked  many smaller fireballs next, i summoned a gaster blaster in front of me and many bone walls no my sides before the attacks hitted me, but those weren't gonna last for long. Again he summoned a giant fire ball aimed at me, i teleportated behind him and used the knife that was in my pocket to slash him from behind. He gasped at the sudden pain coming from his back, but he attacked me anyway, invoking a fire spiral that i had no way to dodge, so i just used my arms to defend me most i could, taking the hit and sent a few steps back from him. He sent even more fireballs, i destroyed those with the use of many gaster blasters, some even hitting Asgore. He started to falter thanks to the bleeding on his back, but that made him mad. He'sbody start to combust, his horns, face, trident, everything on him seemed to be on fire, he looked like a mad devil. He started using all of his attacks at once, the fire sipral, fireballs, tried to slash me multiple times, i dogded the first few and defend a few others, still taking a lot of damage, i couldn't keep on like this. I turned his soul blue and started slaming him on the walls and floor, trying to make him dizzy. I teleported to his side with my knife in hand to slash him. But... he predicted me. He was facing the side i teleported to and was aiming his flaming trident at me. I panicked and tried to dogde to the side but the trident was faster than me, making me go flying along side the trident. I had dropped my knife and now my arm was impaled on the wall. Asgore was coming to hit me again, but a knife was impaled in his heart. I had used my telekineses on the knife i had dropped to hit him from behind. He's flames died out and his trident disapeared, he gave a sad laugh and said "I lost. Despite all my efforts, i still lost. But, before i die, please tell me Sans, why are you doing all of this. I can't move on before at least knowing why." I gave a sigh and began to explain about the resets, mine and everyones deaths, Asgore's included, and how i was going to put and end to it by becoming stronger."I see, this couldn't be prevented then... this would've been too much for anyone to handle, even you. Just... take care of yourself and your brother. Goodbye Sans." He then turned in to dust. A notification appeared.


And thus, Asgore was dust. I was burned in many places and my arm felt numb, but surprinsinly my clothes were just fine. He gave me quite the fight, didn't expect him to throw his trident at me like like that, i'am going to make good use of it. Lets heal the injuries and check my status.



LV 20 HP 27/200

AT 70(99) DF 30(99)



GOLD: 20107 KILLS: 999

My bro still didn't came back, maybe the human is taking a longer time on his traps since they are so diffucult. I feel tired, maybe i should take a nap before the next battle.

I went to the judgent hall and laid down, placing my head on one the pillars. My eyes never felt so heavy. Then... my vision went black.


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