Boyfriends || The Story Insid...

By this-bsh-empty

574 17 185

"Worry? What did you think I was doing?" I asked a bit more seriously. "I didn't think anything, but it doesn... More

《Character Introduction》S2
《Chapter 1》 College
《Chapter 2》 Progress?
《Chapter 3》 First Day
《Chapter 4》 First Day (again)
《Chapter 5》 Should We Really Be Hiding It?
《Chapter 6》Getting To Know Eachother
《Chapter 7》Movie Date
《Chapter 8》What Are You Not Telling Me?
《Chapter 9》Let's Talk
《Chapter 10》A Hot Day
《Chapter 11》Beach Day
《Chapter 12》Walk On The Beach
《Chapter 13》Ice-cream Date
《Chapter 14》 Fireworks!!!!
《Chapter 15》Back To Normal
《Chapter 16》 Dating Advice
《Chapter 17》Blast From The Past
《Chapter 18》 Old Memories
《Chapter 19》Support
《Chapter 20》Friday
《Chapter 21》The Date
《Chapter 22》Secret Relationship
《Chapter 23》Doubt
《Chapter 24》Getting Out Of Hand
《Chapter 25》The Move
《Chapter 26》Back To The Present A/C
《Chapter 27》Lonely
《Chapter 28》Going Home
《Chapter 29》 Telling Our Parents
《Chapter 29.1》Uniform
《Chapter 30》 Wedding Plans
《Chapter 31》Dress Shopping
《Chapter 32》Wedding
《Chapter 33》Feelings
《Chapter 34》 Special Gift
《Chapter 36》 Finding A Job
《Chapter 37》My First Job
《Chapter 38》Insecurities
《Chapter 39》Saving Up
《Chapter 40》Shopping
《Chapter 41》Presentation
《Chapter 42》Break
《Season 3》Yes. It's Not Over...

《Chapter 35》 Group Project

3 0 0
By this-bsh-empty

Adam POV*

After lunch, I went back to class. The only one I had where I didn't know anyone. I had tried making friends but in the end, I didn't really talk to anyone. I took my seat at the back of the room, took out my books, and silently waited for the class to start.

A couple of minutes later, the professor walked in and started the lesson. After a bunch of explaining he had a special announcement. We were all doing some work on our own when he started.

"Okay everyone, put your stuff down and listen to me for a second." He said as he put his stuff down. He continued as he opened up a presentation on the screen.

"So as a big part of your grade, you're going to have to do a project, this can be about whatever you like as long as it corresponds with the subject" he explained. He went through the presentation with had a bunch of examples.

"This is a group project-" immediately the room got noisy. "-but before you all get excited, I have the groups already set up." There were some sounds of protest but soon everyone settled down.

"So sit down and listen closely, I'll name the groups and then you can all go over to each other and discuss the subject you want to do." He explained as he got out a list.

He started naming the groups and some people stared quietly moving seats. That's when I realized I didn't know anyone in this room. I started paying a lot more attention.

"Alright, group 5; " he started. "Julie Calamaris, George Gregory, Jean Daerdon" three people in the front already started to move, as they also looked around for their final group member.

"And lastly, Adam Zachery." I looked up when I heard my name and saw the other look around. They noticed my reaction and soon gestured for me to come over.

I grabbed my stuff and headed over, took a seat next to them. We waited for the professor to finish and they all started to talk about what they wanted to do.

I listened for a bit, I didn't know any of them, and felt kind of out of place. I thought about asking for an exception and letting me do it on my own. But they already involved me.

"Adam, what do you think?" one of them asked, I looked over confused. "It's Adam, right?" they made sure. I nodded. "um yeah sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said back as I sat up to listen to them this time. They explained their idea. "So we were thinking we'd do something with animals," One of them explained.

"It shouldn't be too complicated." another agreed, "And we get an excuse to go to the zoo again." the other said enthusiastically. Something tells me she must really like animals. "So, what do you think?" They asked again. "sure." I agreed.

We talked about it for the rest of the hour. They all introduced themselves and we exchanged numbers. We had also already decided to meet up later to work on it more. The still had other classes to go to, but I was done, So I went back to my room.

I decided to do some homework to pass the time, I haven't been doing much of that lately. I was pretty focused when I heard my phone go off.



Yoyoyooo what's up guys.

You made a group chat

Yeah of course, so we can do our project.

Yeah that's why we're meeting up tomorrow

Yes, I know that. But this is easier than waiting to discuss it when we're in class.

Ok, fine.
But there's nothing to discuss now, we haven't even started yet.

Again, that why we're meeting up tomorrow.



Where are we meeting up?

I was thinking about your room, George.

We cant

Why not.



Well, we can't do it at my place, my roommate already claimed it for his music project...

Well our room is still being fixed, I'm still staying at Hayles place

I continued to read their conversation. It felt kind of weird like I was spying on someone's private life. I didn't know any of these people. And they didn't know me, but I'm still in a group chat with them. I spaced out for a bit when I spotted my name among the text.

Adam is your room an option.

Oh, well yeah sure

Are you sure, is your roommate okay with it too

Yeah, it's fine.

Wait where is your room


That's pretty close to mine

Well, we got the meeting covered.

You make it sound so professional...

Oh shut it.


They continued to go back to talking about their lives. At first, I just stared and thought about just putting the group on silent and checking every so often to see if they needed me, but then they started asking me questions, and we got caught up in conversation.

We all texted for a good 2 hours before they had other stuff to do, so everyone, including myself, left.


The next day they came over at the time we agreed on. They had brought everything they needed and we had made a circle on the floor since I didn't really have a table we could all sit on.

You'd think it'd be easier to get a room somewhere else that did have enough space, but for some reason, they had decided to come to my room.

"Alright so does everyone understand what we're going to do?" Julie asked again. "Yes ma'am!" George said as he jokingly saluted. "Good. Then let's plan who's gonna do what." She continued.

She got out a list and started assigning everyone tasks. I was kind of impressed at how productive she was, and how well she took the lead in the project. She gave me my list of things I need to do, luckily it wasn't that hard, most of it consisted of research, a thing I much preferred over going out and doing things.

"So, Adam. Tell us about yourself." George smirked as he leaned onto his hands. "Wh- didn't we do that yesterday?" I asked confused. "Yeah, sure. We talked about our favorite movies and what not- but we know much about you." He said, emphasizing the 'you'.

"Well, there's not much to talk about," I said trying to avoid the subject. "Sure there is~" he pushed. "George doesn't force him, it's creepy" Julie joined in. "Why am I always creepy to you?" George defended. I just sat there not sure what to say, as they argued.

"So do you have any siblings?" Suddenly Jean asked. Ignoring the other two. I looked over, a little confused. "Y-yeah. I have a brother I answered hesitantly.

"Older or younger?" They continued. "Older." She nodded. "Me too," they laughed. "They can be a handful sometimes.." they sighed, leaning back.

"Oh not really. It's kind of the opposite for me." I said. The more we talked the less the others argued. Until they eventually joined the conversation.

"What do you mean, the opposite?" They asked. "Well, my brother was always there for me. I was pretty difficult to deal with I imagine." I continued. "Why's that?" Julie asked suddenly.

"Uh, well that's a long story." I laughed awkwardly. "Well, you're lucky" George started. "I only have younger siblings. And damn they can be annoying." He complained.

"You can't say that, he's only 12." Julie laughed. "Exactly!" He yelled. "That the most annoying age."

We all laughed as he continued to complain about his little brother. They stayed for a few more hours before they decide to call it a day. After they left I got ready and went to bed.

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