lucid dreams [r. lupin]

By -generalkirigan

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All he ever wanted was for her to notice him. graphic cred; @CarKann spanish translation:@-mxltiverse portugu... More

lucid dreams


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By -generalkirigan

3rd november, 1975 - London

"Please can we just stop for a minute." Lesley gasps out as she stops, making the others halt and look at her. Lorelei leans against Remus as she tries to catch her breath.

They'd been running for a while now after James decided it was a good idea to use a spell to cut the pants off an unfortunate man on the streets. As the man stumbled after his pants fell to his feet, he'd turned around and one looking at the laughing teenagers, made him start shouting. In a state of panic the group started running, afraid they'd get punished for it.

"What were you think, you bloody fool?" Marlene scoffs at James, who smiles sheepishly and shrugs.

"I thought it was funny." Sirius hums, making the two boys high five and the rest look at them disapprovingly.

"Sirius, as long as you're somehow doing something you shouldn't you find it funny. So the bar is set low." Regulus points out and Sirius playfully shoves him.

"Reggie, don't be like that with your brother. I know you found it funny." James smirks as he throws an arm around the shoulders of the youngest Black.

"Whatever makes you fell better, Potter." Regulus grumbles, shaking his head at him.

"I think we've had enough excitement for today, can we just do something a little more calm now?" Lesley asks, still out of breath as she leans on her knees.

"I saw this Shopping Center not far from here, we could maybe go do something there." Dorcas suggests, making them all nod in agreement.

"So, how are you enjoying your birthday trip so far Sirius?" Lorelei asks as she takes Remus' hand and they walk along side Sirius and Emily.

"I love this, by far one of the best one so far." Sirius beams, grinning from ear to ear. Remus chuckles, happy to see his friend so delighted. Especially knowing how hard he'd had it before leaving his parents' house. Remus knew how much Sirius hated his parents and that when he chose to leave it had been for the best, but he also knew that Sirius had hesitated because of his brother.

There had been quite a downfall between the brothers when it first happened, but as time went by they found their way back together. Now Sirius just kept pestering the poor boy about running away and coming to live with the Potters as well.

"Probably because you and James keep nearly getting us in trouble." Emily chuckles softly and Sirius smirks as he looks down at her.

"Keyword being nearly." Sirius points out, making Emily roll her eyes at him. Remus and Lorelei watch in amusement as the two start bickering, making them fall a few steps back to avoid getting in between.

"I'd never thought I'd see Emily this happy." Lorelei hums, before looking up at Remus who is already looking at her.

"Well, I can say the same for Sirius." He muses, making her smile widen. She glances back ahead of them and her smile quickly turns into a mischievous smirk. He looks in the direction she is and smiles appreciatively. "James and Regulus would make a good couple too, if James stopped pinning after Lily and focused on the one right in front of him."

"So you're finally accepting that I was right?" Lorelei asks teasingly, making him shove her lightly.

"Fine. I accept defeat." He huffs, making her giggle. She suddenly stops walking, making do the same and look at her in confusion. He raises an eyebrow, as she watches the others walk away. "What exactly are you doing?"

"Just wait a second." She breaths out and as soon as the others are out of her sight, she looks up at him with a soft smile. "Don't worry. As soon as Lesley notices us gone, they'll come back. I just... I wanted some time alone between us."

"But we could have waited till we get back. I mean don't get me wrong, I love spending time alone with you." He says, slightly getting flustered and a blush rises to her own cheeks.

"Well, I did say I'd prove everything by the end of the day." She hums, making his eyes widen in realisation. His heart beat increases as he gapes down at her. "Don't get me wrong, I... there is Martin. And as much as I hate him for what he's done, out of pure respect I can't... I can't do what I really want to."

"And, uh, what exactly is that?" Remus asks and she raises her eyebrows at him.

"Lupin. Put one and one together." She chuckles softly and he lets out a deep breath. He couldn't believe what he was hearing right now, she was basically admitting that she wanted to be more than just friends. That she wanted what he'd wanted for so long. "Well, for now. I just... I want you to know that I-"

"I get it... me too. But don't say it." He cuts her off and she looks at him confusion. "I just don't want you tell me while you're still with him. I don't want you to tell me while we're celebrating Sirius' birthday and we're in the middle of London."

"Then... when?" She asks breathlessly and he smiles softly as he leans his forehead against her, closing his eyes.

"I want you to say it when it's just two. Maybe while we're outside, looking at the sunset. I want it be just us two." He hums and she smiles softly, closing her eyes as well.

"Okay. I can live with that." She hums, making him chuckle as he opens his eyes. He brings his free hand up to her jaw and she leans into the warmth of his palm.

"Good. I'm looking forward to it." He smiles happily, feeling overjoyed. He felt like this was a dream, like any moment he'd wake up and none of this would have happened. But the feeling of her soft skin under his fingers, made this real. More real than he could process.

"Hey! Bloody hell. What are you two doing still here?" Their moment is cut off as James and the other call out for them. Remus drops his hand and they look at the others, who wave for them to join them.

"Shall we then?" Remus asks as he looks down at her, she grins and nods.

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