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september 25th, 1975 - quidditch field

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september 25th, 1975 - quidditch field

Remus leans forward, looking down at the field from the stands that elevated high to make it easier for the watchers to watch the players. His heartbeat was increasingly fast, the last time he'd been here, he'd watched Lorelei fall to a near death. He could only hope that history would not repeat itself.

"If you lean a little more forward you'll fall." James pulls him back, using the collar of his sweater. "We really don't need that."

"Sorry, I'm just a little worried." Remus admits, rubbing his neck to sooth the slight pain that was caused by his collar digging in his skin.

"She's by far one of the best players and she's been playing for four years now. You have nothing to worry about." Sirius tries to assure him and Remus sighs, running a hand through his already messy hair.

"But that didn't stop the fact that she fell." Remus points out, making James and Sirius give each other knowing looks.

"Just relax and let's enjoy the game. She wouldn't want you to worry." James muses and Remus huffs, knowing that James had made a valid point. "Anyway, look it's starting."

Remus perks up, watching carefully, awaiting for her to come out. Sirius chuckles, shaking his head at his friend, finding it so amusing how easily his mood could change due to a girl. He really found it amusing to watch his two friends pinning for girls, who didn't give them the attention they deserved. Sure, Lorelei seemed to enjoy Remus' company, unlike Lily with James, but Sirius strongly believed that Remus deserved more than just that.

Remus' smiles happily as he finds the familiar blonde hair messily tied up flying up. It doesn't take her long for her to notice him too and a wide smile forms on her face, making his heart flutter. She happily waves at him and with just as much enthusiasm, he waves back. Both are so emerged in their little bubble, that they don't notice the glaring eyes on them from a specific boy.

Soon the Hufflepuff team joins and each player gets in position. And before he knows it, he watches her and the Hufflepuff Seeker chasing after the snitch. Everyone is cheering, hoping for their chosen team to win. Of course him and his friends were hoping for Ravenclaw to win, and it seemed that they were.

"I never realised how good of a Keeper Martin was." James admits, drawing Remus' attention to the mentioned boy. James wasn't wrong, Remus was amazed by how well Martin was able to stop every Quaffle from going through the goalposts.

Remus couldn't help but feel intimidated by that. No wonder Lorelei and Martin were together, she was a star Seeker, easily one of the best after James and he was an extremely good Keeper. It was like they were meant to be. It broke his heart and reduced his hopes even more of ever having a chance with Lorelei, she'd never be interested in him, when he couldn't even begin to understand how to play Quidditch.

"Where was he at the last game? I didn't see him." Peter wonders, catching the attention of the three other boys. Remus' eyes widen in realisation. Peter was right, Remus had not seen Martin and even if his focus was on Lorelei, even after she had fallen, he had not seen the Keeper.

"That's strange. Why would the Keeper not be there? And most importantly, why didn't we see him after, when Lorelei fell? As her boyfriend, he should have been there." Sirius voices out Remus' thoughts.

"I can easily look into it." James says, glancing at Remus, silently asking permission to do so.

"Yeah. Could you?" Remus asks and James nods. He didn't necessarily want to pry into their lives, but Remus found it too strange that Martin had not been there when she needed him the most.

He shakes his head and takes a deep breath, before glancing back at the game. He looked back just in time to see Lorelei get closer to the Snitch. He watches in anticipation, her hand reaching out for it, leaning forward to get closer. And in a blink of an eye, she catches it, making him let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. Everyone supporting the Ravenclaw team jumps to their feet, cheering happily as Lorelei holds the snitch up with a proud smile. Remus cheers happily, clapping excitedly for her.

"Come on, let's go join her." James says, pulling Remus towards the stairs. The four boys run down the stairs, even missing a few steps sometimes.

It doesn't take them long to reach the ground floor and rush towards the tent where the Ravenclaw prepared for games. They notice some of the players are standing outside, holding their brooms as they congratulate each other. They also notice that Emily and Lesley had already arrived. They stop at a fair distance, waiting for Lorelei to finish, before going to congratulate her.

Remus notices Martin making his way to her and she looks up at her boyfriend, smiling at him. But before he can reach her, Emily whispers something to her and she turns to look at Remus, her smile widening even more. Martin stops in his steps watching in shock as she completely forgets about him and rushes for the Gryffindor.

"Rem! You came!" Lorelei says excitedly, not hesitating to wrap her arms around him, making his eyes widen.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it in the world." Remus says softly, in turn wrapping his arms around her. His heart felt like it was about to explode. He wondered if she could hear it.

"I'm so glad you did." She beams happily, as she pulls away and looks up at him. He couldn't help but smile, overwhelmed with joy at seeing her so happy.

"Do we not exist to you anymore?" Peter asks teasingly, bursting their little bubble. Sirius hits him and Lorelei chuckles as she lets go of Remus, smiling at the three boys.

Remus is slightly annoyed at Peter for ruining the moment, but decides to let it go. Emily and Lesley join them, the seven of them happily conversing and congratulating the Seeker on her win.

Remus senses eyes on him and he looks up to see Martin glaring at him. He feels uncomfortable under his glare and turns back to his friends, trying to ignore Martin.

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