YUNGBLUD- The girl next door

By thepetitefrench

276 0 2

Rose Petit a french model moved near to London. Discover together how her life is gonna change, when she meet... More

Little words ♡
I- Moving day
II- Lost girl
IV- Oh fook
V- My baby
VI- Dinner
VII- Dinner part 2
VIII- we need to talk
IX- The walk
X- Restaurant
XI- Party
XII- what happen
XII- Changes
XIII- karaoke
XIV- kiss
XV- keep it secret
XVI- birthday girl
XVII- Birthday party
XVIII- Secret flight
XX- waiting
XXI: The Twins
XXII: I can't believe it
XXIII: Genius
XXIV: The letter
XXV: The End


19 0 0
By thepetitefrench


I heard knocking at the door.

Dom: i'm coming !

Tom stoped me.

Tom: bro she's-

I opened the door and saw her.

Rose: oh putain.

Dom: as you should.

Rose: wow um i just wanted to introduce myself to my neighbour but you are my

Dom: neighbour yes apparantly, Come in !

Tom: the Lost girl is not that lost !

He stood up and she didn't move.

Rose: i'm sorry i forgot how to say hello in UK...

I started laughing.

Rose: this is not funny it's embarassing.

Tom: for us it's the american way hug !

So he hugged the tall girl.

Rose: hi Dom.

She came and we hugged.

Rose: i am really nice to meet you guys !

Adam: Kiera just told me that she- Oh hi

Dom: this is our new neighbour.

Rose : Hello !

Adam: we have a oui oui baguette girl next door that's mental !!

She laugh.

Rose: well maybe but i have yungblud as the boys next door pretty cool

She's beautiful and mysterious at the same time.

Tom: so you're a fan?

Rose: if i am ? HELL YES every shooting i do yungblud's playing !

Adam: wow thank you.

I can't take my eyes off her, she wearing an oversized black destroyed shirt and fishnet tights and DC Martens.

Rose: Earth's calling Dom.

Dom: oh sorry, wanna drink something ?

Rose : no thank you

Tom: sorry to ask you that but you look tall and i was wonde-

Rose : i'm 175 cm (5'7") i know i know hahaha

Adam : you tall fook

Dom: why did you move here ? Like sounds CRAZY to leave everything !!

Rose : for work, my agency opened a new office in London and apparently i was the only one they want for now so i packed my life..  again

Dom: take a sit with us.

The girl took a sit next to me.

Adam: Again?

Rose: yeah i lived in France from zero to 18 yo than moved 2 years in L.A and then went to Australia for 2 years, i stayed 2 months in Paris and here i am.

Tom: that's mental !! It sounds so cool !!

Rose: well yeah but i was working so it felt normal.

She seems really passionate talking about it.

Rose: i should go i don't wanna bother you

Dom: no stay ! I pretty sure you have nothing to eat

Rose: that's true and sad

Dom: well what time is it?

Adam : it's 7 pm

Dom: well you need help with your house?

Rose: you don't even know.

Everyone stood up and went next door.

Rose: welcome, i only have a couch and TV for now and a refregirator.

Adam: and a bed?

Rose: Tomorrow hopefully.

Adam put his hand on Rose's shoulder

Adam: that's really sad i'm sorry for you.

She laughed, as we all did.

Adam: well at least we can build the couch.

Dom : let's goooo


Do you believe this ? Cuz i don't. But i'm gonna get used to it, maybe ?

But Dom Adam and Tom are my neighbours. They're in my house helping me.

Rose: i'm organizing my dressing over there if you need anything.

I point the door with my finger.

I put music on shuffle, we all sing and screaming.

Not gonna lie i'm putting some clothes away for charity nobody needs that much clothes. I find a skirt that a brand sent me in the wrong size.

Rose: DOM !

Dom: yeah?

Rose: Come here please.

I now have his eyes, pretty emerald eyes in my brown eyes.

Rose: i- i'm doing some cleaning and i found that it might fit you.

The young singer opened his mouth and his eyes have stars in it.

Dom: oh no i just saw the brand i can't accept this.

He start to give it back to me.

Rose: keep it ! I don't fit in it, it's a gift you can't say no to a gift.

He kissed my cheek.

Dom: guys look at that my first Chanel skirt !!!

Rose : well there's tones of things i don't wear or don't fit in so take it i don't care

I have 6 eyes watching like i was Santa.

Adam: well your couch is finish ma'am

I came with 2 big bags of clothes and they all did their shopping.

Adam: my girlfriend will love that !!

Rose: take it.

Tom: you know there's high brand in it?

Rose: yeah i know but they send it to me in the wrong size and they never ask those back After i got them in my size.

Dom: didn't know it was like that ?

Rose : like what?

Dom: everything's free?

Rose : almost everything, i didn't buy this house my agency did everything.

Tom : Dom mashed top alert.

I never saw someone turns head as fast as that.

Dom: this is christmas.

I went back to my dressing hearing the guys excited.

I took my phone and did a story.

"Rose : I present to you my neighbours !
Rose: they doing there little shopping hahaha
Adam: best girl next door we never had."

And i wrote: «the lost girl isn't anymore @/tmpllnt @/adam_warrington @/yungblud»

Rose : i'm starving ugh

Dom: chinese?

Rose and Dom: i pay.

Dom: i owe you this.

Rose : you will not win next time Dominic.

Dom: what's your adress ?

Rose: i don't know

Dom: WHOT? You don't know?

Rose : is it a big deal?

Adam: yes !

Rose: imma text my manager

I reach to my phone and send a message to Kristen.

I recieved her answer and let my phone to Dom. And went with the guys.

Adam : my girlfriend is gonna be so happy !!!

Rose: well she can come if she wants, my door's open at any time.

Dom: thank you and i think your boyfriend send you a message.

I chocked when i heard the word "boyfriend"

Rose: well i don't have a boyfriend but i have an over protective big brother.

Adam and Tom looked at each other they were talking without talking.

Dom : oh sorry.

Rose: it's ok you didn't know, i'm calling him i'll be back in a sec.

Boyfriend hahaha what's that ?

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