The Hero With Many Faces. (My...

By Project_Red

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Salazo Nautali graduated from Kunugigaoka junior high by killing his teacher; Koro Sensei. After being recomm... More

Prologue: Graduation Time
Salazo Nautali: Introduction
The First Day of School
The Three Musketeers.
Combat Training!
The Incident at the USJ.
Salazo Maekawa: Origin
Should I really be a Hero?
The Sports Festival is off to a running start.
The Cavalry Battle
It Just Keeps Getting Worse!
What I Could Have Been.
Its A Date!
What I Could Have Been; Part 2
To Kill And To Die
The Yaoyorozu Household
Nautali: Awakening
Red, Purple, Yellow, And Green
Save The Day With Love
I-Island: Day 1
What I Could Have Been; Part 3
I-Island; Final Day
Girl Talk + Salazo
Pandemonium Time/2nd Period
Escape Time
Revelry In The Dark
Change Time
Quirk Time
Happy Birthday Time

The Journey To The Training Camp

31 0 0
By Project_Red

It took longer to get to this point in the story than I thought. Also I drew a thing! ( Picture at the top)

When we returned home from I-Island, we packed our things for the training camp. The training camp began the day after we returned. We emptied our bags if refilled them with new clothes. I checked everyone’s bag before we left to make sure they weren’t packing anything unnecessary. After our things were packed, we began heading to school.

Just passed the main gate were two busses waiting for us. I thought the busses may be small and they needed two of them to transport us. But when I saw the insides, one bus was big enough for twenty people.

“Hey Momo!” I said. “How’s life?” Momo was surprised to see me so cheerful. I wasn’t in the mood to talk last time we were together.

“I am well. What about you?” she asked.

“Better. Looking forward to camp!”

“Class A’s bus is this way. Please line up in order!” Iida shouted. “Now then, we will sit according to our seating chart in class!”

“Do we gotta, really?” Ashido groaned. “Why can’t we just sit where we want?”

“But going by standard arrangement will make the prosses quicker and more efficient, no?”

“C’mon, it’s not everyday we get a training camp trip. Why make it extra boring?”

“Ashido, this trip is an official school function, so I’m afraid your boredom is irrelevant in the matter.”

“I vote for sitting wherever too!” Kaminari joined the conversation. Iida had thought for a moment. Before he could say anything, Mr. Aizawa gave his opinion on the matter.

“Just get on the bus.” Mr. Aizawa said. everyone began getting on the bus without a special formation.

“How did I get the floor?” asked Delaney who was sitting on the floor of the bus. Her back was against the side of the bus with her feet in the walkway.

“That’s just how it happened.” Claude said. Claude and I were sitting on the seat while Momo and Bo were sitting on top of us. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but it worked.

“Oh good grief, this is annoying.” I thought. Momo’s hair was in my face. This trip was going to be at least an hour and I don’t want her hair in my face the whole time. I took down her ponytail and began braiding her hair on her left side. That way it wouldn’t be in the way of anyone.

“Salazo, what are you doing?” asked Momo.

“Your hair was bothering me so I’m moving it out of the way, sorry.” She was fine with it and was curious how it would turn out.

After a few minutes, I finished braiding Momo’s hair. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it kept the hair out of my face. Momo was pleased with the finished product and we took a picture together and sent it to Mrs. Yaoyorozu. She really enjoyed the picture and was glad to see us together. The fun came to a pause when we heard Uraraka shout.

“Anyone got a barf bag!?” Everyone tuned into the conversation. Apparently, Aoyama wasn’t feeling good.

“Let’s get that window open, first. Then loosen your shirt collar and try to lie down.” Advised Tsu. I saw Aoyama’s head disappear and Todoroki stand up. He was sitting next to Aoyama. One thing that caught Claude’s eyes was what Todoroki did. He reached for the side for the side of his seat and pulled out another, smaller seat.

“There’s another seat?” Claude reached for the side of the main seat and felt a small lever. He pulled it and out came another seat. “Delaney, we have a place for you to sit.” Delaney noticed the new seat and quickly jumped to it. The seat was much smaller and didn’t have much back support, but it was a place for her to sit.

“It says here that there’s a pressure point that can help if you feel carsick. Just press the spot two fingers width down the wrist.” Kirishima said, looking at his phone.

“Let’s try.” Spoke Todoroki. As he reached for Aoyama’s arm, Todoroki shuddered and froze. “Wait, no. Not me.“ All eyes were staring at Todoroki. “Whenever I get involved, I end up destroying someone’s hand. I’m… the hand crusher.” The bus was completely silent aside from Midoriya and Iida laughing. Everyone was confused on why that was funny. Aoyama ended up pushing the pressure point himself.

“Also… it might help if we distract the patient somehow.” Kirishima added.
“Oh, I know just the game! We can all take turns in the Word Chain game.” Ashido said eagerly.

“Are we in Kindergarten?” expressed Sero.

“It’ll be a good way for us to pass the time.” Kaminari said, who was also eager to play.

“We’re not doing this to pass the time; we’re doing it for poor Aoyama.” Ashido spoke.

“But what word are we going to start with?” asked Kirishima.

“What about Training Camp!” suggested Ashido.

“What the heck is the Word Chain game?” I asked.

“Didn’t you play that when you were little?” questioned Sero.

“I didn’t play anything when I was little. My childhood wasn’t exactly easy.”

“The word chain game is simple.” Midoriya began. “You start out with a word and when it’s your turn, you have to say a word that starts with the same letter that previous word ended with. For example, if we start with Midoriya, someone could say Aoyama. And going from Aoyama to Ashido, and Ashido to Ojiro. It seems simple on the surface, but actually requires some focus.”

“Seems simple enough.” Bo spoke. She too was getting exited to play. We stared with Kaminari because he was at the front of the bus. We were going to go in order based on how we’re sitting.

“Sense we’re starting with Training Camp, what about Perturb. As in what Yao-Mama’s cookies did to my stomach.” Kaminari was thinking back to the time when we studied at Momo’s house.

“My turn.” Kirishima was next. “Let’s see… B… B… Bulletproof!”

Footwork” said Iida. “That was an obvious choice for me.” Midoriya was next.

Kamui Woods! Names are allowed right?”
“You sure do love heroes” Todoroki spoke.

“That makes my letter S. I suppose I do enjoy reading and studying. Scholar seems to be a good fit.” Said Momo.

Redeem.” I didn’t say anything about my word. Next was Bo.

Redeem….Redeem… Redeem… Oh I know. Midnight! That’s the best time to see the moon.”

“Or at least what’s left of it.” blurted Mineta. That comment was ignored, and it was now Claude’s turn.

Technology. I have always been fascinated by it.” He turned to Delaney to signal that it was her turn.

“Huh?” She wasn’t paying attention.

“It’s your turn in the Word Chain game. You letter is Y.”

Yakuza.” Shoji was next, ignoring what Delaney had said.

Arm.” That was a fitting word for someone who has six arms.

M… Music! That was easy.” Jiro said.

“Lemme see… So, I got C… Cream!” Sato expressed his love for sugar.

“You gave me M… so…” Mineta said.  “Misandry for all those man-hating women out there!” Mineta began chewing on his nails.

“What did Mt. Lady do to you?” asked Sero. Mineta didn’t respond. Sero’s didn’t continue to ask; he instead took his turn. “Umm… Yuca.”

“What the heck is Yuca?” asked Ojiro, who’s turn was next.

“It’s a tropical fruit. It’s super healthy. It’s full of vitamin C, so it gets you energized, keeps your heart pumping, and prevents wrinkles.” Explained Sero.

“Maybe I should try some Yuca.” Said Hagakure, who cared about her skin for some reason.

“That makes my letter A. Oh I know… Ant.” Ojiro took his turn.

“Dude, that’s so boring and ordinary.” Spoke Mineta, who was done fearing his past.

“What’s wrong with ordinary.” Next was Tokoyami who had yet to say anything.

“It’s your turn Tokoyami.” Urged Iida. Tokoyami remained silent.

“Your letter is T.” said Tsu.

Twilight” Tokoyami spoke finally. He knew that his classmates wouldn’t leave him alone if he didn’t say a word.

“That’s the perfect word for you. Next is… Bakugo. Is he… sleeping?” Sero turned and began shaking him until he woke up.

“That takes guts…” said Midoriya. I turned to face him. It looked as though he was hiding from Bakugo behind his seat. All I could see was the top half of his face. I looked back at Bakugo to see him awake and angry.

“Trying to rope me into your stupid gave for babies? Buzz off!” I didn’t expect him to want to play, but he still could have said something.

“Not exactly a word, but that means my letter is F.” said Tsu who didn’t care if Bakugo had intended to play or not.

“Wait what!? That wasn’t me joining! Don’t bring me into this!!” shouted Bakugo.

“I know you expect me to say Frog, but just to change things up, I going to say Flag.” Tsu took her turn and next was Uraraka.

“That still leaves me with G… Gold!” Uraraka’s eyes gleamed at the thought. Aoyama still wasn’t feeling well so the turn went to Todoroki. It took him sometimes do think of a word.


“I’m next!” exclaimed Hagakure. It took her some time to think of a word as well. “What about…. Ectoplasm. Just like Mr. Ectoplasm.”

M… Mina! That was easy.” Everyone had taken their turn at the Word Chain game. Aoyama wasn’t feeling better, so we tried to think of other ways to distract him. We tried to play other games and tell stories. Mineta told a story the managed to catch everyone’s attention. There was no ending to the story which left everyone feeling disappointed. By the end of the ride, Aoyama was feeling better.

The bus had come to a complete stop. I looked out the window and saw we were on a small circular patch of road. There was also a black car; the windows were tinted so I couldn’t see who’s inside. When we stepped out of the bus, we could see we were surrounded by a beautiful forest.

“Do you guys see this forest!” Bo’s hands were on the rails, and she was looking down.

“This reminds the School Festival!” Claude said, thinking about last year. I was tasked with being one of the runners that get’s food from the forest.

“What are you talking about, I did all the work!” I spoke. “I don’t remember anyone helping with that.”

“We watched it though. You did great.” Bo gave me a thumbs up. I couldn’t tell if she was sincere or if she was mocking me.

“Hey Eraser!” an unknown voice began talking.

“Long time no see.” Mr. Aizawa gave a bow. The car door opened, and we could see who was inside.

“Rock on with these sparkling gazes!” said the red lady.

“Stingingly cute and catlike!” said the blue lady.

“We’re the Wild, Wild Pussy Cats!” They both shouted at the same time.

“Great, we have to stay with cats.” I thought. I’m not a cat person. Midoriya seemed to be the only excited one. He began talking about the heroes but was cut off by the blue one. There was also a kid with them. I didn’t think much of him.

“This whole area is our territory.” The red cat began. “Your lodging is at the foot of the mountain over there.” She pointed in the direction. A wave of fear came over the class. My personalities and I took a few steps back from the rail, then ran full speed at it. Jumping over the rail and sliding down the mountain. Without thinking, we began running through the forest.

A few minutes in, Claude pointed something out.

“Do you think we should have waited for them to be finished talking?” We all paused. We turned around to see if anyone was nearby, we were still alone.

“There fine.” Delaney said as she began running. The rest of us continued running as well. We continued running for what felt like two hours. I was getting bored, so I pulled out my phone and decided to call someone.

“Hey, should I call anyone?” I asked. We were walking at the point because we were getting tired of running.

“You can try. I don’t think it will work here though.” said Bo. I searched my contact list and picked a Isogai. I tried to call him, but the call didn’t work.

“Didn’t work.”

“What about Ritsu?” I searched my contacts again and found her. I called her and she answered.

“Hey Salazo! What are you doing?” She noticed I was running in a forest.

“Just school stuff. We were bored and wanted to talk to someone.” Ritsu was glad we were talking to her. We all talked for a bit, passing the phone around. When I got the phone back, I asked for a favor. “Hey… could you do something for me.”

“Sure thing! What is it?”

“I need you to find someone. Someone with a specific quirk who would be willing to help.”

Another two hours later, and we arrived at the camp. Mr. Aizawa and the Pussy Cats were waiting for us.

“There here!” said Blue Cat. We ran closer to the lodge, but Blue Cat continued watching the forest. No one was behind us.

“Is it just you four?” Asked Red Cat.

“Yep, we never saw anyone else from our class.” Claude responded. “I’m sure they’ll be here soon."

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