A Jedi's Duty

By moon_11412

3.5K 121 169

Luna Coran has always dreamed of growing up and becoming a padawan fighting side by side with her master, but... More

Master Kenobi...
A New Beginning
Dooku Captured
The Gungan General
Holocron Heist
Children of the Force
Landing at Point Rain
Weapons Factory

Destroy Malevolence

370 10 10
By moon_11412

Luna's POV

A female Togruta smiles at me. She seemed about one year older than me, so probably 14.

"Hey, I'm Ahsoka, Master Skywalker's Padawan." She says confidently.

"Well, I'm Hayden," He glances around making sure no one was listening, "Master Kenobi's soon-to-be Padawan."

I shoot him a glare filled with venom. "I'm Luna," I say simply. 

Ahsoka nods and smiles, "So, is this your first mission?"

I nod, "Yes, we're supposed to be sent back to the temple after this mission." Or go on many more missions with Master Kenobi. I add to myself silently.

"She means that one of us will be sent back to the temple." Says Hayden. His tone made it clear what he thought.

Ahsoka rolls her eyes, "Luna has a better chance than you do." She states tartly.

I smile at her gratefully and follow as she walks towards the group of masters.

"Admiral, status report." Says Master Kenobi, stroking his beard.

"They're not attempting to jump to hyperspace. Their hyperdrive must be damaged." Responds Admiral Yularen.

"This is our chance. All ships target the bridge! Maximum firepower." Orders Master Kenobi.

The ships all immediately begin to fire at the bridge and I watch in satisfaction as the gigantic ship shakes and trembles.

I watch the radar by Ahsoka and frown as a small dot appears. "What the...?" I mutter, frowning. I open my mouth, "Master, I'm picki-"

Hayden interrupts me, "We're um picking up a-a signal." He glances at where I was looking before, "Close to the enemy vessel." He adds hastily.

Ahsoka rolls her eyes at his attempt, "Something just came out of hyperspace." She explains.

"Enemy reinforcements?" Questions Master Skywalker.

"No, it looks like a Naboo cruiser." She replies.

"Gunners, stand down, "Orders Master Kenobi, "What in the blazes are they doing out here?!" He mutters, annoyed.

"Ahsoka contact that ship." Orders Master Skywalker.

Ahsoka nods, pressing a button, "Naboo cruiser! Identify yourself!" She orders into the com speaker.

There's a static reply, "This is Senator Amidala."

Master Skywalker's eyes widen and he steps forward beside Ahsoka, "Padme!? What are you doing out here?!"

"l was sent on a special mission. The Senate was told the Banking Clan wanted to negotiate a treaty." She explains. 

"Get out of there as fast as you can!" Yells Master Skywalker worriedly.

We watch as the silver ship appears to attempt to get out of the fighting but was pulled back by some sort of force.

"Padme, what's happening?" Master Skywalker's voice rises.

"I'm being pulled inside the droid cruiser by a tractor beam. I will not be made a Separatist bargaining chip. Continue your attack! You must destroy this monstrous ship!"She yells before the transmission is lost.

Master Skywalker lowers his head, "Admiral, order our ships to stop firing." He orders.

He begins to walk away, "Where do you think you're going?" asks Master Kenobi.

Master Skywalker turns his head around for a split second, "Someone has to save her skin."

Master Kenobi sighs, "I thought you might say that."

"What about us?" I ask, but the two of them had already walked out of the control room.

I turn to Master Plo questionably, "You must do what you think is right." 

I thought I could see him smiling at me through his mask.

"Master Kenobi said to stay here." Says Hayden nervously. I could tell that he didn't want to risk his life looking for a senator.

"No, he didn't, " I snap, "He just left, so he can't possibly blame me if I'm there." Ahsoka smiles at me, and without another word, I jog out of the room after the two Masters. 

The two of them had already entered a ship, and I hurry in after them silently.

"l trust you've already formulated a brilliant plan to rescue the Senator?" Says Master Kenobi. 

I walk over and stand next to the two Masters, carefully covering my force signature to see how long it would take for them to notice me. Maybe I shouldn't have come. I think to myself. What if Master Kenobi saw my atcios as disobeying orders? I push away these thoughts. To late to turn back now.

"As a matter of fact, l have." Responds Master Skywalker calmly

"But do we have a plan B? Every operation needs a backup, Anakin." 

I hold back a smirk at Master Kenobi's skeptical tone.

"l don't have a backup. Yet." responds Master Skywalker, "But l do have a plan
for getting on that ship."

"Oh Really?"

"The enemy's sensors are obviously damaged, so we'll sneak in behind them and dock at the emergency airlock." Explains Master Skywalker.

"That's your plan? Just fly there, land, hope they don't spot us, and walk in the door?" Master Kenobi's tone was incredulos.

"Basically." Master Skywalker smiles.

"Great, then let's get going," I say, tired of waiting for them to notice me.

Master Kenobi whips his head around, startled, "Luna? What are you doing here?"

"Um- I thought I might as well tag along." I say uncertainly, "And you did tell me to stay close to you."

Master Kenobi face palms himself.

"I like the way you think." Says Master Skywalker, grinning.

I smile back and glance worriedly at Master Kenobi.

He sighs, "Too late to turn back now." He mutters, "Very well, but promise to listen to my orders." He stares at me imploringly, "and that includes no more finding loopholes."

I nod, happy that he wasn't angry.

Master Skywalker pilots the ship towards the Malevolence which was looking worse for a turn. 

"If they spot us, we'll be pulverized." States Master Kenobi worriedly.

"They're too busy repairing the ship, they don't have time to notice us." Responds Master Skywalker.

"Anakin, subtly has never been one of your strong points."

"Everything l know I learned from you, Master." He smiles.

I smirk.

"Oh, if only that were true." Sighs Master Kenobi.

 The two Master begin to argue, and I smile to myself. We land in the emergency airlocks and walk off the ship. 

"Anakin, you're crazy. Spinning is not flying." Master Kenobi was saying.

"But it's a good trick." He responds, smiling.

I let out a small smirk.

Master Kenobi smiles, "We do not want to be spotted."

The blast door opens, and we are headed face to face with two battle droids.

"Too late," I mutter as the two of them destroy them promptly.

"R2, stay here." Orders Master Skywalker, nodding to the blue droid.

"You too, Luna." 

"What!?" I look up.

Master Kenobi sighs, "This mission is dangerous. Stay with R2 and wait for orders."

I frown at him, "But I ca-"

"You can stay here with R2." He repeats sternly.

"Yes, Master." I sigh despondently.

He gives me an approving nod and turns away with Master Skywalker. Master Skywalker gives me a sympathetic smile as he passes me.

I sigh and slump beside R2 who beeps sympathetically.

The two of us wait in silence. I listen to Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker as they speak and find the Senator. 

My thoughts wander. Maybe I should have stayed on the cruiser. I'm no use here anyway. Master Kenobi will just see it as disobeying orders even though he didn't tell us to stay on the cruiser. I sigh. First time out of Coruscant, and I'm stuck here waiting for the two Masters to come back with the Senator. I should have done something to attract Master Kenobi's attention. Something that would've proved I would have been a good padawan. Too late now. 

I lift my head and listen to the comlink again. 3Po was lost, and Anakin and Padme were looking for him. Something about Grievous.

I'm already headed in that direction, so, I'll sure that the hyperdrive stays offline. Says Master Kenobi.

"What?!" I realize that I had spoken.

Luna, stay where you are. Orders Master Kenobi.

I growl to myself. It was too dangerous.

I suddenly feel something in the force shift. Master Kenobi was walking into a trap. Reaching my decision, I stand up. 

"R2, if Master Skywalker finds you, tell him that I'm looking for Master Kenobi." I tell the droid, "If I'm back before then, we'll keep this to ourselves, right?"

R2 lets out a few beeps in agreement and I walk, following the force.

I enter the hyperdrive area and let out a small gasp. Master Kenobi was surrounded completely by battle droids. Him and Grievous exchange a few words. Suddenly, all the battle droids tense up and begin to fire. I jump down from my hiding spot and swiftly use the force to push a destroyer into a line of battle droids. Master Kenobi does the same behind me.

"I thought I told you to stay where you were!" He yells as we both deflect lasters with our lightsabers.

"You did, but I decided not to follow orders!" I respond. No point in trying to get out of this one.

He frowns and pushes the destroyer droids into Grievous.

We jump onto a shuttle, both panting.

Obi-wan taps his comlink, "Anakin! I believe General Grievous is onto us."

"Yeah, we noticed," came Master Skywalker's sarcastic response.

"We'll rendezvous back at The Twilight. The fleet must engage-" He was cut short. "Blast it." He mutters, "communications been cut."

There was a sudden metallic screech and I look up and see General Grievous swinging two lightsabers at us menacingly.

"Run." Master Kenobi orders me.


"RUN!" He shouts.

I turn around and begin sprinting in the other direction. I turn around, expecting to see him right behind me, but see that he and Grevious had locked into a duel. Neither was doing very well.

I should keep on going. I think to myself. But my feet were already moving towards them, lightsaber out. Oh well.

I swiftly strike my cyan blade at Grievous who growls as he blocks it. Master Kenobi frowns at me. We continue to duel, left-right, strike. I jump onto a lower shuttle and see that Master Kenobi is at the edge of the shuttle above me. I tense, ready to jump up and fight. But before I could do anything he rolled off and slices the shuttle, leaving Grievous to crash.

"Come on," He orders, "Let's get back to the Twilight."

We jump off the shuttle into another hall which would lead us back to the Twilight- only to be confronted with more droids. 

"How nice," I mutter sarcastically. 

We both take out our lightsabers and begin deflecting bolts. Left. Right. Duck. Deflect. Roll. The moves come naturally and I smile. It felt exactly like training back at the temple.

We sprint down the halls while deflecting lasers. Turning around another corner, we could see Master Skywalker, R2, the Senator and C-3P0 boarding the ship.

"Hold the ship!" Orders Master Kenobi.

We slide through the doors, barely avoiding getting blasted by droids. I gasp for air. We enter the cockpit and Master Skywalker sits in the pilot's seat

"R2, release the docking clamp." Orders Master Skywalker.

The droid obliges and the ship begins to fly back to the Republic cruisers. Suddenly, we jolt forward from blaster fire.

"Time for some clever tricks, Anakin." Says Master Kenobi.

"That's what l was thinking!" He smiles and the ship jolts forwards again,"You know, we have guns! You can shoot back anytime!" He yells in annoyance.

"l was just about to-" Master Kenobi starts.

"I got it." Interrupts Padme.

She aims at the enemy shooting ships, shooting them down. She was actually pretty good.

"Nice shot, Senator," I say admiringly.

"Beginners luck." She responds.

"Pardon me, sir, but Artoo's scan of the enemy's ship indicates their hyperdrive is activating." States 3P0 anxiously.

"Don't worry about it." Says Master Skywalker waving it off.

"What?" Master Kenobi questions.

We watch as the Malevolence begins to the nearest moon and explode. 

"Wow." I breathe

"I imagine that you had something to do with that." Master Kenobi smiles.

"All part of the plan, Master."

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