The Girl Next Door (Hitoshi S...

By LightTheNight23

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What happens when the new neighbor, famous gamer, Hitoshi Shinso, moves in next door to the girl who has two... More

Just simply some info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 23

1K 26 22
By LightTheNight23

"Katsuki, will you rub my feet." (y/n) groaned as she carried her bags into her room and stuffed them into her closet.

The blonde glared at her and shook his head in a eager no.

"That's disgusting," He told her, trying not to gag at the thought of touching someone else's feet. (y/n) could understand that, she was pretty sure feet were the worst thing on the planet because of just about everything they touched or just the way they looked and felt.

"I mean. Fair point," (y/n) said agreeing with her brother.

"That makes no sense, you literally wanted a foot massage and you agree with how disgusting it is." Izuku rolled his eyes and helped Ochako with her bags.

"It's Disgusting." (y/n) conjured up a good Scottish accent.

"Which one of you took a shet' in my toliet' and didn' flush," Katsuki followed suit with the reference (y/n) was making. "Disgustin'!"

"I really, just want to some time, want to straggle the two of you." Izuku mumbled as he walked away into his room.

"Sunny, don't you remember the two of them let alone Katsuki could beat the shit out of you." Grandpa Torino butted in as he stared into the blank TV screen. "I don't care if you are a cop, they are a force not to be reckoned with."

"You got that right Papa," (y/n) said as she plopped down on the kitchen stool. She looked at the Tv to spot what he was watching only to grow worried since it was blank. "Grandpa what are you watching?"

"A documentary," he told her leaning forward.

"Interesting," she paused and tried to see what he was seeing. "On what exactly?"

The old man chuckled. He was a real clever one you know.

"A documentary on these sibling idiots that live in the same apartment." He told her unfazed by the sound she made from his offending comment.

"What a rude man!" she mumbled and grabbed her phone.

"Call Toshinori, I wanna go home!" he shouted and waited on the couch.

"Fine old man!" Katsuki growled. (y/n) quickly pressed her father's contact and made the call.

"Dad, please rescue us, Grandpa is off his rockers." she whined into the phone.

"Isn't he always off his rockers?" she could hear her father's voice through the speaker of the phone.

"I mean yeah, but it's worse!" she cried out as the old man glared at her. "He has been staring at a blank Tv telling us he is watching a documentary."

"Let me guess, he roasted you guys good?" Toshinori cracked out the slang words that made all three of the kids cringe.

"Eww dad," (y/n) gagged as Katsuki had to take a minute before his sea legs gave out. "But I mean you're not wrong."

"How did I know. Okay kiddo, I'll be over in thirty minutes." he told her, hanging up after he gave a quick I love you.

"Oh my god, you're the best dad number two." Katsuki mumbled as he fished for something in the fridge.

"You kids are ungrateful," Grandpa Torino huffed as he crossed his arms.

"You listen here you little old man," (y/n) shot up and got ready to fight.

"Hey guys, got some sugar..." Kirishima quickly stopped talking after he opened the door barging into the apartment. What stopped him cold in his tracks was the deadly glare (y/n) was giving him. It was like a deer caught in headlights for him, he was about ready to shit his pants. "Actually, I can come back later."

"No, now is good." Katsuki said, giving him the same type of look. "Sick him."

"Kitrishima, your ass is grass!" (y/n) shouted, taking the order like she was a dog. She chased him out of the apartment and into his own where she piledrives him into the ground and slammed his head into the floor while she repeatedly tortured the man till he cried once again.

"I feel like I still have a lot to learn," Shinso said as he tried to back out of the room only to catch the glare (y/n) was giving him.

"I don't want to ruin your pretty face, so I am giving you five seconds to go back into your room and lock the door, Indie." he was going to gladly listen to her, he really didn't want the amount of pain he knew Kirishima was feeling at the moment.

"Yes kitten," he mumbled quickly retreating in. "but who knows, I'm willing to let you beat up on me."

Oh, really," her eyes instantly met his indigo eyes that seemed to shine in the light as the sun reflected off of them from what was filtering through the window.

"Really, as long as they're eskimo kisses and occasional kisses to the lips." he flirted with her making her blush and slink away from the broken Kirishima.

"Oh thank the gods, Hitoshi you're an angel." kirishima slurred since he couldn't really think straight from the beating he obtained.

"Can it," (y/n) said, looking at Kirishima who whimpered even more but slowly crawling to his room. Her eyes quickly found their way back to Hitoshi's built form that towered over her even more then usual at the moment. "Hey Hitoshi?"

His eyes stayed but his lips twitched into an even happier smile. He had never been this happy before, and it only seemed to be her who could do this to him. God, (y/n) midoriya has some sort of spell over him.

"Yeah honey?" he walked over to her and sat on the floor opening his arms wide for her to jump into. She did just as he wanted and hummed in contentedness.

"Grandpa Torino is leaving in a bit, but can I still sleep with you?" she asked, crossing her fingers hoping he would say yes.

"I don't know Persephone, doesn't that go against the goddesses of eternal maidenhood led by your brothers, only for you?" he asked making a reference front that one webtoon comic she reads and loves so dearly, just so he could relate to her and give her a conversation buddy for the story he read. And he read it quickly. Took him one day to read all the chapters and he too loved the whole story.

"Are you saying you're soft boi, Hades?" she joked around punching the male in the shoulder lightly.

"Are you saying I am not as good?" he looked down at her with a smirk spreading over his lips making her quiver in shyness and her attraction to him.

"No," she stopped and giggled. "You're much better than Hades, and it's hard to beat such a good boi like him! Just don't tell him I said that!"

Shinso's heart fluttered when she looked him deep in the eye and told him that. He felt his heart actually grow two sizes bigger just because of her gentle words.

"Oh man, do I get a gold medal?" he asked her, brushing his hand down the back of her head through her hair. "I mean, that makes me the best boi, since Hades is number one on your list."

"Now Hitoshi Shinso!" She giggled and slapped his arm lightly. "Don't get cocky, you forgot about Steve Rogers, and Loki and then it's you, but maybe I can sneak a peek of what first prize winners get."

"I would like that," he told her, falling for her trick.

"Good," she mumbled and leaned in slowly waiting for him to get the gist and do the same. Right as their lips were about to touch she moved her mouth away and nuzzled her nose lightly on his own nose. She giggled when she saw the surprised look on Shinso's face. He was left surprised by the attack she left him with.

"H-how dare you," he said trying to gain the confidence back after the still super cute eskimo kiss she gave him. "You'll pay for that."

He trapped her against his body and the floor attacking her with his fingers brushing against her skin softly tickling her. She was squealing and trying to escape from his attacks.

"S-stop!" she whined as she giggled some more losing her breath. "I-it hurts, I-I can't laugh anymore."

"Will I get a better prize?" he asked her, lifting his fingers slightly away from her body. "If I do I'll stop, kitten.

"Y-yes," she cried out trying to fight off his hands that would occasionally attack.

"Good girl," It almost sounded like he purred. "Now what's my prize?

"This!" she told him running off into her own apartment with the man close behind her.

Their game of cat and mouse lasted for almost the rest of the night, no matter how much Katsuki complained about how childish it was. He was just jealous anyways, not getting the opportunity to bully his younger siblings.


Hitoshi and (y/n) laid staring at each other in the comfy bed he owned.

"You look all tuckered out?" Hitoshi quietly mocked her knowing it would get her to giggling and that was what he wanted to hear. And he got exactly what he was hoping for. Her soft laughs were music to his ears, he couldn't imagine a day without hearing her laugh.

"Shut your cake hole!" she lightly slapped his arms.

"Now kitten, that's not so nice." he told her, nuzzling into his pillow and smirking at her.

"Yeah, well," silence fell into the room and Hitoshi snickered. "I don't have a comeback."

"Noted," he told her, brushing a strand of hair back that fell into her face. His hand lingered on her jaw for a second longer than it should have, but (y/n) didn't seem to notice, or maybe care that it was there. "Tell me more about you and your family."

"Oh, where a bunch of weirdos," she giggled lightly. "I guess I start from the beginning, that's when I really began to learn about who I was."

Shinso's hand lightly traced her arm that lay in front of her gently placed on the bed. (y/n) shivered from his touch leaving her begging for more in her head.

"My family has been exactly as it looks for a really long time. Katsuki my oldest brother, Izuku my second oldest sibling and me last. Izuku is blood, and Katsuki not so much but still in my heart it's blood. As far as I can remember Mitsuki, Masaru, and Katsuki have been a part of our family. My mother had been close with Mitsuki her whole life and the two considered themselves to be siblings hoping for the same bond between Izuku and I with Katsuki." Her smile spread across her lips as she thought about it for a second. "Obviously their wish came true. My biological father though wanted nothing to do with any of them, and me."

Her heart dropped when she thought about the man who was literally in her life until she was five years old. Hitoshi could feel her worry and pain in her eyes, he could see the broken ness her father left. He was lucky to have a good father right from the start not many get that.

"But that's not the point." she told him, putting a smile on her face. "After I was five, I went to school, just like everyone else, but I met the man who I would gladly call my father any day. During that time we were all moving into a large house together, one that would hold the Midoryia's and the Bakugou's under the same rough. It just had to be strong enough to handle two specific chaotic Bakugou's."

"I'm sure you have some great stories in that," Shinso spoke up, very much knowing the answer to that.

"A ton, I mean everyday was an adventure in that house." she snorted and rolled her eyes. "Back to school, my teacher was a good person. He would listen to me and check up on me knowing that I didn't make friends with anybody, so he made sure to be my friends." Shinso's hand was moving its way to her back pushing her closer into his chest where she would be tucked away somewhat. "The only friends I felt I needed were my siblings, I ignored everybody else."

"You're so much different now," he smiled and looked down at her.

"That's because people change," she whispered looking into his indigo eyes that always captured her attention. "Toshinori Yagi was the man's name. He taught me a lot that year, more than anything a five year old would need. My mother would have parent conference meetings with him all the time, and if she couldn't it was either Mitsuki or Masaru who he would inform about my well being. My mother began to grow feelings for the man, she saw the way he interacted with me, and instantly knew he would be a perfect husband and father. I like to believe it is live at first sight."

A sigh slipped past (y/n)'s lips not going unnoticed by Shinso.

"That began the best life, the things I loved the most. Not even a year later they were planning a wedding. He adopted me and Izuku in his heart even if my father wouldn't allow him to legally adopt us. My biological father wasn't unfit nor abandoned us technically so it left Toshinori not being able to legally adopt us, but that doesn't matter, because he is more of a father anybody could have asked for." she smiled allowing a few happy tears to fall from her face. Hitoshi was quick to wipe them away and comfort her in any ways she needed. "My whole family taught me everything, Katsuki taught me self defense and to stick up for myself. Izuku taught me how to be a bigger person and to be kind to everyone, my mother taught me to love, father taught me to how to be wise and lead the life I want, mama mitsuku taught me to be brave and fun loving, and papa masaru taught me to enjoy the things that I have been given. That left me one thing I learned from my biological father, one that I keep a hold of no matter how much I despise the man."

(y/n) looked up from Hitoshi and stared at the ceiling. Her voice was quivering for multiple reasons, her happy memories, the lesson that hurt her the most, and the fact that she felt so loved right now even if Shinso didn't show it. She felt it and that was all she needed.

"School was me putting everything to use, being a good rule model and a straight student. College wasn't really a thing in my picture, I went though. For music, art and simple side things that fit perfectly in for New York wannabe's." her laughter filled the room once again blessing Shinso. "It was only two years and done. Not much to really learn other than it's my passion. During those two years I lived in this apartment building with my brothers. My room had already been made since they moved in as soon as possible even if I was still in high school. I was given the opportunity to sleep over on weekends so I did, that's how I met the wonderful denki and Kirishima and then, you. I wouldn't change anything in my life because it led me here, to a place better then what I was given. I'm grateful."

"Hmm," Shinso acknowledged her life and choices. He was glad life brought her to him, he couldn't imagine what life he would be drowning in at the moment. "My father was a teacher also, though he was a high school teacher. They have a way of teaching you more than just your basic math science English and history."

"They very much do, hitoshi."

"Get some rest kitten, that's one thing my old man taught me everyday. Sleeping whenever he got the opportunity."

"That sounds like my one high school teacher!" her giggled filled the room once again as the two got to talking again. "He would literally pull out a sleeping bag and fall asleep in the middle of class."

"Sounds like him and my father need to meet up, go on a date or something."

"Perfect idea!" (y/n) jumped up as she began to plan and plot.

"I wasn't being serious." Hitoshi pulled her back down, wrapping his arms around her waist keeping her in place.

"I was, and still am!"


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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