You will be mine. An avenger...

By 0livia_xo

103K 3.2K 823

*COMPLETE* Alice stark fights along with the avengers during the battle of New York against Loki, Thor's youn... More

The battle
Questioning the god
His great escape
A plan
The avengers downfall
A plan to save them all but me
The garden
So close
Locked in
jacuzzi talk
Escape or stay
The mission
Time goes by
The cabin
He likes who?
Thors return
Christmas party
Late night
New years eve party
Here but not really
To Asgard
The hallway greeting
The begining of the festival
Another prince
Stay? Forever?
Back home
Finding out about the past
Unlocking memories
Plan A
The Warriors Ball
'Well... now we know'
'He knows'
Febuary 28th
Talking about the future
Early arrival
Fighting for freedom
Shes gone
The white room
Asgards doom
Lokis scepter
Training For Him
Emptiness causes Insanity
Planning the plan that needs planned
The hunt begins
Seeing Straight
The small yellow vial
Taking the strike
Back At Stark Tower
Thanos' plan
Alices New Mission
Lokis Emotional Overload
Voices And Kisses
Sharing The Room
Thanos 'Final Mission' For Alice
Locked Up
Thor and Lokis Journey Begins
Somewhat Normality? Ish.
Training Mind And Soul
Control it
Giving Her The Vial
Alissa of Vanaheim
Hes Coming
The Army
The Aftermath
Return To 'The Garden'
LA: The Hive
Grounded At 21
Out Of it
3 Years Later
Getting The Team
Time heist
Snap 2.0
The Last Fight
The End.
🚨Book 2🚨

Reality stone

415 20 1
By 0livia_xo

Tony's POV

It's been 8 days since we got Alice back from thanos and it's strange to say the least. We expected him to follow after us but he didn't. It's almost as if he let us go.

Pepper, once again, is annoyed at me. Just before we left to go get Alice, pepper had to run back to work because, well I'm not going to lie I don't know why, I just didn't listen. I was busy! I was freaking out about getting my daughter back.

She's coming back today. She rang me yesterday to check up on things. I only texted her when we got back and said 'back home now' and from then I didn't have time to go on my phone. From being with Alice to being in the lab working on the Android with Bruce, I've been a very busy man. Not to mention we're still waiting on dr cho to come along with the machine in her lab that we need.

'Tony' pepper said walking into the lab

'Honey' I smiled and walked up to her with open arms and she very unkindly declined my hug.

'I'm annoyed at you'

'I know. I'm sorry'

'You always keep me in the dark about her Tony. Take me to her'

'Here's the thing...'

'What type of thing'

'A big thing'

'Okay. What is it'

'Like a really really big thing'

'What is it tony!'

'I don't think you understand when I say it's a-'

'Really really big thing. Yes. Okay. Now what is it!'

'Uh' how do I word this. 'She's here anyways'

'Yes Tony. I know that she's here. What is the thing'

'Well she's here... physically'

And then her face dropped.

'What do you mean?' She asked

'She was injected with this serum over there and... well basically long story short this isn't Alice mentally, this is thanos Alice but not our Alice.'

She nodded her head in understanding. Or shock I don't know.

'How bad is it?' She asked

'Yeah it's bad. She doesn't remember anyone. We have that WS guy here too. Steve thinks that he's his old friend from the 40s, so Natalie and birdbrain are trying to find out hence their disappearance.'

She took a deep breath. 'So she doesn't remember me?'

I shook my head no.

'God. Right okay. Will she?'

'In a month and a half she should start remembering'

'Take me to her?'

'Let's go'

We walked to the training room where Alice and pending Bucky have been for the past 20 minutes.

We walked at the door as they threw punches at eachother. It's safe to say she's definitely improved even more.

We watched as he went to kick her but she was fast and tails right out of the way and grabbed his leg, twisted it and used it to throw him on to the ground.

She helped him up and he walked over to get some water for them.

'Alice! There's someone here I want you to meet' I said as pepper and I walked I got he training room

'Hi. I'm pepper'

Alice walked up to us, all red faced and out of breath. 'Hi. I'm... Alice' she said taking a breath.

'Your pretty good on the matts kid' I smiled

'Yeah. I'm a little rusty I haven't trained the whole time we got here. I don't want to use my powers incase I mess up the building though' she said still out of breath

'I wouldn't worry about that. Tony has this whole room fire proof and we have things to put it out just incase.' Pepper said

Alice looked at her confused 'how did you know my powers?'

'Uh- Tony told me' pepper tried to laugh her way out of it

'Oh...  okay'

Then a happy Thor and a grumpy Loki walked into the room.

'Ahhhh good morning!' Thor boomed

'Point break! Any word on Natasha and Clint?' I asked

'She sent Steve an electronic letter saying they are back in shield and will be back home today'


'Alice. You up for a spar?' He laughed

She looked at him and smiled. 'Sure. After you' she said letting him go on the mat first.

'This should be good' I whisper to pepper and Loki.

They stood opposite eachother on the mats, a serious look on both their faces.

'I'll go easy on you Thor.' She said

'There will be no need for that'

'Very wel- ah.' She kneeled down to the floor clutching her stomach.

'What happened?' I asked

'Get WS'

And on que he walked in.

'Shit! What is it?' He said running over to her

'I don't-know'

The rest of us were all standing around her.

'What hurts?' Pepper asked

'Everywhere but my stomach is worse'

Then it clicked in my head. The stone. The reality stone. He used its power on her

'Get rocket Thor. Quick' I said

'What? Why?'

'Remember what happened with the stone'

'Shit' he said under his breath and then ran out the door

'We need to get her to the lab' I said

And within a second Loki grabbed her and teleported then to well I'm assuming the lab.

Alice's POV

'GET OFF M-ughhhhhh' I said grabbing my head then

'Your eyes?' Loki said sitting me down on a bed

'What about them'

'They're matte red?'

'What?' I tried to get up to see but he held me down

'No alice. Stay in bed. Please'

'Dont listen to him Alice. Don't take orders from him' the voice spoke in my head

'You don't tell me what to do' I spat

I stood up but immediately fell to the floor.
'Dont worry Alice. All will go to plan'

I tried to get up but couldn't.

Loki bent down to help me

'Don't let him touch you'

I flicked my wrist and used my power to blow him away.

'Don't touch me!'

'Good job Alice.'

He stood and watched me struggling to get up.

'All part of the plan' rang over and over in my head.


'Who are you talking to? What plan?' Loki asked

'Shut up Loki'

Then Tony Thor rocket and pepper ran in, followed by Bruce.

'What? Why are you on the floor?' Tony asked helping me up

'I couldn't get up on my own'

He looked at Loki 'and you didn't help her?!'

He shrugged 'she wouldn't let me. Blew me away'

I felt my self start to fall in and out of consciousness.

'Why would you not let him' I heard but I didn't know who said it. Maybe Tony. Or Thor?

'They- they said not to listen to him...'

Then I fell into a dreamless sleep

Loki's POV

We all watched as Alice blacked out.

'Who's they?' Tony asked standing over her
'Bruce! What happened'

'She's alive it's okay. She's just unconscious' he answered.

'Rocket do you know if this has to do with the reality stone?' Thor asked

He looked at her 'we're going to need nebula, she'll know more about that than me'

'JARVIS send nebula down here fast please!' Pepper called out.

I can't stop thinking about who she was talking about. There is no possible way thanos and Adrian could be in her head? They can't be. It's near impossible. I couldn't even be able to do it from that far away. What she said about the plan and about not listening to me? This sounds exactly like Thanos and Adrian but I doubt they would be able to do this.

Then nebula walked in. 'What is it?'

'Remember we told you about her colliding with the reality stone. Can you check if the collision worked?' Bruce said

'Right' she walked over and opened one of Alice's eyes and looked at it. At the matte red version of her once so beautiful, glossy and full of life eyes.

'She should be fine, the collision did work but her body seems to be dealing with it fine. I'm surprised she's only getting the side effects now though' she said then gently closing her eye.

'Nebula' I said walking over to them all

She looked at me.

'Is it possible for your father and Adrian to be able to access her mind?' I asked

'Why do you ask such a question?'

'She shouted something out of the blue before you all got here. Something about how is this part of the plan, I can't even get up. Something along those lines and then when she fell unconscious she said they said not to listen to me. Is it possible?'

Everyone looked at me then her.

Her brows frowned and she looked at the floor thinking.

'I don't know. It sounds highly unlikely considering how far away we are from vanaheim but there is always a slight possibility' she then said

'What would the plan be?' Thor said

Then WS walked in the room. 'Is she okay?' He rushed to side.

After a minute of Bruce explains to him what happened end we continued the conversation that he interrupted.

'Do you know anything of a plan?' Tony asked him

'No. I don't know anything like that but if I was to guess I would probably say it's to get her back. Their main priority is to get the stones not you all.' He said

~4 hours later~

Natasha and Clint came back and said everyone needed to go to the meeting room. I'm guessing it's about WS, as everything now has become about him. Gods I can't stand him.

We all sat in the meeting room waiting on Clint Natasha and Steve to walk in.

When they finally did decide to walk in they took a seat and let Steve stand.

'So' he started. 'We have files here on you' he said looking at WS


'Take a look' he handed him the files

WS read over the files as the rest of us sat there rather confused.

'This can't be true?' He said looking at Steve.

'It is and we are sending you somewhere that can help you.'


'Your going to Wakanda, Bucky'

Tony's POV

Mental note: no longer pending Bucky.

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