Raph x Reader fics

By TMNT-x-Reader-fics

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Raph x Reader fanfics More

Guardian Angel
Little Red


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By TMNT-x-Reader-fics

Request: May I request a 2012 Raph x Reader where shredder ordered Tigerclaw to target and destroy the turtles allies thinking it would destroy the turtles emotionally compromised. The reader would be targeted and attacked first before April and Casey and is wounded pretty badly before they are able to call the turtles. Once she does they come to her aid and take them to lair so she could heal and Raph won’t leave their side being worried. Once the reader awakes he confesses his feelings and they kiss?


"See you guys later!" you laughed as you waved goodbye to April and Casey. You had spent the day working on an English project with them that was due next week. Luckily you guys finished and had time to hang out. Eventually your mom called you in order to tell you to come home.

After saying your goodbyes, you were on your way. However, you didn’t realized you were being watched, and not by a friend.

You weren’t too far from April’s house. In fact, you were pulled right into the alleyway beside it.

"So this is the turtles’s new friend?" a deep voice spoke out as you were slammed up against the wall. You struggled against whoever was holding you back. Looking over, you saw two men in black ninja suits with red accessories.

"Who are you?!" you panicked. This person obviously knew about your secret friends. You have only known them for a couple months, yet certain people must have already known about you.

"There is no need for you to know my name," the owner of the voice came out from the shadows. You gasped as you saw he was a mutant tiger, "For you will soon be dead."

Fear soon overcame you, “What?! Why?!”

"Shredder’s orders. Allies of the turtles must be killed," the tiger drew out a sword and positioned it over your chest.

You don’t know where your strength came from, but out of your fear, you kicked out and hit the tiger right in the jaw. Once he fell back you ripped your arms out from the grips of the ninjas, which was rather easy as they were caught off guard and loosened their grip on you. You ran off back April’s house and banged on her door.

"April! Casey!" You cried out, slamming your fists against the doors. Before anyone could answer the door, you were pulled back and thrown on the ground. You shouted in pain as you hit the concrete and the tiger stood over you.

"You know how to fight?" he growled and kicked you in the stomach. You cried out as he kicked you a couple more times. You were sure a rib got cracked as you felt great pain in your side.

"Get away from her!" April shouted. You sat up groaning and watched as April and Casey tried to fight your attacker off. Within minutes he had thrown them both to the floor. He slowly strode back over to you, unsheathing his sword again.

"You will not get away from me," the tiger sneered. You gasped as he raised his sword, about to lower it down. You slowly got up to your knees and threw a punch to his stomach. It barely did anything and he laughed at your attempt. He brought his sword down on your arm and cut it deeply. Thankfully it didn’t get cut off. You held your bleeding arm and bit your lip as tears started to stream down the side of your face. The tiger then thrusted his sword out and into your stomach. You screamed in agony and you started to feel dizzy.

You had no clue what happened next. But a familiar voice screamed out your name and the tiger was tackled to the floor by a green and red blur. The last thing you could remember was searing pain before you blacked out.


"Will (Y/N) be okay?" April leaned over Donnie’s shoulder as he stitched the wound on your stomach.

"Oh yeah. Tigerclaw did no fatal damage. (Y/N) might have a nasty scar on their arm and stomach, but nothing more. They have a cracked rib and quite a few bruises, but those wounds will heal," Donnie explained.

"We shouldn’t have let them go on their own. (Y/N) wouldn’t have gotten into this mess," Casey shook his head.

"Don’t seat yourself up, Casey. You didn’t know Tigerclaw would attack her," Leonardo explained placing a hand on his shoulder.

"But do you guys realize what this means? Tigerclaw went after (Y/N), most likely on Shredder’s orders!" Raphael stomped around Donnie’s lab, fuming. He attacked Tigerclaw as soon as he stabbed you.

"Does that mean he’ll go after Casey and April too?!" Mikey shrieked and grabbed the two teens and hugged them tightly.

"Mikey, I can’t breathe!" Casey gasped out.

"Sorry," Mikey let them go and chuckled nervously.

"So what are we supposed to do?" April held her hands together and looked to Leo.

"You guys need to be careful, maybe even stay with us for a little bit until we can figure out what’s going on," Leo stated.

"Done!" Donnie exclaimed. Everyone turned to face him, confusion on their faces.

"I finished stitching up (Y/N)’s wound," Donnie grinned sheepishly, "Now we just gotta let them rest. But I want someone to keep watch over them."

"I’ll do it," Raph walked up to your side and grabbed your hand. Donnie gave the others a knowing look and motioned for everyone to step out.

Raph watched you as you remained in your unconscious state. Tears formed in his eyes and he started to cry.

"I wish I got there sooner. You wouldn’t be in this condition… you almost died…" Raph sobbed. He squeezed your hand tighter.


You felt yourself start to come to. Someone was holding your hand, and crying. You turned your head and opened your eyes. Raph had his face in one hand, the other holding yours. His shoulders shook slightly.

"R-Raph?" you asked weakly. Raph’s head snapped up, his eyes red and wide.

"(Y/N)… Oh my gosh… you’re okay!" You were suddenly wrapped up in Raph’s strong arms. You whimpered slightly as he hugged you, still sore from the injuries.

"Sorry," Raph pulled away slightly, "I’m… I’m just so glad you’re okay."

"I barely remember what happened… a mutant tiger attacked me… he knew about you guys," you looked down.

"Tigerclaw, one of your enemies and one of Shredder’s assistants," Raph growled.

"I’m scared he’ll come after me again…" you bit your lip. Raph cupped your chin in his hand.

"He won’t. Cause I’ll be protecting you and watching over you constantly," Raph leaned in close and pressed his forehead against yours.

"You would protect me?" you looked into his eyes, feeling your heart beat quicken.

"At all costs," Raph nodded.


"Because I love you," Raph pressed his lips to yours and gave you a soft, quick kiss.

"I love you too," you grinned and kissed him back.

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