Out of Water

By Huazelei3__

677 8 20

This book is the sequel to Undercover. After the painful events that occurred in La Belle, Sophie deals with... More

Chapter I: Pilot
Chapter II: Black Jack.
Chapter III: There's nothing quite like love.
Chapter IV: Wake up call.
Chapter V: Love=Pain.
Chapter VII: The Truth.
Chapter VIII: A Rescue.
Chapter IX: Someday.
Chapter X: Safe.
Chapter XI: Easter.

Chapter VI: Lady.

47 1 0
By Huazelei3__

I finally managed to rip Louis off of Whitey and Whitey had passed out.

"Louis! Stop please!" I screamed in terror.

He stood up, blood dripping from his fists.
"Let's go tell the authorities! We can put him away for good!" Louis said whilst not being able to stand still.

"No! Louis, pick up Whitey and follow me!"

"Sophie, stop this nonsense!"

"Louis! Just leave then! Whitey is seriously hurt we need to get him to my mom!"

"Why?! He's a bad guy!"

"No he's a good guy! He's just an idiot who has a serious Hero complex!"

"I'm not helping him!"

"Fine! Leave!"


"Listen! We can't come back empty handed my mother will... she'll- never mind just go find package."

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna take care of this mess." I said

"I didn't mean for-"

I put my hands on Louis cheeks.

"It's okay. It's not your fault, it's mine. So, please just go take care of what I asked." I tried to sound confident.

"Okay." He said and he ran off to where I imagined he saw Renaldo.

I could barely function properly. This whole situation was a sh*t show. Honestly, I wished I could have slapped Whitey. Although, i was a bit confused.
He said "your mother can't find out about us"
(I'm paraphrasing) , that didn't make sense. Why did he care so much whether or not my mother found out... I guess he lied, I guess my mom didn't send him.

He was laying down on a flower bed. His bottom lip had blood on it, he had a brown bruise on his right cheekbone, and another cut over his brow. My best guess, it was the startle of the fall that made him pass out, because the flower bed was soft, he shouldn't have had any real head trauma.

I lifted him up and began dragging him out of the maze. I pulled him as far as I could manage but the dress was seriously getting in the way. I cursed at it.
We were at the exit of the maze and if I could just get him to the carriage I could get him home and come back to pick up Louis.

"Come on Sophie! You got this!" I said to myself  whilst trying to lift Whitey above my head.

"Would you like some help there?" Someone with a Scottish accent said.

"No Archie, looks like she's got it, we should watch it oughta be pretty entertaining." Another man with a Virginia country accent said.

I recognized them as from the casino.

I put Whitey down.

"Move along." I said facing them and reaching for my knives which were in my corset.

"Stop moving your hands girl." Another man said as I heard the hammer of his revolver being pulled back and pointed at the back of my head.

"Okay folks, I'm not bothering anyone. Now, just let me be on my way." I tried to reason.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that young lady." Renaldo said as he stepped out in front of the two men in front of me.

I said nothing

"You see, you and your little British boyfriend have been following me for a couple days now, I don't really appreciate being followed."

"Look, you said it yourself, I'm a young lady, what threat do I propose."

He clicked his tongue and someone threw a wooden circular, and large plate at me. I noticed them as things Bella used to train her knife skills. If you don't break it's course with knife it'll hit you and it'll hurt.

Although my reflex was to split it, I didn't. I stood still. It hit my face and I acted surprised. My nose began bleeding.

"Why did you do that?" I faked.

"You see a normal human would have at least flinched, you didn't even blink. Which tells me you knew what it was, and what pain you'd have to take just to seem normal. You're good... take her." Renaldo said. The man holding the gun grabbed my waist and yelled.

"And her little friend too." He said before someone hit my forehead, hard.

I don't remember blacking out. All I remember is waking up in a really dark room. I assumed it was a basement considering that it was cold, wet, brick, and had, from what I could make out, a steep set of stairs. My hands were bound to the foot of a wood stove. Where the hell was I? 

"Sophie!" Whitey said as soon as he noticed I was awake.

"Whitey! Did you see anything?" I attempted to be calm.

"No, I woke up maybe twenty or so minutes ago."

"Okay, okay, okay."

" what's happening?" He asked anxiously.

"No time." I said

I had been in similar situations before. Time was of the essence. I reached for each hiding place I had for my knives. Most of the time they didn't get at least one knife. I adjusted my sitting position and reached under my dress and attached to my silk slip was a small dagger.

"Whitey, listen. I'm gonna cut your ropes. You will escape and get Louis and Naomi. Ya'll will come back for me, you will have 12 hours. Because, after 12 hours they will probably kill me. Okay?"

"What? Sophie I can't-"

"You don't have a choice. It's our only chance of escape. If we both go we will definitely get noticed and if only I go with this big dress I will get noticed. You need to be incognito!" I said quickly.

I slipped the knife to him and he began to cut through his ropes. When he was finished he crawled over to me and pushed my sweat drenched hair out of my face.

"You look beautiful."

"Listen, if I get out of this alive. I will end things with Louis. I want you, I always have."

"Well, too bad, I want Louis too!" He said jokingly as he chuckled

"You're an idiot Whitey Winn!" I said.

"I know. I will explain everything next time I see you! Sophie...I love you." He said

"I love you too idiot!" I said crying.

"Please don't cry! Listen I will be back, we will save you!"

"Oh, I know that. I just hope these guys aren't as cruel as some of my other captures in the past."

"Oh god."  He said pushing himself to remember his main goal.
He kissed me softly. An amazing soft kiss goodbye. And off he went with the knife.

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