Ryuga's Return

By Hawkeyes13

13.9K 348 1.3K

AU where Ryuga survives Metal Fury but loses L-Drago. He reunites with Kenta and struggles to figure out what... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Author's Note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note 2
Chapter 8
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 9

1.2K 30 203
By Hawkeyes13

Ryuga's POV

With his battle with Kenta looming ahead in a couple of days, Ryuga started trying even harder to gain control of his new Beyblade. He couldn't allow himself to lose. Ryuga had refused to battle with anyone else, too scared to risk defeat, which seemed more likely with a bey he could still barely use. What was he missing? Connecting with L-Drago had been so easy. Ryuga's new bey wasn't as strong as L-Drago, hardly any bey was, but it still had power: power Ryuga still couldn't bring out. No matter how hard Ryuga tried, the bey refused to respond to him.

Right now, Ryuga was with Kenta and Madoka in their now usual spot in the forest, with Ryuga trying to break small boulders with his new Beyblade. It was probably a bit extreme for such a new bey. However, Ryuga didn't know what else to do.

"Go!" he called, flinging his arm. "Destroy it!"

The bey leapt into the rock, scratching against it with a screeching sound. Ryuga's heart was ablaze. *If I can't even break this rock, how can I possibly beat Kenta? Or anyone else?!*

"SMASH IT TO PIECES L-DRA-" Ryuga stiffened, putting his hand over his mouth.

Kenta and Madoka both gasped. The bey leapt backwards off the rock, its fusion wheel digging into the ground before coming to a complete stop. Ryuga stood frozen.

"Ryuga...?" Kenta took a step toward him, his eyes wide.

Shaking himself out of his trance, Ryuga knelt down and picked up his bey. Shame now burned him from the inside out.

"That's enough for today," Ryuga muttered, forcing himself to stand. "Kenta, tell your parents I'll be back later."

Kenta stared at him anxiously for a moment before dipping his head. Ryuga turned and walked away.

"Ryuga, wait!" Madoka called, chasing after him.

Ryuga let out a grunt. *Can't she see that I want to be alone?!* Madoka walked beside him, gazing up at him with a similarly worried expression. Ryuga didn't bother meeting her gaze. He tried to focus on the path ahead, even as his head was bent in shame.

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you what the problem is." Madoka's voice was stern.

Ryuga clenched his jaw. "You don't say," he growled, bristling with rage.

*Of course the bey won't respond to me. I've been treating it like some L-Drago clone.*

"Ryuga... do... Do you even want to Beyblade anymore?"

Ryuga didn't bother with a snide remark. It was a genuine question, one Ryuga had been asking himself ever since Kenta told him he was getting him a new bey. He enjoyed the feelings Beyblade had once brought him. However, he couldn't fully get invested in it now without his true bey, that much was obvious.

"Well?!" Madoka demanded.

Ryuga stopped walking. "What's it to you?!" He snapped, turning to her with a glare.

"I..." Madoka froze. "I thought we were friends." She looked down at the ground, taking a step back.

Ryuga froze. He hadn't even considered that, he'd been too focused on other matters. Ryuga continued walking.

"Are we?" Madoka murmured, continuing after him.

*I don't know...* Ryuga didn't mind spending time with Madoka, he certainly tolerated her more than others but were they really "friends?" Did he really need another friend? Ahead of him, the bushes began to rustle. Ryuga stopped, holding his arm out to stop Madoka as well.

"Ow!" She gasped as she bumped into him. "What?!"

Ryuga stared at the bushes. They continued to rustle before a coyote stepped out, its gaze fixed on Madoka and Ryuga. Madoka yelped in alarm. She backed away, tripping and falling backwards on the ground. The coyote stepped forward. Its eyes, fixed on Madoka, were narrowed into slits. Ryuga stepped forward.

"Wait, Ryuga!" Madoka gasped. "What are you..."

Ryuga continued forward, his eyes narrowed and teeth bared. The coyote shrank back before turning and running with its tail between its legs, yelping like a scared puppy. Ryuga looked back at Madoka. She was staring up at him with wide eyes.


"Coyotes are cowards," Ryuga grunted, continuing forward. "They'll run from anyone."

Madoka got to her feet again. "Uh... I don't know about that," she replied, rushing to catch up to him.

"They only go after easy prey." Ryuga glared down at her. "You could've gotten yourself killed trying to run like that."

"I..." Madoka looked away, shivering slightly. "I didn't know that..."

Ryuga stopped, gazing ahead into the forest. He had seen coyotes in these woods a few times but they never came anywhere near him. Now all of a sudden one had approached him and Madoka. It was clear as day. The coyote had been going for Madoka, and if Ryuga hadn't been with her... A chill ran down his spine.

"Come on," he grunted, turning and walking the other way.

"Where are you going?" Madoka asked, following him.

"Back to the city. Before you come up with another way to get yourself killed."

Madoka's eyes narrowed. "Well, what was I supposed to do mister know it all?!" she demanded.

"Anything but that."

"I panicked, okay?! How..." Madoka suddenly looked away, visibly trembling. "How were you not scared?"

Ryuga chuckled lightly, "I've faced much worse."

Madoka seemed a bit taken aback by his answer. "Do I even want to know?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Ryuga shrugged, "Probably not." He didn't want to talk about it anyways. The less he had to think about his past, the better.

Madoka let out a sigh. "I... I should thank you... for saving my life."

Ryuga was silent for a few moments, trying to think of how to respond.

"No problem," he replied, dipping his head.

Madoka smiled a bit. In truth, Ryuga didn't understand why Madoka was even thanking him: he had just done what he needed to keep both of them safe. That didn't require gratitude. Ryuga and Madoka walked back to the city together, all the way to the bey shop.

"Stay safe... will you?" Ryuga added hastily, hoping he didn't sound weird.

Madoka just smiled. "Same to you, my friend."

Ryuga turned and walked away. *So she considers me a friend then...* Attempting to shake away his thoughts, Ryuga cast a glance at the sky. The sun was beginning to set. *Kenta's parents will want me back at the house,* he thought, rolling his eyes. So he made his way down the street.

"Ryuga, there you are!"

Ryuga stopped at the sound of a familiar voice. He glanced over his shoulder. Kyoya was standing several paces behind him, pointing his launcher at him.

"Battle me, Ryuga!" he ordered, taking a Beyblading stance.

Ryuga rolled his eyes and continued walking.

"Wha-" Kyoya let out an offended gasp. "Come back here! Are you running from a fight?!"

*I never run!* Ryuga wanted to retort. However, he bit it back: he wasn't strong enough with his new bey to even stand a chance against Kyoya. Ryuga stiffened at the distinct sound of a Beyblade being launched. He whipped around. Leone was charging toward him across the street. A tornado swirled to life from its facebolt, steadily growing in size as the bey weaved in front of Ryuga, blocking his path.

"Don't try and run from me, Ryuga!" Kyoya exclaimed, running to stand behind his bey. "I'm not the same blader you fought on that island! I'm stronger now and I'll prove it right here, right now!"

The tornado dissipated and Leone hopped back into Kyoya's hand.

"So take aim!" Kyoya ordered, putting his Beyblade on the launcher.

Ryuga's eyes narrowed. "If you use a bey besides Leone, I'll agree to it," he grunted.

"A bey besides Leone?!" Kyoya looked outraged. "Why would I use anything besides my own bey?!"


"Oh, I see." Kyoya's mouth twisted into a smirk. "Too scared to take me on at my full strength? Ha, I never knew you to be a coward, Ryuga."

Ryuga's fists clenched. He knew Kyoya was taunting him, trying to goad him into a fight, and he refused to fall for it.

"Get out of my way," Ryuga ordered.

"Not until you battle me!" Kyoya exclaimed, trembling with anger.

"Get a life."

"Beyblade IS my life. It was yours too. What is your deal?!"

"None of your business. Back off."

Kyoya stared at Ryuga for a few seconds, looking stunned. "You-you aren't even worth fighting anymore," he growled, lowering his launcher. "You've lost your spirit, Ryuga." Finally, Kyoya stepped out of the way.

*I know.* Ryuga passed him, trying his hardest to look dignified as rage boiled inside him. He never let anyone speak to him like Kyoya just had but he had no way to fight back. Every word Kyoya said was true. Ryuga was too scared to fight with his new bey. It didn't matter how much he wanted to win, without a connection to his bey, he would lose.


Upon returning to the house, Ryuga went straight downstairs, not bothering to talk to Kenta or the kid's parents. Thankfully, they took the hint and left him alone. Ryuga tried to sleep, however, the memory of his recent failure with his new bey kept replaying in his mind.

Beyblade had once been the one thing that brought him happiness. Now, however, it only seemed to stress him out. It made him long for his former status and passion. Lately, he seemed to be in the best mood when he distracted himself from his Beyblade problem. Ryuga wasn't able to recapture the feelings Beyblade had once brought him. He wanted to move on from L-Drago. However, trying to move on to another Beyblade like this clearly wasn't working.

*I told Kenta I would battle with him...* Ryuga couldn't back out now: two days before he said they would battle. *Why did I promise him that?!* He knew why: Kenta was a convincing little ball of sweetness that Ryuga couldn't bring himself to say 'no' to anymore. *When did I become so weak?!* Ryuga knew he had to tell Kenta that he couldn't go on forcing himself to Beyblade like this but he knew Kenta had been trying to help him when he asked for the WBBA to make Ryuga this new Beyblade. He didn't want to hurt Kenta or make him think he was ungrateful. However, he couldn't go on lying to him.

Ryuga let out a grunt, sitting up and resting his hand on his forehead. *I can't sleep right now,* he thought, standing up. Grabbing his black jacket, Ryuga slipped it on and quietly made his way up the stairs. Kenta's parents were probably asleep by now. Surely they wouldn't bother him if he was quiet? He slipped out of the basement, pushing the door closed and looking around. It was hard to make out anything in the dark. Ryuga stepped as lightly as he could toward the couch, sitting down with a sigh. The lights suddenly flicked on.


Ryuga leapt to his feet, whipping around. Kenta's mother was walking out of one of the hallways.

"What are you still doing up?" She asked, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

Ryuga froze for a few seconds. *It doesn't matter what I say. I've already been caught.*

"I... I couldn't sleep," Ryuga answered, trembling slightly as he sat back on the couch.

Kenta's mother smiled a bit. "Ah, you too, huh?"

"You too?"

"Never become a writer."

Ryuga stared at her, tilting his head to the side. *Was that supposed to be a joke?*


"Oh, nothing. What about you? What's keeping you up?" Kenta's mother asked, sitting next to him on the couch.

Ryuga froze. She didn't sound upset. Then again, she never did: that's what worried him. Ryuga let out a sigh. He held up the Beyblade he was supposed to call "his." Kenta's mother glanced at it.

"You don't like your new Beyblade?"

*That makes it sound so shallow,* Ryuga thought with annoyance.

"You're not a blader," he grunted, placing the bey aside. "You wouldn't get it."

Kenta's mother raised an eyebrow. "Then why haven't you talked to Kenta?"

"And upset him too? As if," Ryuga blurted out. He stiffened, his gaze shifting to the ground. *Why can't I keep my mouth shut?*

Kenta's mother just sighed. "Ryuga, it's been a week- no, more than a week now. Do you still think we're mad at you?"

"You are," Ryuga grunted, meeting her gaze with narrowed eyes.

*If not for falling asleep at the shop, then for something. Anything. I upset people all the time, you can come up with something.*

"What have I done to make you think that?"

Ryuga fell silent. In that moment, he realized that whenever Ryuga feared that Kenta's parents might act a certain way, it was because he was remembering how Doji had acted, not them. *Is that really fair?*

"Nothing..." Ryuga sighed in defeat.

Kenta's mother gazed at him with concern in her eyes.

"Someone hurt you."

"That was a long time ago," Ryuga grunted.

Kenta's mother's eyes went wide. Ryuga froze. *Wait, I just admitted it!* He facepalmed.


"Don't." Ryuga's voice shook. He couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze.

"It's okay." Ryuga stiffened when Kenta's mother rested her hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to talk about it."

Ryuga was suddenly overwhelmed by a sudden surge of gratitude and tears threatened to pour from his eyes. He bit his lip.

"Why did you two take me in?" Ryuga sighed, moving the woman's hand away. "What do you want from me?"

"Want from you?" She sounded confused. "We just want you to feel welcome here."

Ryuga glared at Kenta's mother. "There's a catch. There's always a catch."

"Ryuga, whoever made you think that is a pretty sorry excuse for a human being." Ryuga's eyes went wide. Her tone was blunt, but her frankly tame anger clearly wasn't directed at him.

"Um..." Kenta's mother looked away. "Sorry, that was sudden."

Ryuga shrugged. "You're not wrong." *She's never even met Doji yet she described him perfectly. I can respect that.*

"Ryuga, about your Beyblade..." Ryuga glanced at Kenta's mother. "I don't know anything about Beyblade but I know you should be honest with Kenta. I'm sure he'll understand if you just talk to him."

Ryuga fell silent. *I hope so... Because I don't have any other choice.* He rested his hand on his forehead, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"I should go back to sleep," Ryuga sighed, standing up.

Kenta's mother nodded to him. "Goodnight, sweetie."

"Goodnight," Ryuga muttered, his head hung low.

He walked back downstairs, quietly closing the door behind him and laying back down in bed. Though he was tired, Ryuga's mind still refused to sleep.

*Maybe I do want parents.* Ryuga cringed at his own thought. *No! I don't want or need anyone...* He bit his lip. *Besides Kenta, but he's not my family! And neither are his parents! Even if I once wanted a family, that's not true anymore... is it?*

Ryuga had once longed to be part of a family, many years ago now, before being taken in by Doji. His hopes had been dashed that day. He had been desperate for some kind of connection upon meeting Doji and as a result, he ended up allowing Doji to abuse and use him for his own plans.

*I can't let the same thing happen to me again...* However, Ryuga had already allowed Kenta's parents to take him in. In fact, he had been the one to ask. Was it already too late? Ryuga wanted to think that someone other than Kenta truly cared about him with no strings attached. But was that even possible?

*The only way to know if I can trust them is to trust them.* The idea terrified Ryuga. They seemed so genuine but it always seemed genuine. People that nice didn't truly exist. Then again, Kenta existed... and Ryuga knew for a fact that Kenta was sincere, too sincere for his own good sometimes. Eventually, through all his turbulent thoughts, Ryuga passed out.


Over the next two days, Ryuga had tried multiple times to tell Kenta what was on his mind. However, every time he got him alone, they were either distracted or Ryuga backed out of telling him, too scared of disappointing his friend. He was torn between two options. He could either tell Kenta and risk disappointing him or not tell him and be forced to battle him, very likely losing. Ryuga had seemingly chosen the latter.

Right now, he walked with Kenta and Gingka toward the part of the forest where Ryuga had agreed to have their battle just the day before.

"You excited for our battle?" Kenta asked, looking up at Ryuga with a smile. Ryuga couldn't meet his gaze. "Ryuga?" Kenta prompted, gripping Ryuga's arm.

"Kenta, I..."

"Hm?" Kenta's smile faded. "What's wrong?"

Ryuga glanced at him, falling silent.

"Nothing's wrong," he lied, biting his lip.

"Ryuga... you can back out if you-"

"Back out?!" Ryuga stiffened with anger. "I'm not backing out. I'll give you your battle, Kenta."

Kenta stared at him for a second. "Okay..." He sounded unsure.

"He'll be your first opponent since getting the Jet Black Dragon, right?" Gingka asked, glancing at Ryuga.

Ryuga nodded. Gingka was only here because Ryuga had to have two people with him whenever he used his Beyblade and Madoka was busy today. However, Ryuga would've preferred her. Despite knowing Gingka longer, he felt more familiar with Madoka.

The trio skidded to a halt in the glade where Ryuga had done most of his frankly pathetic training with Draco.

"Ready?" Kenta asked, holding up his bey.

Ryuga stood across the glade from Kenta, placing the bey on the launcher. Kenta did the same with Sagittario. Gingka leaned against a tree, gazing at both of them. Ryuga let out a sigh. It was far too late to back out now. *I'm going to lose...*

Kenta aimed his launcher forward. "Three!"


"One..." Ryuga's voice was low.

"Let it rip!" All three of them yelled.

Ryuga and Kenta launched their beys in unison. Sagittario and Draco clashed mid-air in an explosion of dust, forcing Ryuga to shield his eyes. A bey was thrown into the air. Ryuga didn't have to look to know which one. When the dust cleared, he saw Draco land beside him with a thud. Ryuga's heart ached. He clenched his jaw, forcing himself to keep a neutral expression as he grabbed the bey off the ground. Kenta stared at him with wide eyes. After a few moments, Kenta knelt down and stopped Sagittario's spin with his fingers.

"Ryuga..." He didn't sound victorious, just confused and almost hurt.

"Um..." Gingka stared at them, his head tilted to the side. "That was... short."

Ryuga turned to Gingka. "You want to try controlling a completely new bey, Gingka?!" he exclaimed, clenching his fists.

"I have. Ryuga..." Gingka stepped closer. "I understand how you feel-"

"You mean Galaxy Pegasus?! A carbon copy of your original?!" Ryuga cut him off. His anger boiled over the edge. "You didn't have to start from scratch with an unfamiliar bey! You got Pegasus back almost exactly the way you lost it, more powerful even! Well some of us aren't that lucky!"

"Ryuga?!" Gingka staggered back, his eyes wide.

"Ryuga..." Kenta stepped closer.

"So no, you don't know how I feel!" Ryuga glared at Kenta. "Neither of you do!" Kenta froze, his eyes wide.

Ryuga looked away. In that moment, everything seemed to crash down on him at once: the humiliation of his defeat, his longing for his true bey, his lost status. It dragged him down like a weight and Ryuga fell to the ground on his knees.

"Ryuga..." Gingka sounded alarmed.

"Get out of here, Gingka," Ryuga growled, refusing to look up as his eyes watered.

Gingka let out a small gasp.

"I'll talk to him," Kenta insisted, standing beside his friend.

Gingka paused for a few moments before walking away, leaving Ryuga and Kenta alone in the glade. Kenta stepped closer to Ryuga. Ryuga tried to tell Kenta to leave but the words died in his throat. He hated to admit it but he wanted his friend's support, possibly even needed it right now.

"Ryuga..." Kenta sat in front of him.

Ryuga was unable to stop himself from shaking. He knew he had to be honest, it was impossible to go on lying any longer, but it still terrified him to show vulnerability like this.

"I can't do this anymore." Ryuga's voice shook as he handed Kenta the bey. "This bey will always just be a reminder of what I lost."

Thankfully, Kenta didn't seem to need any more explanation.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, Ryuga..." Kenta's voice shook as well. He placed the bey aside as he continued, "You've-you've just been so down without Beyblade. I... I thought... I-I wanted-"

"I know," Ryuga cut him off gently. "I know you wanted to help but this isn't helping me."

"Will this help?"

Kenta threw his arms around Ryuga. Ryuga instantly hugged back, trembling as his tears broke free. Despite that, he smiled. *Yes. It does help.*

"I wish you could still enjoy Beyblade," Kenta sighed.

Ryuga wiped his tears away before letting go of Kenta, finally meeting his friend's gaze.

"Kenta, I don't need a new Beyblade."

If the last few weeks had proven anything to Ryuga, it was that he could be happy without Beyblade and trying to replace L-Drago would only lead to more grief. This was Ryuga's new life. It didn't matter that he couldn't regain his former status: he had what he needed. *I'm ready to move on from L-Drago.*

"You mean... You're really okay just living with me and my family? That's... enough for you?" Kenta sounded doubtful.

Ryuga nodded. "For now..." *I don't know what I'll do with the rest of my life but really, who does?*

"If you're sure..." Kenta looked away, pulling his arms into his chest. "I'm... I'm really sorry-"

Ryuga's eyes narrowed. "Stop apologizing."

"Why?!" Kenta exclaimed, his eyes watering. "It's my fault! I'm the one who pushed you into getting a new Beyblade. I should've listened to you."

"Kenta-" Ryuga reached toward him.

"I was so oblivious to your feelings. You've done so much for me, you gave me your power for gosh sake, I wanted to do something for you for once." Ryuga's eyes widened. "I-"

Grabbing Kenta, he pulled him into a hug. Kenta froze.

"Seriously, stop it," Ryuga insisted, resting his hand on Kenta's back. "You don't owe me anything."

Kenta slowly returned the hug, sobbing a bit as he clutched Ryuga. "You're more than a best friend, Ryuga. You're like a brother to me."

Ryuga didn't reply. He already knew Kenta thought this and perhaps there was some truth to it.

"We should return that bey to the WBBA..." Kenta sighed, letting go of Ryuga. "Since you're not gonna use it."

"Right..." Ryuga let go of Kenta and picked up the bey.

They walked toward the city together in silence. Ryuga glanced at the bey. *I hope this is the last time I ever have to see this thing...*

"Ryuga..." Kenta broke the silence once they entered the city. "We can still hang out without Beyblade... r-right?" He was giving Ryuga the puppy dog eyes.

"Kenta, we live together. I'm going to see you every day, with or without Beyblade. Besides..." Ryuga let out a grunt. "We have that show."

"Yeah," Kenta chuckled a bit, "I guess that's true. You ready for season two?"

Ryuga rolled his eyes. "Ready as I can be." *Stupid Yugioh. Why'd you have to be good?*

"It has more Kaiba and a new guy... I think you'll like him. You seem to like all the villains."

"Well it's not my fault the heroes are so boring," Ryuga replied with a shrug. "Blame the writers. Besides, Kaiba's hardly a villain now."

"I mean..." Kenta looked away, resting his hand on the back of his neck. "I guess not." He chuckled nervously.

Ryuga smiled a bit. "Do you know something?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not spoiling it!" Kenta exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"I don't mind," Ryuga replied with a shrug.

"I do!" Kenta insisted, "I like seeing your reactions..."

The two fell silent once again.

"Woah!" A new voice gasped from behind them. "You're the dragon emperor!"

Ryuga whipped around. A kid with short red hair was standing there, gazing up at Ryuga with wide, awed eyes. He was a little taller than Kenta. However, Ryuga guessed this kid was younger, since Kenta was short for his age.

"Former dragon emperor, yes," Ryuga grunted, trying to keep walking. Kenta stopped and gazed at the kid.

"Former?" the kid asked, tilting his head to the side. "Why former?"

Ryuga looked away. *This was hard enough to explain to my best friend, I'm not gonna tell some random kid.*

"Uh..." Kenta looked up at Ryuga before turning to the kid again. "He doesn't Beyblade anymore."

"Kenta." Ryuga tapped his foot impatiently.

"Oh, come on, Ryuga," Kenta protested. "What's the harm?" He turned back to the kid with a smile. "I'm Kenta, what's your name, kid?"

"S-Sakyo," he answered, tucking a lock of his hair behind his ear. "Sakyo Kurayami. Ryuga, I heard you got a new bey from the WBBA?"

Ryuga let out a sigh. "I did."

He took the bey out of his pocket, holding it up for Sakyo to see. The kid took a step closer.

"Woah..." His eyes were wide. "Can I see it?"

Ryuga tossed it to him. Sakyo caught the bey in his left hand, his gaze instantly fixed on it.

"What is its name?" Sakyo asked, running his finger over the facebolt.

"The Jet Black Dragon," Ryuga answered.

"Woah..." Sakyo trembled with excitement. "It's so cool!" He looked up at Ryuga. "Can-can I try it out?"

Ryuga shrugged. "Sure, kid."

"Have you ever Beybladed before?" Kenta asked, tilting his head to the side.

Sakyo looked away. "N-no. Do you... have a launcher I can use?"

"Yeah!" Kenta handed Sakyo his ripcord launcher, moving Sakyo's hands into place to hold it. "Here, hold it just like that."

Sakyo held the launcher out. "Er... this feels a bit... weird." His right hand gripped the cord awkwardly, shaking a bit. Ryuga recognized the problem. Kneeling beside Sakyo, he moved the kid's left hand onto the cord.

"Try that," he ordered, stepping back.

Sakyo's left hand gripped the cord more naturally.

"Thanks," he replied with a smile. Taking a deep breath, Sakyo launched the bey with a cheer. "Go Jet Black Dragon!" He called, his eyes blazing. "Show me your power!"

The bey spun faster than Ryuga had ever seen it spin, racing in circles on the sidewalk like a dog chasing its own tail.

"Woah!" Sakyo stared in awe. "It spins left!" He gazed at his left hand. "You're just like me, Dragon! We'll be great friends, you and I!"

Ryuga smiled a bit. In that moment, it was clear to him: Ryuga was never meant to control the Jet Black Dragon. However, maybe this kid was. Despite never using a bey, Sakyo had the fire in his eyes that all true bladers had.

"Er..." Sakyo looked at Ryuga, his smile suddenly fading. He picked the bey up. "I'm sorry. I should... I should give you your bey back." Sakyo held the bey out in front of Ryuga, staring at the ground with clear sadness in his eyes.

"Don't," Ryuga replied, pushing the bey away. "It's yours now, kid."

"R-really?!" Sakyo looked up at Ryuga, his excitement swinging back like a boomerang. "You're letting me have this?!"

Ryuga nodded. Now that he saw how easily Sakyo had bonded with the bey Ryuga never gave a proper chance, Ryuga couldn't imagine a better outcome for both of them.

"Woah!" Sakyo trembled with happiness. "Th-thank you! I'll be the second Dragon Emperor, your legacy won't be forgotten, Ryuga!" Sakyo turned to his new bey. "Come on, Dragoon."

Without another word, the kid ran off, giggling excitedly.

"Dragoon?" Ryuga raised an eyebrow. *That's even dumber than the nickname I gave it.*

"Carry on your legacy?!" Kenta gasped beside him. "A second Dragon Emperor?! Should-should we be worried?!" he asked, staring at Ryuga with wide eyes.

"It's just a title," Ryuga replied with a shrug. "Anyone can give themself a title."

"But you just gave him a really powerful bey."

"He's a kid, younger than you by the looks of it. What are you worried about?"

"Ah, I dunno." Kenta rested his hand on the back of his neck. "I guess I'll just worry if he becomes a problem."

Before either of them could continue, Ryuga's phone rang. He answered it without checking who was calling.


"Ryuga, are you okay?" It was Madoka.

"What?" Ryuga tilted his head to the side. "I'm fine...?"

"Oh..." She sounded surprised. "Gingka told me about your battle with Kenta, I just wanted to check-"

"He did?" Ryuga clenched his fist. "That gossiping little-"

"He was worried about you. I'm a little worried now honestly. Did you... did you talk things out with Kenta?"

"Yes..." Ryuga glanced at Kenta, who was on his own phone now. "I should've sooner."

"You think?!" Madoka exclaimed. Ryuga chuckled a bit. "You're done with Beyblade then?" she asked more calmly.

"I'm done Beyblading," Ryuga answered. *Beyblade might still be part of my future but I'm no blader. Not anymore.*

"And you're... fine with that?"


"Really?" Madoka sounded surprised. "Huh, that's... surprising to hear from you."

Ryuga rolled his eyes. "You were in the middle of working when you called me," he replied.

"Yeah..." Madoka admitted with a sigh. "I was. I gotta go. I'm glad you're okay. Bye."

Madoka hung up. Ryuga put his phone back in his pocket.

"Who was that?" Kenta asked, looking up from his phone.


"Oh, you still talk to her, then?" Ryuga nodded. Kenta suddenly smirked. "Did you make a new friend, Ryuga?"

"Shut up," Ryuga grunted, starting to walk away.

"No, I'm happy for you!" Kenta insisted, walking by his side. "Having friends is a good thing, you know."

"Yeah, yeah." Ryuga rolled his eyes. "Let's go home already."


Ryuga stopped walking. "Do you not want to?"

"No, it's just..." Kenta smiled warmly. "That was the first time you ever called my house 'home.'"

Ryuga paused when he realized Kenta was right.

"...don't overthink it."

(Author's Note: Okay, NOW this story is finished... kind of. I have a bonus chapter that I'm for sure going to publish soon and some other ideas but I can't guarantee I'll do anything with them. For now, just look forward to that bonus chapter.)

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