Electrify My Heart

By vixen_vxn

64.1K 3.7K 1.5K

"It doesn't feel right" More

Not A Good Life
The Deal
Bad Yogurt
Jealousy is Red
Inevitable Tension
Welcome Back
Almost a Confession
Accession of Feelings
Black Merchant
The More the Merrier
Past and Hatred
This is The Night
Real Home


866 65 8
By vixen_vxn

"Joy, remember when we tried dating? That's a nasty idea." Wendy said laughing. Joy threw her an olive.

"Really? What the hell? I thought you two were bestfriends?" Momo said surprised before taking a bite in her pizza.

"We still are. We just went into that phase because Wendy finds me so hot." Joy smirked.

"It's weird and funny when I think about that." Seulgi said.

"I learned that when you two already broke up. You are all sneaky bitch." Irene said while eating her ttaekbokki.

"Must be the hormones." Nayeon mumbled.

"Or curiosity." Yeri continued.

"Anyway, happy- what, wait, how do we say this?" Yeri asked. No one replied.

"Sad first death anniversary, Bambam." Yeri said before bowing to Bambam's tomb. Her friends copied her.

They have decided to have picnic at Bambam's tomb to celebrate his heroic act. He died meaningfully. Each time that any of his friends will visit, there are always new fresh carnation or bellflower, on which they assumed to be from Jennie. They haven't talked with her since that night. They lady vanished like a smoke in thin air.

They weren't longer mad.

That night, Ms. Minzy who claimed to be Jennie's scientist, came to fetch Jennie. Minzy told them what had happened when Jennie was still a kid. And they couldn't get mad for someone who wants to seek justice. It was wrong, it is, nothing can make it right now, but they also knew where she is coming from.

They were all victim of hatred.

"I really wonder if how she's doing right now." Nayeon said.

"I hope she's not blaming herself. She wasn't the one who pull the trigger." Momo said sincerely.

"I can't relive that moment once again in my head." Seulgi shut her eyes.

"But hey bammie, we are so proud of you." Wendy said caressing the engrave name of Bambam at the tomb.

"We won't make it if you weren't there. You are a hero." Irene said.

It also means, one year since Lisa had left. Irene's apartment was never the same anymore. It became lonely. That's why she often ask her friends to comeover and have sleepovers.

She lazily threw her bag at the couch. She stretched her arms before completely laying her body like a starfish in the seashore. A heavy sigh escaped her lips.

"I miss you." She mumbled as she stared at the ceiling.

She grabbed her bag and pulled out her phone. It was used to be Lisa's phone. The first time she had it, she was overwhelmed. The gallery was full of her pictures. Lisa had cherished each moments with her. The first month that Lisa was gone wasn't easy. There's no night that she would fail to cry. She always wet her pillow by her tears.

Right now, the pain was the same, the longing was much worse but the hope was more bigger. Their planet has been safe. It only meant Lisa, Chae and Jisoo were successful. Or do they have arrived at their planet at all? How long it would take to be there? Is Lisa in her way back? Irene asked herself.

Irene shook her head. It's not the best time to overthink. She was doing great at keeping a positive outlook in her life.

She stared at the screen. It was Lisa and her photo at France. The smiles
on their lips were so bright.

"Come back soon, can you?" Irene asked in whisper. She hugged her phone, as if it was Lisa.

The human had fell asleep.

During her birthday last month, Irene asked her friends to celebrate at Lotte World Tower. That's the tallest building at South Korea, and it's the place where she feel closest to Lisa. Still, despite of not reaching the sky by her hand, it was enough that the stars were shining brightly that night.

"Happy birthday, unnie." Yeri said. She sneakily.

"It's so beautiful here." Irene said. The starts were twinkling, as if they were putting a show for Irene.

"Thank you guys."

"Anything for you." Seulgi smiled.

"The closer place at galaxy where we can be." Wendy said and Irene nodded her head.

"She'll come back to you, to us." Joy said side hugging Irene. She was unknowingly crying. She misses Lisa and the feeling of not being able to hold her is really sad and brings her constant pain.

"I know, she will." Irene replied smiling. Seulgi cupped her cheeks, not caring if her friends were staring at her.

"She will come back, because despite of all differences you two have, you two are made for each other. Everyone is a witness to that. Now, put a smile on your beautiful face and look at the sky. Maybe they can see us from there and they are watching us looking sappy." Seulgi said and Irene chuckled at the idea. It was silly.

"You're right." Irene sighed before plastering a grin in her face.

"That's my girl." Seulgi said smiling as well.

Joy and Wendy eyed each other. Yeri was looking at the sky, lost in her own thoughts.

"You were severely wounded back then." Chaeyoung said when she saw Jisoo's scar in her right arm.

"I'm a black merchant not a warrior." Jisoo replied smiling.

"You're right." Chaeyoung said and looked at the outside of spaceship. It was all darkness and the lights from the stars were the only source of light. It was also beautiful because the gas from the other galaxies create a painting like color transitions in a black canvas.

"Are you ready?" Jisoo asked.

"I am always ready."

"For everything? It can turn out the other way around. We have to be ready for other possibilities." Jisoo said. Lisa was still sleeping.

"Hwasa had made an army, we have bigger chance now." Chaeyoung replied.

"And we have this pabo."  Chaeyoung said pointing at Lisa's bed where she was lying.

When Lisa woke up during their trip, she was extremely thirsty and weak. The first sentence she mumbled was,

"Where are we? Where's Irene?" Lisa asked groggily.

"We're at space." Chaeyoung replied.

"I can't remember anything, what had happened?" Lisa asked, her voice was pleading.

Jisoo spoke and told her everything until the most heart broken part.

"We lost Bammie." Jisoo said lowly.

"We lost Bammie?" Lisa repeated, her voice starting to crack. Chaeyoung observed Lisa.

"Wh-why, It's unfair! They should have kill me instead!" Lisa said, breaking down. Tears started to fall in her cheeks.

You are becoming a human like. Chaeyoung said in her thoughts.

"I want to go back! Please! We should pay respect for Bambam's body." Lisa said hysterically.

"And what? So more people can die because you run away from your responsibility?" Chaeyoung coldly said.

Jisoo looked at her sternly. Chaeyoung created a good point but she sounded so cold. Afterall, that is Zim how supposed to be. She decided not to tell a thing as response against that.

"Bambam is a hero. I'm sure our friends honored him on Earth." Jisoo said caressing Lisa's back.

"Irene said she loves you- so much." Chaeyoung said coldly as much as possible.. Lisa shot her a glance.

"She did?" Lisa asked.

Chaeyoung didn't replied but Lisa knew Irene did. Jisoo grabbed her leather bag and organized her things to make a yellow with chunks of jelly drink.

"This will make us all feel better, even a little." Jisoo said. Lisa shook her head.

"Princess-" Chaeyoung emphasized the word.

"You need to do your duty. Or else you will lose Irene and her friends as well and Bambam's death would mean nothing." Chaeyoung said and Jisoo shivered at the coldness of her tone. Still, she has a point. At that time, Jisoo knew Chaeyoung was in control at that spaceship. Not her, who made this trip possible and not Lisa, who is a crown princess.

Lisa quickly grabbed the cup and drink it all. It taste aweful.

"What the heck, are you sure this isn't something came from your asshole." Lisa wiped her mouth.

"What! That's mean! I didn't prepare it infront of you just to get accused that I get it from my asshole!" Jisoo replied offended.

"Sorry chu, I expected something nice since you used to be a cafè owner." Lisa apologized.

"Thank you for the drink." Lisa bowed. Jisoo just smiled. The loneliness was evident at Lisa's eyes. However, when Chaeyoung said something about losing Irene and Bambam's. The topic was quickly deviated. Chaeyoung knew Lisa was trying her best to deviate quickly her thoughts into something else.

Chaeyoung turned her back, not fond of watching two aliens acting human like. Before she can enter her cubicle, Lisa spoke.

"Chaeng, fight with me." Lisa said, exposing her gills below her ears and her eyes turned into light gold brown shade, indicating she is a member of a royal family. Her golden tail swayed at the air, the tip was like an arrow but the color was more vivid. Lisa's ear started to go high and pointed, like same with elves.

Jisoo gasped at the transformation. Lisa's aura was covered with high voltage of electricity.

"Outside." Chaeyoung simply said, referring to went out at the space for the first time. While she walked in her way outside the spaceship, her body started to transform aswell. Her body underwent with the same transformation but her eyes, turn into brightest blue, and her tail aswell.

"It's been awhile since I saw that form." Jisoo chuckled, completely amazed at her kind.

That's how their body actually looked like.

"Our planet from this distance looked so beautiful." Jisoo said.

"Where are we going to land?" Chaeyoung asked.

"At the Harvel forest, it's where our armies staying at." Jisoo said. Chaeyoung stopped contacting Hwasa since the latter mentioned that Lisa's father became more cruel. She doesn't want  tolose hope.

"How long?"

"On Earth's time? In less than fourty eight hours." Jisoo replied.

"Guys, I cooked some-

"Not again, Lisa." Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, stop wasting our food it's better if you continue your sleep." Jisoo said. Lisa pouted and punched in the air.
Lisa's tail wiggled in the air.

"Fake people, fake friends." Lisa said before locking herself in her cubicle.


"It's not like I'm gonna poison you so I can go back on Earth! Try to be nice sometimes! It's free! And my cooking skills are well developed. You'll se-" Chaeyoung and Jisoo heard a sound of munching, as if Lisa obliged herself to finish the food she cooked.

Then followed by the sound of Lisa's puking sounds and gasping for air.

"You heard that?" Jisoo asked Chaeyoung.

"Yes, she's like a kid." Chaeyoung said sighing.

"I should quit my job here." Irene said slumping herself in Joy's chair.

"Why? You need a raise?" Wendy asked.

"Nah, I lost interest in painting, as of now." Irene mumbled looking away. Seulgi looked over her shoulder.

"You should finish first the painting in your room." Seulgi said and Irene knew what she was referring about. It was the first painting of hers that isn't totally an abstract.

"I don't want to rush it, but do you think that one was really beautiful?" Irene leaned closer to Seulgi.

"Yes, everything you do is beautiful." Seulgi replied shyly.

Wendy gawked at Seulgi.

"Seulgi, can we talk?" Wendy grabbed Seulgi's arm and Irene looked at the confused.

"Are you-"

"Do you-"

"Awhile ago, were you-"

"With Irene, are you-"

"What Wendy? Are you okay?" Seulgi asked with worry.

"Are you flirting with Irene?" Wendy finally asked.

"Oh no, I'm not. Did it seemed that way?" Seulgi asked flustered.

"No, it wasn't like that maybe it was for me because you know, trauma, with Joy." Wendy said awkwardly laughig.

"But maybe I was. I want to be frank with her as more as I can. She needs to know how precious she is." Seulgi said smiling, dismissing Wendy's shocked expression and got back inside.

"Guys, please get ready." Jisoo said. She tried to gather the attention of other two but they were already ready for landing.

"Drop me at west. I have to meet Hwasa." Chaeyoung said.

"Come with me at South, Jisoo." Lisa said holding the weapons that they will disseminate to the troops.

"Yes, Princess." Jisoo bowed, and for the first bowed at Lisa as she does her hand signal of respect for her crown princess. Lisa chuckled, she doesn't like it but the feeling of being respected was nice.

"Chaeyoung, please get ready. In two minutes you need to jump as I'll go slow." Jisoo said, Jisoo's eyes were full of worry.

"Chaeng, please be careful." Jiso added. The former nodded her head before leaving the control room.

Chaeyoung went to the door to prepare for her exit. Lisa followed her. Chaeyoung was clueless on why Lisa would follow her.

"Chaeyoung, thank you for everything." Lisa said hugging the other alien who didn't try to protest. She return the hug to Lisa and decided to enjoy Lisa's warmth.

"Please, take care." Lisa said, inhaling Chaeyoung's scent.

"Princess." Chaeyoung said before kissing Lisa on her lips. Lisa was taken aback and when Chaeyoung bit her lip, she started to respond unconsciously.

Chaeyoung stopped and wipe her plump lips using the back of her hands. After a very long time, she smiled.

"Welcome." Chaeyoung winked and jumped her way at the west where Hwasa and few of her troops were waiting.

Lisa bids her goodbye to Chaeyoung and went back at the control room only to find Jisoo transformed in their own form. Jisoo's eyes were all black and the tip of tail was black aswell. The current of electricity she radiates wasn't surprisingly black. Lisa was stunned and finds it beautiful. Afterall, her kind are beautiful creatures and their planet was amazing.

"Jisoo, thank you for everything. I may not be able to say this afterwards-"

"Princess, get ready to take off." Jisoo said cutting Lisa's speech.

"Aish, why would you cut me!" Lisa stomped her feet.

"Because we need to land, silly." Jisoo pinch her cheeks.

"Thank you." Lisa mumbled sincerely.

"Anything for you, Lisa." Jisoo said and hugged Lisa tightly.

At this times, Lisa was thankful for the gills below her ears. The atmosphere and composition of gas doesn't even resemblance any on Irene's planet. It was undeniable that this place is different from Earth. Lisa roamed her eyes and a familiar feeling of what home used to feel like rush in her spine. The color of leaves weren't green, they were blue. The trees that have special star leaves are everywhere to be found. It was a myth that the single star leaf can grant a wish if it to be used outside Zimzalabim after chanting a certain magic words. Lisa smiled when she remembered the myth was real.

"It's been ages." Jisoo said.

"How long are we gone for trip?"

"On Earth's time?" Jisoo added in Lisa's question. Lisa slowly nodded her head.

"Around 374 days. More than a year." Jisoo answered.

Lisa's chest felt a sharp pain. It was long. A lot of thing can happenedm

"Let's get going." Lisa said and used her speed powers to went at the South. Jisoo catched up with her while bringing all the weapons.

In a minute or two, Lisa cut the vines that hindrances her way. Suddenly, she ecountered a different vines, it was thick and unusual, like someone used a power to keep what's inside hidden.

"Few steps back, Jisoo." Lisa said and Jisoo followed her. Lisa created a ball of electricity in her right palm.

Meanwhile, Irene was waiting for the next elevator. She will go to Ms. Dara's office. She's the new director now. Yeri's uncle decided to retire.

Pressing the12-sign button, she was trembling. Her small hands clutch into the folder she's carefully holding.

When the elevator popped open, Irene contemplated if what she's doing is right. She had thought of this for these past few days but she can't come up with a wise decision. Despite of that, last night, the stars shine brightly at her. She took it as a sign. She walked towards Ms. Dara's office.

"Good morning Ms. Park." Irene greeted the lady.

"What brings you here, Irene?" Dara said putting down the papers she's been reading.

She pause for a long time.

"This building, the people around me helped me to be what I am today. Not that I'm saying I'm in a better place now or rich but, this place nourished my soul."

"I'm thankful that this was the place where I showed my passion and learn things that I will take forever in me but the passion, I think I lost it since the person I love-" Irene cut off herself but the determination was evident in her voice. Dara knew what she was talking about and she just smiled.

"I'm here-" Irene take a deep breath before plastering a genuine smile in her lips.

Lisa threw the electric ball at the vines and it broke. When the vines disappeared, Lisa was welcomed by troops bowing infront of her.

"The crown princess is back!" one zim shouted followed by a loud roar.

Lisa was surprised, her tail wiggled at the air and her eyes were more brighter.

Everyone was cheering for her. They are so happy that someone came to save their kind from Lisa's father. Lisa stood straight and everyone keep chanting her name. Lisa is a queen. She was born for this. The fate made her for this. The Gods assigned her to reign.

"Queen Lisa!"

And at the same time, but in a different planet.

Lisa proudly wear her armor. "Queen Lisa." She mumbled, tasting the words in her lips.

"I'm here to resign." Irene gave her resignation letter.

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