His Nightmare Queen (Pitch X...

By TheCreator900

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(Y/N) Cupid is one of the oldest spirits to exist. She has seen it all. But she's invisible because no one re... More

Chapter One: In the beginning
Chapter Two: Guardians? Our center?
Chapter Three: We meet again
Chapter Four: No Easter hope
Chapter Five: The final light
Chapter Six: The final battle
Chapter Eight: Valentine's Day

Chapter Seven: Talking to Pitch

614 5 1
By TheCreator900

I was in my Palace tending to my animals when I saw something in the distance. Northern Lights. North wants us at the Pole. I said goodbye to the animals and flew to the Pole. Everyone was already here.

"This better be important, North. It's a week until Valentine's day and I'm making a big cake for the 800-year special!" I said.

"Man in moon wants to tell us something," North said.

Well, now things got interesting. The Man in the Moon shone his light onto a spot on the floor. The spot opened and a crystal came out of the floor. North explained to me and Jack that Man in the Moon had chosen a new Guardian. Really? I'm surprised. Who else could be a Guardian to protect the children? I can't think of anyone. Not even the Leprechaun. Well, after a few moments, we saw who it was. Pitch!? Why Pitch?! He hasn't been seen or heard from in maybe five years! Not even to visit me and I've left him alone as he asked. I keep my promises and he's kept his. The Guardians were confused, not to mention angry after Pitch tried to make the children not believe in them.

"Pitch?! Really?! After all he's done, he's chosen to be a Guardian!?" Bunny said angrily.

"Cupid. You know Pitch. What was he like when you knew him. It might explain why Man in Moon chose him," North said.

"I think I know why but you won't like my theory," I said.

"Go on."

"The world and kids need fear. It's how the world works. Without fear, is anyone really human? We just have to teach Pitch that we don't need as much as he tried to force on everyone."

"Pitch can't be taught! He's a threat to everyone!" Bunny argued.


"You are protective of Pitch. Is there something you are not telling us?" North asked me.

"I won't be a Guardian if I explain," I said sitting on the banister and looking down at the Yeti's preparing for next Christmas.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"Pitch and I, 253 years ago, used to be married. We were both alone before we met sometime after the Dark Ages. At first, it was just the occasional meetings then we started talking daily. Those daily talks turned into dating and that dating turned into marriage. We made a deal when we became friends; we would never get in the way of each other's work, ever. One day, he broke that deal. I didn't want to say anything at first but I couldn't keep it quiet. I reminded him about the deal but he didn't stop so, naturally, I asked for a divorce. He agreed and we never spoke again. I thought that was it. End of marriage, end of story. Then he threatened you and you know the story from there. Before our final battle with Pitch, he came to my palace begging for help. We gave it to him and now he wishes to be alone."

"You went to him after we stopped him?" Bunny asked.

"I felt like I had to. He said thank you and that he wanted to be left alone. So, I left him alone and we haven't heard from him," I said.

"And you did not think it important to tell us about you and Pitch?" North asked.

"Look, if you're going to belittle me every time I mention my relationship with Pitch then I shouldn't be here. It was nice knowing you all."

I flew back home. They don't trust Pitch but Man in the Moon obviously sees something in him. After a while, I went back to the Pole and told the others I would talk to Pitch because I'm the only one who knows how to get into his lair. They let me. So, I went to his lair. But he was nowhere to be found. Did he leave?

"Looking for something, Love?" I heard Pitch ask.

I looked around.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone," Pitch's voice echoed around me

"Well, right now, I had no choice. We need you to come to the Pole. Now," I said.

"For what?" he finally appeared, "Punishment? Or just to torture me about how everyone believes in you and not me? Tell me."

"You have been chosen to be a Guardian by the Man in the Moon."


"You heard me. Man in the Moon has chosen you to be a Guardian and we need to talk to you about things."

"And you were told to fetch me because you know me best."

"They know about us. Just come to the Pole, five minutes then you can be back here before you know it."

After some thought, Pitch came with me to the Pole. The Guardians explained everything to him and then he left, not wanting to be a guardian. And I can't blame him. After everything we've done to him and the fact that he hasn't been seen in years, he probably doesn't want anything to do with us anymore. I reminded the Guardians that I would talk to Pitch, I didn't say I would make him join.

I went back to my palace where I continued to prepare for my 800th anniversary of Valentine's day. The giant cake I mentioned was still being designed. I know a lot of the children and adults won't see it but this is for me, the Guardians, and their workers. I like my cake but not enough to keep it to myself. Maybe I'll even give one to Pitch if he doesn't tell me to get out after today. We'll see. I've just got to get things done within a week because I left it late. 

(A/N: I left this a long time but I'm back, and I'm going to try and finish it. Sorry for the wait)

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