Trying To Forget

By Alexis4815

58.4K 569 194

When 15 year old Holly finds her boyfriend cheating on her she winds up storming into the downtown area where... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Trying To Forget

7.2K 50 17
By Alexis4815

Heyy soo this is the first story Ive written on wattpad so dont be too harsh on it.

Anywho hope you like it !!


I was totally pissed, I mean really pissed! How could he do that to me?! Weve been going out for two years and he goes and whores-it-up with Amber OF ALL PEOPLE!! I thought to myself as I stalked down the road not really paying attention to where i was going.

Well as you've probably guessed by now i caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend Amber, or should i say ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend.  They were making out right outside the school so i went up, slapped Josh (my ex-boyfriend) and beat the shit out of Amber...  Im a very aggressive person. 

While caught up in my thoughts i suddenly realised where i was.

"Shit..." I said to myself, because I was in the downtown part of town where all the shootings and killings were.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" a voice said from behind me. I gasped, oh shit I'm really in for it now!

"Get away from me!" I screamed. I could smell alcohol off of him before I even turned around, and when I did, he looked like your stereotypical gangster. With the baggy pants, loose tank top on and most of all i could see the huge muscles on his arms and stomach. He also had deep brown eyes and messy long-ish brown hair. If he wasn't about to hurt me I would say he was pretty hot... Snap out of if it Holly you shouldn't be thinking about his looks, you should be thinking about how to get away without being hurt!

"Oh, dont be like that kitten, I just want to have some fun" he said with a smirk while playing with my hair.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT!! How am I gonna get away!! I panicked but tried not to show it. I finally gained the courage to say something back, but when I looked into his eyes all thoughts were lost and I just stared stupidly into his eyes waiting for him to attack me. 

"You know your really cute when your scared" he mused while trialing his hands from my hair down to the hem of my shirt, "I like cute girls" with that he yanked off my shirt and threw it to the ground.

"Stop!! Help!!" I screamed trying to get free. He just laughed.

"No one out here is gonna save you so theres no use in trying. Just lay back and enjoy it, it will be over soon" he wispered in me ear before he shoved his tounge down my throat and continued to take off my pants, while i cryed and screamed for him to stop.


Sooo how did you like it??

This was just the prologe so the chapters will be longer.

Plz Vote and comment!! :D

Ps. if you wanna make a cover plz do so!! :D

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