Number 9: The Genetically Mod...

By everyday_imstumblin

1.5M 61.8K 15.8K

-Completed- [Definitely not your average Werewolf story, if you expect love at first sight - please thou sha... More

Number 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part l
Chapter 15 Part ll
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part I
Chapter 21 Part ll
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Part I
Chapter 29 Part II

Chapter 16

53.1K 2K 1K
By everyday_imstumblin

“Will you teach me?” Nine whispered timidly to Slade.

Raw desire burned in the depths of his dark eyes. His devious mind conjured up sinful images to what things he could ‘teach’ his mate.

Biting back a moan, Slade clenched his fists tightly and stiffly nodded.

His tense posture evaporated when his mate shot him a cute lopsided grin.

That’s it. He couldn’t hold back anymore.

With swift movements, Slade’s arms reached out and wrapped around Nine’s waist securely – making sure every inch of her body was pressed against his.

He. Was. In. Heaven.

“Mine. My mate.” Slade whispered so softly and leaned down to pressed his face against the crook of her neck – breathing in deeply her scent and laying a kiss there.

Goddess, how many nights had he wondered what she would feel like in his arms. He’d never want to let her go after this.

He still could not believe she was his. She was so…perfect.

While Slade was having the time of his life, Nine was too busy watching the birds above them – her hands stayed limp to her side because her mate’s grip was too strong for her to move.

Her mate’s tight grip was still strange to her and oddly enough, she liked it. It made her feel funny. But the good kind.

“Right.” Slade said finally and forced himself to pull back (but kept his arms around her waist) after he held her for half an hour straight without a single complaint from her.

“We should get back to the house, I’m sure everyone is worried about us.”

Just when he was about to move, Slade got distracted by his Queens’ beauty.

She was flawless to him.

Soon his body was heating up fast with the wicked thoughts that entered his mind.

Would she allow him to taste her lips? He thought and stared intensely at them.

His grip around her waist increased at the thought of just taking a small taste. Nine was his delectable, forbidden fruit and soon he would not be able to hold back.

What Slade didn’t notice was that he was unconsciously leaning in closer to his mate. His eyes was set on the prize but Nine who was thoroughly confused, leaned back as he moved even more closer until he was inches away.

“Slade?” She questioned, her back beginning to arch backwards at his advances. But her mate was spell bound, even more so when she said his name.

Finally having enough of his strangeness, Nine’s arm came up and she slapped her hand over his face and then pushed his face away.

The sudden attack snapped Slade out of it and he backed away. He blinked in shock before finally settling into a sheepish expression.

“Woops.” He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head.

Only blinking at him, Nine slowly moved forward to stand next to him and then grabbed his hand. Her mate’s expression changed once again to surprise, his eyes shifting to their linked hands and then back to her.

Was she finally feeling the pull? Slade thought with excitement.

“I don’t like falling. It’s safer for me to use you for support.” Nine explained without emotion through the link – equally crushing Slade’s hopes.

“Oh…” he said, feeling himself deflate. But he cheered himself up by saying that she was holding his hand willingly.

“Alright,” He grinned, “Let’s go.”

The mates slowly walked back to the house, Slade loving every moment Nine slipped because then he could wrap his arms around her. He purposely made the walk slow to spend the last moments with her before they were bombarded by the others.

While on their walk, Nine asked questions about mates but only the factual ones Slade could answer. He didn’t exactly know how to explain to her how to be a mate.

“It comes naturally.” Slade said and gazed affectionately at his adorable mate. He noticed that she pouted whenever she was thinking deeply.

“All you need to do is be yourself.” He lifted his free hand to brush her thick fringe away from her beautifully striking eyes.

Nine frowned at her mate. “Being a mate is st-stupid.” She mumbled, making him laugh out loud. His deep voice made Nine freeze for a second, her eyes widening at him. For a moment she felt something inside of her before it slowly disappeared.

Shaking her head, Nine continued to question her mate only for Slade to say, “Why don’t we leave that for last and let you settle down in the pack house first.”

Nine whipped her head to him, “I get to li-ve in the pack ho-use?” she gaped at him in awe.

Slade nodded his head when they came into view of the house. “From now on you will only be living in luxury.” He promised.

His mind wondered to the cabin and thought it’d be best to wait a little longer before telling Nine. He didn’t want her to think that she will be permanently living in there. Maybe it could be their little escape house, where they can spend time with only them.

They walked towards the house and Slade opened the door for his mate to enter first. Feeling thrilled and extremely eager to explore, Nine gripped Slade’s hand and tugged at it.

“Can I-I go ex-plore?! Please!” she pleaded, her eyes shifting everywhere and then landing on him.

Slade would have been a fool to say no that face. Something tells him that he was going to have an extremely hard time denying her anything she wanted in the future.

Nodding his head as no words were able to come out his mouth, Slade watched as his mate stumble into the living room. He jerked forward to catch her when she was falling but Nine quickly got back up and started to touch everything that was new to her.

Her eyes filled with happiness and a permanent grin on her face.

Slade leaned against the wall next to him with his arms crossed against his chest, his eyes followed his mate with both caution and gentleness. Soon enough, his friends and sister joined him to watch Nine at the sidelines.

The scene was quite amusing to watch for an outsider.

Tori’s hands were on her cheeks as she let out loud squeals at Nine’s childlike innocence. All she wanted to do was grab her in a big hug and never let her go. Her mate was trying to calm her down and obviously failing, he kept apologising to those passing by and shooting Tori an annoyed look.

Nolan had a bag of chips and was munching it down like he was watching an intense football match instead of just watching his Luna explore. He was even commenting out loud at the things she picked up or touched such as when Nine found someone’s iPod under the couch.

“Ha! Which fool lost their iPod?!” Nolan barked out a laugh.

Nine glance at him before turning to the device. She had seen it before but had no idea how to use it so she pressed the buttons randomly which turned on the music, making her almost drop it in shock as One Direction came blasting on.

The crowd aw’d at her – except for Nolan who chuckled nervously and shuffled his way to her.

“That’s mine.” He whispered and plucked it out of Nine’s hand and made a quick getaway – ignoring all the snickers.

Meanwhile, Dexter and Slade watched on, their anxiety growing when Nine started to explore the big things like a shelf that could easily fall on her. Especially since she was practically a Bambi on her feet.

The odd couple flinched, winced and jumped whenever something would look like it would tumble on her. In sync, they both took steps towards Nine when she fell again. Her mate and friend trying hard not to let their protectiveness get in the way.

Nine spotted a trophy on the shelf above the TV. She moved towards and picked it up but the gold statue slipped through her loose fingers because she was still learning to how to use them.  

The trophy fell, snapping into two.

Nine looked towards the group with innocent eyes. “Woops.” She said, copying Slade’s words and blinked twice. Everyone forgave her instantly, except one.

A loud squeak alerted everyone in the room to the culprit.

Ryan had his hands clutching his head as he stared in pain at his prized trophy. He’s won it in high school and the only piece of proof of ever defeating Slade even though it was a pie eating competition. He put in on display so everyone could see that he was the one who bet the great Alpha Slade but now…

“No!” He bellowed out loud to the heavens. Ryan didn’t even notice that he was across the room and on his knees in front of his beloved trophy.

With shaking hands, he reached out and gently picked up the broken pieces and then turned to Tori with a pathetic pout and puppy eyes.

“For the love of-” Tori exclaimed, rolling her eyes and walked towards her mate. She pulled him to his feet and then began to make their way to their room where she had super glue stored in her draw from the last time she broke the damn thing.

Not that he knows that. Guess Nine did her a favour.

Tori smirked wickedly.

Nine stumbled her way to the kitchen – the most deadly place in the house. Older women and a few men were preparing dinner. With Werewolves being the guests, all the help was needed.

Though they were busy, most of the chefs paused in their cooking to peer at the innocent looking she-wolf.

Nine’s jaw was dropped as she stood in near the island table. The kitchen was much larger than most and that allowed her to spin in circles – not knowing what to look at first.

Her eyes feel upon the microwave that was heating up something to the refrigerator that was packed with food. Her eyes drifted to different appliances, not lingering on one for too long before her attention was caught by something else.

Those watching her got worried, especially Slade who was biting his thumb nervously and watching on anxiously as his mate twirled – clearly over stimulated.

Everyone gasped when Nine collapsed to the floor in dizziness.

Slade jerked forward but as he took a step, Nine quickly got up and brushed herself.

“I’m fine.” She said like nothing was wrong and then went about touching things but was quickly stopped when she reached the knives.

A lot of the pack members knew of her naivety and were willing to teach her.

They’ll do anything for their Luna. Even if she was scary in wolf form.

“I don’t think this is good for my heart.” Slade frowned, with his hand over his beating chest and a pained expression on his face.

Dexter patted his shoulder in comfort and empathy – clearly knowing his ache.

“What is going on here?” Slade’s mother and father entered the kitchen. Lilian squealed, cupping her face when she spotted Nine, easily identifying her by her scent.

“Oh my goodness! She’s beautiful!” She exclaimed while Nine was nit-picking at the food. A strand of spaghetti was sticking out of her mouth when she spotted the older female.

Paul had to physically restrain his gushing wife from rushing to Nine who just stared blankly before slurping up the pasta and then going back for more.

“She is so adorable!” Lilian cooed. Her son shuffled closer to his mate, to protect her from his overbearing mother.

“Mum, please stop.” Slade pleaded and unconsciously wrapped a hand around Nine’s waist.

She looked to the arm and then to his face before copying his actions and wrapping her arm around his waist. Nine gazed up at him, silently asking if what she was doing was right.

Slade’s eyes were burning with desire to kiss his mate at that moment but Nine turned away before he could.

Damn. He cursed and scowled at his missed chance.

“Parents.” Nine whispered, staring at Lilian and Paul. Everyone heard her and quieted down.

“Dex told me about pa-parents.” She tilted her head to the side and regarded them with indifference – clearly not understanding their importance they play in a family. “He said I had a mo-mother and that sh-she was nice.”

Everyone hung on her words. Their minds drifting to their own parents.

“I don’t have a father though – n-not human at least. M-Makes me wonder what’s it like to h-have parents.” Nine scratched her head and glanced around the room, noticing everyone staring at her.

Lilian having tears in her eyes and was close to breaking down, while Paul was rubbing her arms soothingly – already feeling his protectiveness over his daughter-in-law. They both made a vow to be the greatest parents for Nine, to give her the love she deserved. Paul didn’t care that it was his own son that he was going to have to threaten, he was going to be dotting father to Nine.

Lilian having similar ideas, though she had two lovely daughters it wouldn’t hurt to have another. She could just picture the clothes she could dress Nine in!

Dexter looked down in despair. He didn’t have to hide anything when it came to Nine’s lineage. She had a right to know about her family.

Slade on the other hand felt anger towards Victor for robbing Nine’s chance of being in a loving family. He vowed to make his death a very painful one.

Slade moved to comfort his mate when suddenly he was pushed out of the way.

“Move! Let me hug my daughter!” Lilian cried, ignoring her stunned son and wrapped her arms around Nine in a big, motherly hug. “I will be your mother sweetheart! You have a family now and there’s nothing that can stop us! If anyone hurts my baby from now on then I will strangle them!”

All gazes seemed to drift to Slade who raised his hands in surrender. His eyes wide in shock at the thought that they could even think such a thing!

Nine on the other hand was distracted by the older female, saying that she was going to be her mother. At first she was doubtful but something in the warm hug made her change her mind. Her loving touch was filled with such tenderness, gentle emotions – something so foreign to Nine but she liked it.

Her arms slowly reached up to wrap her arms around the woman. Bending down, Nine laid her forehead on the woman’s shoulder, her eyes drifted close and she breathed in her strange but comforting scent.

She liked it a lot. 



Dinner came and went by quite quickly for the sake of Nine. Many Werewolves came up to meet their future Luna, who still had to go through the ritual of being accepted as part of the pack but they were eager nevertheless.

Slade had to act as a bodyguard and tell the eager pack members when to leave. His mate barely saying a sentence throughout the whole ordeal, though everyone didn’t mind. They just assumed she was shy around them in her new form. But Nine was more interested in the food and new scents surrounding her, especially those who had multiple smells lingering on them. She made a game of trying to figure out what it would be.

Slade sighed in relief when it was time for bed.

Then suddenly his heart skipped three beats.

Where was his mate going to sleep? He thought nervously. With him in their room?

His eyes went hazy and his mischievous mind brought up the image of his mate in his arms cuddling in their bed or possibly doing other activities that requires no clothes and to feel her skin touch his and-

A tugging to his left snapped him out of his dreamy state. Turning his head, Slade tried not to look like a deer caught in the headlights as Nine stared at him curiously.

They were both standing outside his room and Nine was wondering why he wouldn’t let them in.

Chuckling uneasily and rubbing the back of his head, Slade looked sheepish as he blurted, “Uh, Nine – do, do you want to share this room with me or have your own?”

Slade silently begging she chooses the first option.

 “Why would we sh-are a room?” she asked with a tilt of her head and adorable pout.

Slade found it hard to swallow, he could feel his hand twitch at the thought of knowing the bed was just a few feet away them. He could just pick her up and ravish her from dawn to dusk.

“Because-” he let out another forced laugh, “It’s what mate’s do?” his voice drifting into a questionable tone and then he quickly added, “If that’s what you want to do! I could prepare another room for you if that is what you desire.”

Desire for Nine is what you really want. His conscious mocked.

Slade winced at his thoughts but put a straight face on when Nina narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.

“You said you would t-teach me how to be a mate, so we have to sle-ep together if that is what a mate does.” She said and grabbed his hand firmly so he couldn’t escape.

While she looked adorable with her determined face, Slade was cursing like a sailor in his head.

This is a bad idea!

Slade’s nerves were running amuck and he felt tremendously guilty for using the ‘mate’ card to get what he secretly wanted. His mate then pulled him into their room and shutting the door, making him stiffen.

A very bad idea!!

Slade breathing doubled and his eyes bugged out of his head when she let go of his hand and headed straight for the king size bed. Nine laid down on her back and stretched out her arms to the side. Her legs sliding on the dark covers, every movement she did was just enticing him to take her.

Unconsciously he let out a moan when she lifted herself up and leaned against the heels of hand. Her head was tilted to the side, letting her fringe fall to her left eye as she gazed at him.

Goddess did she look beyond divine. 

He wanted her so badly. Slade was scared that a certain part of his anatomy would just fall off. He was holding out for so long and he might just snap with the way she acts even though she wasn’t teasing him on purpose.

The only way he could think to get his mind off his delectable Queen was to contact his friends through the link, hopefully they would give him some advice…

‘I don’t think I can sleep with Nine.’ He confessed, eyes never leaving her as she got up to search the rest of their room, which was large but fairly empty – only having the things needed. From the entrance the bathroom and walk-in closets were to his right and to the left was his bed. Straight ahead was the balcony looking over the woods as well as the lake.

‘Why not?” Both Ryan and Nolan asked at the same time.

‘Because I feel like I’m going to ruin her innocence and purity!” He exclaimed and ran a hand through his ruffled hair before running it down his face. ‘I’m not good enough to be with her! What happens if I attack her in my sleep?!’ and that’s when he began to panic at the possibility of that happening. Slade didn’t trust his body at that very moment.

Maybe he should just sleep in another room?  

‘She’s your mate.’ Ryan said, interrupting Slade’s thoughts of making a run for it.

Nolan then added, “Yeah, it’s not like you are doing anything wrong. Besides if I was into dudes, you’d totally be on top of my list! And about the attacking part, if you are good then she won’t complain.’

Slade was too tired and nervous to retort to Nolan’s comments, instead he groaned through the link.

‘I know but look at her!’ Slade sent a mental picture of Nine who was back on the bed but this time sitting on her knees in the middle of the bed with a cute and innocent look on her face as she ran her hand on the silk covers.

The boy paused for a second.

‘Bro, you’re right – you can’t sleep with her.’ Ryan said seriously, feeling his brother instincts kick in.

‘Yeah, you horrible, old pervert, how dare you prey on young and innocent girls!’ Nolan teased, making Slade send a mental shock to him.

‘Ow!’ Nolan exclaimed in pain and that was all Slade needed before he cut Nolan off from the link. Ryan laughed at his friend and then calming down.

‘Does she want to sleep with you?’ he asked, letting the mating side take over from the brotherly one.

‘Yes.’ And before Slade could explain further, Ryan interrupted saying, ‘Well there’s your answer. Sorry bro, but I’m tired. The training you give us is torture!’ And then he was out.

Useless. Slade thought of his friends. 

“You coming?” Nine asked, her pupils dilating before contracting into slits.

“Why must you torture me?” Slade mumbled, looking at her longingly and then headed straight for the bathroom to take care of his…needs. Hopefully it would aid him somewhat.

The door shut making Nine blink at her mate. She peered around the room, not knowing what to do. She finally decided to go to sleep and laid on the covers. She’d never felt something so soft. It didn’t take her long for the exhaustion to catch up on her and soon Nine fell into dreamless sleep.  

Slade exited the bathroom with a fresh pair of boxers. He didn’t trust himself to walk into the room with just a towel on (even though the boxers where little help as well), he figured quite quickly that Nine lacks the knowledge about the intimacy between a man and woman.

That and he just didn’t want to explain his constant erection that stands out tall and proud.

He paused midway in drying his hair with a towel to gaze lovingly at his mate. A small smile graced his face when he saw her sleeping figure.

Throwing the towel at a nearby chair, he moved to her side and reached out to tenderly caress her cheek with his knuckles.

“My love.” He murmured and leaned in.

“My mate.”

He replaced his knuckles with his lips – running along her jaw and over her battle scars towards her lips.

“My Queen.”

Slade pressed his lips firmly on the corner of hers – lingering there and savouring the moment.

At that moment, Slade got the strength he needed to hold on a little longer. He promised to wait until Nine was ready to be a mate. She was still learning so he would hold off all thoughts about kissing her and marking her delectable neck.

Even if it pains him to do so.

Pulling back, he smiled softly. Slade’s green eyes shone with pure love and devotion as he gazed down at Nine.

When he noticed that she wasn’t under the covers, he carefully lifted her up in his arms. Her weight felt like a feather to him. He pulled back the covers but before he set her down, Slade couldn’t resist keeping her in his arms a little longer – just gazing at his mate, not believing that she was his.

Slade held his breath when she shifted in his arms. Her head moved closer to his neck where he felt her nose brush against his skin, breathing in deeply his scent and letting out a small mew before settling down.

Letting out a light chuckle at her cuteness. Slade slowly placed her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. Moving to his side on the bed, he got comfortable making sure he was only on his side. He was afraid that if he was any closer than he would hold Nine in his sleep and never let go. He didn’t want her to scare when she woke up with his arms around her.

With a heavy sigh, Slade turned on his side so he could at least see his mate. He let out a lazy smile knowing that Nine was going to be the first and last thing he sees every day from then on.

I’m one lucky bastard, Slade thought to himself and then closed his eyes.

As soon as he was fast asleep, his body betrayed him and searched for his mate. Only once she was in his arms, did his mind and body fully succumb to a blissful sleep.      



Reason for update (because i'm obviously not nice enough to want to do it from the goodness of my own heart :D)

I had to grant a wish to someone because I played a genie for a day :D 

Her wish was an update and so i did! And now she has no more wishes because i'm to lazy to grant her another two!!

Anyway back to the real thing...

Timmy is turning into a boss...and i dont like it.

Let me explain: So basically i was being ridiculously annoying to Timmy but surprisingly he took it quite well.

So anyway, i placed him on top of a table and i knew he wanted to get down but as he was preparing to jump down, my mind thought of a show that had cats doing cool tricks and stuff and i was like

"Hey! why dont i make Timmy jump from the table, over my hand and land gracefully on the ground?" 

and that's what i did! But that damn demon placed his damn paw on my hand, pushed it down on the table and then casually step on it while he jumped down...

(゜ロ゜) <~ My face at that moment.

( ̄ω ̄) Meow, purrr!!!! <~ Timmy's face at that moment as he sauntered away.

This boss attitude better be just a phase! I will not be outsmarted by a cat!!


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