Secret // Rusame // Omegavers...

By Rounsin1

47.3K 1K 966

Omegaverse AU Alfred has kept his secret for over 200 years. He wants no one to know. That. He's. An. Omega... More

Secrets Out // Chapter 1
Magic? // Chapter 2
Answers, now. // Chapter 3
That's Not Me. // Chapter 4
Key // Chapter 5
Gone // Chapter 6
Walk in // Chapter 7
not a chapter im so sorry!
Train // Chapter 9
The Will of Man // Chapter 10

Trust // Chapter 8

2K 44 18
By Rounsin1

Ivan's POV:

Red hues danced all around me as the colors of my surroundings fell into place. Even with my eyes closed, I could vision all the paints spreading on a canvas. My body felt light, and my mind was clear for the first time in ages. My hands felt numb and soft, but in the best way possible. The sensation was pure ecstasy of innocence. But just as the feeling flooded my body, It faded. Suddenly I was dropped on my ass, hard. My head reeled from the change in atmosphere and color palette. The sound of people laughing and talking caught me off guard. My head whipped around, straining my neck muscles. Bright lights flooded my retinas and blinded my vision temporarily. I blinked away the sensation and took in my surroundings. People sat in chairs, eating and laughing. Music dimly played from a nearby source and I spotted cars driving from a window. The situation settled in my head, at first not registering in my mind, then hitting me like a truck. I only then realized I was sitting on the floor of a packed restaurant. My face quickly turned red as I got up, thankful that I dropped in at the back and hadn't drawn too much attention. 'God, that's the one thing I hate about shifting to the 2p world. You never know where it will drop you.' I internally cursed. I dusted off my coat and headed for the back exit door. After making my way out of the back alley and into the street, it was very much apparent that I was no longer in Russia. I squinted at a nearby sign on a window, "Fresh and hot pancakes!". Definitely an English dominated country. I have to find the other 2ps and hope they haven't sided with Viktor.

"Ivan?" A familiar deep voice sounded behind me. The hair on my neck stood up and my arms covered in goosebumps. A rod poked me in the back as I stiffened. Swiveling around, I was greeted with a disapproving face and a baseball bat. "Oh my fucking god. You have to be fucking god damn kidding me." The brown haired American scowled. I smiled and tilted my head in a friendly attempt to smooth him out. "Allen! Hello old friend!" The wooden rod gripped tightly in his hand dug into my ribs as he pushed harder, "Don't fucking call me a 'old friend' you dicksucker commie!" I gripped the end of the baseball bat in my own hands, "That's a name you and Alfred seem to love to call me." His eyebrows furrowed, creasing his forehead. "Don't lump me in with that hamburger freak. Me and him are nothing alike." His pierced tongue rattled in his mouth as he spoke. He yanked the baseball back out of my reach. I looked down towards my crotch, "I can think of one thing you both like." His eyes widened and he swung. Pain shattered like glass in my left leg as the bat made contact. "Shut the fuck up!" He screamed at me. I held my leg and groaned as I sat hunched over on the wall. The pain subsided and I regained my posture. "What the fuck are you doing here anyways?" He aimed to strike again, but I ducked. "Looking for a mutual 'friend'." He straightened up and laughed, "don't tell me you and that dumb ass are still fighting!" I shrugged, "still fighting, different problem." His smile faded just as fast as it had come, "the fuck Ivan? What are you talking about? You guys haven't had contact in years." I looked away, "It's a long story." My hand came to take his, but he swiped his away, crossing his arms in the process, "I didn't forget what happened" He said scowling. We both went silent for a stupidly long amount of time before I coughed, "Well, would you forget for a couple days and help me find Viktor?" He leaned against the alley brick wall and looked away from me, "and why would I do that.." I smiled at him although he wasn't looking, "Do you have something better to do?" He scoffed and twirled his bat in his hand, "shut up. Let's go dipshit." I smiled as I followed him out of the alley way and into a shiny black car. The tires looked new and the coat of paint on the car looked freshly polished. Way too polished. Like, if you wanted to fix your hair and pick a whole new outfit but didn't have a mirror, this car would be your lucky day.

Allen took his seat in the car and I followed shortly after. He spoke briefly to the driver, purposely leaving me out of the conversation. The car merged into the traffic of the busy street and I laid back into the cushions of the couch. "The drive might take a while so why don't you tell me why you're here?" Allen looked at his bat, pretending to be disinterested. I chuckled at the failure of hiding his emotions, "Well to be completely honest, I have no idea. I think Viktor could've gotten a hold of some dark magic." This got his attention. Allen quickly reached over and slammed the glass divider between the driver and us so the driver would no longer hear. He flipped his whole body to face me, "are you for sure?" I shrugged once again, "Like I said, I don't really know, but I do know he took Alfred to try to merge our worlds together." Allen cursed, "What the fuck!? What the fuck is wrong with him?! Doesn't he know that could rip the fabric of time?" He was basically fuming by that point. He looked around at the traffic around us, preventing us from moving much. "With this bullshit we won't find him until it's too late!" Suddenly, he opened his door and began to get out. "Wait! I didn't tell the whole story!" I called after him. "You don't fucking have to! Now are you coming Braginsky!?" I didn't have to be asked twice. My car door slammed open and we ran out of the car into the traffic. Some cars honked and others yelled out of their windows at us. Me and Allen made it out of the street and onto the sidewalk. Pushing me into another ally, he stopped and looked at me, "look, Oliver taught me a teleportation spell. I haven't practiced it at all but it's worth a shot." Unlike before, this time he allowed me to intertwine my fingers with his. My eyes felt soft like velvet, almost a feeling I couldn't describe. The wind blew his hair onto his sweaty forehead. He looked at me like when we were in love again, "do you trust me?"

"With my whole body and soul."


Alfred's POV:

My wrists laid limply on the soft covers surrounding me. Aching pain engulfed my head and my eyes suddenly fluttered open. I tried to lift my head but to no avail. My muscles were in too much agony to work. Grunting, I slowly brought my hands to my head, pushing the hair from my eyes. I leisurely looked around, realizing I wasn't in Ivan's room or house anymore. "What the.?!" Panic setting in, I ignored the brutal pain in my body and brought myself to my feet. The sweat on my forehead beaded as I heard footsteps. My jelly like legs could barely hold my body so I decided against fighting this stranger. I ducked under the bed and managed to wiggle all the way under until I was no longer visible. My breathing shallowed in an effort to conceal my hiding spot and make as little noise as possible. The knob shook and a click was heard before two shiny boots entered the room. My eyebrows knit close together as I shifted deeper into the darkness. After realizing I was not on the bed and not in the bathroom connected to the room the man looking for me began to shout. "Я сказал тебе следить за ним! Что за херня! Его больше нет в своей комнате!" During the Cold War I had picked up Russian so I could roughly translate; 'I told you to keep and eye on him! What the fuck! He isn't in his room anymore!' My face broke out into a grin as my plan fell into place. Waiting until the footsteps subsided and Russian cursing faded, I slowly got out from underneath the bed. Dusting off my legs, I began to take slow steps. My legs adjusted and soon I was running out of the room and down the long hallway. The red wallpaper made the hall look dark and scary. Maybe if I was lucky I could escape these psycho Russians and somehow find Ivan. How did I get here anyways? My memories didn't seem to come to me. The ache in my legs slowly came back and my running halted as I spotted a window. The world outside was completely covered in snow. Not a street or another building in site. My breath left me as a hand crept around my waist.

"Found you."

My screams were silenced with a gloved hand gripped against my mouth. He turned me around, still holding me, "Shhh Alik... You sure gave me a scare back there. Good thing the snow prevents you from going anywhere." His madman grin made me shutter. His dark hair and red eyes looked so familiar. Then it hit me. This was the guy fighting Ivan before! I scrambled out of his grasp and began running for my life. "Get away from me you imposter!" My screamed echoed through the hallway. I didn't get far before he appeared in front of me again, successfully catching me and restraining my arms. His eyes darkened, "Now where the fuck do you think your going?" My face paled and I did the only sensible thing in the moment. I spat on his face. His face scrunched together in disgust. My cheek caved in from the oncoming punch. Blood splattered and sputtered from my mouth on the carpet and his clothes. My body hit the floor with a grunt. Pain flooded my stomach as a kick was delivered right to my ribs. More blood. "You know this could've gone way better if you would've just cooperated. But then again, seeing you so helpless and bloodied really gets me off." He bent down and squished my mouth together with his fingers. The blood pooled out from my busted lip. He smiled that sick psychotic smile and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips touched and the metallic taste was shared between us. My belly felt warm and only then I realized I was still in heat. It was low, but still there. His teeth clashed with mine in a forced kiss I struggled against. His breath was hot against my mouth and drool began to drip down my chin, mixing with the blood. He finally dropped my face and pulled away, admiring me like I was a canvas. Without any words, he picked me up and carried me back to the room I woke up in. I was too weak to fight anymore. I felt pitiful and disgusting but my body still ached to be touched dimly. He laid me on the soft bed again and pulled out a napkin from his back pocket. I wondered why he was being so nice all of a sudden as he wiped the blood from my face. I looked away when he was done, neither of us speaking but he didn't seem to want to leave the room. He climbed in behind me, becoming my big spoon. I cringed against the contact but enjoyed the heat as it was currently freezing in the room. His hand reached over and ghosted over my crotch. I quietly groaned and tried to scoot away. He sighed. He got up to leave and I relaxed my body once more. My hand clenched and I knew that if I didn't ask now I wouldn't have the courage to ask later, "wait!" His steps stopped and he turned his head in my direction. "Who are you?" He smiled once again,

"Your worst enemy or your greatest ally."

He turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I heard the sound of a click and I assumed he had locked the door from the inside. The answer settled in my mind, not really answering my question, but instead forming new ones in my mind. How is it that he looks exactly like Russia but has a new personality and a different color scheme? How did I get here and how would I escape? I turned on my side, front facing the wall with my back facing the door. I laid my arm on my head and my other hand on the covers. My face began to swell and throb with pain, I could tell it would definitely show up with blue and purple bruises. I buried my face in the covers, it would be impossible to sleep. I cant let my guard down even for a second. My erection softened, it was apparent my heat was growing weaker and weaker. I lifted my head up and looked around once more. I spotted a plastic bin in the corner, presumably a trash can,

and I knew I could make a better plan.

Yayy new chapter!! Hopefully there aren't too many grammar mistakes! After making that update I really wanted to write something so I whipped this up! The support on this book was very surprising so i shall continue! Lately i've kinda wanted to maybe get into Marvel but idk.. I'll think about it because i've only watched like one of the movies lmao. Again, thank you for the support. Love ya guys 💕💕

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