going for gold - Sugawara x r...

By eggsinapott

624 30 5

[reader x koushi sugawara] As always, I wrote this for myself but you can read it, too, if you'd like. Y/N N... More

1 - new school
2 - Tokyo
4 - try outs
5 - school project
6 - Suga's house
7 - the storm
8 - the convinience store

3 - spiker

74 5 1
By eggsinapott

Kōtarō and I met up with Akaashi at 7am for a run, and once we had circled back to the house, Akaashi made his way to the car and suggested, "why don't you come with us to practice, Y/N?"

Kōtarō's face lit up, "YES! YOU CAN EVEN HIT A FEW OF AKAASHI'S SETS!"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I don't know what that means, dude."

He slung his arm around my shoulder and started ruffling my hair again as I struggled to pull away, "don't you worry, kiddo! Your awesome big bro will teach you everything!"

As I stumbled away from him, I turned back to the house, "no, thanks."

"Come on, Y/N! I'll buy you food on the way back."

I stopped in my tracks and groaned, "I'm not participating for the entire practice."

He punched his fist in the air, "OH, YEAH! Let's go!"

I sprinted past him and Akaashi to the car, "sorry, Akaashi but I call shotgun!"

Once we were on the road, I asked the two of them, "what did Kōtarō want me to do?"

Akaashi replied, "he wants you to try and spike the ball, like what he does."

I turned to my brother, "how the hell do you expect me to do that?"

He shrugged, "you do that cheerleadery thing, don't you? You're always jumping high and doing spins in the air or whatever. So all you need to do, is jump real high and hit the ball instead of spinning around!"

I sighed, leaning back into the passenger seat, "Kōtarō you're so dense sometimes, I don't jump that high, idiot. I get thrown by other- OH MY GOD, YOU JUST JUMPED A RED LIGHT!"

As I made my way into their school's gym, a few of their teammates looked over at me.

"Hey, Bokuto! Who's the hot chick?"

"Nope, nah-uh! Don't even think about it. That's my little sister."

Akaashi sighed and placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me over to the bench, "you can sit over here for now, if any of the team are acting weird just come and tell myself or your brother."

I smiled, "okay, thanks, Akaashi!"

I sat on the bench watching my idiot brother and Akaashi practice for a bit; after about an hour Kōtarō yelled, "hey, c'mere, lil sis! Let's teach you to hit a spike!"

I sighed, placing my phone down on the bench before jogging over to where he was stood on the court.

He smirked at me, "okay, watch and learn!"

He threw a ball at Akaashi who pushed it up into the air; Kōtarō jumped up and slammed it down to the other side of the net.


I shrugged, "seems simple enough."

He raised an eyebrow, "oh, yeah? Let's see if any of my awesome talent rubbed off on you! Hey, Akaashi! I'll toss you a few balls for you to set for Y/N."

It wasn't easy, and I was dripping with sweat by the end of their practice- but, I did manage to hit the ball a few times.

I took a picture of the volleyball court and sent it to Suga:

Y/N: guess where I am? ;) hope the game with the first years went well!

Suga: no way! What are you doing there? Aha, the game with the first years went well! I'll tell you about it on Monday :)

Y/N: I joined my brother for practice, he tried to teach me a spike. Working hard lol.

On Sunday evening, Akaashi came by to drop me off at the station, but Kōtarō insisted on driving there.

"Thanks for offering to walk with me, Akaashi! See ya later, Kōtarō!"

My brother handed me my bag before ruffling my hair, "see ya next time, kiddo!"

Akaashi nodded at me and yelled, "send a text when you get home so we know you got there safe!"

I stuck my thumb up, "sure, thing!"

Once I had gotten off at the station, I unlocked my bike and cycled back home.

Wait a second is that-

I pulled my breaks and yelled, "hey, Suga!"

He stopped in his tracks and turned in my direction, he grinned at me and waved, "oh, hey, Nakano!"

He had a golden retriever on a lead, I cycled over to them and dismounted my bike before exclaiming, "what a beautiful little baby!" I leaned down to let the dog sniff my hand, "what's your name?"

Suga chuckled, "her name's Toffee."

I smiled and nodded as I petted Toffee, "that's such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl!"

She got really excited and jumped on me, knocking me backwards as she licked my face. Suga pulled her back, laughing before offering me his hand, "are you alright?"

I let him pull me up before I dusted myself down and smiled over at his dog, "I'm great! You've got a really sweet dog!"

He scratched the back of his neck, "she doesn't usually jump on people, sorry about that! But on the bright side, she likes you!"

I smiled, "oh, don't worry! I don't mind! I love animals! What direction are you two headed?"

He pointed up the road I was about to cycle down and I asked, "mind if I join you?"

"Sure, I'd love the company!"

I asked him about the volleyball game, although I didn't understand much of what he was talking about, I understood that he played the setter position- the same position that I think Akaashi plays in.

He was telling me about a talented setter and spiker that just joined the club, the same first years that were causing trouble on the first day.

"Are you heading back from the station, then?" he eyed my bag that was strapped to the pannier rack on my bike.

"Yep! I was visiting my mum and brother in Tokyo this weekend! I haven't seen them since I moved back into the area."

He nodded, "did you have a nice weekend?"

"Yeah, it was great! My step-dad is an awesome cook and it's nice having my brother there to work out with, moving around means I don't get to make many friends, but when I'm in Tokyo I get to go on morning jogs with my brother and his friend."

He placed his hand on his chin, "hmm, well I go on morning runs with toffee at the park back there, you're always welcome to join me if you want company."

I smiled, "actually, yeah! That'd be really nice, thanks!"

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