4 - try outs

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I unlocked the garden gate and wheeled my bike over to the shed before slipping through the back door.

"Y/N? That you?"

"Yeah, hey, dad!"

"Have a nice time at your mum's?"

I ran up the stairs to put my stuff away as I yelled back, "yeah, it was fine!"

"That's good, I've ordered take-out! Should be here in literally 5 minutes so hurry up and get down here!"


I threw my duffel bag on the floor by my desk, grabbed my uniform and hung it on the door of my wardrobe- my mum had washed it so I wouldn't have to rush to make sure it was cleaned for tomorrow morning.

I quickly pulled out my phone to send a few texts:

To: Mum
Y/N: Just got home! Thanks for having me this weekend & please thank Mr Bokuto for the lovely cooking from me again x

Mum: No need to thank me, sweetie! My home is always your home, too. Lovely to see you, hope to see you again soon! Xx

To: Kōtarō
Y/N: Thanks for dropping me at the station, just got back.

Kōtarō: okey dokey

To: Akaashi
Y/N: Hey, Akaashi. I just got home :)

Akaashi: Glad to hear it. Hope to see you next time you're in Tokyo.

I sat with my dad, munching on our takeout as he asked, "so, when are try-outs?"

"Tomorrow, after school. I've been talking to the captain and apparently their vice captain moved to America at the end of the last school year, so they have a flyer position that needs filling anyway."

He raised an eyebrow, "oh, are you gonna apply for vice captain, too?"

I paused to think over it, "to be honest, I hadn't considered it; but that's a really good idea, dad, it'd look great on my college application!"

He nodded, "made any friends yet?"

"Yep! There's Suga, Yuki and kind-of Daichi; Yuki's the cheer captain, and Suga is on the volleyball team with Daichi."

"Did you tell them that Kōtarō is one of the top five aces in the country?"

I shook my head, exhaling, "I said my brother plays for his school's team and he's pretty good- I don't even know what an ace is. Oh, but I did go to volleyball practice with Kōtarō and Akaashi, they taught me how to spike a ball."

"How is your brother doing, by the way?"

"He's good, him and Akaashi want me to catch some of their games this year since we live so close to Tokyo now."

He nodded, "you gonna go?"

I took another mouthful of my food, "mm, probably."

I arrived at my homeroom class early, and much to my luck, so did Suga.

I sat down beside him and pulled out my notebook, "morning, Suga! I forgot to ask you when I saw you yesterday, are you free after school today to work on the project?"

He sighed, "sorry, I have volleyball practice right after school-"

Before he could finished I waved out my hands, "oh, don't worry! I have cheer try-outs anyway, I meant after your volleyball practice!"

going for gold - Sugawara x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora