My Big Family ?

By PrincessKelsey505

8.2K 82 15

how many brother's and sisters do you have ? probably not as many as I do ! England to America is a hard move... More

members of the king's house
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Sequel is out

Chapter 1

2.1K 10 1
By PrincessKelsey505

                                                Chapter 1


(P.o.v Azure)

"Get out of the way arsehole," I scream frustrated at Ashton

"No, you've been in here for an hour." Ashton frustratingly hoteliers back

Watching Ashton grab his toothbrush as I roll my eyes finishing my mascara, taking the brush through my longer than Rapunzel brown tangled hair

"let me in I have to piss," Skye demands on the other side of the door

Styling my hair into a messy bun that looks like a three-year-old did it

"open the fucking door twit," I call at him

Taking my toothbrush while brush my teeth Kali walks in and starts brushing her long waist long brown hair that looks more like a princess. Kasey walks in with bags under her eyes, hair all over the place her make up is smeared all over her face the 12-year-old obviously didn't feel pretty yesterday.

I put on my black crop top that was in a nice pile, my twin brother Joy runs in and goes to the toilet Skye is doing his hair now, I put on my Grey jeans on

Jax walks in jumping on the counter and starts to do his hair I put on my bracelets I got from hot topic blink-182,5 seconds of summer, one direction a Minecraft creeper and diamond block bracelets Nick runs in the room

"we are leaving in five minutes." the 14-year-old tells checks himself out in the mirror

I spray 'the key' perfume on along with deodorant, I gather my things and run out of the toilets (bathroom)

going to "the girl's room" so Kali, Kasey, Gia, Allyson, Madison, Holly, Lily, and my room. I grab my suitcase, duffle bag and backpack I but my toilet thing in there

running to the kitchen grab a piece of bacon (Canada bacon)

"you can put stuff in the car," Da tells us

us meaning my brothers Nash, Dustin, Rex, Carson and me

"Carter, could you help the little kids ?" Da asks

Carter my uncle I don't know why we don't call him uncle that much though but we just don't 

I run out of the house to the "car" really a limo we use it all the time see don't own a car we ride in a limo putting my suitcase, duffel bag and backpack in the boot ( trunk)

I walk back to my old house

"Azure, can you help Lilly?" Da asks me

"yes, Da," I answers

I go to our room she is laying on Holly's bed

"Lilly you okay." I ask softly she shakes her head "no"

"what's wrong?" I ask softly

again she lifts her head off the pillow

"I don't know what to wear," she complains

a 5-year-old doesn't know what to wear I walk over to her bed opening the drawers under Lilly's bed and grab underwear a shirt with the princess on it and says 'I'm a princess in training', white jeans and white lace high tops

"here you go," I announce to Lilly her head pops up

"ok." she happily gets up

She just wants me to pick out her clothes, I help her to get charged, grabbing her suitcase with the teenage mutant ninja turtles on it and her tinker bell backpack putting it on my shoulder, picking her up to put her on my hip.

Walking downstairs to the kitchen grab two mini German Apple pancake giving Lilly one, I ate the other one

I walk out of the house to the limo opening up the boot (trunk) putting her stuff in there with everybody else's and closing it  going in the limo sitting next to Rax and Skye putting Lilly on my lap Ashton sits next to Skye after we all get in the limo, Da dose a check to make sure we are all on the limo then we go to the airport.

We get out of the limo grab our stuff and if we are holding a little kid their stuff too,I grab Lily's hand Carson puts his arm around my neck in a proactive way and has Levi's hand Lilly and Levi talk, after we are all in the airport Jax, Rax and Nick run around like Nutters running into people in the busy airport we had to drive to London because it is a better and bigger airport and less likely to die or so Da says

"Jax get back here," Carter yells

"you can't touch this nun nun nun !" Jax yells in a happy tone over to us

Carter runs over to him it looks like a game of tag

"Nick King get back here." Da yells

Dad goes and runs after Rex Da stays by the kids that aren't running because let's face it he would drop before he ran a mile so Dustin runs after Rex we just keep walking to go through security

"you would think 14 years olds would act more mature." Ashton comments

"you would do that to have some fun." Nash tries to make a point

"belt up a$$hole," Ashton says back ending that

We put our luggage in the baggage claim and go through security Carter and Jax are trailing behind us Dustin and Nick are a few people behind Carter and Jax

Rax end up laughing at dad and giving in but they are behind a lot of people from Carter and Jax after we all get done with the security with two people that make the thing go off Joy had a game controller in the hood of his hoodie and Jax had his phone in his pocket.

We all sit down on an uncomfortable chair but Gia said she will not sit on that desiring things and when to Starbucks she came back with a Carmel flap.

Our plane gets called a little bit after,dad gets on first all the kids follow behind and then Da was last our family took up most of the plane I watch divergent and the Duff after those movies, I listen to music till the flight attendant says we are about to land I put my phone in my pocket put my headphones on my neck put my high top trainers on after we land

I grab my carry on and Lily's, going to Lilly and unbuckle her and put her on my hip

"I'm going with Da," I call to dad

Da is holding Nick's hand and his shoulder with his other hand I laugh at the site

we all get off the plane

"food food food foodie," Jax yells and repeats

Lilly, Luke, Lucas, Levi, Neil all join in

"we will get food after we get out of the airport!" Daddy tries to reason

Nick, Rex start to join in because they know it is bugging Dad and Da we get our luggage

"I'm hungry I'm hungry I'm hungry I'm hungry!"Joy complains

"knackered," Lucas yells angry

Carson is jumping around like a nutter he slept the whole flight even if he is an adult he is hyper as a kid sometimes, Kasey is on her phone not looking up just texting her friends

"Kasey move out of that lad's way," Dustin calls to her

she turns her head to Dustin but doesn't move a few older lads one of them were running around like a Nutter and the other two are running after him pushing people out of the way the nutter one runs into her but Skye caught her I walk over by them

"jag off," Rax mutters to himself

"arse," I mutter too

"what the fuck nut," Skye yells at the nutter

"are you ok sorry I didn't see you cutie did I hurt you?" Nutter asks Kasey

Dustin, Carson, Carter, Rax, Joy, Skye Lilly, Luke, Nash, Madison and me are all over here he probably feels intimidated Kasey shakes her head "yes"

"so sorry cutie I have to go or I'll miss my flight." nutter tells her petting her head

"come on cam," his friend yell to him

"cam give me my fucking phone back." his other friend yell to him

"bye cutie." Cam runs off with his friends

"fucker, "Kali yells to Cam

"come on we have to go to the house get changed and go out to lunch," Da explains

I look at my phone 8:58 a.m. here because my phone switch from London time to Beverly hill time at home it would be 4:58 p.m. past the little kids' kip time so they will be fussy

We walk out of the airport and to the limo and go to our new home I look out of the limo's window after we get in a neighborhood which all the house look the same and really big bigger than big huge a lot bigger than the house's we lived in England

"your name's are on the door two your room." Dad explained

"do we have our own room,"Allyson asks

"can't tell you," Carter answers for Da and dad

"where here," Dad announce

(kind of looks like a Mexican style house) wow is all I can say

"we live there,"Holly asks pointing to the house

"yep." Da answers

we all grab our bags and walks up to the house dad opens the door, we run up the stairs I have the third door on the down on the right I opened the door I have a peace sign quilt light blue on it the peace sign has different color rectangles with different patterns on it it has a white wood arch kind of thing up against the wall around the bed and drawers under the bed, a bean bag and a white wood desk by the window looking out into the garden the perfect view of the pool and skate ramp and the kids playhouse

"girl's put a grey dress on boy's put on a long sleeve button down black and red or red and blue plaid shirt and nice jeans," Da yells up the stairs

"I don't wanna wear a dress,"Kali yell down to him

"you have to." Daddy yells back to her

I go to a door the loo I guess opening the door the loo deciding to take a shower getting in the shower 30 minutes after showering, I put on my black sport bra and black underwear drying my hair put on my Gray skater dress grab the circular wound put little waves in my hair putting mascara, Tanya burr afternoon tea lip gloss on I put on my blink-182,5 seconds of summer, fault in our stars "okay, okay" bracelets

walking out of the loo and put on my black America Eagle sandals and walked out of my room to Lilly's I got out her mix and match grey dress, knit tights and Eyelet flats

"Lilly comes to get dressed," I yell

"coming," she yells back

I help her get dress, picking her up, going back to my room I grab my phone then walk downstairs follow the arguing voices to the huge lounge room

"you guys look like twins." I comment

"do we look handsome,"Neil asks me

"you Luke,Lucas and Levi do but the don't," I compliment the five year old and point at our older brothers

"if your ready go to limo." Carter yells to us

all the my siblings in the lounge walk out to the limo

"sis you look beautiful." Dustin compliments me

"thank you kind lad,"I answer him as I get into the limo going on my phone,going on Twitter after I read a lot of tweets grabbing my beats headphones from the compartment that has my name on it,playing some music.I go on Minecraft and build me a house the limo start to move after a while

"so are we to meet one of your coworker?"Skye asks

"No you'll just have to find out when we get there," Daddy answers in a thick Irish accent like Neil Horn

"so is this tea or supper?" Gia asks in a light British accent like Zoella

"It's food don't question it."Jax comments

"I'm so hungry," the 7 months pregnant girl complains

"faty." Rax whispers just loud enough of her to hear but not dads or Carter

"I have to feed two not one."Allyson yells

"she just has a baby in her that's not fat," I add in

"then what is it?" Nick asks with a smirk

"it is the baby grows it has to have room."I augur back

babies aren't that big." he throws back

you'rer been it science." I throw back

"it wasn't science I learned that," he lowers the augment

"you live with girls what do you expect?" I ask

"belt up I don't want to hear it." Carter trys to remain calm

"just set my heart on fire just like gasoline." Holly sings with her amazing voice

we all belt up and listen after she's done we clap I look out the window to the place we pulled up to olive garden the sign read all 24 of us get out and walk in to olive garden

" 26 king's family." Da asks the person at the thingy

he walls us to a table that was set up

"can we get four booster seats please?"Carter asks polite

I seat down Madison on my right,Nash on my left,Joy across from me,Luke next to Joy, Dustin and Kali have two seat between them I get out my phone under the table 10:21 a.m. yay so 6:21 p.m. the little ones are fussy because they don't get there kip I put my headphones on my head and listen to thinking out loud by Ed Sheen

I go through Twitter and Instagram till someone taps on my shoulder I look up at Madison I move one of the headphone thingys the thing the the sound comes out of

"yes?" I ask

"Da was telling you something." she tells me

"yah?" I ask

"take off the headphones put the phone away." he demands

"why?" I ask getting him angrier

"just do what I say Azure." he tried to keep his voice under control

I put my headphones on my neck and my phone in my back pocket but turn up the music so I could hear but down enough for only me and maybe Nash and Madison to hear we are sat very close I grab the menu that is in front of me and look through I figured out it is a Italian restaurant I decided on Lasagna Classic and a strawberry smoothie trying to keep it healthy

"mummy," the Five little ones yell

I look behind me my mum is walking around the table to her seat and a tall buff Lad is trailing behind mum like he's scared the Lad is wearing a baggy but formal short sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans a rope kind of bracelet and a gauge ear he has a definited jaw bright blue/green eyes that you can see a mile away and has a quiff hair dew

mum is wearing a long black baggy dress a gold bracelets on also a rope bracelet like the man she is with

Lilly,Neil,Levi,Lucas and Luke get out of their chair run up two her Lilly and Levi hug her right leg Neil and Luke hug her left leg Lucas grabs her right hand

all the older kids just watch them except for Holly,Kasey, Kali,Allyson and Joy Allyson is looking away,probably thinking something like what is she going to think of me pregnant because the last time we seen mum was 6 months ago when she was only a month pregnant and she didn't know it then, Joy don't like seeing mum with other men besides Da Holly and Kasey got up to go to the little girl's room Kali is furious I get up two to see if Holly and Kasey are ok

"where are your toilets?" I ask someone that works here

"what?" she asks

"the toilets?" I question

"the restrooms?" she asks

"yes." I say unsure back their she points with her hand

"sorry to bother you." I thank her and walk away

I knock on the toilets door and then walk in

"Holly,Kasey." I call

"why." I hear a muffled voice that sounds like Kasey

"she is are mum Kasey." Holly comments

"she only comes home when she's pregnant." Kasey argues

"that's not true is also comes home with another husband." Holly adds Kasey laughs a little

"Kasey your right she only comes when she's pregnant," I agree

" and Holly she always does come home with a new husband," I add they walk out of the back toilet

"do you think she pregnant?" Holly asks

"yes she's wearing a baggy dress and it's black black makes you look skinnier the lad is scared they both have matching bracelets." I explain they nod their heads

we walk out back to are seats they act happy as they were before mum and the lads came Mum is sat at the seat closure to Dustin the lad is sat on the edge of his seat trying to be closer to mum,Kali is on the other side of the chair closer to Carter trying not to yell I get comfortable in my chair again

"I had put a dress on for mum and her new lover Ace we all know you bonk and are pregnant." Kali brakes her silence

Joy gets up and pulls Kali with him out the front door of the restaurant the waiter comes up to the table and asks us what we want most of us got chicken samples the Five little kids got macaroni and cheese and San Pellegrino sparkling water they give you a big plate of food it is bigger than my head.

They have this thing called a 'to go box' we all got one except mum and the lad that doesn't have a name yet Kali and Joy came back 20 minutes after we got are food

"so is it true mum?"Allyson asks trying to hide her stomach the lads help her

"is what true?" Mum asks dumbfound no name whispers to her

"yah I am pregnant and Max is my husband!"Mum answers

"are you pregnant too or did your brothers because your bodyguards?" she asks jokingly about the Bodyguards

"my brothers have became my bodyguards," she answers

we all left the olive garden and going home to sleep

______________________________________________________________the video is how to say Gia because I didn't know how to say it and you probably didn't ether

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