The Flame That Never Dies

By TheEssayElf

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Jolie Ruewen is losing strength. For months now she's been engaged to the love of her life, but she's still f... More

Author's Note
PART ONE: The Spark Before The Flame
Chapter 3, Jolie-
Chapter 4, Edaline-
Chapter 5, Jolie-
Chapter 6, Edaline
Chapter 7, Jolie-
Chapter 9, Grady-
Chapter 10, Brant-
Chapter 11, Grady-
Chapter 12, Brant-
Chapter 13, Grady-
Chapter 14, Brant-
Author's Note

Chapter 2, Edaline-

234 4 5
By TheEssayElf

Mermaids were both the strangest and most fascinating creatures Edaline had ever seen.

It was entrancing to watch them glide through the water with their eel-like bodies. Their scales were purple and blue; quite lovely, really, if it wasn't for the tentacle-like strands of hair sprouting from their heads or their bulging eyes. They were smaller than elves were, but that seemed to benefit their ability to swim.

Just then there was a splashing in the water nearby; when she looked, there were two mermaids wrestling and shouting in their hiss-like language. She moved to do something, but in an instant they were swimming their separate ways.

She walked back to her spot on the beach, trying not to seem too entertained by the spectacle. The mer were easily offended even by something as small as a wrong look-- and they weren't afraid to get violent.

That was why Edaline had been assigned to oversee the migration; when the humans' horrible oil spill had happened and the Council had ordered the mermaids to leave the surrounding bays, some had fought back.

Edaline couldn't imagine leaving her home, but then again, she couldn't imagine using force against a direct order from the Council-- although that was changing too. There were rumors of the Black Swan, a mysterious rebel group who worked against the elvin leaders. At first they were easy to ignore, but lately Jolie had been mentioning them more, as if she thought they would actually help her and Brant's situation. Even Grady didn't denounce their existence as much as he had before.

But Edaline was afraid Jolie was taking things too far. Talk of finding them, joining them... Edaline was worried her daughter would do something she'd later regret.

"Do you think you have the situation under control, Ms. Ruewen?" a deep voice asked, startling her out of her reverie.

She turned to find Councillor Bronte glaring at his feet.

"Don't like the sand?" she said, unable to stop a small smile.

"I've never been fond of tiny, bothersome things that somehow find a way to stick with you indefinitely."

"Oh, like children?"

The pointy-eared Ancient's eyebrow raised. "Precisely."

Edaline swallowed a laugh and faced the ocean again. Cold, salty wind blew her hair back, and she smiled. "I'm afraid I disagree with you, Bronte. I find sand to be inspiring."

"How so?"

"It reminds you how such a tiny thing in such a big world can make a difference-- even if the only change is your mood's decline."

"You always could see the best in everything. That's why the Council found you the wisest option to oversee such a violent species."

Edaline watched as a group of small mer-- more than likely a class of children-- moved through the water. Although she could not understand what they were saying, she recognized the happiness of youth. A species of violence, yes, but also of hope for the future.

"They're not as different from us as you think," she said softly. "Elves aren't as compliant as the Council would like to believe."

In her periphery, Bronte stiffened. "Are you referring to the Black Swan?"

"Do you believe they exist?" Edaline asked, meeting his eyes.

He looked away. "Perhaps."

The Councillor said no more, so Edaline let them stand there in silence, listening to the roar of the waves and the calls of the birds and the chatter of the mermaids. Eventually Bronte cleared his throat.

"Anyway. I came here to take over. It's been a long few days, and you've worked hard."

"Thank you." Edaline reached into her cape and pulled out her pathfinder. She opened her mouth to say more, but stopped. There was no need to tell Bronte of her worries. Even if the Black Swan was real, they were elusive. Jolie would never find them.

And if she did...

Well. Edaline just wouldn't think about that.

Instead she bade Bronte farewell, lifted her crystal, and let the light sweep her back to home.

She glittered into the expansive pastures that surrounded Havenfield. The sun was setting, but the gnomes were still hard at work, planting gardens and tiding to the trees.

Edaline smiled at the few who noticed her return, and hurried up the path. Soon she reached her towering house. Tonight it was lit from the inside, and she could see Grady moving about in the kitchen.

She stopped there, breathing in the familiar scent of home. She loved helping the Council-- it gave her something to do-- but she would always belong at Havenfield.

If only Jolie was...

No. She wouldn't finish that thought. It was her and Grady's decision to send Jolie off to the Silver Tower. That was back when they were still questioning Jolie's loyalty to Brant. Now there was no denying she was in love.

It was just... Edaline had never imagined her daughter's life to go this way.

"Eda!" Grady called, and she snapped out of her thoughts.

Goodness. She was distracted today. Maybe it was because Jolie was visiting tomorrow.

She met Grady in front of the house and wrapped him in a hug. "I missed you, darling."

"Missed you too, Eda." He pulled away and led her inside. "How were the mermaids?"

"Same as ever. There wasn't much trouble today."

"That's good."

Edaline waited until they were in the kitchen before saying, "Councillor Bronte visited me."

"Oh? What did he want?"

"To relieve me of my duties." She watched him as he whipped up some mallowmelt. "We... talked about the Black Swan."

Grady's fingers slipped and the dish he was using crashed to the ground, cracking. Edaline rushed forward to pick up the pieces. When she straightened, Grady was staring at his fist, which was resting on the counter. A piece of glass was stuck in his skin, and a thin stream of blood ran down his knuckles.

Edaline picked out the glass and wiped away the red. "Grady."


"Would you like to tell me what's going on with you and the Black Swan?"

He pulled away and sucked in a breath. "I almost forgot-- Juline decided to visit. She's upstairs, in Jolie's room."

Edaline sighed, but didn't argue. She would ask him again later that night.

So she went to climb the staircase. The second floor was quiet with Grady downstairs and Jolie... gone.

Her eyes teared up. She missed her daughter so much.

"Edaline? Is that you?" Juline's voice said from down the hall.

Edaline smiled and walked into Jolie's room, where her sister was standing. "Juline, what are you doing here?"

"Now that doesn't sound like a very warm welcome, sister. I'm beginning to wonder who's the Froster in the family."

Edaline laughed and pulled Juline into a hug. Her sister's skin was cold-- it came with being able to control ice, she supposed-- but Edaline didn't mind. She hadn't seen Juline in awhile.

"Are you coming to the party tomorrow?" Edaline asked, grabbing her sister's hand and sitting on Jolie's bed. "Jolie's coming home for the weekend, you know."

"Yes, I know." Juline pressed her lips into a frown.

Edaline felt herself bracing for bad news; she supposed she'd gotten used to hard times lately. "What is it?"

"I'm not trying to be down when you're so excited, Eda, but... something happened today. In Kesler's store."

"Jul, tell me," Edaline said when her sister stayed silent. "That's what you came over for, isn't it?"

Juline sighed. "Yes, I suppose it is-- although I don't know why you keep letting me dump all my problems onto you and Grady."

"You're not dumping anything on me and Grady! You're my sister, and that's what I'm here for. Now tell me what happened."

"Oh, it wasn't so bad now that I think about it, but in the moment..."

"Juline," said Edaline gently. "Why don't you start from the beginning?" Her sister always was a horrible storyteller. It was something Jolie had inherited.

"Well, it was at just the right time that I decided to visit Kesler at his store when Daivat Logner came in. I didn't hear all of it, honestly, but him and Kesler started fighting, and he said some words..."

"What words?"

"He asked Kesler why he hadn't brewed an elixir to give him a Talent-- but it was his tone, Eda, that really made me angry, and... I may have frozen a few body parts."

Edaline squeezed Juline's hand. "I'm so sorry, Jul."

"I just don't understand how people can be so thoughtless! Kesler and I are happy-- we don't care about the Match-- but everyone else seems to think it's their job to bring us down!"

"Juline," Edaline warned as the air started to get colder. "Maybe you should go home, talk to Kesler about it."

Her sister looked up at her. "How did you know I haven't talked to Kesler?"

"Because you're here, talking to me! Which is fine-- I'll always be here when you need me-- but I can't do much more for you than sympathize. If you tell Kesler how you're feeling, you two can talk it out, and I'm sure you'll feel much better."

"You know, I always think I'm coming here for someone to listen, but I always get advice."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

"No, I suppose it isn't. I need it-- and you're right. I guess I came here for more than one reason." Her turquoise eyes shifted to the portrait of Jolie sitting on her dresser. "Eda... that girl is so brave and smart and powerful. But she doesn't know what she's asking for."

Edaline's heart seemed to stop beating. "I know."

"I don't regret marrying Kesler-- I really don't-- but I wish we would've not been so caught up in ourselves that we considered how our actions would affect others."

"We gave her our consent," Edaline said, "so she doesn't have to worry about us not approving, like... Mom and Dad did for you."

"No, it's not only that. Of course your support will help her and Brant, but there's more people in the world than your family. There's friends you'll lose, respect you'll never gain back. It's awful, Eda. And so unfair."

Edaline hugged her sister. "Jolie knows that, trust me. But she's so in love with Brant, nothing else seems to matter. As long as they're together."

Juline nodded against Edaline's shoulder and extricated herself from the embrace. "Of course she does. I'm just being sensitive today. It's the anniversary of the wedding..."

Edaline tucked a strand of auburn hair behind her big sister's ear and cupped her face. "It's okay to be sensitive once in a while, Jul. Especially... now."

Juline nodded, but Edaline's hand still caught her tears. "I need to go. Kesler's waiting for me-- his family's coming over tonight, and you know how rowdy his brothers can be... I'll need to put ice cages around the sculptures..."

Edaline stood and helped Juline up. "Remember to talk to Kesler, okay? And please don't hesitate to come to me if you ever need anything."

Juline smiled sadly and lifted her pathfinder up to the light. "I won't be able to make it tomorrow-- but tell Jolie and Brant I said hello."

"Will do."

The sisters held eye contact for a little bit longer, and then Juline was gone and Edaline was alone.

Edaline sighed and sat back down. That conversation had been... exhausting. And with Jolie coming tomorrow, things were bound to get even worse.

Edaline tore her hands through her hair. She hated dreading her daughter's return-- and she partially didn't. Part of her would always want Jolie to feel welcome.

But another part wished life would be so much easier.

Edaline's eyes found the picture of Jolie again. She was in between her and Grady, with her wide smile. She'd just passed Midterms for Level One. Edaline remembered her being so excited.

Edaline smiled. She missed the daughter that didn't have a care in the world. Jolie was so happy back then.

Now... now, Edaline couldn't help but think back on the words she had told Juline.

Nothing else seems to matter, as long as they're together.

She closed her eyes to stop the tears and laid back.

Hoping, hoping, hoping she wasn't wrong.

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