Son of Krypton {"Boy Of Steel...

By JayTheOkayAuthor

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Izuku Midoriya is far from being normal. Saved by his biological parents when his planet was on the brink o... More

Chapter 1. Shocking Information
Chapter 2. Not From Here
Chapter 4. Funeral and Argument
Chapter 5. A Gift From Bruce!
Chapter 6. Making Amends
Chapter 7. A Vigilante?
Chapter 8. The Entrance Exam
Chapter 9. Class 1-A
Chapter 10. The USJ Incident
Chapter 11. Hero Names and Training!
Chapter 12. The Sports-Festival (Part 1)
Chapter 13. The Sports Festival (Part 2)
Chapter 14. The Sports-Festival (Part 3)
Chapter 15. An Unstoppable Force

Chapter 3. The Start Of Training!

1.8K 38 8
By JayTheOkayAuthor

"Truth, Justice, and the American Way." - Speaking.

'Up, up, and away!' - Thinking.

"Hello there." - Artificial Intelligence, Hologram, Phone call, Important Word.

"Statistically speaking flying still is the safest way to travel." - Somebody reading something out loud.

Superman - Time, POV, A/N, Location, All Might Speaking.


{ Izuku Midoriya }

| Location: Midoriya Residence Barn |

| Time: 6.32 P.M. |

"It was so fun! I wish you could've seen me! I was going so fast!" I excitedly exclaim to the hologram of Jor-El. "That does indeed sound very fun. But the part I am most interested about is the fact that he knew a Kryptonian. Did he say who it was?" He asks and I nod my head no.

"All he told me is that they were a scientist who was traveling the galaxy and once crash landed on Earth. I thought that maybe he was naturally born just like me! But then he said that they passed away so I guess it isn't that important." I inform Jor-El and he nods. "Don't worry about it."  I smile and nod.

"So is the crystal thing fully charged up now?" I switch the topic and he frowns. "I'm afraid not. It was dormant for almost twelve years so it should be a while." He answers and I sigh. "That's okay! For now I'll just keep reporting in to you-" I begin to say but get cut off by Mom yelling for me.

"I'm coming!" I shout and shrug my shoulders at the hologram and shut it off. I put the tarp over the ship and exit the basement and enter the first floor of the barn. I leave the barn and head straight to the house and freeze when I see Aya's car parked next to ours. 

'I got this. Just say it was adrenaline!' I enter the house and see Aya and her Mother sitting next to Mom and Dad. "Uh hi you guys, what brings you here." I wipe some dust off me from the basement and her Mother frowns. "We were just discussing what you did yesterday honey." Mom says and I nod.

"Yeah. It was pretty crazy, I'm just lucky for that adrenaline rush or who knows what may have happened." I lie and Dad nods. "Midoriya I doubt it was an adrenaline rush. Being able to push a bus full of water and kids that was submerged underwater onto land? You probably awakened a dormant quirk!" Aya exclaims and I frown.

"I don't think that is possible." Dad cuts in and I nod. "We don't have a history of strength quirks and-" "Oh come on Hisashi! I've known you since Junior High and it is very obvious that he isn't your child." Aya's Mother shouts out and I see him clench his fist. "He is my son!" He shouts back.

"The entire town knows what Doctor Kennedy can do! Does he even know?!" She argues and I clench my fist in anger. 'I've gotta cool down.' I quietly slip out of the house and begin to walk back to the barn. "Midoriya!" Aya calls out and I groan. "What is it now?" I turn around and look at her.

"I'm sorry about everything my Mother said. The only reason we came over is to recommend a Quirk Doctor because I thought you may have been misdiagnosed." She admits and I sigh. "Thanks I guess, but I don't care about not having a quirk." I admit and she widens her eyes.

"So you don't want to be a hero?" She asks and I groan. "I do want to be a hero! But think about it like this. The power doesn't make the hero, the strength of the heart does." I explain and she raises her eyebrows. "That sounds kinda stupid." I sigh and facepalm. "Aya come here! We are leaving!" Her Mother calls out and Aya frowns.

"Sorry." She waves and runs to her car and leaves. Dad walks out of the house and comes up to me. He places his hand on my shoulder and sighs. "I'm sorry about that." I just nod and walk back to the house and go up in my room.

I change into pajamas and flop down on my bed. "It's kind of early to go to bed. But I am starting my training tomorrow. So I should get a good nights rest."


{ Bruce Wayne }

| One Month Time Skip |

| Location: Central Quirk |

| Time: 5.15 A.M. |

I begin to stretch as I wait for Kal-El to show up. Five minutes later a strong gust of wind hits me and the kid stands in front of me. "Hey Bruce." He exclaims as he stops his shoes from smoking. "You're late. That doesn't matter. What does is that you have been training for about a month now. So I decided to show you this new facility. I also created a new training schedule, you have to follow it exactly if you want to fully develop your abilities." I began to explain.

"So first we will start with what you can currently do. We will be enhancing your stamina so you can run for longer periods of time and seeing how strong you really are." I hand him a stack of papers and he takes it. "This will have everything you need to follow."

"Wow! Thank you." He exclaims and I nod. "Well it is a good thing I brought you to this base. Welcome to Central Quirk." I say in my deep voice.


{ Izuku Midoriya }

| Location: Central Quirk |

| Time: 5.20 A.M. |

"Welcome to Central Quirk." I take a look around the huge facility with different kinds of workout equipment everywhere and a large running track in one corner and an indoor pool in the other. "This is so cool." I mumble as I stretch. "So what do I do first?" I ask excitedly and he smirks.

"Let's start with 10 laps without your speed. And then 10 with it. Then we can move on to seeing how much you can lift without your strength and how much with it." Bruce says and I nod but internally groan. I walk over to the running track and stretch before starting the laps. I do a lot better than expected and only take about fifteen minutes before looking back at the smirking young adult.

"What are you looking at me for? Get to it with your speed." He claps and I smile and immediately take off, finishing in record time. I skid to a stop and look at him once again. "Eight seconds. Not bad, could be better." I smile from the praise when all of a sudden he pulls out some sort of weird shaped ninja-star and throws it at me.

I use my speed and side-step it right before it hits me and I reach out to grab it. I stop using my powers and look at him with the bat shaped weapon in my hands. "The heck dude?" I call out and he just walks away and symbols for me to follow. I chase after him and arrive at a separate section of the facility and see a large truck and him just standing next to it.

I take the hint and walk behind the truck and place my hands on the bottom of it. I slowly lift it up until half of it is off the ground and I place my hands on the middle of it so it is completely above my head. I start to struggle and almost drop it but grip even harder, causing a large dent. I finally drop the truck about fifteen minutes later and pant.

Bruce just walks away and I chase after him once again.


{ Seven Hours Later }

I drop on the floor panting, and very thirsty. Bruce throws a towel and bottle of water at me and I catch both. I tear open the water and guzzle it down immediately. I then stand up and wipe myself off with the towel.

"What you did today was acceptable. Although now that I know where you stand it will get a lot harder, so don't expect me to go easy on you." Bruce says and I nod. "Now go home." I say goodbye and walk out of the private gym and pull out my phone and decide whether or not I should call Mom for a ride home.

"She's probably busy right now." I decide against it and start on the walk home. Looking back on it now, I should've used my speed.


{ Third Person }

| Location: Midoriya Residence |

| Time: 12.24 P.M. |

The tornado siren wailed as the cloudy, gray sky covered the town in darkness. Midoriya Inko and Hisashi were in the car and driving back home from a date when it turned on. People running out of their cars as they were all blocking each other and making a run for it.

"We have to get home to Izuku!" Inko shouts as she and Hisashi get out of the car. The run down the road and begin to run to their house but freeze in fear as they see the huge tornado headed directly towards them.

Inko clutches Hisashi's arm and he hugs her tight but panics when he notices something. "Stay back!" He yells to his son who was running down the road and had noticed them. "Dad! Mom!" The boy cries out to them as he rushes over. "No!" The tornado now quickly approaching his parents, he uses his speed and tries to cover them both with his body, but is only tall enough to safely cover his mother.

As he shields her the tornado hits them all, Izuku stomps his feet with his strength into the road to make sure he doesn't fly away and Hisashi gets flung into a car. "Dad!" Izuku cries out as the tornado passes them and he rushes over to him with his mother.

The impact had immediately killed Hisashi Midoriya that day. 


SURPRISE! I mean you guys knew this would come eventually, right? Well anyways, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. And I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. Make sure to vote and comment on it so I know how you guys are feeling about it! That is all for now friends! Peace :)

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