
By Eternal_18

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Sophia is a shy 15 year old girl. The Wilsons adopted her after foster parents were arrested due to several r... More

Chapter 1 - A New Start
Chapter 2 - Not Our Sister
Chapter 3 - New Chapter
Chapter 4 - Stay Away From Her
Chapter 5 - Seriously?
Chapter 6 - Devil Duo
Chapter 7 - Riverwood High
Chapter 8 - First Day
Chapter 9 - Fainted
Chapter 10 - All Grounded
Chapter 11 - Friends
Chapter 12 - Wilson Brothers' Sister
Chapter 13 - Thank you Cake
Chapter 14 - Out To A Dinner
Chapter 15 - Enter : Crystal Hansen
Chapter 16 - Let's Par-Tay
Chapter 17 - Turmoil Of Confusion
Chapter 18 - The Prism
Chapter 19 - Damon's Deed
Chapter 21 - Three Times And The One Time
Chapter 22 - Hop On
Chapter 23 - Game Night

Chapter 20 - A Reunion of Agents

2.9K 86 14
By Eternal_18

"Jake, call Violet and ask for updates!" May ordered while rushing her car towards the hospital. It was a rather wild ride and which was only halfway done yet. Still, sitting on the backseat Damon and Jake knew they were safe despite the reckless driving. Learned from experience, May Robbin was an excellent driver. Though, none of the three could bring themselves to care less about their safety at the moment. 

"On it!" Jake replied. Panic was not only evident in his voice but on his face too. Since, the call with Violet none of them have taken a free breath. Jake had put the call on loudspeaker. As the rings from the call resonated in the car, Violet's voice rang in his head from just minutes before.

'Jake, come fast! Sophia's missing!'

That was one of the most gut wrenching sentence he had ever had to hear. He has always been successful keeping all seven of his sons safe and sound, no matter what danger. And within days of finally having a daughter, he failed her.

May couldn't believe the situation or rather, she didn't want to. She was supposed to be Sophia's shield. She had to protect Sophia from any harm, for, she is a precious piece of her heart. She refused to believe that she could lose yet another person she loved.

Damon was close to biting his nails to extinction from the frustration he was feeling. He was in charge of Sophia's safety last night. He had taken all the necessary measures. He himself supervised the security at the hospital. He had to do an accident and intentionally hurt Sophia, for what? Her to get taken away by Oscuro anyway?

Apart from their personal feelings, there was a bigger picture too, which they were subconsciously ignoring for the time being. Although, in the back of their minds they knew that consequence of losing Sophia again will be hefty, heftier than the one almost eleven years ago. 

"Hello?" Violet's voice replaced the constant ring of the phone.

"Violet? Did you get any leads on where Sophia might be? Or when exactly did she go missing?"

"What are you talking about? Sophia's not missing!" Violet was confused, she just checked on Sophia an hour ago, she was lying on her bed still passed out. However, doubt and fear was easily detectable in her speech.Still holding her phone to her ear, she exited the cafeteria where she was having breakfast and quickly jogged towards Sophia's room on the first floor. "Who gave you the info Jake?"

"What? Violet what's happening? You just called me and said that you can't find Sophia..."

By the time Jake completed his statement his wife had reached her destination. She opened door and it was like an ultimate cure to her mini heart attack to see Sophia in the same place and state as an hour ago. Paige was there near Sophia, with a nurse, doing some check ups.

Seeing Violet's frantic state, Paige ordered the nurse to leave. The nurse complied passing Violet on the way, who was still standing at the doorway. A soft sigh of relief left Violet's lips. She wouldn't have been able to forgive herself, had she not seen her daughter there, peacefully lying on the bed. "Sophia is here, Jake." 

Violet now fully entered the room, closing the door behind her. She too, put the the call on speaker on her side, so Paige could listen. Paige eyed Violet and the phone in curiosity but patiently waited for them to explain instead of jumping on them with questions.

The three agents in the car relaxed a bit, too. However, confusion was flying in the air around them. "Violet you just called me-"

"I never called you Jake," Violet interjected.

"But how? I talked to you, you said..." Jake trailed off, not understanding the situation.

"Okay people, wait. What's happening?" Paige asked calmly.

"Jake got a call from Violet saying that you guys couldn't find Sophia," May said, still driving the car towards hospital. Though, at a relatively lower speed.

 "But Vi is saying she didn't call," Damon added.

"And Sophia is here with us too." Paige concluded.

Jake sighed heavily, "Guys... I can see a puzzle here. Care to help me find the pieces?"

"Mm-hmm, here's the first piece... someone played a dirty joke on us," Damon said.

"For that joke that 'someone' not only stole my phone to call Jake without me even noticing, they also guessed the correct passcode to open my phone," Violet continued.

"On the call that 'someone' mimicked Violet's voice and tone so well that it even fooled her husband," Jake contributed.

"And the fourth piece is that, that 'someone' is sneaking around in the hospital right below my nose," Paige spat, feeling insult to her heightened senses.

"Guys, now that all the pieces are found, after putting them together I can only see one image in my mind..." May eyed her two friends sitting in the back through the rearview mirror. She knew that they had the same answer as her, as well as the two on the other side of the call. 

"Julie Adam!"

They all exlcaimed the name of the last member of their group. Knowing Julie did it, were they angry? Yes. 

Amused? Yes.

Surprised? Heck no.

Of course, it was Julie.

Minutes later, all of them were sitting in Paige's office, Julie too. After the call, Paige finally spotted Julie, when she heard minor shuffle following her and Violet. Normally, even Paige wouldn't pay mind to so much less of noise but she knew it was Julie she was dealing with. Julie was sneaky, no one except Paige has ever been able to spot her if she was hiding, whether it be during a mission or during their training at Prism.

Paige and Julie were team mates just like Jake, Violet and Damon. Paige has always been a master of detecting, while Julie's strength lied in sneaking. Being in same team with contrary strengths always resulted in rivalry between them. They would put almost as much effort to defeat each other in their rivalry battles as they would put in saving each other in a life threatening mission. Both the situations occurred quite frequently. This is what made them a perfect team.

There were a lot of hugs, fist bumps and catching up, when May along with the men of the group arrived. Julie was being glared at non-stop by the other five, to which she just held a shameless grin.

Damon instantly went to Violet and hugged her muttering apologies for last night. Violet pushed him away and swung a fist towards him. Damon closed his eyes out of reflex. When he surprisingly felt no pain whatsoever, he opened his to see Violet's fist mere centimetres away from his nose. After a second her fist forwarded and lightly bumped his nose. After hearing a few exaggerated yelps of her team mate, she shook her head with a smile and pulled him in a hug. Damon wrapped his arms tightly around her, again. His nose hurt, but he knew he got off lightly. That little bump didn't cover even a percent of power of her iron fist.

Jake and Paige stopped their conversation midway to look at the two hugging and smiled. That was display of one of the strongest bond of friendship to exist. May and Julie were in their own world talking about Julie's recent mission. Of course, after May threatened to poison Julie's food if she ever pulled such a stunt again.

They all settled after a while, just reminiscing their old days.

"Hey I really want to see a battle between our best fighters, it's been so long," Paige demanded referring to the couple in the room. Hearing this others also cheered on. Jake and Violet eyed each other and mutually decided not to give in their demand.

"Guys, another day, right now, I have no wish of getting beaten." Jake chuckled and Violet smiled at the hidden compliment.

"Fine..." Julie dragged the word. "We know the result anyways," she shrugged.

"Yeah Jake you always lose against Vi," Damon laughed. 

"You're the one to talk," Jake rolled his eyes "Besides, I have in fact won twice."

"Nope, Jake you have won only once, that too because you took Julie's help and she messed with Vi's mind before the fight. And the second time you're talking about is that tournament held at Prism, right? You hacked into the system, changed some rules and made Vi get falsely disqualified." Damon narrowed his eyes at his male team mate, challenging him to prove him wrong.

Jake just raised his hands in surrender. Violet winked at Damon. While everyone else laughed. Jake and Violet both excelled in hand to hand combat. Jake have seen very few people who were better than him in fighting and Violet was one of them. In fact, she was the strongest fighter he has ever met. They have fought with each other several times. Physical strength of both Jake and Violet was more or less the same, however, Violet's speed and technique was unmatched.

"Whatever, I'll never forget the gift you guys gave me for winning that tournament," Jake scoffed.

"First of all, it was not for winning, it was for cheating. And of course you can't forget it, it's one of my best inventions till date," May explained victoriously.

"I literally thought that I was gonna die," Jake shuddered while others just laughed harder. The gift he got was a simple smoothie, at least that's what he thought. There was something mixed in that smoothie by the poison specialist, May Robbin herself. It was not a poison meant to kill, it tricked one's brain into thinking that they can't breathe when in reality they are perfectly fine. Jake was suffering from it for good five minutes.

As everyone sobered up, silence clouded the room. Damon spoke up after few moments of quietness. "Hey, I just want you guys to know that there really wasn't any other option last night. I didn't want to resort to plan B and do that accident, I love Sophia too. But Oscuro's men had surrounded the whole block and also Aiden's house. We knew, that the Oscuro would make a move last night but I was hoping that they would try to kidnap Sophia silently, me and my men were well prepared for that situation. However, they chose the option I feared, their number of men and formation screamed that they were going to break into the house to take Sophia. That would have risked life of so many teenagers. Our men were outnumbered, we couldn't have captured them. Even if we tried that would've resulted in an open fire, which was of course, a big  no no. Our only option was getting Sophia away from there, and with Oscuro surrounding the whole house and whole block, sneaking her away was not possible. Our only option was cause a commotion to get her away. So, I had to... but the girl is something else you know, she was walking right towards Oscuro's car before the whole accident thing."

Damon had explained this for the nth time. Everyone knew he was feeling guilty and Violet decided to put a full stop on it, "Dame, last night was your planning and strategy, I can never doubt it, none of us can. You don't have to explain why what you did was the best way out, we already know it was because you chose it. You probably saved the lives of those kids inside that house last night. Most importantly, Sophia is still with us."

Everyone else in the room agreed with every word that Violet spoke. Although, some of them were angry earlier, they knew that if Damon did something then it was the best move. Damon let out a small smile at that and nodded his head, feeling lighter after hearing those words.

"While we're at it, you know that this whole block is surrounded by enemies too, right?" Julie pointed out what all of them have noticed and kept an eye on.

"Don't worry, I have arranged strong security around hospital. No can even touch Sophia inside this hospital." Damon reassured with a short glare towards Julie for making him think that someone has infiltrated and broke his security, with that prank.

Everyone nodded. Julie stood up and continued, "My joke earlier today, remember?" She asked, recieving only more glares in response. She laughed lightly at that but continued seriously. "I want you all to not just take it as a joke. I want you all to not forget about it. I need you all to remember how it felt. How painful those mere minutes were for you. None of you would like to go through that again, therefore we all have to do our best in this mission. This mission has been going on for so long and the climax is nearing. We need it to be successful for people's safety, for our loved ones, for Sophia, for each other and for ourselves. Together, we can do this!"

Julie put her hand forward. Everyone walked towards her and formed a circle.

Paige nodded and put her hand on top of Julie's. "Together"

"Together." Damon.

"Together." May.

"Together." Violet.

"Together." Jake.

The stack of six hands showed their unity, their strength and their determination. Their success in this mission was not wished by them, it was decided by them.

Julie Adam; expert at hiding and sneaking, great at mimicry but her strongest feat is mind games. She can know one's thought and can make them think what she wants them to. It can be used to build or break someone mentally.

Paige Miller; great doctor, her medical skills have saved hundreds of lives on field. She has super keen senses too, giving her heightened vision, hearing, smell and memory. It primarily helps her in detecting friends and foes.

Damon Young; one of the best strategist out their. Smart and observant. He can observe the smallest of things and analyze the whole situation out of it. His planning and strategies have rarely ever failed to get him profit but have never costed him any loss.

May Robbin; poison specialist. She can make deadliest poisons which can affect the victim as per her need. She has also made antidotes of many deadly, unknown poisons. She excels at shooting too. She often mix her two skills together and lace her bullets with poison.

Violet Hudson Wilson; she is a master of martial arts, hand to hand combat. On an average she can take on around five people at once, alone. She also has commendable brute strength. She has mastered all the weapons used in close combat.  

Jake Wilson; good at hand to hand combat with great physical strength. He is the tech guy, specialised at hacking. He has hacked into some of the toughest and most protected systems. He also a master of making codes and decoding.

These were the top agents of the Prism Organization, reunited.


Hey Guys,

First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100K READS!!

You guys are the besssst! When I began this story, I never imagined we will reach here BUT Here We Are. I'm so grateful of you all amazing people. I can just wish that you continue to support me. Love youuuu...

This is the longest chapter yet, hope you liked it. 

Who would be your favorite character out of these six agents?

Also, I want to highlight the point that although it has been a little more than a year since I started this story, only few days have passed in the story. So, we can say that it is still 2020 in the story. Years are kinda important, that's why I noted this.

Anyway, we will be seeing Sophia and Wilson brothers in the next chapter.

Why do you think this 'Oscuro' people are after Sophia?

Love, Eternal_18

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