First Heir of the Demon (Male...

بواسطة DEMGSC1920

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Y/N was trained and raised to be the Heir of the Demon, trained by Ra's Al Ghul himself, Talia Al Ghul, Sandr... المزيد

(Saga 1) Chapter 1: Damian?
Chapter 2: 2nd Robin
Chapter 3: The Stronghold
(Saga 1 Finale) Chapter 4: Deathstroke vs Knightcrawler
(Saga 2) Chapter 5: Feather
Chapter 6: Who's the Orphan
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: The Courts of Owl
Brother of Robin
Chapter 9: Batman vs Robin
Chapter 10: Finding Batman
Saga 3 Y/N and Cassandra's Bio
Saga 3 Trailer
(Saga 3) Chapter 12: Who's the girl?
Chapter 13: Shopping
Chapter 14: Hong Kong
Chapter 15: Attack on Hong Kong
Chapter 16: Targeted
Tournament Announcement
(Saga 3 Finale) Chapter 17: Family
(Saga 4) Chapter 18: Where's Batman?
Chapter 19: Batwoman
Chapter 20: Attack on Wayne Enterprises
Chapter 21: Return
Chapter 22: Not over yet
(Saga 4 Finale) Chapter 23: Knightcrawler vs Orphan
(Filler) Chapter 24: Spoiler
(Filler) Chapter 25: New member
5th Saga bio
(Saga 5) Chapter 26: Normal Day
Chapter 27: League of Shadows
New Story (Related)
Chapter 28: Bad to Worse
Chapter 29: Girl of the Shadows
(Saga 5 Finale) Chapter 30: More
(Filler) Chapter 31: Tim Drake
(Saga 6) Chapter 32: Titans

(Saga 2 Finale) Chapter 11: Fight in Wayne's Mansion

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بواسطة DEMGSC1920

The scene shows Y/N panting as he is shown seated in the chair trying to find this Cassandra Cain girl. He hears walking with Dick leaning to the chair.

Dick: Whatcha looking?

Y/N: The Court put me in a weird state of hallucinogen, but thanks to that, I managed to find my answer to who is David Cain's daughter, at least her name.

Dick: Which is?

Y/N: Her name is Cassandra Cain, I haven't found anything related to her or a photo of her or anything. She must be a good hider.

Dick: You sure her name is Cassandra?

Y/N: No... but if it is the only lead I have of finding her and bringing her to justice like Bruce says, than this is the best way.

Dick: You sure this Cassandra girl is evil like David?

Y/N: I hope not... but if she is, she won't have daddy around and will join Joker in Arkham.

Dick: The way you say "daddy" is kind off-

Y/N: Kind off what? Too masculine?

Dick: What?! Jesus no! Makes you sound like she's some kind of sex addiction or something, even when you haven't met her!

Y/N: Is that what Kori calls you?

Dick began to stutter since he couldn't just process what Y/N said... Kori calling him daddy. Dick imagined something that makes his red in a matter of seconds.

Dick: *blushing* N-No!

Y/N: That's what they all say.

Dick: I'm so gonna f-

Alfred: Master Dick, Master F/N! He's waking up.

The two look at each other and run towards Alfred. They see Bruce in a coat for a mental asylum. Bruce groans as he opens his eyes seeing Alfred, Dick and Y/N in front of him.

Bruce: *groaning* How long have I been-

Dick: Seven hours.

Y/N: You're lucky I found you near the ocean. If I arrived a bit later the ocean would've taken you.

Bruce: *trying to get up, as the three help him* Damian. If those animals get their hands on him-

Dick: I've been out there, Bruce. There's no sign of him.

Bruce: I'll help you.

Y/N: Bruce you just woke up from a beauty sleep, you're in condition to going on patrol!

Bruce: No! *trying to get up but the three push him back* Don't you understand? I have to find him! He's my son! My son.

Y/N: Bruce in the way you are you'll be no help, we'll go on patrol in a few hours, right now we need you at your best. *walking away* Gonna keep working.

Bruce: With what?

Y/N: I found out who's David's daughter, at least her name.

Bruce: What's her name?

Y/N: Her name is Cassandra Cain.

Y/N walks away to the computer and keeps looking for Cassandra Cain.


Y/N is shown still in the computer looking for Cassandra Cain, he was already over it and it has been already like 1 hour. He sighs and gets up and goes to his room to grab his headphones, until he looks at the window and sees a glowing pair of light green eyes. Y/N looks more focused until he saw hundreds more, making him take a step back.

Y/N: Aw shit!

Y/N runs to the cave, as the scene changes to Bruce getting off his coat and putting his Batman suit, but Y/N appears by the door frame.

Y/N: Guys! The Court's here!

Bruce: I expected it.

Y/N: What?

Dick puts a screen with the gate to Wayne Manor.

Dick: Red security grid up and active?

Bruce: Unless someone shut it down and didn't bother to tell us.

Alfred: Most unkind, sir.

Bruce: I don't know if it's Bruce Wayne or Batman the Court's come for. But either way, *puts Batman mask* they're about to get a welcome they will never forget.

Y/N: *neutral* Word.

Dick and Y/N put their mask on and get ready for the war. The scene changes to Batman, Knightcrawler and Nightwing running in the hallways until they reach one of the dozens of living room in the mansion, until the windows were cracking and they broke, showing hundreds of Talons, though the clothes they used were different. The three vigilantes cover themselves, until they get into a fighting stance, Bruce in a boxing pose, Dick grabbed his Escrima Sticks and Y/N grabbed his Tonfas and both popped a small blade as they get surrounded by hundreds of Zombie Talons.

Dick: What the hell are these things?

Bruce: I'm not sure if they're actually alive, but I've seen first hand that they can be destroyed.

Y/N: Ok. *cracking his neck* Let's bring them hell.

The Talons started to engage to the three Vigilantes, Bruce started to beat the living shit out of the Talons, as each the three took a place. Y/N landed on the stairs, as a bunch if Talons went after him. He uses the blade in his Tonfas, and starts to cut limbs of each Talon one by one. He kicked one back, impale another in the head as he makes a backflip and throws a bunch of batarangs which impaled them and they exploded. A Talon came from behind, about to slash at Y/N but he ducks, swipes his legs and pops out a blade from his top hand, cutting it's head cleanly. He grabbed another Talon and throws it at Bruce. Bruce punches it later twisting his neck in a 180 and later impaling a batarang in it's head. He blocks a sword with his gauntlets and karate chops his neck but a bit too much and kicks him away. He grapples another Talon and pulls it towards Dick who hits him at full strength with his Escrima Sticks. Dick and Bruce get back to back beating them with lethal blows without hesitation. Y/N kicked one back and cuts another Talon's head. He jumps to a wall and grapples to the roof, throwing a bunch if explosive batarangs at the Talons, making them explode. He landed in the ground blocking the claws from another Talon with his gauntlet and Tonfas just for him rip the Talon's throat and put a small bomb, exploding him from the inside. He throws the ripped throat at a Talon who cuts it but Y/N knees him and makes a front flip landing from behind just to lift him over his head and throws him at another pair of Talons, but the Talon he had also had a small explosive making him explode with the others. (I think I'm using too much Michael Bay).

Y/N sees the windows getting closed, knowing the red security has been active. He runs to the door knowing he is the furthest of the three. Bruce and Dick run as well with the three managing to pass to the library due to the entrance to the hallway has been sealed with a metal door. More Talons come and shot some kind of rope dagger at the three of them. The three of the dodged them as Bruce grapples to the second floor of the library landing on front of the seven Talons. He lands on one of them, dodges another one but he grabs him and uses him as a sledgehammer hitting another Talon, just to jump high enough throwing three explosive batarangs at three Talons just to land and blocks a claw from the last Talon by his side. He blocks the claw, breaks his arm and later breaks his neck just to find an antique sword, grabbing it and impaling the Talon in the head and later cutting it. He leaves the sword in the ground and lands in the lower floor with Dick and Y/N helping them. Y/N blocks a claw but gets grabbed from behind and a Talon throws him to the books, breaking it. Y/N stands up and sees the Talons rushing at him. Y/N scoffs but sees two sais in the ground from the Talons, as he grabs them and gets ready.

Y/N: Bring it, bitch.

The Talons rush at him, as Y/N rush to the as well. He blocks a claw from a Talon and impales a sai in the head just to pull it back but he is choke from behind as he sees another Talon in front and he kicks him back and also used him for momentum as he in midair breaks the choke and impales the Talon by the eyes and later by the head. He jumps on the Talon and he drops the sai but with skill, he kicks the sai and accurately the sai goes through another Talon. He lands grabbing the sai, but he hears some shots and see a few Talons shoot at Dick, impaling his arms, shoulders and legs. He starts to get pulled back making Y/N be in a bit of fear.

Y/N: NO!!!

He throws the sais and a batarang cutting the lines. Bruce takes charge and throws a few batarangs at the Talons as Y/N helps Nightwing to walk. They walk to an opened elevator which is behind the grandfather clock.

Y/N: Stay here, I need to help-

He hears a button be pressed and sees Bruce closing the elevator with the two inside.

Dick: Bruce! No!

Y/N: What are you doing!? *hits the elevator* DAMMIT BRUCE!!!

Bruce looks back at the entrance seeing more Talon's before he heard a voice.

???: End of the line, Bruce. Or should I say.

The figure shows to be Talon... the human one but unmasked.

Talon: Batman.

Bruce: Where's Damian?

Talon: He belongs to me now. Little bird gave you up. He told all your dirty secrets.

Bruce: You used him, manipulated him.

Talon: If I did you're the one who made it so easy. But not as easy this is going to be.

Talon rushed at Bruce as Bruce got in a fighting stand. The scene changes to Y/N putting Dick in the table as Dick with a bit of pain, starts to pull the daggers.

Y/N: We need to get you back on shape.

Dick: Don't say something so obvious.

Y/N quickly grabbed the bandana and starts wrapping Dick's arms as he sighs.

Dick: Kori is definitely gonna kill me.

Y/N: Kill you for the injuries? Or kill me for almost not saving you?

Dick: Maybe both.

He starts to wrap later his legs until Bruce appears walking towards them.

Bruce: There's too many of those things to fight without help. Progress report Alfred.

Alfred: Soon, I hope.

Bruce: Soon might not be good enough.

An earthquake is present and the roof of the batcave starts to fall, making them dodge a big boulder, as more Talons fall from the roof. The three vigilantes rush towards the Talons, as they start to push them back. Y/N elbows one of them and rips the throat just to kick it back. He looks behind and smiles seeing the weapons.

Y/N: Forgot we had those.

Y/N ran towards the weapon area. Bruce blocks a Talon just to elbow it earning a broken neck. Bruce looks back seeing the Talon's follow him. He and Dick run but they separate, with Dick going to the stairs. Y/N reached the weapon area and boy Bruce does have tons of blades, even when he doesn't use them.

Y/N smiles as he looks at one specific blade and grabs it. He grabs the Dao Sword, luckily Richard being Chinese and a master and possibly every weapon known to man, from caveman to the present.

Y/N: Let's make this worth it.

Bruce kicks a Talon and keeps running away.

Bruce: Alfred!

Alfred: A few final adjustments sir. You see, I received some personal information from Master-

Bruce: Open the damn doors!

Batman lands in a lower platform and runs to the metal door that opened. He heard a few slashes and saw Y/N cutting Talons with the Dao.

Y/N: Whatever is inside, get it!

Bruce continues to run as a few Talons passed by Y/N but he runs and impales a Talon and throws the Dao at the last Talon following Bruce, who manages to enter as the metal door closes. Y/N running and slides grabbing the Dao. He clashes with another Talon just to duck, dodging another as he cuts a Talon's head and he Lionel Messi kicks the head to another Talon. The Talon dodge but Y/N already cut through his waist.

Y/N keeps running to find Dick cutting Talon by Talon that gets in his way. He cuts a Talon in half and until he sees Dick facing Talon, but he was injured and couldn't fight him at his all. Y/N grappled to the roof and quickly launched himself at Talon. Dick saw that and ducked, as Talon looks back and gets kneed by Y/N. Y/N grabs Talon by the face and bashes his head with every glass door that Batman and Robin's suit. He later bashes it with the rail handle and kicks him back. Y/N grabs the Dao very tight as Talon spits blood.

Dick: Can you take him?

F/N: Fought twice, haven't died, handle the Talons, the human one is mine!

Y/N dashed at Talon as he swings at him but Talon dodges every swing and grabs the blade, stopping Y/N. Y/N growls and kicks him back releasing the blade. Y/N dashes and swings the Dao by Talon's leg but he cuts the rail handle and goes for kicks as Talon shows his blade in his hand and clash with Y/N.

Talon: You could've been a perfect Talon, yet you stay and work under the bat's wing?

Y/N: Better than working with a group of psychopath like the Court.

Talon: We do what he doesn't!

Y/N: Then you are not different like the criminals who sometimes rot in jail, you're no better than them.

Talon: Yes we ARE!!!

Talon pushes Y/N as he goes to kick Y/N who blocks with the Dao the kick then he swings back. The two clash kicks and they end up pushing back each other. Talon puts himself together but sees Y/N running and pushes him of the rail handle with himself as well. The two land in the computer breaking it. Y/N groans until he looked at Talon's side and ears a slash from his blade which very unluckily, cuts his right eye, not his eyeball but does cuts the skin. That part of his mask is shown, as a bit of blood lands in the floor, Y/N is groaning in pain, as Y/N looks at Talon with his good eye. Talon walks towards him having the blade from his hand with the top in blood.

Talon: I could've made you better than Bruce, but here you are, groaning in pain.

Y/N tries to get up, but Talon pushed him to the bat computer and shows two knife. He impales Y/N through his shoulders as he groans. The metal door opens and it shows a big robot, but inside it was Bruce.

Bruce: Now I'm gonna say this once you sons of bitches. Get the hell out of my cave!

Bruce starts to hit the Talons with the robot as Talon sees that, but gets kicked by Dick. Talon sees Dick with his Escrima Stick ready to fight.

Talon: Another one.

He dashes at Dick as the two clash weapons. Y/N was looking everything blurry, he could see his right side red, but both left and right were blurry. Y/N in a bit of pain grabs the knife and pulls them from his shoulders, but he wasn't touching the ground, so when he pulled them he fell to the computer and later landed in the ground. He was panting as he tries to get up but it was hard. He sees everything even more blurry as he passes out. Y/N wakes up but he wasn't in the Batcave, he was in some kind of spiritual world, looked like Heaven.

Y/N: What the? Where am I?

???: Hallelujah, it took you 4 months to arrive in this bloody place!

Y/N looked back and saw a blond man with a yellowish/brown trench coat, red tie, white shirt, black pants and black shoes but he was smoking... in Heaven?

Y/N: Who are you? What is this place? Is this Heaven?

Man: Zip it down lad, one question at the time. My name is John Constantine, you probably saw me in the bathroom in London.

Y/N: London? *remembers the bathroom seeing the man for a split second and later the message* Wait, you're that guy, dude why the bathroom?

John: Needed the perfect time to put the message.

Y/N: Am I dead?

John: Yeah you are.

Y/N eyes were about to explode, is he actually dead? Like dead dead?

John: Ok I'm joking, you're not dead, this is not even Heaven!

Y/N: Then what is this?

John: *smoking* Even I don't know, mate.

Y/N: Ok John, why am I here? Why am I actually here?

John: Well I shouldn't do this due to consequences but I'm here to spoil your death.

Y/N: W-What?

John: Yeah waited 4 months for your sorry ass passes out completely, seems the Talon did manage to do it.

Y/N: Ok you're annoying. Tell me everything!

John: Zip it, I'll show you now.

John grabs some kind of big ancient coin as he puts it in the ground.

Y/N: What is this some kind of magic trick?

John: You don't believe in magic?

Y/N: Magic like Wonder Woman, yeah. Spooky Magic, no.

John: You live in a fairy tail, mate.

The coin glows and opens some kind universal portal.

John: Still don't believe it?

Y/N frowns and looks at it.

Y/N: What's that supposed to be?

John: A portal going through space and time, I can also use for other planes of existence. Now jump mate.

Y/N: I-I'm not jumping on a bullshit existence magical Houdini crap without even knowing if there's consequences!

John: Don't be a wuss, jump in!

Y/N: Yeah another thing, John. I definitely do not trust on magic alcoholic smoking pieces of sh-

John just straight up pushes Y/N to the portal as he screamed while he fell.

John: I hate the Batfamily.

John jumps as well following him. The scene changes to Y/N floating in the deeps of the universe but he saw some kind of energy snake roaming around the planets.

Y/N: What is this?

John: The time stream, lad. *Y/N looks back and sees John* Or at least a piece of it.

Y/N: So why is there so many energy thingies?

John: The time stream, multiple futures that can be changed by a single touch, save a bird a timeline is created, you don't save it another timeline is created. Time is all powerful but as fragile as a snowflake. *shows another coin* Now mate, grab into the coin.

Y/N: Why?

John: Just bloody do it.

Y/N eyes roll as he grabs it and John says some weird words as the time stream breaks and reconstructs but looks different.

John: Now let's look.

John floats to a time stream seeing Y/N as a teen fighting a Chinese guy who had a smile.

Chinese Guy: *memory* You have to go for lethal blows, F/N, but don't execute them completely.

John moves to another that shows Y/N in his adulthood walking with a small girl in his hand no older than 2 years.

Y/N: *possible future* Come on, Carol, mommy is making food and you know she doesn't like when we're late.

Carol: *possible future* More, more!

Y/N: *possible future* After lunch, we eat, get some rest and mommy and I do anything with you, how about we go to get some new toys?

Carol starts to laugh meaning that's a yes as Y/N laughs. John smiles seeing him having time with his daughter. Y/N sees another timeline where it shows him standing in front of a tomb with a girl who looks as old as him, black hair to her shoulders with the tomb saying "Jason Todd." Y/N looks confused seeing that name since he had no idea who is he.

John: Mate... I found it.

Y/N floats towards John. He looks at it and sees himself in the future but only a few months. He had two glowing orange swords as a glowing red sphere landed in front of him, Batman, John, a weird yellowish demon and a floating white dead man. The demon rushed with a big sword but he is pushed back with a blast. Y/N rushed towards and impaled the sphere with the swords  and kept doing that, until the sphere showed an undead monster inside preparing a blast.

Undead Monster: You are a dangerous course, but the Blades have chosen the wrong user.

He shot at blast at Y/N who blocked it with his sword but the sword disappeared and it hits Y/N, but he didn't disintegrate, he started to separate. Later two Y/N's appeared but the team could definitely tell something's wrong.

John: *possible future* Mate, you ok? F/N?

Future Y/N opened his eyes and started to get up until a sword went through his back, as the scene showed the other Y/N with instead of glowing orange swords, they were purple. Y/N grows in a bit of shock, his soul got separated into two, but one of them had the good side of Y/N, and the other had the bad side. Good Y/N lied in the ground dead as the Evil Y/N had black eyes, and black veins around his face.

John: Are you sure you want to keep seeing this?

Y/N: I-

The scene shows to the batcave to the Batfamily in the ground dead, Damian, Dick, Alfred, Bruce's mask, a woman with red hair and it later shows Y/N chocking the same girl he saw in the tomb but younger, had black and gold costume. He impales her through the chest as she starts to spit blood from her mouth to the ground, as she looked at Evil Y/N emotionless with a few tears until he pulls the sword off and straight up cuts her head. Her body lies in the ground as Evil Y/N still emotionless looks at the glowing purple swords seeing a reflection of his good side, he just keeps walking. The scene changes to Evil Y/N in a top of a roof seeing Gotham burn, while he had a weird Batman costume, it was all red and he was emitting red electricity due to him vibrating.

He looks at his own hand vibrating until he speeds away as an explosion is made and more and more none stop. Y/N groaning had enough and he leaves the time stream. He is back at fake Heaven panting seeing all those visions agin and again. John appears putting a hand in his shoulder.

Y/N: That's... my fate?

John: A possibility, is not written yet, mate.

Y/N: But is the most likely outcome.

John: It is but there's a way to change it. We play our cards right, and the future is a brighter one.

Y/N looks away panting and shaking.

Y/N: Get me back to the cave.

John: Lad, you're injured, you sure-

Y/N: *putting a batarang in his neck* Batcave, now!

John and Y/N look at each other as John goes to smoke again and scoffs.

John: Fine.

He shoots a fireball at Y/N and he disappears as he sighs and he starts to disappear.

John: I'm gonna give myself a wank.

He disappears, as the scene changes to Y/N back in the real world but he saw everything frozen, his suit was holding the ice, but he saw Bruce injured fighting Talon to an almost bloodbath. Y/N takes his mask off and spits blood, as he gets up very slowly but he was too injured, the injuries from before opened a bit as well, he was losing blood. He managed to move a few feet but not even close to Bruce, but he did see Dick impaled to one of the suit holders also by his shoulder.

Y/N: *worried and injured* Dick.

He looks back at Bruce who threw Talon to one of the frozen Talon's. Talon gets up grabbing two kunais. He rushes at Bruce who blocks a swing from the kunais with his gauntlet and later blocked his arms making sure the kunais don't touch him. He kicks him back as Talon shows another blade from his hand (seriously how many blades he has?) and goes to impale Bruce, but he blocks and breaks the blade just to elbow him. Unluckily Talon smirks and Bruce realizes Talon popped another blade and impaled Bruce in his right side of his gut. Bruce starts to bleed as Talon pulls the blade off and Bruce lands in his chest bleeding and holding his injury.

Y/N: *weak* Bruce!

Talon walks towards him and looks at him.

Talon: I've taken your boy.

Talon kicks Bruce's face 4 times, with each kick making Y/N see the vision he saw with John, making him frustrated.

Y/N: G-Get up, F/N. Get up!

Talon with his other foot shows two spikes under it and impales Bruce in his back, making Bruce scream in pain. Y/N clenches and start to move. Talon shows his claws and gets ready to kill Bruce. Y/N manages to get up and dashes towards Talon with the bit of adrenaline he has left. Talon goes to swing until he hears Y/N and reacts late earning a shoulder from Y/N, as he crashes with one of the containers Bruce has. Y/N panting while having his right eye still close and holding his gut.

Talon: Last chance, F/N. Leave and you'll live, you're bleeding right now too much, you keep like this and you'll bleed out, you could pass out at any moment.

Y/N: *kneeling with a grunt until he smirked and flips him the bird* Here's your answer, motherfucker.

Talon: You had your chance.

Y/N rushed at Talon going for a kick which Talon blocked and later goes with a back kick with the other leg but Talon pushes that kicks away and punches Y/N in his gut injury and later kicks his face straight making him land in his back. Y/N groans but gets kicked in his rib and lands in the ground completely as Talon goes for a swing.

Talon: And now.

???: NO!!!

Y/N and Talon heard that and saw none other than Damian from the roof holding the sai from Talon kicking him back just to check on Y/N and Bruce.

Talon: They're not worth it. Let them go, let them die.

Damian: Like you let your father die?

Talon: *annoyed* Stupid boy.

Talon rushes at Damian swinging at him, until he manages to kick him. Damian lands dodging a swing from his claws, trying to cut him with the sai but Talon dodges and punches Damian in his gut hard and later kicks him to the ground face first. Damian tries to get up until Talon grabbed Bruce by the throat.

Talon: Damian he'll never let you go. For us to be free, he has to die. The Wayne Fortune will be ours, the owls, they'll never find us. Tell him goodbye.

Instead of Damian rushing out of anger, Y/N got up swiping his legs, as Talon lands in the ground, Y/N got above him and started to punch the living shit, to the point Y/N's hands were covered in blood from Talon, as he gets up, lifts Talon above his head and throws him to another frozen Talon. He groans as Y/N pants out of being so tired, as Damian walks by Y/N's side holding the sai tightly.

Talon: *at Damian* You filthy ingrate, everything I've done is for you, and this is how you repay me!?

Y/N: He doesn't need you, you just used him like some kind of pet, let me teach you how I deal with people who messes with my brother.

Talon: *grabbing another sai as Y/N grabs a knife from the Talons.

Talon: Fine... then so be it.

Talon, Damian and Y/N get ready to rush, as Y/N takes lead punching Talon and cutting his gut, as Damian jumps in Y/N's back kneeing his haw and kicking him back. Talon swings as him and Y/N clash blades but Y/N moves the trajectory of his blade and back punches Talon just for Damianto kick the sai from Talon's hand and point his towards his neck.

Damian: You could never replace Batman, he's my father.

Bruce starts to regain consciousness, as Talon sees it and smirks grabbing Damian's wrist, shocking him.

Talon: Don't doubt your instincts.

He pulls Robin's wrist as the sai goes through his throat.

Damian: No!

Talon's body fall to the ground as Y/N watched in shock and a bit of sadness as Damian looks at a pocket watch and in disgust he throws it at Talon which it lands by his side.

Y/N: Good job, Damian... good...

Y/N passes out, as Damian watches that and sees that just to run towards him shaking.

Damian: F/N! F/N wake up!

Bruce walks as fast as he can and kneels, checking Y/N's current state.

Bruce: F/N, don't give up now. F/N!

Y/N couldn't hear anything anymore as everything went silent.

3 days later

Y/N groans, as he wakes up shirtless but extremely bandaged in one of his bed in an apartment Bruce owns in Gotham. He looks at his right and sees an IV and also realizes he has a bandage in his right side of his face, probably due to the eye injury. He groans trying to get up, until the door opens showing Alfred with a plate of soup.

Alfred: Master F/N, thank heavens your awake.

Y/N: *weak* Hey Al. What happened?

Alfred: You passed out after fighting Talon, luckily Master Bruce, Master Dick and Master Damian managed to help you get here. I made some soup if you want.

Y/N: Yeah a soup... would be nice.

Alfred: Also you have visitors, two of them.

Y/N: Huh?

Alfred walks away until he sees Michael and Janet.

Y/N: Didn't think you two would-

Janet just ran and hugged Y/N tight making him groan.

Y/N: You're gonna kill me, Jan. Pleeeeease.

Janet lets go and laughs a little shyly.

Janet: S-Sorry. How are you feeling?

Y/N: Like if the Eiffel Tower fell on top of me.

Michael: Alfred said a pair of street thugs assaulted you, right?

Y/N: *looks up and later smiles* Yeah... 3 of them.

Michael: We're just glad your ok. Also- *drops a few papers* Homework.

Y/N: Oh fuck me, I wanna be assaulted by thugs again.

Michael: Yeah and you probably know to who belongs.

Y/N: Yeah, history can suck my-

Janet: Ok, we'll check on you later, take care, F/N.

Y/N smiles and nods just to lay back as they walk away, until he sees a mirror and grabs it seeing the bandage in his right side of his face. He starts to slowly take it off as he manages to get it all off and grabs the mirror seeing his face, now seeing an eye scar in his right side though could l've been worse.

(Just like Daryl's)

Y/N lowers his mirror sighing until Dick comes in.

Dick: Hey pal... how you feeling?

Y/N: Shitty... *smiles a bit* Where's Bruce?

Bruce: He's preparing the construction site to repair the Manor.

Y/N: And Damian?

Dick: *looks away and hesitates* He left.

Y/N: Left? Bruce sent him to Switzerland?

Dick: No. Himalayas, he offered him a monastery that Bruce went when he was lost, recommended it to Damian and he seems to have accepted.

Y/N looks away to the window as Dick realizes he is weird.

Dick: Are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah... I'm just thinking about my future.

He looks at the window and sees the evil version of himself, while Y/N looked a bit pale.

(Starts music)

The scene changes to Gotham, in the night, as Batman is shown roaming around it, until the back of a figure appeared, the figure had a girly body and black and gold clothes... like the one of Y/N's dream, the figure watched Batman roam as she jumped of the building like if she was about to follow him.

Saga 2

Definitely the longest chapter I've made, next thing is the bio of our character and like the name of the 3rd saga shows, of Cassandra Cain, after that is a trailer and later is the 1st chapter, hope you've enjoyed the 2nd saga since the 3rd is maybe not based on a comic but a story I will create along the way, so it will be weird and cringe but I'll try my best.

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