Where I Belong (The Boys X OC...

De TheLostWr1t3r

4K 44 102

You've always been bullied growing up, and have always been an outcast and Different from everyone else. Your... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5 (BONUS CHAPTER)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10.5 (BONUS CHAPTER)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

165 1 12
De TheLostWr1t3r

The following may be somewhat violent for some readers. Skip ahead to the next bold text to skip the violence.

Swagger POV:

I Woke up early in the morning, maybe 7 AM. I decided to wake up Ayden, Only to find out he's not next to me. I got up, finding him lying on the ground next to the bed. "Ayden?" I asked him, thinking he might have fell off the bed somehow, no response. "Ayden?" I asked a little louder, still no response. I turned him over to see a black eye, a broken bloody nose, and bruises everywhere. "AYDEN?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" I checked his pulse to see he's still breathing, thank god.

I rushed to search for a phone to call an ambulance, since We didn't have one, Not since we ran away. I went into the other guest room, hoping someone In there had one.

All I found was poor Kristy, who got beat up too! "KRISTY?! YOU TOO?!" She was still conscious though. "It-It's that girl... Save Yourself." She fell limp, becoming unconscious too, still breathing though.

I fled to the kitchen

to find a phone, but instead, I found that girl that had hurt all of us. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! WE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO YOU!" I yelled at her. "I HATE FREAKS LIKE YOU!" She hit me in the face and I blacked out.

End of Violence

Swagger POV:

"AYDEN!? KRISTY?! NOOO!" I panicked as I woke up. "Woah Swagger, what's wrong?" Ayden put his hand on my shoulder. "I-I had a nightmare, about that girl." I made eye contact with him. "Hey, it's ok man, she's gone now, and we're with Kristy and Josh's Friends." He reassured me.

"You ok Swagger?! What happened?!" Phoenix rushed into the room, Gaege not far behind them. "Oh, y-yeah, I'm alright, I had a nightmare. Sorry if I freaked anyone out." I apologized. "Oh thank God." They held their chest, exhaling. "Um... Who are you guys?" Ayden asked them. "Oh, I'm Phoenix, and this is my house." They introduced their self. "And my name's Gaege." Gaege also Introduced himself. "Oh, my name's Ayden, If you didn't know." Ayden introduced himself also. "Oh yeah, Swaggs told me your name last night." Gaege responded. "Swaggs?" I asked him. "Oh... Yeah?" He said as he was doing the finger touching thing. "Swaggs, I like it!" I told him. Gaege started noticably blushing. "Well, I'm gonna go make breakfast, holler if you need anything." Phoenix told us. "Ok, bye Phoenix." We all said. "Bye my Cinnamon Rolls!" Phoenix said and they headed downstairs.

Ayden POV:

Gaege and Phoenix introduced themselves, then Phoenix left to go make breakfast. And Not gonna lie, Gaege was pretty cute. "So, Ayden? Is your head feeling any better?" Gaege asked me. "Y-Yeah, my head's still sore, but I'm ok, thank you." I told him and He smiled adorably. "Well, I'm glad you're doing better." He told me. "Yep!" I responded. Swagger and I got up and Followed Gaege to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Alright guys! Breakfast is ready!" Phoenix Yelled.

Eddie POV:

"Breakfast is Ready!" I heard Phoenix yell from downstairs. Narrator and I were in the master bedroom.

We got up and headed downstairs to the kitchen and saw 2 guys we've never seen before. "Uh... Who are you guys?" I asked them. "Oh, my name's Ayden." "And my name's Swagger." They introduced themselves. "Well, I'm Narrator." "Me llamo Eddie." We introduced ourselves.

"So where'd you guys come from?" Narrator asked them. "We got attacked by this psycho girl again, and she knocked out poor Ayden." Swagger said as he wrapped his arm around Ayden. "Then Gaege and Reekid brought us here, and Phoenix got Ayden patched up." He finished explaining. "Hey, our friend Kristy also got attacked by someone the other night." I told them. "Oh yeah, she told us... Or me... I should say, you were still knocked out Ayden." Swagger told us. "Oh... Really?" I asked. "Yeah, we were together until we encountered that same girl this one time, and then we got separated." Ayden explained, and I nodded. "Anywho... Who wants breakfast?" Mully asked. We all got our breakfast and sat down.

-Time skip to after breakfast brought to you by Femboy Juicy-

Swagger POV:

We all finished breakfast and Ayden and I were washing the dishes. It was the least we could do, after all. We also got to meet everyone else here, and they're all great people. They're really caring and helpful, and they always got each other's backs. We finished washing the dishes and headed back to the living room. "So, you guys up for a movie marathon?" Phoenix asked us. We all agreed to it, and we headed to Wal-Mart to get snacks.

We got to walmart and got some soda, popcorn, chips, and cookies. Phoenix bought our snacks and we started heading back home.

(The neighborhood)

We were about 2 minutes away from Phoenix's house when Ayden started  tugging on my arm. I turned to him to see the most terrified look on his face. "What's Wrong?" I asked him. He pointed across the street and we saw...

And That my Cinnamon Rolls is Chapter 6 of Where I Belong. Sorry for the cliffhanger, but...
Aww, who am I kidding, I'm not doing any cliffhangers (yet, at least). Ok, back to the story.

It was that girl that's been attacking us, the one that got Ayden, Kristy and I separated. And the one that Knocked out Ayden last night. I went up to Phoenix and tapped them on the shoulder trying to keep calm. "We gotta get out of here, Ayden and I saw the girl that attacked us before." I told them.

Phoenix POV:

Swagger told me he saw the girl that attacked them before. My gut told me to turn around, so I did, it was... CORA! WHAT'S SHE DOING HERE! SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE UP IN CALIFORNIA!!! I suddenly felt dizzy. "Phoenix? Phoenix! PHOENIX!" I heard Gaege yell in a panic before everything went dark.

Gaege POV:

Phoenix suddenly fainted and nearly hit the ground, but I caught them just in time, and carried them on my back. "Guys! We gotta go!" Kristy yelled in a panic. We started running toward the house when we heard someone yell "HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU FREAKS!"

Ayden POV:

"GET BACK HERE YOU FREAKS!" The psycho girl yelled and she started chasing us. "AND DON'T YOU DARE TELL ANYONE ABOUT ME PHOENIX!" She yelled. Wait... HOW DOES SHE KNOW THEIR NAME?! She was still after us when Mully yelled "SCATTER!" And we all split off (bad idea? Maybe not if you have a buddy, Idk).

Eddie POV:

We all split off and I was with Narrator and Kristy. "WHAT DO WE DO?!" Kristy asked while panicking. "GET BACK TO PHOENIX'S HOUSE, WE'LL MEET EVERYONE THERE!" I told them. We took a detour around the neighborhood almost sprinting and we were almost back to their house.

Gabby POV:

I was with Josh and Gaege, and he had Phoenix on his back. "We'll meet everyone back at Phoenix's house! Hurry!" Gaege yelled out and we rushed over there.

Mully POV:

I have Ayden, Swagger, and Reekid with me, we were on our way back to Phoenix's house after we saw the girl that attacked our new friends before.

We got back to their house and we went inside. Most of the others made it back too. "Is that everyone?" Josh asked us. "Narrator, Eddie, and Kristy aren't back yet!" Reekid yelled. Josh got scared and looked out the window. "They'll be ok Josh." I said and gave him a hug. "I hope so, that girl knows Kristy. And I wont let her get hurt ever again." Josh told me.

Kristy POV:

That girl was practically right on our tails, then suddenly, we just lost her. "We're almost there!" Narrator yelled. We made it into the house out of breath. "Kristy?" It was Josh. "JOSH! You're ok!" I ran over and hugged him. "That's everyone, right?" Josh asked us. "Yeah, we got Narrator and Eddie... Eddie?" I looked around. "Eddie?" Then the realization hit me. "EDDIE! WE LOST EDDIE! MAYBE THAT'S HOW WE LOST THAT GIRL ALL OF A SUDDEN!" I warned everyone. "I'm going out to find him!" I yelled as I was about to head out the door. "Kristy! I'm not letting you go back out there with that girl running around!" Josh said as he took my hand. "But-But he's still out there, I can't just leave him." I said with tears in my eyes. "Don't worry Kristy, I'll find him, she doesn't know me." Narrator told me. "Ok, be careful." He nodded and headed out. Josh took me into his arms. "Don't worry Kristy, Eddie will be ok. And I'll keep you safe too." He told me.

Narrator POV:

I just left the house to look for Eddie. I really hope he's ok, but then again, that girl did hurt the others before. But I can't think like that, maybe he's just hiding somewhere. Suddenly, I saw Eddie lying on the ground ahead of me, and I bolted towards him. "Eddie!" I yelled and knelt down next to him. No response. "Eddie! Are you ok?" I put his head on my lap and started tearing up, since he hasn't responded again. I knew we had to get out of there, it wasn't safe with that girl around. I picked Eddie up Bridal style and I started running back to the house.

Eddie POV:

I suddenly woke up in someone's arms. That girl had knocked me out while I was with Kristy and Narrator. I still couldn't really see anything, my vision was all blurry. I felt a drop of water fall on my arm. My vision finally cleared to see Narrator crying. "N-Narrator?" I asked him. "Eddie! You're ok!" "Of course I am, pendejo, I just got knocked out, that's all, no biggie." I said and laughed, and he chuckled a bit too. "Well, unfortunately, we didn't find out you were missing until we got back to the house, that's why Kristy's not here." He told me. "Is everyone else ok?" "Phoenix fainted when they saw the girl, but other than that, everyone's back at their house safe." I nodded. "Wait, why would they faint just from seeing her? Kristy, Ayden, or Swagger, I'd understand. But Phoenix?" I asked. "Hmm. Good question. We'll ask them when we get inside." Narrator said as we made it back to the house.


Gaege POV:

Narrator had left about a minute ago to look for Eddie. I laid Phoenix down on the couch in the living room.

"It's ok Phoenix, you're back home and safe now." I said while holding their hand. I couldn't stand the thought of one of my best friends being so scared of someone. Phoenix started shuffling around a bit. "G-Gaege?" They said and opened their eyes. "Yes Phoenix, it's me." I said and hugged them. "Is everyone ok? Is Cora still out there?!" "Eddie's missing, but Narrator's looking for him- wait, Cora?" I asked them. They nodded. "You mean the girl that's the reason why you moved down here?!" I asked them. They nodded again.

Narrator came back inside with Eddie in his arms. "Guys! You're back!" Kristy said. "Yep, I got knocked out, but I'm ok." Eddie told us. "Well, glad to see you guys are ok." Phoenix said. "Phoenix! You're awake!" Gabby said. "Yep! I'm ok guys." Phoenix said.

"Oh hey Phoenix?" Ayden asked them. "That girl knew you're name somehow, do you know her?" He asked. Everyone gathered around in the living room. Phoenix sighed. "Yeah, I know her. Her name's Cora." They all looked concerned. "Didn't you tell Gaege and I about her before?!" Eddie asked. "Y-Yeah, her." Phoenix said. "I don't know why she's in Florida now, I never told anyone where I went." They said.

I suddenly got scared, knowing that they always moved because of they were getting bullied, and they moved across the country because of Cora. "Your-You're not gonna move again, because of her, right?" I asked Phoenix. They shook their head. "Nah, I got a reason to stay here." They said. "Really, what-what's that?" I asked them. "I got you guys now." They told us with a bright smile. "Awww, Phoenix, come here." I hugged them again. "I love ya guys, I'm not leaving you just cause Cora's back." They said. We let go of the hug after a minute. "Well, since we're all back here, you guys still up for a movie marathon?" Phoenix asked us. "Heck yeah! Reeeeeee!" Yep, Reekid said that. We all grabbed the snacks we got and headed downstairs to the movie room.

Phoenix POV:

We had a Shrek marathon, hey, Shrek is awesome (Don't fight me on this). I sat by Gabby, Eddie, and Narrator in the back. Josh was by Mully and Kristy, And Gaege sat in between Ayden and Swagger, along with Reekid.

-Time skip to after the second movie brought to you by the No No Square-

The pizza arrived, yep, I ordered pizza earlier, so Ayden and Swagger helped me carry it downstairs, and we set it down on the table (just pretend there's a table in there 🤣🤣🤣). We grabbed some pizza and we went back to our movie marathon.

-Time skip to around 7 PM-

The movie marathon was over. We got our trash cleaned up and we got the leftover pizza put away in the kitchen upstairs. I heard a key turning in the door, So I went to see who it was...

And that my... aww forget it, it's not a cliffhanger.

The door opened and my parents were there! "MOM! DAD! YOU'RE HOME!" I ran and hugged them. "Hey pumpkin!" My mom said excitedly. "Hey Munchkin." My dad said. "Who is it, Phoenix?" Eddie came into the foyer.

"Oh, Eddie, This is my Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad, this is Eddie." I introduced them. "Hola." Eddie said. "Hello Eddie!" My parents said. "I see you made a friend." My mom said happily. "Actually, a LOT of friends!" I told them excitedly. Then, everyone else came in.

-Time skip to everyone getting introduced brought to you by Femboy Hooters-

My parents let everyone stay for the night since it was late, and My house was close to the school anyway. So we all got ready for bed and went to sleep.

And That my Cinnamon Rolls is Chapter 6 of Where I Belong. Yep, Big Daddy sized Chapter for ya, I really like how it turned out, Not gonna lie. Ok, I won't waste your time any further, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

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