Leaving Minor Damages (And Ho...

By Kiceess

1.1K 65 8

Where Phupha and Seetian have been dancing around each other for far too long and the Government decided to g... More

Part I

Part II

249 17 2
By Kiceess

'We're at the parking lot. Are you almost done?'

'I don't know. Can you guys come so you get what u want?'

'Sure. What aisle?'


'Okay. We're going in now,'

"So what seems to be troubling you, Ajarn' Tian?"

"Hi, Doc Nam. Vegetables. What do you want in your hotpot?"

"Did Longtae request for hotpot again?"

"Yup," emphasizing the 'p'.

Nam sighs heavily and it makes Tian smile to know he's not the only person suffering from the whole ordeal.

"Why can't we just have grilled meat or something for once? Week after week it's hotpot. I'm putting my foot down. I want grilled meat,"

"Well, if it's any consolation, he did say he wants barbecue too,"

"Oh? Sure, that works too,"

"But it's gotta be just one, guys. I'm putting my foot down. It's gotta be hotpot or barbecue. That's it,"

"Barbecue!" Nam exclaims.

Longtae runs from the other side of the produce aisle, chanting all the way "Hotpot! Hotpot!" garnering the attention of other shoppers.

"Tae! You're embarrassing us!" berates Dr. Nam.

"Okay! Okay. I got it. Let's do it this way. We take turns. Every week, we take turns deciding on what we eat that week. Deal? Does this pacify everyone?" Tian suggests. He looks at his friends, waiting for their response.

Dr. Nam looks like he already agrees meanwhile Longtae is pouting.

"Deal!" Nam says. And they both look at Longtae who is still pouting.

"What the hell is your problem?" Nam asks.

Longtae folds his arms in front of him, "I want hotpot."

"No. We already had a hotpot last week. And since I'm the host, I decide that I'm going to start the agreement. I get to choose this week,"

"Exactly! I knew we won't be getting hotpot,"

"Well then sit down, and wait for your turn," Dr. Nam says teasingly.

"Okay! And this week, by the power vested in me, declare we're eating grilled meat!" Tian says smugly.

"Yes!" Nam exclaims and pumps his fist in the air.

They hold each other by the arm, then go their merry way in the meat section, and leave the sulking Longtae behind.

They arrive at Seetian's apartment, 45 minutes later. There were some things that Tian needed to get besides food because he forgot he didn't do any grocery shopping for the past two weeks. Living alone has its perks, he guesses.

You don't inconvenience anyone if there are empty products. He just compensates and uses anything that's available, then buys the usual things when he remembers to. Altho it still baffles him as to WHY Phupha insists on paying for his part of the rent, and sending him grocery money as if he's sleeping and eating there. He attempted to send it back one time, but it came back as an error because as the bank said, the account owner didn't allow any return. It was automatically deducted from his account, then sent straight to Seetian's.

He asked Nam and Longtae about it once, but they only shrugged and said they had no idea it was even happening.

But when they pull up at the front of the apartment, he notices that the living room light was turned on.

'Hmm. Maybe I forgot to put it out. Good thing this is a gated community' Tian thinks.

"Tian, Nam, why don't you go ahead? I'll put the car in the garage first," Longtae tells them. They both nod, and take out the groceries from the trunk.

"I forgot to turn off the light in the living room again. Although I was quite sure I checked everything before I left," Tian says, as he gasps loudly when he turns the knob to find it unlocked.

"Shit. I didn't lock up?" he curses, then pushes the door open, and almost-only almost drops the bag when he sees what's inside the room.

Or rather, who.

Phupha, fluffing pillows on the couch. 

It's his back to him, but Tian will recognize this back from anywhere. That and he's wearing that ugly, overused, green shirt he likes to wear when he's at home.

"Haw'na?" Tian calls softly. 

It was barely audible, but it was enough for Phu to turn around and smile at him. And Tian feels soft tickles in his chest. He rubs it absentmindedly. 

"Welcome home, Ajarn'Tian," Phupha says just as softly.

Tian and Nam walk to Phu, and the tanned man each gave them a one-arm hug.

"Phu! My man, when did you arrive in Bangkok?" Nam asks as he punches Phu's arm, not so gently.

Tian opts to take the groceries into the kitchen, and let the old friends settle in.

"Just this afternoon. I had to go to the Bangkok Office to submit a report, so I figured I'd do it first thing and take that out of the way so I'll have the rest of the time off," Phu answers. Tian can hear them just fine.

"P'Phu! Welcome back!" Longtae happily greets Phu.

"Nong. Thank you. And thank you for holding yourself back and not telling them I was arriving today,"

"Pfft. I quickly forgot about it. I didn't need to keep it a secret," Longtae smugly answers.

"Still," Phu says. Then Tian realizes something.

"Tae, is that why you wanted to buy a lot of meat today? You knew Haw'na was coming?"

"Maybe," Longtae teases.

"I see," Tian answers, then fishes his phone out from his pocket.

'7 PM. Hmm,' Tian thinks. Then comes up with a plan. He puts the stuff in their place as fast as he can and takes out containers for the meat.

"Guys. It seems our food won't be enough. I'll get some more stuff in the store. I'll be gone in 2 minutes. You guys can start grilling or whatever," Tian informs his friends, then looks for his car keys.

"Tian, why don't you take Phu with you? He can help you carry bags," Dr. Nam suggests, to which Longtae nods eagerly.

Tian shakes his head and politely declines.

"I'll be fine. I'll leave you guys alone to reunite or something," Tian answers then walks out of the apartment.

When Tian reaches the confinements of his car, he fishes his phone out again and dials a very familiar number.

"Hey bro,"

"Say, you got any plans tonight?"

"Nothing? Good. Good. You wanna come over to my place tonight?"

"Uh-huh. Longtae is here, just like every weekend, Okay, I'll come to pick you up at your place in 10 minutes. I have to pick up some stuff first. Okay. Okay. Bye," 


Okay, I know this is a little ambitious of me. But I decided to make it into a multi-chaptered fic because I can't seem to find the energy to finish it in one sitting. Sooo, chaptered it is. Hehehe

As always, comments, suggestions, criticisms, and fangirling are more than welcome. Please tell me what you guys think!

And if you like it, please consider clicking the vote button. 

Until then, 

Ciao Bellas!

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