My Alpha King

By paranormalRHlover

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chapter 1: No Time To Hide IT!
Chapter 2: Have To Attend
Chapter 3: Getting Ready
Chapter 4: Come To Escort Her
Chapter 5: On Arrival
Chapter 6: Really Don't Like Him
Chapter 7: Meet My Brother
Chapter 8: Not My Fault
Chapter 9: Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me
Chapter 10: What Is Going On?
Chapter 11: Please, I'll Do Anything
Chapter 12: You Know What IT Is?
Chapter 13: Where The Fuck Is My Mate
Chapter 14: Enjoy The Hunt
Chapter 15: It Won't Go Away
Chapter 16: Marked
Chapter 17: I Want To Know Everything
Chapter 18: Who Am I
just a quick note
Chapter 19: Who Am I (from Jesse's pov)
Chapter 20: I Am!
Chapter 21: Not Like This
Chapter 22: What The Fuck Was That
Chapter24: Don't Want Your Pity
Chapter 25: Bugatti La Voiture Noire
Chapter 26: Not A Nightmare
Chapter 27: Hello, Buttercup
Chapter 28: Feel Almost Feral
Chapter 29: Who's He?
Chapter 30: Dream
Chapter 31: Ahhh HELL NO
Chapter 32: What Did I Do?
Chapter 33: Suprise For You

Chapter 23: Well?

5.2K 241 19
By paranormalRHlover


What have I done! I fought so hard to restrain Zander, but in the end her heat combined with the wave of power she released when I touched her flipped a switch and he locked me in my mind where I couldn't see or hear anything. 

It was when her scent was no longer, strongly permitting the air, that Zander came back to himself and I was able to burst through to take back control. But not before he realised what he had done and all these images flashed through my mind of everything that happened. Her scream, the look of fear on her face, her begging me to stop. I ripped into him and he's been whining and whimpering in the corner of my mind since.

When we hear her echoing scream from outside, his head shoots up as I run for the door. I see Parker go into the bathroom but I hear her scream again and rush to find her.

Fuck this is all my fault. Zander tells me he spoke to her wolf apologising and told her we were coming. Then I managed to link her and the terror in her voice drove me faster in the direction of the lake. I knew where it was when I studied the layout of the territory. 

When she screams my name in her head after telling me she can't fight them off much longer I really start to panic. Whoever these 'them' are! They're going to regret touching her. I break through the trees just in time to see her being pushed under the water and Alpha Lee about to force himself on her and I snap. I ram into him just before he could make contact, making him shift to his wolf. I don't give him the chance to find his feet though as I tear into him. It doesn't take long until he's a lifeless heap in the water. 

Colton and Liam have Alpha Jeremy and Alpha Oscar subdued and unconscious. Though when I find out what their part in this was…. I don't think I will be able to refrain from killing them if they too tried anything. I see Parker put the necklace around her neck (that must be what he went to the bathroom for) and calls me. I quickly shift back and splash over to her, shoveing him aside

"Move Parker!....little mate, can you hear me" I put my hands on her face to turn her towards me and feel sparks rush through my hands and up my arms. She makes a whining sound as she struggles to keep her eyes open. I can see the marks and swelling where she was hit in the face and it makes my blood boil.

"I got you baby, I'm so sorry!" I whimper as I pick her up in my arms, Zander starts whining and howling in my head in guilt. This is our fault. Daniel was right in the end I couldn't handle the power she emits

"Please forgive me!" I plead just before her eyes roll into the back of her head.

I rush her back to the pack house and get Parker to grab the Doc. They come through the door soon after I lay her on the bed and I pace the room while he looks her over. When he stands, I step up to him and enquire 

"Well Doc?"

"Well she has more swelling and bruising on her face, I'd say she was hit more than once and wasn't completely healed from before. Her wrist is dislocated so I'm going to get a sedative and morphine as I need to do a procedure called a reduction. In this procedure, I will need to maneuver the bones back into their proper positions. This can be quite painful hence the sedative and pain relief. She has some minor cuts and scrapes from trees and the forest floor and possible bruising from her altercation with you. She also has a minor bump to the head so could be concussed. She will have to tell us the rest as I can't determine whether or not anything else happened. I'll be right back to do the reduction"

He goes to gather the equipment he needs and I sit on the end of the bed with my head in my hands, some of these injuries are because of me. I was supposed to protect her and instead I attacked her. Zander is feeling ashamed of himself right now and I am too as I wasn't strong enough to contain him.

"Jesse, you can't blame yourself. You knew there was a chance of this happening, you said so yourself. That's why you made sure I knew about her power. If she hadn't taken the necklace off, it most likely wouldn't have happened. And She will-"

"What Parker? She will what? Forgive me? I'm no better than any of the arsehole's she's been living with all her life!" I flip a chair over in anger and it dents the wall. 

"Jesse, calm down, this isn't helping! And your not anyt-"

"Calm down? Did you see her face? Did you hear her plead for me to stop? I'm her mate for fuck sake. Why was she given to me if I can't control myself? If I can't protect her?" I yell hysterically 

"You can and will, we will figure it out OK? Because she does need you. Maybe you have to be mated to not feel the effects that way, I don't know but you have got to calm down. She will forgive you, I know it."

"How?" I say in defeat

"Because you're her mate, and you weren't yourself."

"Doesn't make it OK though, P" He sighs at my response

The Doc then comes back and sorts her wrist out and tells me she should wake up in a few hours. If she doesn't I'm to wake her at around 8pm. I just sit by her holding her hand, touching her face. The heat is dying down now, either that or the necklace is dulling that too. But the sparks are strong and I can't help but touch her to feel them. This is what it should have felt like from the beginning. And if it comforts me I'm hoping it does the same for her. 

Zander has been talking and resting with her Wolf, Luna for the past hour so I'm hoping she will wake soon but when 8 comes and goes I start to worry. I gently shake her and say

"Come on love, open those beautiful eyes for me"  When she doesn't respond I call for Doc and he comes straight away and checks her over.

"Well?" ugh i've been saying that a lot

"It must be due to the concussion, as she's a wolf she should have rapid healing. It wouldn't normally take this long. But with being malnourished and all the strain her body has been under, she seems to be in a coma. Her brain and body is working to the best of its capabilities to heal her. We just need to keep her monitored. If she doesn't wake by tomorrow we will discuss alternatives. Keep an eye out for arm and leg movements, response to touch, sound and lights. Talk to her and ask her to squeeze your hand things like that. If she can hear you and does as you ask, that's a good sign. She will be confused and possibly have memory loss when she wakes, but memory loss isn't always a factor. I'll be back In the morning. Do try to get some rest your highness, just set alarms for every 2 hours to check on her. Good evening" 

"Thank you Doctor"

I sit on the bed and touch her but there's still no response. This IS my fault, she hit her head on the underside of the table when I tackled her into it. I fucking hope she wakes up. 

"Do you want me to stay? You can lay with her and get some rest, I'll watch over you both and can wake you ev-"

"I want to say no. But she might feel safer if your here when she wakes after the way I behaved"

"It wasn't your fault Jes. But I'll just be over here, I'll start preparing for our departure to Rush's, let him know we will be arriving earlier than expected. I think we need to get away from here. We can put someone in charge of sorting this pack out"

"I feel useless, I can't even do my proper duties, I didn't think of that!"

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You've got a lot on your mind right now and I'm here to help with all this stuff anyway. You focus on her ill focus on the rest OK?"

"Thanks Parker!"

"Don't mention it"

I lay down with her and pull her into me and whisper 

"Please come back to me"  I kiss her head and close my eyes, falling into a restless sleep.

~ ~

I'm shaken awake and blinking rapidly I find Parker in my face.

"Is it 10 already?" I look at the clock on the wall and see it's half past midnight. I shoot up and yell

"You were supposed to fucking wake me Parker!"

"Shhh, i've been checking to see if she's responding to you, as you've practically wrapped yourself around her. She hadn't moved so I left you to sleep. She's just started moving her arms and legs. And with your shout just now her face scrunched up. Chill. I've woken you now as there's a reason to wake you."

"I have a headache! But thank you"

"Any time"

I lay back next to her and she turns into me. My heart starts beating rapidly, this is good and I feel a little weight lifted. Once I'm down and comfortable, she really moves and snuggles into me, head on my chest, arm and leg thrown over me. I smile, might as well enjoy it while I can. She might reject me come morning. Holding her close I feel content and fall back to sleep.

~ ~

I open my eyes and the sun is blinding me, I look down and see that she's practically laying on top of me, I have her hair in my face tickling my nose and I feel the sparks literally everywhere. And I know it's wrong given the circumstances but I have morning wood! I look over to see Parker passed out, looking rather uncomfortable in one of the chairs he bought in last night. I see it's 7.30am and I really need to release myself, which is going to be hard enough (pun intended) to go with this hard-on I have.

Extracting myself as quietly and slowly as possible I manage to shift from under her without waking her. And go do my business then I come out to see Parker stretching out in the chair. 



"Did you get everything sorted?"

"Yeah, we just need to pack her stuff up, but I didn't know where that was. I checked the room she was in but it was empty?" He says on a yawn

"Huuu, I wonder where it is?"

"Beats me, we will just have to ask her!"

"You're being a bit presumptuous, she might reject me as soon as she wakes. I'm both excited and terrified of her waking"

"She won't, I'm gonna go grab us some coffee. I'll be back!" He mimics Arnold Schwarzenegger from terminator. I just shake my head at him. I quickly go pack my toiletries up and pop them in the top of my bag and then go back to the bed to lay with her. She's now laying on her back again so I sit down and before laying down I lean over and kiss her on the head and her eyes pop open. She takes one look at me and screams and scrambles backward falling off the bed, but she shoots to a standing position. 

I take a step towards her and she backs into the wall like she did when Zander was in control. I stop dead. Hating that, that was her first reaction to seeing me. I drop my head, as much as I want to go to her and plead for her to forgive me. She obviously doesn't want that. I'm readying myself for the pain of her rejection when Parker steps into the room.

I look at her to gauge her reaction to him and she just looks confused. Doc did say that would happen.

"Oh. My bad. Glad to see you awake. You good?" She looks at him like he's crazy and I'm thinking the same thing. 

"Ookay. I'll leave you 2 alone for a minute" then turning to her he says

"I'll just be outside OK?"

She nods uncertainty and when he closes the door she looks at me, and a thousand different expressions cross her face. I need to start before she rejects me. I'll do anything to stop that from happening.

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