First Heir of the Demon (Male...


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Y/N was trained and raised to be the Heir of the Demon, trained by Ra's Al Ghul himself, Talia Al Ghul, Sandr... More

(Saga 1) Chapter 1: Damian?
Chapter 2: 2nd Robin
Chapter 3: The Stronghold
(Saga 1 Finale) Chapter 4: Deathstroke vs Knightcrawler
(Saga 2) Chapter 5: Feather
Chapter 6: Who's the Orphan
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: The Courts of Owl
Brother of Robin
Chapter 9: Batman vs Robin
(Saga 2 Finale) Chapter 11: Fight in Wayne's Mansion
Saga 3 Y/N and Cassandra's Bio
Saga 3 Trailer
(Saga 3) Chapter 12: Who's the girl?
Chapter 13: Shopping
Chapter 14: Hong Kong
Chapter 15: Attack on Hong Kong
Chapter 16: Targeted
Tournament Announcement
(Saga 3 Finale) Chapter 17: Family
(Saga 4) Chapter 18: Where's Batman?
Chapter 19: Batwoman
Chapter 20: Attack on Wayne Enterprises
Chapter 21: Return
Chapter 22: Not over yet
(Saga 4 Finale) Chapter 23: Knightcrawler vs Orphan
(Filler) Chapter 24: Spoiler
(Filler) Chapter 25: New member
5th Saga bio
(Saga 5) Chapter 26: Normal Day
Chapter 27: League of Shadows
New Story (Related)
Chapter 28: Bad to Worse
Chapter 29: Girl of the Shadows
(Saga 5 Finale) Chapter 30: More
(Filler) Chapter 31: Tim Drake
(Saga 6) Chapter 32: Titans

Chapter 10: Finding Batman

2.6K 88 17

Y/N is in FaceTime with Jaime who was with BB/Garfield by his side.

Gar: Dude you get to have so much fun back with Batman and we have to wait for a mission from Kori or Dick.

Y/N: Is not fun, trust me. Batman just lost his Robin to a weird ninja from a cult.

Gar: Spooky, brah.

Jaime: So when are you returning to the tower? Waiting for that hangout.

Y/N: Is gonna take a while, I might return for a few days before my Graduation.

Jaime: Right, you're inviting us?

Y/N: Fuck why the hell I wouldn't? Is in a Yatch that Bruce is buying.

Jaime: Nice, hermano. What's the party going to have.

Y/N: The typical, food, dance music, parties before the graduation, etc. Is in only two months, so you two should be ready for it.

Jaime: Gar is already packing things... surprised he actually wants to go.

Y/N: Me too... *hears a few steps* Look we talk later, gotta help Dick with a few stuff.

Jaime: Ok.

They hang up as he looks back seeing Dick walking down to the living room eating a bag of chips.

Dick: Talking with the Titans?

Y/N: Uh huh. So where's Bruce.

Dick: Brucing around finding the Court's base, I'm going down to help Alfred, wanna come?

Y/N: Yeah I am.

The two walk down as they see Alfred looking a bit worried at the screen which was black.

Dick: Alfred?

Alfred: Master Bruce has found the Court's base, but the comms broke.

Y/N: He's with the Court? We gotta go and get him back.

Alfred: Why?

Y/N: The Court will do anything to turn Bruce against us, they're gonna invade his mind, make him see his greatest failures and nightmares.

Dick: Like Scarecrow?

Y/N: Worse. We have to get Bruce, now!

Alfred: What about Damian?

Dick: I'll find Damian, F/N will find Bruce.

Y/N nods as he suits up and drives away in his motorcycle quickly towards the sewer Bruce said the Court is supposed to be. The scene changes to Knightcrawler landing in the sewers looking around.

Knightcrawler: Alfred, I need eyes around here, tell me where Bruce went?

Alfred: *comms* Take a route to your right hand side.

Knightcrawler nods and runs to his right hand side following the current in the filthy water. He keeps running while still following the current and Alfred's orders. He stops after seeing a wall with a small misplaced brick.

Knightcrawler: I found it.

Alfred: *comms* Please be careful Master F/N, I don't want to lose contact with you too.

Knightcrawler: Don't worry, Al. I will be careful.

He pushes it and the wall slides. He walks in but not until sees smoke but it was sort of hard to see, as his mask eyes glow red and the mouth part of his mask becomes a bit tighter and makes sure the toxin doesn't enter his nostrils or his lungs.

Knightcrawler: A specialized hallucinogen, the Court knew would know they're location, and Batman might have been the unlucky one.

He keeps walking inside ignoring the gas. He keeps walking until he sees a light from very far. He runs towards it and stops seeing some kind of Court room. He saw hundreds of people wearing mask resembling an owl. He heard steps and saw a figure with black hoodie cape, white clothes, a red tie and the owl mask. That must be like some kind of Grandmaster or someone to take place as the judge.

Grandmaster: Welcome Knightcrawler, to the Court of Owls, we have been expecting you.

Knightcrawler: I know... I got a few questions before I turn this place into Hiroshima. Where's Batman?

Grandmaster: I'm afraid Batman is far from here, Knightcrawler. Perhaps you should check another place.

Knightcrawler: Send me to him, or I'll do it by force.

Grandmaster: Force? Like when fighting against Talon? Or Slade Wilson? Orphan? *Knightcrawler grows in a bit of shock* We have eyes on everyone in Gotham, but we've been watching you all your moves since you first appeared in the streets.

Knightcrawler: So you were keeping an eye on every move I did.

Grandmaster: Exactly, Talon is right, you could be his protege if the one he brings doesn't work. We've seen that Batman is holding back your true nature, you are quite the fighter.

Knightcrawler: Is this some kind of offer?

Grandmaster: In a matter of speaking, yes. You could join us, live a world without rules, where you are free to eradicate evil, to do what Batman doesn't. Is a quick choice, what do you say?

Knightcrawler: *stays quiet but smirks after* You probably know my answer, and when I said I'll turn this court to Hiroshima I swear I will do it. *shows a detonator* I'm one step ahead.

Grandmaster: If you're one step ahead, we're several steps. You're poisoned.

Knightcrawler: Oh really? *points at his mask* The toxin can't reach me dick face.

Grandmaster: We know... but the water in the sewers were already poisoned.

Knightcrawler: What?

Grandmaster: *as Knightcrawler looks at everyone like some kind of halloween monster* The waters in this sewers have been poisoned when Batman touched the filthy water, now you're poisoned too. You wanna find Batman... take this route.

Knightcrawler feels the floor crumble and it broke, as Knightcrawler fell. The scene changes to Knightcrawler waking up in a pair of stairs from a dark place.

He walks down the stairs looking around confused. He grabs the detonator and pulls it, revealing it was either fake and it wasn't connected to anything. He throws it and keeps looking around.

Knightcrawler: Where the hell am I?

???: You are in the end of the line.

He looks back and gets shocked after seeing the man he hates the most... Ra's Al Ghul.

Knightcrawler: What the hell?

Ra's Al Ghul: I've told you hundreds of times there's many forms of immortality, and I've proven you that I am right.

Knightcrawler: You're not real... this is some pathetic trick from the court.

Ra's Al Ghul: I'm very real, *punches Knightcrawler in the face* and very disappointed on how weak you became.

Knightcrawler: This is just my head.

Ra's Al Ghul: Is it?

He shows a sword and swings at Knightcrawler, cutting his face, almost his right eye. He starts to bleed and gets up panting.

Ra's Al Ghul: The Detective made you soft, you're proved me why blood is always the key to success.

Knightcrawler: Shut up!

Ra's Al Ghul: You weren't supposed to be my successor, but my Messiah, the one to make sure the League never dies, and yet you got soft. *swings at Knightcrawler who dodges but earns an elbow* Cain did a fantastic job replacing you, you didn't deserved the Al Ghul's, or anyone from Nanda Parbat, you're a failure just like your mother.

Knightcrawler got angry and rushed and pushes Ra's through a wall breaking it, changing the area which looked like the League of Assassin training grounds. Knightcrawler looks around panting until Ra's ripped his mask off and goes to slash him. Y/N dodges it and later blocks his sword grabbing his wrist and later kicking backwards Ra's face. Ra's lands in his side but gets up dodging a kick from Y/N but he smirks and impales Y/N in the shoulders and right leg. He swings slashing his cheek, leaving a scar in it. Y/N gets up blocking a swing but Ra's elbows his face, leaving a bit of blood and later kicks him back, making Y/N land in his back. He starts to crawl trying to also get up, but Ra's slashes his back and later puts his feet in his back.

Ra's Al Ghul: Foolish child, you don't get it do you? You followed Richard's steps thinking you can protect Gotham, stop the crime? Evil is eternal and infinite, evil will not rest or die, I taught you to kill to eliminate as much crime as possible, and yet you refused to do it. You're worthless.

Ra's goes to impale Y/N but Y/N in anger pushes Ra's back by getting up. Ra's swings his sword, but Y/N stops with his hands, breaking the blade and later blocking a punch from Ra's breaking it and with that same blade he slashes his chest leaving blood in it. Ra's grunts but sees to his front, seeing Y/N impaling him through his heart with the broken sword. Ra's looks in shock just to cough blood and looks at Y/N.

Y/N: *panting* I am... willing to kill for the greater good... but I would be... no better than the people who kill... isn't that what you taught me? To be better than everyone? Now... I'm being better than you... *gets the sword off him* master...

Ra's stopped coughing and smiled as his injury healed and he gets up.

Ra's Al Ghul: That was your final lesson... the one not even Damian managed accomplish. *the scene moves around, as Y/N's costume looks repaired and with no injuries but he had dirt around it, meaning those were his real life damage* After this I want you to find our Messiah.

Knightcrawler: Like hell I am.

Ra's Al Ghul: You will... she is David's daughter after all.

Knightcrawler stops moving and looks back in a bit of shock.

Knightcrawler: What?

Ra's Al Ghul: *nods* Her name is Cassandra Cain... your replacement as The League's Messiah, bring her in... bring her home.

Knightcrawler: If you're talking about bringing her in to Nanda Parbat, jokes on you, if she's a criminal like daddy then I'll be glad to put her in Arkham.

Ra's Al Ghul: *laughs a little* She is just like her father, but yet so different, she's the best of all Nanda Parbat, having Cain's blood and one of my students blood as well.

Knightcrawler: You must be talking about her mother... who is she?

Ra's Al Ghul: Figure it yourself... Knightcrawler.

Knightcrawler frowns under the mask walking to the building where the League live, he opens the door as light covers him. He wakes up in a sudden shock as he looks around being near the ocean.

Knightcrawler: At least I'm back. *looks to his right and gets in shock* Batman?

He looks seeing Batman passed out as he calls Nightwing from his comms.

Knightcrawler: Nightwing, this is Knightcrawler... I found Batman... he's fine, just passed out.

The scene changes to Robin in a building as he looks back, seeing Talon.

Talon: You waited... good. Come, let me show you the Court of Owls, Robin.

Robin nods and follows Talon.

I said it... probably the last chapter of saga 2, this is officially the semifinal chapter, the next one is officially the last one. Hope you've enjoyed this chapter and later guys.

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