Season One (Stranger Things F...

By checomova

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I'm not gonna write a whole fOOking summary, I just don't wanna ๐Ÿ’€ It's basically all of season one of Strang... More

Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter Three: Holly Jolly
Chapter Four: The Body
Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat
Chapter Six: The Monster
Chapter Seven: The Bathtub

Chapter Eight: The Upside Down

548 8 4
By checomova

Note: This is the last chapter so get comfy'sss

You sat beside El on the benches as she leaned her head on Mike. You looked over at him and he seemed super nervous, his leg was bouncing a lot and kept watching the door. He suddenly got up and raced out of the gym. El gave you a confused look but you just shrugged. When he came back he said,

"They're gone"

"What?" you asked.

"Nancy and Jonathan, his car's gone" Mike said.

"They're probably just sucking face somewhere" Dustin said.

"No, no way" Mike said.

"Did they go with the chief?" Lucas asked.

"No they were still here when they left, maybe they're just taking a break somewhere?" you suggested.

"No" El said beside you.

"What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?" Mike asked her.

"Yes" she answered tiredly.

"Where? Where did they go?"


Hopper's POV

They pushed me in a room and sat me on a chair. My neck was hurting from the interrogation they left me with, the sons of bitches. Dr. Brenner opened the door and walked in. He took out a box of cigarettes and handed them to me. I sighed, I did hate this man but damn did I really need a smoke. As I put one between my lips he held the light up for me and I let out a satisfying breath, the smoke leaving my mouth.

"Where's the girl?" Brenner asked.

I inhaled the cigarette once more and exhaled the smoke.

"You gotta give me your word. Nobody's ever gonna find out about this" I tapped the end of the cigarette on the ashtray.

"And those other kids, you're gonna leave them alone. Especially Y/N, the girl, you do not touch her" I told him firmly.

She was like a child of mine. A few years after Sarah, Y/N came around and just made me feel like I had a daughter again. I don't want to see her hurt, especially in the hands of these men.

"Then I'll tell you" I took another drag "I'll tell you where your little science experiment is"

Back to your POV

"Guys, this is crazy. We can't just wait around" Mike told you guys.

"Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives.
The bad men are still looking for us" Lucas told him.

"Yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is" Dustin said.

"El can find them" Mike said.

"Mike, look at her, she's drained, we can't push her too far" you mentioned to El who was resting on your lap. "I still think we should stick to the Chief's plan"

"Exactly, we stay here, keep El out of sight and keep her safe. That's the most important thing, remember?" Lucas told Mike.

"Besides, she's okay. She's with Jonathan" Lucas said.

"Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now, so..." you said.

Dustin got up from the bleachers and started to walk out the room.

"Where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!" Mike shouted at him.

"I am, I'm just gonna go get some chocolate pudding. I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit" Dustin said.

"Are you serious?" Mike said.

"El needs to be recharged!"

You raised your eyebrows, "Hell, I want pudding"

You helped El up and walked her to the cafeteria. You sat her down with Mike and you went to the kitchen with Dustin and Lucas to get the chocolate pudding. Dustin opened the fridge and a big smile appeared on your face.

"Found it! I knew she was hoarding it" Dustin said starting to grab a bunch of the vans.

"I knew it. Always lying, saying she's out.
Bald-faced liar" Dustin said beside you. "Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" he yelled.

"Okay!" you heard him yell.

You and Lucas grabbed a few trays and brought it to the fridge as you stocked a bunch of the puddings on them.

"Hell, if we find a bag I'm taking half of these baby's home" you said.

"Helllll no, I'm eating all of these right here right now" Dustin said.

"Yeah okayyy, try to before I eat 'em all" you laughed.

You started to bring a tray out to the cafeteria as Lucas and Dustin still stacked more on the trays. You were about to go in but before you did, you noticed Mike and El were having a moment.

You waited and watched from behind the wall. You saw Mike was stuttering and then he quickly kissed El on the lips. You tried not to gasp so loud. You were smiling so much behind your hand that covered your mouth. Mike pulled away and you saw El was surprised but she smiled. You felt so happy, you knew they liked each other. El was like your sister and Mike was your best friend, it just made you super giddy inside. You saw car lights coming out from the windows ahead and Mike had to leave to check it out. When he was gone, you walked in and sat beside El. You were smiling uncontrollably.

"Here, try this you'll love it" you said opening a can. You didn't want to make her feel weird about the kiss so you didn't mention it.

She dipped her fingers in and licked the pudding off. A smile immediately appeared and she ate more of it.

"Right?" you said opening one for yourself.

"I'm telling you, this will charge your battery right up" Dustin said bring more trays of pudding alongside Lucas.

"Guys! Guys!" Mike said running into the room.

"What?" you asked him licking your chocolate covered fingers.

"They found us" he said quickly.

You exchanged a look with him and you quickly got out of your seat. You helped El and you all started to run out of the cafeteria.

"How did they find us?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym" Mike said.

"Lando" Dustin said.

You all rushed out of the cafeteria and started to run through the school. Your feet pounded on the ground as you ran down the halls. An agent suddenly appeared at the end of the hall in front of you.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled.

You turned around and turned right, hoping to lose them. Your heart was beating super quickly. You ran down the hall and you were about to turn to head out the door but then a blond lady and two agents beside her appeared in front of you with guns in their hands. You turned to go back the other way but more soldiers appeared behind you guys. You were trapped.

Suddenly, El stared at the lady and started to use her powers. The soldiers around you guys started to shake and blood poured from their eyes and ears. So much blood was coming out, they dropped to the floor dead. You were breathing heavily as they did. Suddenly, El fell to the floor beside you, super weak.

"El!" you shouted.

You and the boys knelt down beside her and tried to wake her up but she would not open her eyes. Blood was coming out her nose and she seemed super pale and drained.

"El, are you okay?" Mike said. "Something's wrong"

"She's just drained" Dustin said.

"No, no, she won't wake up" you told him. You shook her shoulder but she wouldn't get up.

"El! El!" Mike shouted desperately. "She's barely breathing"

"We gotta go" you said.

"Leave her" you heard.

You turned and saw the same tall old white haired man from before walking up to you guys. Brenner. He was the one that kept Eleven in that lab.

"Step away from the child" he said.

"Hell no!" you said standing in front of her.

"You want her, you have to kill us first" Mike said. The boys stood up beside you.

"Eat shit!" Lucas said.

Four soldiers came up from behind and grabbed you and the boys. You struggled in their arms, you tried to fight him back but the man held you tight in his grasp.

"No! No! Get off me!" you yelled.

"No! Stop! Let us go!" Mike yelled.

You tried to reach over to the boys but this soldier dude held you super tight. You struggled in his gripping arms as you watched Brenner kneel down to El. He held her in his hands.

"Don't touch her! Leave her alone!" you yelled at him.

"Let her go! Let her go, you bastard!" Mike yelled beside you.

Brenner talked to El like she was his own, like his child. That asshole. Eleven was super weak and she looked over at you and the boys. She wanted to be with you guys.

"Mike, Mike" she said.

You then saw the lights above you flickering and you stopped struggling. You heard loud thudding and you turned to Mike.

"Blood" you told him.


"Blood" you repeated.

Nancy told you back at the Byers home that the Demogorgon was attracted to blood like sharks. All the dead bodies that El killed with her powers had pools of blood beside them from their eyes.

You heard more loud thudding and you saw the walk in front of beginning to break.

"Demogorgon" Dustin said.

The wall broke open and a big creature came out into the hall. This thing was super tall, bony and had no face. His head opened and large teeth were shown as he came near the soldiers. The agents holding you and the boys let you go and started to shoot the Demogorgan.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled.

Dustin picked Eleven up and carried her as you all ran down the halls to a classroom. The shots rang through the walls as you did and you heard the sounds of the creature getting closer.

You rushed inside a room and locked it closed as you went to the back of the classroom. Dustin layed El down on one of the tables and Mike grabbed both her hands. The gunfire was still heard loud from down the halls.

"Just, hold on, we're almost there. We're almost there" Mike told her.

"He's gone, the bad man's gone.We'll be home soon, and my mom, she'll get you your own bed.You can eat as many Eggos as you want" El cried as he spoke to her "And we can go to the Snow Ball" he smiled.

"Promise?" she asked him softly.


You suddenly heard the monster screeching super close to the classroom. You heard screams from the soldiers and more gunfire. The monster kept getting closer and then the screaming and shooting stopped.

"Is... Is it dead?" Dustin asked stuttering.

The door to the room was yanked open and the Demogorgon walked in.

"Go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled.

"Get the wrist rocket! Get the rocket now!" you yelled at Lucas.

He quickly opened his backpack and pulled out the wrist rocket as the monster kept getting closer to you guys.

"Rocks, rocks, rocks!" Dustin yelled.

You opened the front pocket and quickly handed a rock to Lucas. You were all shouting hysterically in fear as the monster got closer. Lucas shot the rock at it but it didn't even hurt him. Lucas grabbed another rock and shot but it didn't to anything to the Demogorgon.

"Kill it now! Come on, kill the bastard!" Dustin yelled.

"It's not working!" Lucas said.

"Hit him again! Kill him!"

"Keep going! Come on!"

Lucas grabbed a rock and stretched his hand out real far. He took aim and released the hand that held the rock. Right when it hit the monster, it was thrown across to the room and it was held up against the wall by great force.

You all panted and your hearts beat super fast. Eleven walked from beside you guys and glared at the monster as she walked up to it.

"Eleven, stop!" Mike yelled.

He tried to reach her, to stop her, but she pushed him back with her mind. He fell to the floor and said against a cabinet that he hit.

Your mouth was gasped open as you watched El make her way to the monster. She stood right in front of it as it was still pushed against the wall, it's screeching filled the room. Eleven turned and looked at each and everyone one of you, a small smile appeared when she looked at you. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. She was like the sister you always wanted and she was about to leave you.

"Goodbye, Mike" she said when her blood shot eyes landed on him.

Tears spilled from his eyes as he looked at her, he never felt as he did when he was with El, he didn't want to lose her.

El turned back to the Demogorgan. She had her hand extended toward the screeching creature, her power getting strong. She started to scream and the Demogorgan screeched so loud that you and the boys had to cover your ears. Your tears spilled as you knew how much pain El was going through.

Suddenly, the noise was gone and it became silent. You looked up and saw the monster was gone, and so was El. All that was left was dust flying around the place they disappeared.

You and the boys got up and ran to the front of the room. She really was gone.

"El? El?" Mike yelled. "El!"

"Eleven!" Lucas and Dustin shouted.

You didn't shout her name, you knew she was gone. The tears kept slipping out, you really felt like you lost a sister.

"El! El, where are you? Eleven!" Mike kept shouting.

You looked at Lucas and Dustin, they were looking down, you all knew this hurt Mike bad.

"El?" he shouted.

"Mike" you said.

He turned and you saw the tears coming out from his eyes too. You didn't want to say it because you knew that he already knows. You just shook your head sadly and gave a small weak comforting smile.

He looked from you to the ground and cried. You went up to him and wrapped him in your arms. He cried on your shoulder as you held his shaking body. Lucas and Dustin hugged you both too, but you all knew that you were missing a member of the group hug.

(Time skip to the hospital)

You sat in the waiting room beside the Chief and the door. The Wheelers were in there, Steve was also there with a beat up face and the boys. Dustin was sleeping on Lucas who was also asleep and Mike was bouncing his leg as he stared at the ground.

After the police and ambulances came, you and the boys went to the hospital where you got word that Will was. Mrs. Byers and Hopper saved Will from the Upside Down and he was now in his room recovering.

You had your head leaned on Hopper's shoulder and your eyes kept closing and opening. You were super tired.

"I'm glad your okay Chief" you said super tiredly.

You could tell he was smiling, "Yeah I'm glad your okay too kid"

You smiled on his arm and your eyes were about to close but you shot up when you heard the door open by Jonathan.

"Guys, he's up. Will's up" Mike said as he shook Lucas and Dustin awake.

You got out of your seat and ran with Mike to Wills room. When the door opened, you saw you friend laying tiredly on the bed but smiling at you all.

"Byers!" you and Mike yelled.

You both ran and hugged him super tightly. Lucas came in and hugged him with you guys.

"Be careful, be careful with him" Mrs. Byers said.

"Move" Dustin said pulling you guys off of Will and hugging him.

"You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man" Mike said.

"It was mental" Dustin said.

"You had a funeral" Lucas said.

"Jennifer Hayes was crying" Dustin said smiling.

"And Troy peed himself" you said.

"What?" Will said in disbelief.

"In front of the whole school!"

Will then started to cough and you and the boys stopped to let him cough. You all missed your friend and you wanted to catch Will up but he was still pretty weak.

"You okay?" Mike asked him.

"It got me, the Demogorgon" he said.

"We know, but it's okay. It's dead" Lucas told him.

"We made a new friend. She stopped it and saved us" you said remembering El.

"But she's gone now" Mike said.

"Her name's Eleven" Lucas told him.

"Like the number?" he asked.

"Well, we call her "El" for short" Mike said.

"She's basically a wizard" Dustin said.

"She has superpowers" you said smiling.

"She flipped a van with her mind, and these agents were trying to shoot us" Dustin explained.

"She made you freakin fly!" you exclaimed looking at Mike.


You really enjoyed talking about El. You all talked about her like she wasn't even gone

(One months later)

"Something is coming, something angry. Hungry for your blood. It is almost here" Mike said seriously.

You were all in his basement playing a new campaign of D&D.

"What is it?" Will asked.

"It's the thessalhydra, I'm telling you" you said.

"It's not the thessalhydra" Lucas told you.

"I'm telling you, it's the thessalhydra" you said again.

Mike slammed a forgone onto the game board, "The thessalhydra!"

"Damn it" Dustin said.

"Told you!" you said slapping Lucas on the arm.

"It roars in anger! Will, your action!" Mike shouted.

"What should I do?" he said.

"Fireball him!" Lucas said. You all turned and looked at Dustin.

"Fireball the son of a bitch" he smiled.

Will grabbed the dice and threw them onto the table.

"Fourteen!" you shouted. You all cheered.

"Will the Wise's fireball hits the thessalhydra.
It makes a painful" Mike makes a screeching sound, "and then, it crumbles to the ground.
Its clawed hand reaches for you one last time and, and, and... AND!" Mike falls to the ground acting dead.

You and the boys cheer.

"Lucas cuts off its seven heads, and Dustin places them into his bag of holding. Y/N, you burn the body with your fire hands. You all carry the heads out of the dungeon, victorious, and you present them to King Tristan" you and the guys nod your head with your hands raised in victory "He thanks you for your bravery and service"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's not it, is it?" Dustin asked.

"No, there's a medal ceremony" Mike explained.

"Oh, a medal ceremony? What are you talking about?" Dustin said.

"The campaign was way too short" Will said.

"It was ten hours!" Mike shouted.

"But it doesn't make any sense" you told him.

"It makes sense" he said.

"Uh, no, what about the lost knight?"

"And the proud princess?"

"And those weird flowers in the cave?"

Jonathan cut Mike off from answering when he came down the stairs.

"Jeez, what's that smell? Have you guys been playing games all day, or just farting?"
he said.

Oh no, that's just Dustin, he farted" Lucas said and you laughed. Dustin's smile fell to a frown at Lucas's comment.

"Dustin farted" Lucas said making farting sounds.

"Okay. Very mature, Lucas" he said.

"Bye, guys" Will said as he followed his brother up the stairs. You all waved goodbye.

When he left, Lucas and Dustin started wrestling each other and you laughed as you watched them. You saw Mike looking at the blanket fort with a sad expression, that's where El used to sleep. You placed a hand on his arm.

"I miss her too" you said.

He only nodded.

"Hey I got you something" you whispered as you pulled out a present from your jacket pocket.

"What, you already got me those candies, you didn't have to do that" Mike said.

"Mike please" you said handing it to him.

He unwrapped it and held the new shiny switchblade in his hand.

"Woah" he said admiring it.

"So you can protect yourself" you said shrugging "And in case we ever get attack by Troy or Demogorgan's again"

Mike smiled, "This is really neat thank you"

He pulled you into a hug and you wrapped your arms over him.

"Anytime bud"

Everything was okay. For now ....

Stay tuned for Season Two!

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