Season One (Stranger Things F...

checomova द्वारा

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I'm not gonna write a whole fOOking summary, I just don't wanna 💀 It's basically all of season one of Strang... अधिक

Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter Three: Holly Jolly
Chapter Four: The Body
Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat
Chapter Six: The Monster
Chapter Eight: The Upside Down

Chapter Seven: The Bathtub

412 10 2
checomova द्वारा

Note: This ones also super long (they're all long) so get comfyyy

You were in the bathroom with El, cleaning her dirty face with a wet paper towel.

"That's better" you told her.

She looked at the mirror and ran a hand on her shaved head.

"You don't need the wig" you told her.

"Still pretty?" she asked.

"Yeah, really pretty" you smiled at her.

Mike came in through the door and you turned El around to show him.

"Pretty, right Mike?" you asked him.

"Yeah! Pretty, really pretty" he said.

You smiled, you thought it was cute how much he liked her.

You saw how Mike was looking at El and noticed they were having a moment so you left them alone. You went back inside the basement with Dustin.

"Do you think Lucas is still mad?" you asked Dustin sitting down.

"I dunno, he probably went out to find the gate like he said" Dustin said sitting beside you.

Right after he said that, the walkie talkie on the table started to give out static and your heard a rushing of Lucas's voice. You exchanged a look with Dustin and you reached the walkie.

"Lucas are you there? Over" you spoke into the speaker.

He kept yelling at the walkie but there wasn't that great of a signal. As you kept trying to reach him, Dustin went to get Mike and El.

"Lucas we can't hear you!" you shouted.

"What's he saying?" Mike said coming in the room.

"I don't know, he's way out of range" you said.

"Bad men ... Eleven ...son of a bitch!" you heard him said.

"Lucas slow down, we can't understand you" you told him.

"They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! " you could hear him say.

"Bad men!" you told Mike and Dustin.

"Wait here" he told El.

You and the boys ran up the stairs to the living room. You went over to the window and pulled the drapes open. You saw a Hawkins Power and Light van just across the street. There was a man beside the van watching the house.

"You don't think he's ..." Dustin said. You gave him a worried look, he was here for El.

Mike ran into the kitchen to talk to his mom, but you and Dustin kept looking out the window. Suddenly, three or five more of the same vans parked right outside the house.

"Oh shit!" you said.

You and Dustin ran from the window to the kitchen.

"Mike!" you shouted.

He finally turned from his mom to you.

"We need to leave, right now" you told him.

His eyes widened and ran off with your guys to go to the basement to get El. You ran out of the back of the house and hopped on your bikes. When you got on the street, you saw a group of the bad men walking towards you. The leader, a tall white haired guy was staring at Eleven.

"Go, go, go!" Dustin shouted.

You and the boys started pedaling and the bad men ran back to their vans to chase you. You were pedaling super fast down the street.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god"
Dustin panicked.

"Dustin! Dustin, do you copy?" Lucas asked through Dustin's headset.

"Yeah, Lucas, they're on us, we're at Cornwallis" he told him.

"Meet me at Elm and Cherry!" Lucas told him.

You and the boys turned and pedaled faster toward Elm street. You heard the van's tires screech and gaining on you, your heart beat faster.

"This way, come on!" Mike yelled.

You followed him as you turned into the houses and you biked across the backyard. You almost ran into a group of friends but pedaled past them when they moved away. When you got back on the street, you met with Lucas who was biking up to you guys.

"Where are they?" he asked also out of breath.

"I don't know, I think we lost them" Mike panted.

Suddenly, three vans appeared behind you guys and drove super fast toward you five.

"Go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled.

You pedaled faster now, the vans were super close behind you guys and you were out of the breath. Then, another van appeared in front of you guys.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" you said.

The van was getting super closer, really really closer and you were about to crush into it. Your hands grabbed the handles and you breathed heavily. And then, outta nowhere, the van flipped, right in front of you and flew overhead of you and your friends, crashing into the vans behind you.

"Holy shit!" you shouted.

Your eyes and mouth were opened wide. Eleven used her powers to flip the van over. It was freakin awesome.

You and the boys biked to the abandoned car place in the woods, when you reached there, you got off and dropped your bikes. Mike sat El on the ground, she looked drained. You brought your hands to your head in amazement.

"Did... did you see what she did to that van? I mean that was.." Dustin said stammering.

"Awesome" Lucas said. You all looked at him. "It was awesome" he repeated.

He walked and kneeled beside Eleven. "Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff... I was wrong, I'm sorry" he apologized to her.

"Friends... friends don't lie. I'm sorry, too" El told him.

"Me, too" Mike said.

Lucas turned and saw him with his hand out to him. Lucas got up and shook his hand.

"Finally!" you shouted.

You all laughed and you went up to Lucas and hugged him. He laughed and hugged you back.

"Don't ever leave me again" you told him.

Dustin and Mike hugged you guys too, creating a group hug. You all laughed, you turned to Eleven.

"El, you too, c'mere" you told her. You waved her over.

She smiled and got up from the ground. You put an arm over her shoulder and you all hugged each other again. You smiled, these really were the best friends ever.

"What happened to your neck?" Lucas asked you.

You touched the slight scar that Troy gave you from the knife at th mountains.

"We ran into Troy" you said.

"Yeah man, you missed a lot" Dustin said.

After explaining everything that happened, you all sat on the ground and started to create a plan. Lucas layed out a map with sticks and explained where he had been and what he saw.

"The fence starts here, and goes all the way around, and this is the lab right here" he explained putting a van in the center of the circle of sticks. "The gate's gotta be in there somewhere"

"The sign on the vans said 'Department of Energy', what do you think that means?" Dustin asked.

"It means government, military. My dad's told me before" Mike said.

"What, do they make, like, light bulbs or something?" Dustin asked him.

"No, weapons, to fight the Russians, and commies and stuff" he explained.

"Weapons" Lucas said.

You all turned to El. That's why they used her, they used her power as a weapon. That's why they chased you the whole time.

"Well, what do we do?" you asked.

"I don't know, but we can't go home, we're fugitives now" Mike said.

Right after he said that, you all heard the choppers from a helicopter flying over you in the sky, it was the bad men.

"Go, go, go, go!"

"Come on!"

You all quickly got up to hide. You hid your bikes under an old beaten bus and went inside. You and Lucas threw yourselves behind a seat and stayed low so no one would find you.

"You think they saw us?" Lucas asked. You shook your head but you didn't really now.

You hid behind the bus seats for a long while. No one came and no one saw you but you all stayed hidden in case anyone came around. After a long time, Mike's walkie talkie started to make static sounds. You raised an eyebrow and Mike pulled his walkie out of his backpack.

"Mike, it's me, Nancy. Mike, are you there? Answer. Mike, we need you to answer" you heard Mike's sister Nancy talking to him.

"Is that your sister?" Lucas asked.

"This is an emergency, Mike. Do you copy?
Mike, do you copy?"

"Okay, this is really weird, why does she say it's an emergency?" you asked.

Lucas reached over and grabbed the walkie but Mike pulled it back.

"Don't answer"

"She said it was an emergency" you kept saying.

"What if it's a trick?" Mike said. "What if the bad people kidnapped her? What if they're forcing her to say this?"

"It's like Lando Calrissian" Dustin said. "Don't answer"

"Listen, kid, this is the Chief, if you're there, pick up. We know you're in trouble and we know about the girl" You then heard the Chief's voice. You looked at everyone as you heard his voice.

"Why is she with the chief?" Lucas asked.

"How the hell does he know about..." Dustin said looking at El.

"We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy?" he kept saying.

"Answer it" you told Mike.

"What? What if they're tricking us?" Mike asked.

"It's not a trick Mike! I know this man, he wouldn't do this, this isn't a trick, you need to answer" you told him.

Mike sighed, "Yeah, I copy" he answered his walkie. "It's Mike, I'm here. We're here" he told him.

You breathed out in relief. You knew Hopper and he wouldn't trick you. He was really close to you and you knew he would never do that to you. He was coming to help.

After a few long ass minutes, he still wasn't there. You told him your location but he still didn't come, neither did the bad men. The sun was setting and you were still all sitting but Dustin was pacing back and forth in the aisle of the bus.

"Will you stop pacing?" Mike told him annoyed.

"It's been way too long" Dustin said.

"Do you know what? Maybe you're right, maybe this is all a trap and the bad men are coming to get us right now!" Lucas said.

"It's not a trap, I'm telling you he wouldn't do that. Why would he set us up anyway?" you said. "Nancy, maybe, but the Chief?"

Mike furrowed his eyebrows and gave you a questionable look.

"Lando Calrissian" Dustin said.

"Would you shut up about Lando?" Lucas told him.

"I don't feel good about this. I don't feel good about this!" Dustin yelled.

You head shot up when you heard a car or two approaching and parking in the abandoned area.

"Shit!" you yelled getting back down. All the boys and El hid behind the seats and stayed below the windows. You and Lucas hid behind a seat together and Mike, Dustin, and El were on the other side.

"Lando" Dustin said.

"You think they saw us?" Lucas asked.

"Both of you need to shut up right now" you whispered.

You heard the bad men get out of their cars. They spread out and started to search the area. A man came up beside the bus and saw the bikes underneath. Your breathing quickened as he was about to enter the bus but then you heard him fall and groan in pain. You looked at Lucas with an eyebrow raised. You heard the two other men getting punched and falling unconscious.

You heard someone going up on the bus and you looked up. It was the Chief.

"All right, let's go" he said.

You quickly got up, grabbed your backpack and went to the front of the bus with him, but everyone else stayed frozen at the back.

"Let's go!" the Chief shouted again. And with that command, they all scurried and followed him out.

Day turned to night and you and your friends rode in the Chief's car to the Byers house. When you got out, Nancy ran up and hugged Mike. When she turned and saw El she asked,

"Is that my dress?"

Once you got inside the house, you all explained everything. From finding El, to the Upside Down, to fighting the bad men.

"Is this gate underground?" Mrs. Byers asked.

"Yes" El replied.

"Near a large water tank?" The Chief said.

"How do you know all that?" you asked him but he didn't answer.

"Is there any way that you could... that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this, Upside Down?" Mrs. Byers asked El.

"And my friend Barbara?" Nancy asked.

Eleven nodded.

You moved to the kitchen and sat El at the table. Nancy displayed a torn up picture of Barb and Mike put his walkie on the table to contact them. As El searched with her eyes closed, the light above the table was flickering on and off as the only thing that came out of the walkie was static. But then the lights stayed on when El reopened her teary eyes.

"I'm sorry" she said.

"What? What's wrong? What happened?" Mrs. Byers stuttered.

"I can't find them" she said sadly.

You sighed. There had to be another way to get to them. Later, El went to the bathroom to cool down and you all talked amongst yourselves.

"Whenever she uses her powers, she gets weak" Mike explained. "The more energy she uses, the more tired she gets"

"Well how do we make her better?" Mrs. Byers asked.

"We don't, we just have to wait and try again" Mike said.

"The bath" you heard El say from behind. You all turned and looked at her. "I can find them, in the bath"

You looked at the Chief and said "The tank of salt and water, that's the bath they used at the lab"

Dustin went over to the phone and contacted Mr. Clark. It was ten at night on a Saturday but if you were to know anything about this kind of stuff, he was the man to know.

"Do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks?" Dustin asked him once he answered. "Fun" he said as he talked to the phone. You exchanged an annoyed look with Lucas. "You always say we should never stop being curious, to always open any curiosity door we find. Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?" Dustin continued.

Once he finally got Mr. Clark to talk to him, Dustin began to write down information on paper. Once he finally hung up, he turned to Mrs. Byers.

"Do you still have that kiddie pool we bobbed for apples in?"

"I think so, yeah" she nodded.

"Good, then we just need salt. Lots of it"

"How much is "lots"?" The Chief asked.

"1,500 pounds" Dustin confirmed looking back at his notes.

"Wait, where are we gonna get that much salt?" Nancy asked.

You all got in the cars and drove to Hawkins Highschool. They always kept bags of salt in case it ever snowed. Jonathan and the Chief went to get the salt, Mrs. Byers went with El to prepare her, Dustin and Lucas were setting up the pool in the gym and you went with Mike and Nancy to get hoses. You went to the shed that was at the back of the school, Nancy tried to open it but it was locked.

"Stand back" she told you and Mike.

With a rock in her hand, she slammed it down on the lock and it broke open, she kicked the door and walked in.

"Whoa" Mike said, he looked at you surprised. You raised your eyebrows and smirked, guess Nancy was cool after all.

You grabbed a bunch of hoses and walked out heading back to the school. You had a wrapped hose on your shoulder and so did Mike, Nancy carried a few in a wheelbarrel.

"What does she even eat? Eleven?" she asked you and Mike.

"Candy, leftovers, Eggos..." he smiled. "She really likes Eggos"

"I knew you were acting weird. I just... I thought it was because of Will" she told his brother.

"I knew you were acting weird, too. I thought it was 'cause of Steve" Mike said. You silently laughed beside him.

"Hey, no more secrets, okay? From now on we tell each other everything" she told him.

You wanted to test that theory, "Do you like Jonathan now?"

"What? No, noo, it's... it's not like that" she stuttered. You looked at Mike and you both laughed.

"What? Do you like Eleven?" she asked Mike.

"What? No, ew. Gross" he said disgusted.

You laughed harder, "Wow, you surprise me how bad you are at lying"

"I don't like her okay?" he said with a serious face.

You raised your hands in defeat, "Alright, alright" you said smirking.

Mike walked in front of you and Nancy, when he was far enough you leaned into her and said, "He very much likes her"

When you got back in the gym, you and Nancy connected the hoses to the faucets and let the water run into the kiddie pool. When it was at the right temperature, Jonathan and the Chief threw in two bags of salt. Dustin tested to see if there was enough by placing an egg on the water, but it did not float. The guys added more salt and on the second try, the egg finally floated.

Mrs. Byers came with Eleven and she placed the taped goggles over her eyes. She stepped in the pool and layed on the water as she floated for a minute or two, you all stood around the pool and waited. Then, the lights started to flicker and turned off by themselves. The walkie talkie beside you started to send loud static sounds through the room. You waited for something to happen until El said,


You all looked at Nancy and she looked worried.

"Is Barb okay? Is she okay?"

"Gone, gone" El said.

Your mouth gaped open and Nancy looked in shock. El was freaking out and started to panic.

"It's okay, it's okay. I got you, don't be afraid. I'm right here with you, you're safe" Mrs, Byers held onto El as she calmed her down.

Your breathing started to quicken as you waited for El to find Will.

"Castle Byers" she said.

You looked around at the boys and they looked worried, his mom was desperate.

"Will?" Eleven said.

You sat up straighter as she said her name. She found him.

"You, you tell him I'm coming" Mrs. Byers said with her voice shaking.

There was a small pause when you all heard his voice on the walkie.

"Hurry" you heard his weak voice say.

You looked at Mike and exchanged a hopeful look with him. Will was alive.

"Listen, tell him to... to stay where he is. We're coming, we're coming, okay? We're coming, honey" Mrs. Byers told El.

After a short second, Eleven shot up from the pool gasping. Blood was dripping from her nose and ear and she was scared. Mrs. Byers pulled her towards her and hugged her from behind.

"I've got you. It's okay. I got you, I got you" she repeated to El.

You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. Will was alive, you just had to get him from the Upside Down.

You, the boys, and El went over to the bleachers and sat down. The Chief and Mrs. Byers left the building to go to the lab and get Will. Before they left, you got up and ran after them.

"Chief! Chief!" you yelled as you walked out the school.

He was about to go in his car but stopped when he heard you calling him. You passed by Mrs. Byers was talking to Jonathan and you walked up to the Chief.

"We have to leave right now, I don't have time for this" he said hurriedly.

"Just .. be careful, alright?" you told him.

His face softened just a bit and he sighed, "Yeah, I will, I'll be fine Y/N"

You staggered just a bit but then went up to him and hugged him. He seemed a bit taken aback but he loosely hugged you back. He was like your dad, he was the closest thing to a father you ever had and you did not want to lose him. You pulled back and nodded.

"Now go back inside, we gotta go" he said stepping into his car and shutting the door.

Mrs. Byers patted you on the back before she went in the car and they both drove off to the lab. You and Jonathan stood beside each other as you watched them leave. All you had to do now was wait.

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