Season One (Stranger Things F...

By checomova

5.8K 109 76

I'm not gonna write a whole fOOking summary, I just don't wanna πŸ’€ It's basically all of season one of Strang... More

Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter Three: Holly Jolly
Chapter Four: The Body
Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat
Chapter Six: The Monster
Chapter Seven: The Bathtub
Chapter Eight: The Upside Down

Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers

1.9K 25 29
By checomova

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god"

"Where the hell is it!" you yelled.

You were all on your knees trying to find the hidden dice that Will threw. Dustin was pacing and trying to calm himself, Mike went up the stairs to argue with his mom. You pushed away boxes and looked under the table but they weren't there. You had to know if Will casted fireball or protection, you just couldn't find the damn dice!

"Found it!" Will said with the dice in his hand.

"It was a seven?" Lucas asked, looking at it. Will shook his head.

"Then it doesn't count" you told him sighing.

Mrs. Wheeler yelled at you all from upstairs to go home. About time, you were all at it for ten hours. You've been playing D&D the whole day with the guys but you weren't complaining, it was a great campaign.

You grabbed your blue windbreaker jacket and quickly put it on as you raced upstairs with your backpack in hand. You were laughing with Lucas and pushing each other as you went to the bikes in the garage.

"Guys want the last slice?" Dustin asked you both with the pizza box open, two slices in it.

Without hesitation, you grabbed the biggest slice and Dustin grabbed the other. You stuffed it in your mouth as you mounted your bike.

"You had like four slices, how can you still eat that?" Lucas asked.

You shrugged. "It's pizza!" you said with your mouth full. He laughed.

"Somethings wrong with your sister" Dustin told Mike.

"It's cuz she's dating that Steve Harrington dude" you said taking another bite.

"She turned into a real jerk" Dustin mounted his bike.

"She's always been a jerk" Mike said. You nodded to his comment in agreement. 

"Nuh-uh, she used to be cool. Like that one time she dressed up like an elf for our Eldertree campaign" Dustin defended her.

"Four years ago!" you exclaimed. You shook your head. "Whatever, bye Mike"

"Bye Y/N"

You, Lucas, Dustin and Will left Mike's house and rode down the street.

"See ya ladies" Lucas said to Dustin and Will.

"Kiss your mom night for me!" Dustin yelled. 

You and Lucas laughed as you both turned left. You both rode down the street to your guys home. You two have been best friends for the longest time, he was the closest one to you than the other three. He also lived right across the street. You, Dustin and Will were also really good friends. You were really close to Mike too, he was your first best friend ever and then you met Lucas, they were both your bestest friends.

"Hey, wanna sleepover?" he asked.

"Are you kidding? With your sister in the house?"

Lucas laughed "You gotta admit it was kinda funny"

"She put peanut butter in my hair!" you yelled. He just kept laughing but stopped when he saw your death glare.

"That took a lot of time to get out" you pouted, running a hand through your now clean hair.

"Alright alright, I'll see you tomorrow then" he said riding to his house.


As you parked your bike in the garage, you noticed the street light blinking multiple times. You found that odd, it never did that.

Little did you know, Will Byers had gone missing just that moment.

(The next day)

You rushed through the kitchen tugging on your jacket while battling with your backpack on your arm and stuffing a piece of toast in your mouth. You ran out the door and climbed on your bike as you put on your backpack, toast still in mouth.

"Bye mom!" you said with your mouth full of food.

Your mom was going in the car and gave you a quick 'bye' before she slammed the door shut and drove away, she was also late.

You rode your bike down the street and met with Lucas, chewing on the last piece of toast in your mouth.

"Ten minutes late!" he said showing you his watch.

"At least it wasn't ten hours" you said.

"How does that make any sense?" Lucas asked.

"It's early! I can't think of my comebacks right now!" you complained.

"Well think of them while we race to school" he said.

You both rode all the way to Hawkins Middle, the place that was filled with assholes but had the greatest people in the world, your best friends. You've been a member of the party ever since it started, you've been friends with the guys for the longest time and you couldn't have asked for better friends. You and Lucas parked your bikes alongside Mike and Dustin, but Will wasn't there.

"That's weird, he's never this late" Mike said.

"He's probably at Gursky's class, always there early cuz he's scared there might be a pop quiz" Dustin said.

"Step right up ladies and gentlemen!"

"This asshole" you sighed to yourself.

You all turned and saw Troy walking up to you guys with James. They were the school's bullies and the party was their biggest target.

"Who do you think would make more money at a freak show?" He asked. "Frogface, Midnight, Psycho, or Toothless?" Troy shoved each of you as he said your stupid nicknames.

You were known as 'Psycho' cuz you punched a kid when he tried to kiss you back in grade school. 'Psycho' stuck for a long time.

"I go with Toothless" James said.

"I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in. It's called cleidocranial dysplasia-"

"Do the thing" Troy cut him off.

Dustin took off his jacket, annoyed. He then grabbed his hands and cracked his back. Troy and James gagged. You didn't flinch. They pushed their way through you guys as they laughed.

"Assholes" you muttered again.

"I think it's cool, kinda like a super power or something" Mike said to Dustin.

"Yeah, but I can't fight evil with it"

(Time skipped to after class)

"So? Did it come?"

You four were at Mr. Clark's desk, anticipated for your new gift.

"Sorry guys but .... it came!"

You all rushed down the hall to the empty AV Club room. There sat the new radio station.

"Woah, I bet you can reach New York ok this thing!" Lucas said as you all came up to it.

"Think bigger" Clark said.

"California?" Dustin asked.

"Bigger" Mr. Clark said.

"Australia?" you asked him. He nodded.

You all got super excited to test it out.

" 'Ello this is Mike Wheeler president of Hawkins Middle AV Club-"

You grabbed the headset off his head and put it on your, Mike laughed as you grabbed the receiver.

" 'Ello this is Y/N L/N founder of Hawkins Middle AV, have you found Nemo yet?" 

Everyone laughed and Dustin grabbed the headset from you.

" 'Ello this is Dustin Henderson, secretary and treasurer of Hawkins Middle AV Club, do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?" Dustin said.

You all laughed at the jokes. Lucas was about to grab the headset but the Principal walked in on all the fun.

"Sorry to interrupt but may I borrow Mike, Dustin, Y/N, and Lucas?"

You and the boys looked at each other, concerned.

"We were racing on a bet"

"He takes Mirkwood"

"My house is the first up"

"It's actually mine"

"No one asked!"

"He just did!"

"One at a time!"

You and the guys were talking over each other. Chief Hopper and another police officer were asking questions at the principal's office. Will was missing and the Chief knew you were his best friends so he needed info.

"You, he said he takes what?" Hopper asked pointing at Mike.

"Mirkwood" Mike cleared.

"It's from Lord of the Rings" Lucas explained to a confused looking Hopper.

"The Hobbit" Dustin corrected Lucas.

"It doesn't matter" he said.

"He's right though, it is from The Hobbit" you told Lucas.

"It doesn't matter!"

You were all arguing again and Hopper couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey! I said one at a goddamn time" he said.

"Look, we can help find him" Mike said.

"Yeah, we might know where he is" you agreed with Mike.

"No, after school you go straight home, no biking around or playing any foolish games, straight home" he clarified.

You sighed, Will was a close friend and you really wanted to help find him. The guys got up and left the room but you stayed behind for a second.

"You'll find him right Chief?" you asked him.

"Y/N.." he sighed and started to say.

"Look, he's a good friend of mine, and you're the best damn Chief there is" you said. "You have to find Will"

He gave you a serious look, you and the Chief were really close, always felt like you guys had a relationship of father and daughter. "We will find him" he said.

You sighed and nodded. You got off the couch to leave but before you did you turned and leaned  in close to Hopper and whispered, "Mirkwood, it's from The Hobbit, just to clarify"

He looked at you with an annoyed and tired face but you shrugged and left the room, following your friends.

(Time skip to after school)

"Y/N, Y/N are you there, over"

"Present, over". You were in your room laying in your bed with the walkie talkie in hand, talking to Lucas.

"We're meeting Mike and Dustin at the woods, we're finding Will, over" Lucas said through his walkie talkie.

"Hopper told us not to, over" you told him.

"Screw Hopper, we have to find our friend, over" he said.

"I just showered" you muttered to yourself.

"Alright I'll meet you in ten, over and out" you said to him.

You stuffed your backpack with your walkie, a flashlight, snacks, and a baseball cap and got on your bike. You and Lucas met down the street and you both rode your bikes to the woods where you met up with Mike and Dustin. The clouds above were dark and thundering. Rain started to drip down on you.

"Look, maybe we should turn back" Dustin said.

"Why, it's just water" you said pulling out your baseball cap and putting it on your head.

You all started to walk in the woods with Dustin following. You shouted Will's names but there was no answer. Day turned to night and the rain now poured onto the earth. Your flashlights were trying to light the way.

"Guys I really think we should turn back" Dustin said.

"Dude, if you wanna go then go already" Lucas told him.

"I'm being realistic here Lucas!"

"No you're just being a sissy!"

"Don't you think we're probably running into the same place Will got taken!" Dustin tried to explain.

"Dustin shut up" Mike said. He heard something from the woods. You heard it too as you stood beside him. It was rustling in the leaves and cracking sticks.

"I'm just saying it's not the smartest choice" Dustin continued.

"Shut up" you told him.

He finally did and you all kept hearing the noises from the dark. You then heard a loud crack and you all turned. Flashing your lights to a scared girl with a shaved head.

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